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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Stealing the Conversation!

  • Avatar of GrandCross21


    [21]Jul 20, 2009
    • member since: 02/04/09
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    BAC510 wrote:

    GrandCross21 wrote:
    The episode was quite bad, almost embarrassing to watch

    Why? Though I don't disagree.

    I thought the "bowling ball Jenny" was really dumb. Plus, I've never cared for fillers, lol
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [22]Jul 21, 2009
    • member since: 06/27/07
    • level: 27
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    Odd episode, and every time Jenny said something which had to do with bowling I had to raise an eyebrow in confusion. Overall an odd filler but Chatot misnaming Jessie and James was pretty funny (yes, I am easily amused). Nothing more to say other than that, so here's the review:

    Don't You Hate High Encounter Rates:
    * Dawn, at least pay attention to where Ash and Brock are going! Your Ribbons are pretty but aren't water proof.
    * Yes Dawn, you do need only 1 more Ribbon, but can we please let Ash at least get one more Badge as he still needs 2 more.
    * Team Rocket didn't take much time to make their appearance. *Sigh* Dawn, you don't need to adjust your looks everytime a camera... looks like Team Rocket didn't take long to cacth Pikachu either.
    * Come on Ash! They've been following you for 12 seasons! What you should have said "Oh *looks at watch* you guys are early today."!
    * Didn't take them long to defeat Team Rocket either... so I guess the episode's problem has been solved after Ash saves Pikachu... what was that?
    * Oh, it's an Officer Jenny with a Chatot. Nice catch too! Hm, it seems like she's after Team Rocket (what they take this time...).

    Why Do They Keep Running Into Weird Jennys?
    * *Spits out drink* ASH IS UNDER ARREST!?!? What, you didn't see Team Rocket take Pikachu from Ash? On what charges is Ash under arrest for, huh?
    * You misspoke? You might want to be careful with what words you use. Well at least Ash isn't in trouble, but looks like he's going to have to help this Officer Jenny find Team Rocket for some reason.
    * Wild Jenny? Really? (LOL! I can tell right now Chatot is going to misquote Jenny throughout this episode) And Brock flings to action, Croagunk, would you... oh, Chatot took care of it.
    * So this Jenny is from Kanto and came to Sinnoh to investigate Team Rocket starting a base there... yay, Jessie, James, and Meowth aren't exactly the Team Rocket members you're looking for.
    * Pikachu doesn't look special however by now it should be at level 100 which makes it a bit powerful... oh, and it also can hurt Ground-types. It all had to do when Ash tried powering up Pikachu to battle Brock's Onix...
    * Poketip #25: Never pokehandle Pikachu, it tends to not like it and shocks anyone who does it. But if you insist on doing it, can you check what gender Pikachu is? Anyway sounds like Jenny wants Ash and co. to act like bait.
    * Um, I don't think Jenny didn't literally mean you should stand still like a bowling pin, besides shouldn't take Team Rocket that long to make a second appearance.
    * Pah! Dawn, you're crazy! I mean, Officer Jenny is a women of the law, she wouldn't put inocent children in harms way to catch a group of villains part of a organization known for thier violence and cruelty.

    How Come Strikes In Baseball Are Bad But In Bowling Are Good:
    * Geez, Ash is sure known by a lot of police officers... makes you wonder if that is a good thing of bad. Sounds like this Jenny doesn't see eye to eye with her chief...
    * Wow, writing "I'm sorry" 1000 times is a tough punishment chief, I mean most chiefs would threaten to suspend an officer if they act out of line... Doesn't matter anyway, Jenny was wearing ear plugs.
    * Lunch huh? So does this lunch include having Ash and co. eat in an open area while you sit at another table out of site... oh, their in a burger joint. At least Dawn thinks there is something off with this Jenny.
    * A bank robbery? I can tell you right now that it isn't Jessie, James, and Meowth, they tend to steal Pokemon and items not money (that they work for).
    * What's with the glove? And the bowling ball... oh... instead of using her Pokemon stop the burglers she instead throws bowling balls at them...
    * Oh, so now Jenny uses her Chatot... but I don't think that is Feather Dance (I would think it would be feathers raining on the opponent not yellow dust).
    * I know you can make a bowling ball curve but not enough to turn a street corner... look at what I'm arguing with, cartoon/anime logic!
    * Now that we're done with Jenny showing us her odd police technique, let's get back to the main antagonists, Team Rocket! And look, here they are right now and trying to capture Pikachu (again)!
    * Huh? Did Chatot just say... oh! It said "Sock it". For a second I thought it said, well, moving on...
    * Yay Jenny, like I was telling you, if you're looking for Team Rocket members that actually have something to do with any new bases being made, Jessie, James, and Meowth aren't the Team Rocket members you're looking for...

    Improving Your Technique:
    * Team Rocket caught something, but I bet you it isn't Pikachu... yay, they took Chatot (though what did you expect with Jenny getting in the way of their nets?). And Jenny then trips over a rock... is it too late to ask for a competant Jenny?
    * Calm down Jenny, Ash and co. have handled with Jessie, James, and Meowth plenty of times (everyday in fact) so they knwo what to do. I don't think they even need Staravia to look around for Team Rocket but better safe then sorry.
    * So Jenny first met Chatot when it helped her make her first arrest because she didn't throw her bowling ball hard enough (which is probably why most Officer Jenny use Pokemon to make arrests). Did anyone else notice Jenny's cap symbol kept changing?
    * Team Rocket, don't think that you've yet captured Pikachu... because instead you for Chatot. Though Team Rocket seemed to have changed their plan pretty quick (guess they learned 1 in the hand is better than 2 in the bush).
    * I bet you Staravia pretty much figured out ways to find Team Rocket it's been looking for them for so long. LOL! I have to admit, Chatot misnaimg James as "lame" is pretty funny.
    * But wait, beside from James-Lame we also have Jessie-Messy (not as funny as James-Lame, but still gave me a chuckle). I like how when Ash and co. (+ Jenny) are making their plans you can still here Jessie and James arguing with Chatot.
    * I wonder if Chatot is messing up the names on purpose or it really does have a hard time repeating things correctly. Wait, if the windows were open how come Jenny used a bowling ball to break down the door?
    * Of course, Jenny uses bowling as her main technique of catching criminals (if that sounded odd to you then join the club), so Team Rocket's mech is a Gaint Bowling Pin...

    Nothing Accomplished, Nothing Damaged:
    * Team Rocket, even you should have predict that making your robot modelled after something famed for being knocked down was a bad idea... maybe you should have made a punching clown mech.
    * Meowth... why did you open Chatot's cage? Did you really expect Chatot too... actually I don't know what you were planning to do with Chatot... moving on.
    * I got a question, what indicated she only have three bowling balls? I mean does that bag model say it can only carry three bowling balls? I'm sure with a bag you can fit more, you won't believe all the things I stuffed into my backpack.
    * I get it, Chatot was her super powered Diamond charged with a jetpack (if you get what she means then please explain it). But in the process she launched Team Rocket off, didn't she want to arrest them?
    * YOU JUST NOW REALIZED YOU LAUNCHED THEM OFF!!! Well at least it wasn't Pikachu who did the launch off so I guess that what came out of this whole thing.
    * Time to end this filler with having nothing accomplished. Jenny is being transferred to the Whirl Islands, Ash and co. continue to head to Snowpoint City, and we didn't see any new Pokemon debut.

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