Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
It's been one episode and I already hate hearing "Counter Shield!" Good battle though, except that in the anime, sleep pretty much means knocked out.
terminoob wrote: |
Even though it was his strategy, I didn't like how Ash spammed his Counter Shield, he barely did anything else, and if he did, it wasn't effective (except for Chimchar's Flame Wheel+Flamethrower, but that was still a Counter Shield so...) I just hope he doesn't spam it in future gym battles/league battles/frontier battles, it was perfect for this match, but after it, it's going to get tiring |
How is spamming that any different from Fantina breaking the Sleep Clause by spamming Hypnosis?
TKnHappyNess wrote: | ||
How is spamming that any different from Fantina breaking the Sleep Clause by spamming Hypnosis? |
Pretty intense episode, though well worth it, especially after waiting probably the longest time it took Ash to get a badge that he knew about (Viridian Gym doesn't coutn since Ash didn't know about it when he first went through Viridian City). Obviously the main words in this episode was Counter Shield and Hypnosis, however they did manage to keep things interesting. And of course we can't short site Jessie winning another Ribbon (her 2nd official Ribbon)!
Getting Ready To Dance:
* Figures Fantina would come in dancing, though I wouldn't call this a re-match but more like the actualy Gym Battle.
* Wait a second, there's a Pokemon Contest happening? But why isn't Dawn entering it, I mean I'm sure Ash would understand having to miss his Gym Battle, Dawn needs Ribbons!
* Thank you for those words of encouragement Barry, now sit down and remain quiet for the entire match.
* How does Ash know Gengar has Hypnosis? I mean just because that is the strategy Fantina uses with her Drifblim doesn't mean she uses it for all her Pokemon.
Splashing Awake:
* 1st Battle: Ash's Buizel VS. Fantina's Gengar. No one has the adventage.
* Yay, that is one of the problems with Ghost Pokemon, the fact they float and can turn transparent to dodge attacks. Maybe Ash should've gotten his Noctowl. I know, I know, he wants to use his Sinnoh Pokemon.
* Does Fantina have to dance to every word she says?
* A move that never misses huh? Tell that to Aerial Ace and Swift, a supposed never miss move that we sometimes see miss.
* Oh, so Gengar does know Hypnosis, though it looks like Ash got it covered and even caught Gengar in the spraying torrents.
* Barry, didn't I say stay quiet? Well at least he actually did come up with some useful advice, though I'm pretty sure Ash already was planning on sticking with that dodging attack move... or Counter Shield works too.
* Don't see why Buizel through the Water Pulse to the ground, however the wave was strong enough to knock out Gengar so that was good. 1st Battle goes to Buizel!
* Oh stop being a whiny brat Barry, use some strategy and maybe then you might be showed some respect instead of trying to balst through everything.
* Why isn't James in disguise? Oh well, at least Jessie isn't doing that flying move she has Dustox used on her. Infact she's getting a much better fan reaction... though she shouldn't sing any high notes.
Another Knock-Out And Surprise:
* 2nd Battle: Ash's Chimchar VS. Fantina's Mismagius. Mismagius might not be able to learn Hypnosis though it can learn Snore through Platinum Move Tutor (though I'll doubt that will be the case).
* Ash, becareful, Psybeam and Magical Leaf was only two of Mismagius moves, and it can learn Confuse Ray and Will-o-Wisp which Ghost-types love to use.
* Eek, lucky Chimchar hasn't evolved yet, Monferno is half Fighting-type and Psywave would have been more nastier.
* Counter Shield pulls through once again, and is apparently useful in blocking other moves as well..
* Oh, well except for types that would normally be weak to the type that is using the Counter Shield. Though there explanation why Counter Shield broke doesn't make sense.
* Ash is sure loving that Counter Shield, and manage to win with it again. So Chimchar wins the 2nd Battle and Ash still has all his Pokemon... this is gonna turn out like the Crasher Wake Gym Battle, isn't it?
* Looks like Barry is beginning to notice that Chimchar has gotten stronger through Ash's training compared to Paul's.
* Jessie won a 2nd Ribbon!?!?! Wow, I didn't expect her to be winning another Ribbon, if she keeps this up she might be able to enter the Sinnoh Grand Festival!
Hindenburg-Like Burning:
* 3rd Battle: Ash's Pikachu VS. Fantina's Drifblim. Well this isn't a surprise, and right off the bat it looks like Pikachu's electric attack hit, doing double the damage due to Drifblim being half Flying-type and weak to Electric attacks.
* And not only that, Drifblim is now paralyzed! Though unfortunetly that doesn't keep it from using Psychic moves like... well... Psychic. Though that doesn't look like a Electric Counter Shield to me.
* Uh boy, this isn't good, Fantina is now using a Will-o-Wisp Counter Shield to keep Pikachu back! Kind of makes the episode's title have a whole new meaning.
* Will-o-Wisp Counter Shield blocking Pikachu's Eletric attacks, Drifblim holding Pikahcu still, no doubt what move Fantina plans on using next... Hypnosis. Not even Pikachu's Electric attacks are fast enough to stop it.
* 4th Battle: Ash's Buizel VS Fantina's Drifblim. Looks like this Gym Battle isn't going to turn out like Crusher Wake's, especially now that Pikachu has been declared defeated.
* Will-o-Wisp can't get through a Water attack, tohught they are floating balls of blue flames, it is still a Fire attack afterall.
* Though even then it's no good, Buziel got hit with Hypnosis and taken down just the same. Looks like it's up to Chimchar to win it.
* 5th Battle: Ash's Chimchar VS. Fantina's Drifblim. Being a Fire-type, Chimchar shouldn't get too badly damaged from Will-o-Wisp, but it can't exactly extinguish it.
Getting The Lead Out:
* ... though I never did say anything about absorbing it. Okay, so with the Will-o-Wisp Counter Shield broken I think this will probably be the last Counter Shield we'll be sseing.
* And Chimchar takes down Drifblim, though Ash shoudl still be careful, just incase Drifblim has Aftermath... Okay, nevermind, Ash was declared the winner.
* With Ash having won, he also finally receives that Relic Badge that has been eluding him. And sounds like Barry is heading off to Iron Island... which is next to Canalave City... a city with a Gym...
* So of course Ash is heading to Canalave City as well. Looks like Barry will be sticking around for some episodes, unless he runs ahead.
For once, I actually WOKE UP to watch an episode on television. Gotta say, it was entertaining. All gym episodes are.
They've used this "Counter Shield" in the past, all it is, is an attack used instead as a shield to semi-counter the attack. Nothing but a big display of anime physics. The funny thing is, they didn't call it a "Counter Shield" before, it was just a strategey.
The gym episodes are always refreshing from the ever tiring filler (which we're actually seeing less of in this arc.)
IMO though, the REAL good stuff starts when we get to the League, but that's pretty far away, so, we'll just stick with gym battles and Team Galactic thrarwting for our dosage of epicness.
I loved how they portrayed Jessie to get a ribbon during this episode. I like Team Rocket and feel they should be developed more. Perhaps, Jessie is developing as a good coordinator. Although, if she does get into the Grand Festival, we all know she'll lose to Dawn. I'm not saying Dawn is a better coordinator, in fact I think their skills are semi-equal, but I am saying that since Dawn is the more "important" character, she automatically beats Jessie, it's just the natural order of the anime. Which I could counter by saying Jessie's been there since Day 2, while Dawn's been there only for about 100 episodes. But hey, can't argue.
Barry's getting a bit conceited. Not only did Ash beat Barry himself, but he beat the gym leader Barry couldn't. And yet, Barry doesn't even consider him good enough to be a RIVAL? Err..this kid's ego is bigger than his trophy case.
Glad this episode is over, Fantina's force accent and strange wordplay was really getting on my nerves.
But yeah, okay episode. Always nice to see a gym battle in the middle of this arc of never-ending rivals, multiple branching story arcs, and, as always, obligatory filler. 7/10
BAC510 wrote: |
Just one of those episodes without Team Rocket's meddling, it was just great. Battle-wise, a good battle but was Drifblim Fantina's Main battler? I thought it would be Mismagius. |
terminoob wrote: |
Even though it was his strategy, I didn't like how Ash spammed his Counter Shield, he barely did anything else, and if he did, it wasn't effective (except for Chimchar's Flame Wheel+Flamethrower, but that was still a Counter Shield so...) I just hope he doesn't spam it in future gym battles/league battles/frontier battles, it was perfect for this match, but after it, it's going to get tiring |
i agree with youhe totally overused it it got a little boring and ash's gym battles are supposed to be the most exciting part of the series. yeah i liked that move by chimchar, it was kinda obvious that ash would win cause this was his 2nd try they need to find something eles that can make this series exciting other than gym battles and they tried to make the pokemon contest exciting, but they just make it too big of a deal making a entire or 2 episodes about it.
Is this thread about Jumping Rocket Ship or Sleepless in Pre-Battle? NO. On-topic please.
It was obvious since Day 1 that Drifblim was her main pokemon. Her dress is designed after it, her gym has a giant one on top of it, she used it in Playing The Leveling Field, and it was her main battler in D/P.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Is this thread about Jumping Rocket Ship or Sleepless in Pre-Battle? NO. On-topic please. It was obvious since Day 1 that Drifblim was her main pokemon. Her dress is designed after it, her gym has a giant one on top of it, she used it in Playing The Leveling Field, and it was her main battler in D/P. |
Unless you played Platinum where they messed up her team