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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Sleepless In Pre-Battle!

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [1]May 2, 2009
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    Interesting to see relations to The Rise of Darkrai such as the showing of the Lunar Wing that Dawn got in the movie and the nightmare that Ash had. Kinda wish Darkrai got a little more screen time, though, besides just appearing, colliding with Cresselia a few times, then retreating to the darkness again. But just that along with Cresselia's appearance and Swinub's evolution was still enough, IMO, to make this a fitting conclusion to Pokemon DP: Battle Dimension.
    Edited on 05/02/2009 6:22am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of jjsthekid


    [2]May 2, 2009
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    I thought it was a really good episode. It was nice To See Darkrai again.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [3]May 2, 2009
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    A good episode but kind of felt rushed. Not a part of it was particular long or had much action. First part with Team Rocket and their nightmare machine which Ash and co. spent more time talking with the guy at the Gym then defeating Team Rocket. Then we had them going to Full Moon Island and this was a pretty good part with seeing Cresselia and Swinub evolving to Piloswine to defeat Team Rocket. The last part happened in a blink, Cresselia flew off, foudn Darkrai, they tackled each other a few times, and then both left. But all in all, it was a pretty good Season finale and we got to some Legendaries.

    Day Of The Tired Sleepless:
    * The Canalave Gym looks impressive, kind of a dark metal ages look to it or something to that effect.
    * Um, Ash, maybe you should go INSIDE the Gym and then yell hello at the top of your lungs?
    * Gah! I suppose one scream deserves another, but that scream doesn't sound inviting at all!
    * AHH! ZOMBIE!! Oh... wait... it's just a guy who looks to desperately need some sleep... minus the mentioned nightmares.
    * Byron is on Iron Island training too? Well maybe he'll bump into Barry and Barry will tell him he has challengers at the gym waiting for him.
    * The guy's 2nd yell wasn't as loud this time then the last (they maybe inside the gym there is an echo), eitherway looks like Ash and co. have a mystery to solve...

    A Nightmare By Any Other Name:
    * ... or maybe not. But they can't go shopping and looks like Officer Jenny also have been having sleep problems.
    * So now we get into the mystery at hand. Everyone's having nightmares huh? Maybe Ash and co. have to go to Full Moon Island and get a Lunar Wing from Cresselia.
    * DARKRAI! Didn't expect it to be making an anime appearance after being the star of the 10th movie (yay, the little boy in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum mentions Darkrai, but still).
    * Ah, so there is also a Cresselia but Darkrai decided to beat the holiday rush and come early to have a little nightmare fun with everyone... you know, until Cresselia comes.
    * Oh, Officer Jenny does have a Lunar Wing... and Dawn shows the one she got in the 10th movie! Hmm, wonder why they aren't working, maybe they need Cresselia nearby?
    * A fake Lunar Wing, now who do we know that sells fake merchandise of rare items and sell it for big cash. HINT: You don't need their motto to figure it out who.
    * And look who it is, Team Rocket! Hmm, apparently they aren't getting any sleep either.
    * Oh, so there is no Darkrai, Team Rocket just built a nightmare machine so they call sell the fake Lunar Wings. Wow, mystery solved with 3/4 of the episode left.
    * Hey, where are the "tired" marks under Officer Jenny's eyes? I mean sure she's now more awake but she should still have them (until she gets a good night sleep).
    * Wow, Team Rocket blasted off without even a fight (I thought they were going to escape with the nightmare machine therefore prolonging the episode). Of course, we can't an awake Officer Jenny without Brock flirting without Croagunk Poison Jabbing him.

    Dar... Dark... Is Watching You!:
    * Well Dawn, after I have a full meal, I get a bit tired so it's natural... err... I don't like how those clouds blocked the moon and shadowed over the nightmare machine...
    * Huh? Where in the world is Ash? It looks like the Shadow Realm for Yu-Gi-Oh!... and it's absorbing Pikachu!
    * So much for Ash rescueing Pikachu, he got swallowed up too. Uh no, I know that silhouette. Looks like everyone's nightmare trouble was just beginning...
    * Wait, how did Dawn have a nightmare? Unlike Officer Jenny Dawn did have a Lunar Wing... unless that was fake too (and being she got it at a carnival).
    * Off to Full Moon Island to find Cresselia (or have it fly away leaving a real Lunar Wing behind)... hey, the Magikarp Sub! Haven't seen that in awhile!
    * A cave? What, since they couldn't get Navel Rock into the show they decided to combine its geographic with Full Moon Island?
    * Hey, a good to honest Lunar Wing! And I betcha that Cresselia is either on the shrine now or heading toward it.
    * Um, Piplup, since when did you take Arcanine Sniffing training? Answer: It didn't, though at least it did find a bird-like Pokemon.
    * Ah, Swinub, that's the perfect Pokemon to sniff things out... as long as their aren't any fruit growing plants nearby. But there isn't any as Swinub did indeed find (an empty) Cresselia's shrine.

    Waking Up Inside:
    * Scratch that, Cresselia just wnated to make a flashy entrance... which Team Rocket messed up. Also looks like the Magikarp sub got a land walking upgrade.
    * Okay, is that black remote with green directional buttons suppose to be based on something or is it just a recolored Wiimote?
    * Eek, that Thundershock backfired... though it looks like Swinub is still free to battle! Though the poor thing is getting hammered without doing much damage.
    * Swinubs glowing a blinding white... that can only mean one thing...
    * Swinub evolved into Piloswine! And its Take Down does some huge damage! Though I have a feeling that soon Swinub will be learning Ancient Power...
    * With one trouble over (and a member of Dawn's team getting a major power boost) time to have Cresselia take care on the Darkrai... whoa, it found Darkrai pretty quickly.
    * Yay, kind of obvious that Darkrai arrived early because it was drawn to Team Rocket's nightmare machine. So I guess to get rid of it they have to fully destroy the machine?
    * Whoa, Darkrai and Cresselia are fighting like Zangoose and Sevipers! Though a blast of light gave Darkrai the message to go away.
    * Cresselia is probably heading to where Darkrai is going (just because Cresselia isn't there won't mean Darkrai won't be casting nightmares). Though it also looks like it is heading toward the moon which kind of makes sense.
    * And what better place to train the Iron Island, right? That way Ash can train, look for Byron, get a Riolu (Egg), and I guess also get Barry to watch his Gym Battle and show Barry a thing or two.

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  • Avatar of terminoob


    [4]May 2, 2009
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    I didn't really like it... How could a machine TR made attract Darkrai? And why didn't Dawn's Lunar Wing protect her? It didn't make sense... And couldn't Cressilia just use her psychic powers to escape the net? At least lil ol' Swiny evolved, just a couple more eps till Mamo =D
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [5]May 2, 2009
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    ash' dream was just like the one he had in the movie (rise of darkrai), good episode but i wish the battle betwean darkrai and cressilia could have gone a little bite longer, (DARKRAI FOREVER).
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [6]May 3, 2009
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    Great episode. It was really cool to see Darkrai, Cresselia, and the evolution of Dawn's Swinub into Piloswine.
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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [7]May 3, 2009
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    I thought it was a great ep!


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