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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Short and to the Punch!

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1]Jun 12, 2010
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    Koori no panchi! I mean...Ice punch

    I was wondering if they were going to keep his weird abbreviations >_> they sounded better in japanese (more sylables)


    it feels odd to see a mr mime using physical moves doesnt it

    speaking of sinnoh league victors has anyone seen the promo commericial?

    did anyone else catch jessies japanese voice or am I going crazy...er

    Edited on 06/12/2010 11:14pm
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [2]Jun 12, 2010
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    Ah man. Again? I just started the same thread! Seriously, what's wrong with letting someone else start the episode discussions?! Well, seeing as how mine will probably be removed, I'll bring over my post on the thread I started:

    Man, I almost didn't catch this episode I was so tired. Nice that Buizel got another central role after so long and has learned a new move. However, I don't know what was up with Buizel not using Water Pulse. It acted like it didn't even know that attack. Sort of makes me wonder what the point of learning it during that battle with Lucario was. The abbreviations were also weird. Still, I guess the episode was pretty good as the second episode of Season 13.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [3]Jun 12, 2010
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    sorry it's just that a few weeks ago my router that allows my laptop to connect to the interwebs died....got a new one though...

    I'll let you make the next ones then...

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  • Avatar of IzzyDizko


    [4]Jun 12, 2010
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    I really really liked this episode! :] I thought it was surprisingly entertaining, and I loved these kind of moments between Ash and his Pokemon.

    Edited on 06/12/2010 11:11pm
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [5]Jun 12, 2010
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    Awesome episode! It was so cool to see Buizel learn Ice Punch! Buizel vs Mr. Mime was a great battle too!

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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [6]Jun 12, 2010
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    Buizel is so cute :3

    They should make Buizel stronger so it can K.O its preys
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  • Avatar of stui8


    [7]Jun 12, 2010
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    i thout Buziel would evolve

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [8]Jun 12, 2010
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    if buizel was going evolve we'd see a flaotzel in the opening....

    but honestly who else found it odd to see a mime pokemon using physical moves?

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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [9]Jun 12, 2010
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    So it didnt rain, Buizel won't have won
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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [10]Jun 12, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    if buizel was going evolve we'd see a flaotzel in the opening....

    but honestly who else found it odd to see a mime pokemon using physical moves?

    I did, but I guess that's what happens when you give a psychic type to a black belt-like trainer. The episode had its moments, and I'm glad Buizel got a bit of spotlight for a change. Now if only they'll let others like Crogunk or Buneary learn some more moves, they haven't learned any since they were caught.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Jun 13, 2010
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    This episode, I must say, confused me. I don't know whether it was the abbreviations or how exactly they were trying to explain how the punching exercises worked. I guess the important thing is that Buizel learned Ice Punch and for once Ash didn't give one of his Pokemon away for training. Let's just move on to hopefully Dawn's next Pokemon Contest, here's the review:

    Hey, Did You Know Pokemon Is An Abbreviation:
    * Why is Gible on a rock in the middle of a lake? I know that it's part Dragon-type makes its Ground-type weakness to Water-type moves do neutral damage but still.
    * Draco Meteor? Okay Piplup, out of the water, safest place for you is in your Pokeball (though then again Gible will probably fire the Draco Meteor so how that it'll hit Piplup the instance it comes back out).
    * And like I said, Piplup gets hit by the failed Draco Meteor. Even Brock notes this!
    * And Gible (while trying to eat the rock its standing on) falls into the river and sinks like the Ground-type it is (THIS IS WHY IT WAS A BAD IDEA!), so Ash sends out Buizel to save it.
    * Wow, I wonder how much weight Buizel's flotation ring can take before it too sinks, it even makes a deflating "pfft" sound when it detracts.
    * What is that... oh, it's a muscular guy and a Mr. Mime... okay, why where they in a waterfall?
    * Okay, so the guy is Clayton "Club Fist" and being he looks more like a Fighting-type trainer it's kind of odd he has a Mr. Mime. Also he like to abbreviate things like "Pokemon Trainers" to "Pokemoners"... if they are going to jab Pokemon abbreviating everything at least get it right, it would be "PokeTrain".
    * And to continue on with the abbreviating, he calls Ash, Pikachu, and Buizel (where did Gible go? Ash did't return him) "Ashpika" and "Ashbuiz", Dawn and Piplup "Dawnpip", and Brock "Brobreed".
    * Clayton has traveled around the world to train his Mr. Mime (a PSYCHIC-type) in MARTIAL ARTS, and finally decided where Ash & co. are now is the perfect place to hone their skills. Brock, don't think, your head would just asplode.
    * Clayton was very impressed by Buizel's "heroic" rescue of Gible and challenges it to a battle. Right now I don't like where this is heading, because this is kind of what happened to Gliscor...
    * Anyway Clayton challenges Ash's Buizel against his Mr. Mime and we get a short scene of Team Rocket, well Meowth, wanting to see how well the Mr. Mime battles.

    Buizel Will Dodge Thunder And Punch Ice:
    * And the battle begins with Mr. Mime using Psychic to stop Buizel's Aqua Jet and throw it against a tree. Dodge? Brock, it's using its Psychic powers to control Buizel's attacks.
    * Buizel does a SonicBoom which Buizel does dodge using Double Team and Buizel tries another Aqua Jet. However, quoting the immortal words of Admiral Ackbar, Brock tells Ash it's a trap...
    * But its too late and Mr. Mime does a ThunderPunch, knocking Buizel out and causing a "Batover" . Team Rocket plan on catching Mr. Mime, though I do agree with James the abbreviation thing has gone on long enough.
    * Clayton tells Ash something about the "wind" and "water" (honestly, I wouldn't trust anything this guy says) and Ash and Buizel want to train with with Clayton. I swear Ash, if you giveaway Buizel like you did with Gliscor...
    * So it sounds like Clayton is going to teach Buizel how to do Ice Punch, and his instructions are "punch the water until you mind draws a blank, and then you'll master Ice Punch"... WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?!
    * Ash and Buizel begins punching the water and as Team Rocket plans on stealing Mr. Mime after the inevitable re-match, when Clayton says they are punching wrong.
    * Now get this: Clayton punches the water, doesn't cause a splash, and his hands don't get wet. Ignoring the impossibility, what does this have to do with Ice Punch?
    * We get a short Rocky segment of Ash & Buizel improving their punches and we cut back to them punching the waterfall with Buizel freezing a small amount of the water as the fast punches cooled down the water.
    * Well Clayton and Mr. Mime sure have great table manners, though that's possibly because they only eat berries. Also these abbreviations must stop, leave the bad jokes to Team Rocket.
    * Ash continues to train Buizel and decides thier next move it to have Buizel try to punch a leaf. As they do this Buizel hands begins to glow, but I'm sitll confused what they are trying to do. Are they trying to focus on accuracy (punching the leave) or focusing the punch itself? Their two different focus!
    * Don't give up? BUIZEL'S HANDS ARE GLOWING! That means it's performing the attack, it's just not hitting the target! If you had Buizel hit something larger I think it would be doing Ice Punch!

    Match Won Due To Rain:
    * Ash challenges Clayton to another battle and as they get ready a storm comes in. Team Rocket decide to ignore the plan of waiting for Mr. Mime to be tired out and just do a mad dash at them... before being struck by a lightning bolt and being blasted off... I think this qualifies as a BLAM.
    * So back to the battle, it begins as it did before, the only exception that Buizel ignore being smashed against a tree and Mr. Mime doesn't jump in the air after doing Double Team. So it all goes down to the Elemental Punches.
    * Buizel's Ice Punch and Mr. Mime's Ice Punch collide, but Mr. Mime comes out on top but Buizel barely dodges. Hey Ash, now that Buizel knows an Ice-type move, maybe you can now actually perform the Ice Armor Jet without needing outside help?
    * Still continuing with the "fist fight", Mr. Mime does another ThunderPunch while Buizel begins charging at it. However it soon begins to rain and Buizel's Swift Swim activates making it faster and allowing it to dodge the ThunderPunch and deliver an Ice Punch (which barely froze Mr. Mime but still knocked it out anyway).
    * The next day comes and they try to explain how exactly Buizel was able to focus its energy, though the only person who made a good point was actually Clayton who sort of pointed out that if it hadn't began raining Buizel's Swift Swim wouldn't have activated and they could have lost again. Well anyway, this episode is over.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [12]Jun 13, 2010
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    lostfan111 wrote:
    So it didnt rain, Buizel won't have won

    that is what we call a deus ex machina

    or in this case

    a deuhina...or something

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [13]Jun 13, 2010
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    Oh please, DEM is the lamest excuse ever. It's a natural ability, nothing DEM about it.
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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [14]Jun 13, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    lostfan111 wrote:
    So it didnt rain, Buizel won't have won

    that is what we call a deus ex machina

    or in this case

    a deuhina...or something

    Lame that the writers had to make Buizel so weak, it needed its ability to win. Buizel should learn Rain Daince :]

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [15]Jun 14, 2010
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    Great episode!

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