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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Jun 4, 2011
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    Yay for Sewaddle. Happy Ash now has one.

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [2]Jun 4, 2011
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    This episode was great.

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [3]Jun 4, 2011
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    Yet another wonderful episodes, sewaddlez are even awesomer then scraggyz!
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [4]Jun 4, 2011
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    Awesome episode! Ash catches a Sewaddle, and we also get to finally meet Burgh!

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [5]Jun 6, 2011
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    Episode was fun to watch, though is that how the capture system worked way back when he last caught seven pokemon? Or would the transfer system be different?

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [6]Jun 6, 2011
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    Burgh amuses me if nothing else.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [7]Jun 7, 2011
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    Today episode was... unusually entertaining, though you can write that mostly up to who appears in this episode (though I don't know why I'm keeping his name a secret being it's in the title). Ash & co. have arrived to Pinwheel Forest and Cilan warns them that they can easily get lost if they get off the path (take a guess what they're gonna do?). While taking in the scenery Ash and Pikachu are attacked by a Sewaddle and Ash decides to catch it but it runs away which causes Ash & co. to go off the path but unfortunately lose sight of Sewaddle. And guess what? They can't find the right path again so decide to climb a giant tree to get a better look around. But as they climb a tree they find something interesting hanging from its branches. What do they find hanging from the tree's branches? Will Ash be able to find and catch the Sewaddle that attacked him? Will they ever find their way out of Pinwheel Forest? And what keeps happening to our Team Rocket R Plot segments? Everything but the last (hm, maybe I should mix the order up next time) can be read below:

    Getting Lost In Nature's Maze:
    Ash & co. have arrived to Pinwheel Forest which Cilan explains the origin of it's name comes from that if you wander off into it you'll be stuck in a natural maze (that... doesn't really explain the "Pinwheel" part). Iris says that they have no need of worry about getting lost as she's a "forest expert".

    Cilan: So the question is will this path lead us out of here or do we get lost in the maze?
    Ash: Let's go and see!
    Comment: Didn't Iris just say she's a "forest expert", so shouldn't she know where to go? Also, Cilan, don't you have the Town Map? I'm sure the map marks at least one path that won't get you lost!

    Iris and Cilan are enjoying the sights and fresh air saying there should be plenty of Pokemon and Ash tells Pikachu he hopes to come across a whole bunch of them... and then a Sewaddle comes swinging down on a String Shot and kicks Pikachu off Ash's shoulder. Pikachu rebalances itself and counterattacks with a Thunderbolt but Sewaddle pulls up and Ash get shocked instead. Sewaddle does a Razor Leaf which Pikachu dodges but it gets Pikachu with a String Shot and grabs on Pikachu's face. Ash gets up (oh come Ash, how many times have you been shocked? You should be immune to it by now) and is just in time to see Sewaddle use Bug Bite on Pikachu's head causing Pikachu to flail around. Ash tells Pikachu to shake it off which Pikachu does and after checking if Pikachu is okay he pulls out his Pokedex as Cilan says Sewaddle are popular among clothing designers as they make clothing out of leafs with Iris saying that's just a part of why they're cute. Ash decides to catch Sewaddle but Sewaddle has other plans and hits him with a Strong Shot which had formed a ball of silk around Ash's body but that just makes Ash want it even more. Iris asks why Sewaddle attacked them and Cilan suggests that maybe it likes to battle (or maybe you're on its territory?) as Pikachu frees Ash with an Iron Tail and attacks with a Thunderbolt which knocks Sewaddle against a tree. Sewaddle decides to run away using String Shot to swing tree from tree and Ash and Pikachu starts chasing it. Cilan says that Ash is going off the path (what path?) and Iris says they have no choice and both start chasing after them (oh come on, as soon as you said the word "maze" it was a guarantee you all were going to get lost).

    Ash and Pikachu barely keep up with Sewaddble but Ash trips giving Iris and Cilan time to catch up and Cilan says that Sewaddle looks to have gotten away. Iris asks what Ash should do now and Ash says he wants to keep looking for Sewaddle but doesn't know and Cilan tells him the forest is a natural maze like they've never seen (I'm sure Ash got lost in more confusing Forests) and is too dangerous which Ash disappointedly agrees with. A scene transition later Iris is confused they aren't at the end of the forest and Ash asks her maybe they took the wrong path which Iris tells him it is the right path and has a "sixth sense" which lets her know though Cilan says it's more non-scientific explanation (and we all know that everything can be solved with scientific explanation). Ash says when he gets a hunch he's normally right (too bad there isn't anything normal in the Pokemon world) but Iris hushes them saying she heard the forest speak. Ash's stomach begins rumbling and Cilan jokes that the "forest's voice" was Ash's stomach and Iris says that she knows the "forest's voice" when she hears it and tells them to follow her which they respond with a shrug. As it turns out, it wasn't the "forest's voice" Iris heard but rather the "cliff's voice" as she leads them to a rocky cliff and Iris tries to save face saying the "forest's voice" just wanted to show them the beutiful scenery though Ash and Cilan aren't buying. Cilan says what they say is true about getting off the forest's path and now they're lost and Iris says the best thing for them to do is get ot higher ground to see where they are pointing to a giant tree which Cilan says atop it they should be able to see far.

    A Buggy Surprise:
    They get to the tree and Ash and Pikachu look amazed at its size as Iris says she'll go check it out but Ash says he's coming too and tries running up the tree... and it should be no shock that he slides down like the idiot that he is. Ash rushes up the tree faster and it seems to work as him, Pikachu, Iris, and Axew are in the tree branches but Iris says they should climb a little higher when they spot a green... cocoon? Cilan asks them if they're alright and Ash tells him found something wierd and suddenly the thing unfolds to reveal... BURGH! Burgh jumps down on the branch Ash and Iris are on surprising them though he hushes them saying they don't want to scare the forest Pokemon and Ash & Iris look at him confusingly. Back on the ground Ash asks why Burgh was up there and he says he surrounds himself by nature by living like a forest Pokemon and Iris asks why he does that for and he asks that if he tells them would they understand. Burgh says that it's his "pure heart" and explains that she draws, design clothes, and is a super artist but looks to have a case of writer's block (or creative block) and says that he though he'll get some inspiration if he lives out here with the forest Pokemon. Ash asks if that's why he has a "pure heart" and Burgh tells him yes saying a "pure heart makes for profound art" and Ash & co. just give an uncertain "okay" (just like the rest of us) and he asks them what they're doing here. Cilan says they're lost and Burgh tells them he can help guide them out but says that maybe they should spend a few days living out in the forest. Ash says that he wants to go to Castelia City to challenge the Gym but Burgh tells him it's useless to go there now as he's the Castelia City Gym Leader surprising Ash and co..

    Cilan: So you mean to tell us that you're Burgh, the world famous Bug-type Pokemon trainer?
    Comment: Did you just hear him say his name? Also if he's so famous how come you didn't recognize him?

    Burgh says that he isn't any Bug-type trainer but he's an artistic trainer which make Ash & co. sweat drop. They soon recover and introduce themselves which has Burgh talk about trainers travelling together and remembering those days which seems to have inspired him... but then says he lost it throwing his sketch book in the air and crouching over. Iris asks him she's still wondering how he gets inspiration by living like a forest Pokemon (him being nuts isn't a good enough answer?) and Burgh says it depends on the person saying living out in the forest you dull sense become alive and you become one with the forest and all things become new and fresh... or something like that. Ash & co. seemed amazed by this answer and Iris says she now knows what he means with Ash saying he does too... though the forest Pokemon seem to disagree as the Sewaddle from before comes swinging down and kicks Ash down. Burgh asks if they know that Sewaddle as Ash explains they got lost trying to catch it and it jumps on Ash's head onto Burgh's shoulder and starts munching on a vine as Burgh explains Sewaddle is a bit stubborn but is actually a very sweet Pokemon. Ash asks Burgh if Sewaddle is his but Burgh says it's Wild and is one of the many "discoveries" he made and Ash says that living with the forest Pokemon sound fun which Burgh says it's very important for a trainer to know about a Pokemon before they catch it and invites them to join him and they accept.

    Cilan starts making supper as Burgh tells Ash before he can catch Sewaddle he has to introduce himself as Burgh bends down and touches foreheads with Sewaddle saying Sewaddle can distinguish people and things with the sensory knobs on its head and it's like saying "hi". Pikachu does this next and Sewaddle looks to accept Pikachu followed by Axew and Iris but when Ash tries to do it Sewaddle instrad Tackles him and Iris tells him that what he gets for trying to catch it right off the bat. Burgh says that a Tackle is sort of like a "hello" and Ash tries communicating with Sewaddle again but it turns around and crawls away. Ash, Iris, and Burgh follow Sewaddle as it stops in front of a bush and Burgh explains though it looks like it's just standing their it's doing something and Iris suggests it's listening to the forest and Burgh says she might be right which gets Iris excited but Ash points out it's just eating the leafs which causes Iris to comically fall. Sewaddle starts crawling again but stops in an open field to take a nap (yes, because they're no possible predators that can find it vulnerable in a OPEN FIELD) and Burgh says they're nothing like a nap after a big meal (a single leaf is a big meal?) and Ash and Iris asks if that means it's time for them to take a nap (well maybe Ash since he's the one trying to catch it) which Burgh tells them exactly. All of them lie down on the grass around Sewaddle and Burgh asks how does looking up at sky makes them feel and Iris describes the colors and Ash says it's a beautiful day as Burgh points out how huge it looks which Iris says it is and Burgh goes on to say beyond is outer space which is infinitely huge (I know a few theories which disputes that). Sewaddle wakes up and starts eating berries and Iris asks if it'll go to sleep again which Burgh says that's its life cycle and it's the same with baby people (well there is one more thing an organism has to do in addition with eat and sleep...) but a Woobat suddenly pops out of the bush and Burgh says it must have been eating too and it gives out a cry which Iris says it's telling them to stay away and Ash says it and Sewaddle are about to fight!

    Woobat does a Double Team which Sewaddle clears with a String Shot but a second Woobat flies out from the bush behind it and both do an Air Slash which Ash jumps in and takes as Sewaddle and Pikachu chase the Woobat off with a Razor Leaf and Thunderbolt. Iris and Burgh ask if Ash was okay and he says he didn't feel a thing as Sewaddle brings him an apple though turns away from Ash when he asked it if that's for him but thanks it anyway. They all go back to eat (nothing that interesting happens) and that night they all decide to sleep on the tree (yes, that's not a death waiting to happen) and Burgh asks Ash how much he discovered since his journey began (you mean his Unova journey or his overall journey?) saying that when he was young the beauty of Bug-type Pokemon caught his "pure heart" and since then he's drawn pictures and battled with them but he's still learning new things about them. Iris points out a falling start (though it's more like a meteor shower) and says sleeping under the stars is the best as Ash asks Sewaddle to hang out (um, Ash, it's already hanging from a branch with all of you) and it turns away from him as he wishes it a good sleep. However just before they go to sleep Sewaddle crawls into Ash's sleeping bag to sleep with him and Pikachu which Burgh says is a very unusual thing for it to do as they all go to sleep.

    Something Doesn't Fit Into Continuity Here:
    Next morning they are all woken up by Pikachu who points out to them that Sewaddle is being taken away by a Patrat and Ash jumps down from the tree to chase after it (though how he'll do this with broken legs I don't know ). Sewaddle wakes up to find itself being taken away and does a String Shot to swing away as Patrat stops to look at it but runs into its den when it see Ash & co. (+ Burgh) coming who are unaware Sewaddle have escaped. Meanwhile Sewaddle gets caught in a strong wind and falls on top of a Deerling as Ash & co. (+ Burgh) start looking through a cave for Patrat who they find protecting another Patrat that's ill. Burgh explains that eating a Sewaddle leaf cures stomach aches as he walks up to inspect the ill Patrat as the other Patrat growls at him and Iris says that must be the reason why Patrat was taking Sewaddle. Burgh gives the ill Patrat some medicine which heals it and they thank Burgh as Ash & co. (+ Burgh) exit the cave wondering where Sewaddle went and just so happen to have run into the Deerling which Sewaddle had landed on.

    The Deerling starts running off and Ash & co. (+ Burgh) start chasing after it though soon realize that Deerling is heading for a cliff! Ash tells Sewabble to String Shot his arm which it does as the Deerling jumps off the cliff and falls to its death on the sharp rocks below... or, you know, somehow jumps across the huge gap to the other side. However another strong wind blows causing Sewaddle to fall and Ash jumps after it not into sharp rocks but rather a river as Iris, Cilan, and Burgh run ahead of the river. Ash swims toward Sewaddle but sees a waterfall up ahead and grabs onto Sewaddle as they go over the waterfall but luckily Burgh sends out his Leavanny to use String Shot and pulls them back up. Ash thanks Burgh and checks to see Sewaddle is alright which it is but its "clothes" got ripped but Burgh tells Ash not to worry as he uses his Pokedex on Leavanny and we hear Leavanny just so happen to make clothes for Sewaddles! Burgh picks out a giant leaf which Leavanny starts cutting and weaving into a new hood for Sewaddle and Burgh says he's impressed how Ash selflessly helped save Sewaddle (what, Ash taking two Air Slashs wasn't enough to convince you?). Ash thanks him and Cilan says Sewaddle also seemed impressed as it rubs against Ash's leg and Ash asks if it would like to join him which it agrees so Ash throws his Pokeball at it (gee Ash, no need to give it a concussion) and catches his 6th Unova Pokemon! But wait, doesn't that mean Ash now has...

    The Pokeball shrinks and is still glowing red as Ash is unable to open it and he asks what's wrong and Cilan reminds Ash that this is the 7th Pokemon he's carrying and he needs to tranfer one of them and Burgh says their is a Pokemon Center on the outskirts of the forest (wait, whatever happened to the Pokeball automatically teleporting to the Professor?). Later at the Pokemon Center, Ash says that Professor Juniper is taking care of one of his Pokemon (100 Pokedollars says it's Pidove) and Ash sends out Sewaddle and touches foreheads with it finally say "hi" with it. Seeing this Burgh says that Ash and Sewaddle has given him great inspiration and starts rushing back to Castelia City saying he'll see Ash & co. there and though Ash tries to stop them Burgh does a dramatic pause saying he'll see them there and rushes off once more. This has apparently convinced Ash & co. to not follow him despite having their next destination being Castelia City and they all wave Burgh goodbye as we end this episode. Considering how much focus the game puts on Skyarrow Bridge I'm going to guess we have at least one episode to first go through before Ash can has his Gym Battle with Burgh.

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