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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Sticking With Who You Know!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Mar 20, 2010
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    Aww, the infamous episode in which everyone thought Pikachu and Piplup were gay lovers. LOL. It was a pretty boring episode.

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [2]Mar 20, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Aww, the infamous episode in which everyone thought Pikachu and Piplup were gay lovers. LOL.

    You're going to keep rubbing that in our faces. aren't you? Personally, I thought the episode was very funny. There was no mention of romance, just friendship. Of course, they probably could've down without the Poke's having hearts in their eyes.

    Edited on 03/20/2010 8:32am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [3]Mar 20, 2010
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    it's kids show dude


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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [4]Mar 20, 2010
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    So did they did anything particular in the dub?
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [5]Mar 20, 2010
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    Awesome episode! I didn't mind that Pikachu and Piplup were hugging each other at all.

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  • Avatar of IzzyDizko


    [6]Mar 20, 2010
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    Majorly boring episode...
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [7]Mar 21, 2010
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    It was a boring episode in the oiriginal, so I saved 20 minutes of my life by skipping it on the DVR. I just wanted to see what you guys would say about this episode. C'mon bring in the good episodes!!!! PLZ!!!

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [8]Mar 21, 2010
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    I saw part of it. It was more strange than boring.

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [9]Mar 21, 2010
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    Well this episode was completely pointless...and could the pokemon have just been hugging without hearts in their eyes?!
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [10]Mar 21, 2010
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    Sigh..what's the big deal. Its just hearts.
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [11]Mar 21, 2010
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    If Piplup was a girl then I'd be more ok with it.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [12]Mar 21, 2010
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    It was because of a machine that the hearts appeared anyway, plus they didn't kiss or anything .
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [13]Mar 21, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    It was because of a machine that the hearts appeared anyway, plus they didn't kiss or anything .

    if they did that the show would get the boot

    japan'd probably keep it though

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [14]Mar 21, 2010
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    It wouldn't have gotten the boot for that. They have hearts in their eyes and they are just hug. I still don't get why this is a big deal for some people.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [15]Mar 21, 2010
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    At first, this episode was kind of funny. Pikachu and Piplup along with other Electric- and Water-types are stuck hugging each other because a Professor was trying to make his two Pokemon like each other with a machine. But then the end just completely ruined it for 2 reasons: (1.) how they figured it was Professor Kodama doing it and (2.) the reason why it didn't effect Quagsire and Magnemite but other Electric/Water-types despite what the Professor previously has said. I mean I'm sure in the original Japanese there had to be a mention of the Electric/Water attraction by Professor Kodama therefore making Brock's conclusion at the end make sense, but being Kodama didn't mention anything about types that couldn't have been a reason. Worse being Magnemite was genderless and there was something mentioned about gender that could have been the perfect replacement reason as the original no longer made any sense! But that still doesn't excuse how they figured it was Professor Kodama's doing. It started out good, but sadly ended as just a filler facepalm worthy. Oh, and finally:

    It's Guy Love, Between Two Mons:
    * We begin rather peacefully until the Pokemon Center. Why? Oh come now, how many seasons has Brock been in?
    * Outside for some training, they are all walking and Piplup decides to walk right into Pikachu and begins arguing. *Sigh* This is probably gonna turn out like Piplup and Cyndaquil with a...
    * ... hug with hearts in their eyes... this is rather an odd way to forgive-and-make-up... especially between two male Pokemon... I'll stop right there... hopefully...
    * As Ash & co. figure out what's with Pikachu and Piplup, we go over to a radio tower and see a scientist... and Team Rocket!
    * The scientist is Professor Kodama and his throwing papers around in frustration is making Team Rocket have to clean up more... hold it, Kodama knows they're part of Team Rocket?
    * I'm not done here! Did that mean all of Team Rocket's employers knew they were part of Team Rocket? I mean, you would think Jessie, James, & Meowth would at least tried to hide the fact they were part of an evil syndicate!
    * Anyway, James and Meowth splits to do some shopping as Jessie is asked to put the papers in order. We then see a Quagsire and Magnemite glaring at each other, both which are partly Water- and Electric-type respectively, hmm...
    * Back to Ash & co., Ash and Dawn try to pull Pikachu and Piplup apart but Pikachu wings up shocking everyone including Piplup, who quickly snaps back and begins hugging Pikachu again... okay, do thye really have to play that music everytime they hug? It's kinda making things a bit more... disturbing to say the least.
    * Brock comes to the logical conclusion that Dawn should just return Piplup, of course right after Pikachu falls over until Piplup pops right back at for more hugging.
    * Plan #3 is that Piplup and Pikachu are like magnets attracting to each other so they just need to flip one upside down to seperate them... Brock... aren't you suppose to be the smart one of the group?
    * Oh, the plan was just to have them turn away from each other, because it's not like they can't just turn around by themsevles... oh wait, they can and they did! Ash & co. finally decide to see Nurse Joy what is wrong with James and Meowth sneaking close behind.

    So Is This The Opposite of Eletronic Difussion?:
    * Upon getting to the Pokemon Center we discover it isn't only Pikachu and Piplup that are hugging, but also a Raichu & Squirtle, a Luxray & Marill, and a Mareep & Octillery... all Electric- and Water-types... Ash, Dawn, better keep Buizel and Pachirisu in their Pokeballs for this episode.
    * Brock figures out the trend (though it should of been kind of obvious) and looking through the window Meowth tells James that Professor Kodama's experiment could have worked which I guess explains the Quagsire and Magnemite, but why? I mean even for breeding purposes Magnemites are genderless and they are in a different egg group (Minteral) than Quagsires (Water 1 & Ground).
    * Back at the lab, Meowth asks if Kodama is trying to make Pokemon stick together which Kodama responds he's just trying to make them friendly with each other (so I guess he's just trying to make his Quagsire and Magnemite friendly to each other? Kind of going to a bit of extreme if that's what he's trying to do).
    * Kodama is trying to do so with the "Affinity Enabler", a machine which takes the move Attract and turns it into a signal and it actually meant to work even better on Pokemon of the same gender (though no mention on the whole Water- and Electric-type thing).
    * Mismatched for battle? As in against each other or as Double Battle partners? Being Quagsire is part Ground-type it has a immunity to Electric-type attacks and can give Magnemite quadruple damage as Magnemite is part Steel-type which is also weak to Ground-types. So who exactly who hates who here?
    * Kodama increases the power which in return forces all the Electric- and Water-type pairs as the Pokemon Center to hig closer together. Brock also says Electric- and Water-types normally don't get along together in battle and comes up to the conclusion this isn't natural (YA THINK!).
    * Back to the lab, Kodama is determined to make the two friends (maybe battling with both of them in double battles is a good idea, especially against type combinations where they would need the other one like... hmm... nevermind, though I stil say there is a less extreme way).
    * Meowth comes up with a plan to steal the machine once Kodama gets it working so that Pikachu will become friendly with Meowth (though I think Meowth forgot that it seems to only work on Electric- and Water-types and he would be too busy hugging Pikachu to steal it).
    * Just then Magnemite and Quagsire begin fighting again and cause Kodama to turn off the machine accidently "curing" all the Pokemon at the Pokemon Center... but only to a few seconds later turn it back on and making the Pokemon Center Pokemon hug again.

    Okay, At This Point The Writers Just Gave Up:
    * WOW Brock, that's a BIG conclusion you jumped to right there! I mean Brock only heard two kids saying their Raichu and Marill didn't get along, so Brock somehow figured out from that that someone is doing this so that they could have their Pokemon like each other. I mean, at least ask the other the other four trainers if their Electric and Water types were like that, because the only real solid fact you have here is that the pairs are Electric- and Water-types!
    * Anyway Brock's conclusion jumping reminds Nurse Joy of Professor Kodama who she takes them right to. Upon getting there Kodama is happy to see that for at least the Pokemon at the Pokemon Center his experiment is working. They then ask about Quagsire and Magnemite (maybe because they are part Ground- and Steel-type, respectively?).
    * But Team Rocket interrupts with Meowth playing with the machine to indeed show it is the machine causing Pikachu and Piplup to hug each other. As Team Rocket tried to sneak away, Kodama reveals they are Team Rocket to everyone's surprise (because apparently a long, red hair lady, short, blue hair guy, and a small guy with whiskers, paws, and a tail isn't clue enough that these are the same three people that have been following Ash since day one of his Pokemon journey... sorry, I know this is a dead joke I'm beating here).
    * Why did after their motto Dawn said Team Rocket's name in surprise, they were already told that they were Team Rocket! Team Rocket then steal the machine which Kodama grabbed onto while thye flew away, and with Pikachu and Piplup hugging they are also just as easy to steal. Quagsire then throws Magnemite at Team Rocket who rescues Kodama in addition to destroying the machine.
    * Um, no Brock, I think the reason Quagsire and Magnemite begain getting along is because their trainer was in danger, not because they were battle practicing! Anyway somehow Pikachu and Piplup got out of the gaint rubber hand (seriosuly, it just vanishes and both are inside the blimp waving to everyone below).
    * Ash then remembers he actually has a Flying-type and throws out Staraptor to get Pikachu and Piplup who then proceed to blast off Team Rocket (why didn't they attack Team Rocket before then when they were closer?).
    * As all the other trainers leave the Pokemon Center, Brock tells Kodama maybe it didn't work on Quagsire and Magnemite because of their second types... though this would be going against what Kodama said the machine did as he never said the machine was type specific, just that the Pokemon were arguing and would work better if they were the same gender (so maybe saying that Magnemite was genderless would have made more sense). But we soon end the episode after that.

    Edited on 03/22/2010 4:27pm
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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [17]Mar 22, 2010
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    This episode could've been so much better, but they had to keep it family friendly which ended up making it safe but bad and confusing... So much for shonen-ai hints in the series. *lurks off*

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [18]Mar 22, 2010
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    It's been over ten years, there are no Need for shonen-ai hints. And, Pikachu, it's more "It's guy love, between two mons~" fits much better to the "It's guy love between to guys" /offtopic post
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [19]Mar 22, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    It's been over ten years, there are no Need for shonen-ai hints. And, Pikachu, it's more "It's guy love, between two mons~" fits much better to the "It's guy love between to guys" /offtopic post

    Oh, good idea... I mean, I did put in "It's Guy Love, Between Two Mons", and since you didn't quote me you can't prove me wrong otherwise... *shifty eyes*

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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [20]Mar 22, 2010
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    I know, but a girl can dream, can't she?

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