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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Stopped in the Name of Love!

  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [21]Aug 29, 2009
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    i really love this episode becouse pipplup dint want to evolb becouse it wanted to stay the way it was when it first met dawn in the 1th place thats pretty sweet so duse pipplup have to were the everstone around its neck or how duse that work in the anime becouse its got to be diffrent from the games i give this episode a 10/10.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [22]Aug 29, 2009
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    Yay, Piplup is still here. I love that penguin.
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [23]Aug 30, 2009
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    Does anyone know if Mamoswine is male or female? Look at the beginning of the ep where it has small tusks (the group shot with Barry and Dawn's other Pokemon), and then the ending where it has huge tusks (where Dawn and Kenny are practising). It's inconsistent animation, so it's anyone's guess.
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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [24]Aug 30, 2009
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    HaydenAvery wrote:
    i didnt want piplup to ever evolve! who agrees?

    I agree. Anyways, I thought this ep was totally awsome!

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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [25]Aug 31, 2009
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    mistys togepi evolved mays torchic evolved dawns piplup will evolve. sorry
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [26]Aug 31, 2009
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    piplup got an everstone for a reason so it aint evolving ever!
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  • Avatar of Blue_Blood


    [27]Aug 31, 2009
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    HaydenAvery wrote:
    piplup got an everstone for a reason so it aint evolving ever!
    Never say ever

    All Dawn's gotta do to make Piplup evolve is to take away that everstone. So it's quite possible that Piplup may evolve someday.

    Though it does seem highly unlikely concidering how this episode went.

    And even if Piplup does evolve sometime in the future, it probably wont be for quite a long time.

    Edited on 08/31/2009 2:14pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [28]Aug 31, 2009
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    It might, after all, in the original version Piplup didn't want to evolve was because of Piloswine/Mamoswine.
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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [29]Aug 31, 2009
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    i_hated_hoenn wrote:
    mistys togepi evolved mays torchic evolved dawns piplup will evolve. sorry

    so? Sinnoh is the region of change. this season had twists and turns i didn't see coming. i had no idea Dawn would trade her Buizel to Ash, and Ash's Aipom to her. that was surprising. and Ash obtaining Chimchar after Paul released it. Ash losing to Paul how many times. (there may be more but i can't think of any right now). i really don't think Piplup will evolve, it's become Sinnoh's chief baby Pokemon. but hey i could be wrong lol
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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [31]Sep 1, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    It might, after all, in the original version Piplup didn't want to evolve was because of Piloswine/Mamoswine.
    but the thing piplup doesnt realize is that swinub barely had a bond with dawn and dawn wasnt ready for that level of pokemon yet. but now manoswine respects dawn and listens to her (even charizard listened to ash eventually)

    thec0mebackman wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:
    mistys togepi evolved mays torchic evolved dawns piplup will evolve. sorry
    so? Sinnoh is the region of change. this season had twists and turns i didn't see coming. i had no idea Dawn would trade her Buizel to Ash, and Ash's Aipom to her. that was surprising. and Ash obtaining Chimchar after Paul released it. Ash losing to Paul how many times. (there may be more but i can't think of any right now). i really don't think Piplup will evolve, it's become Sinnoh's chief baby Pokemon. but hey i could be wrong lol
    but ash lost to gary alot too and wasnt charmander released by his trainer even though ash never actually witnessed it? (just sayin) that trade was unexpected but technically you can do that but who knows maybe I could be wrong (maybe)

    Edited on 09/01/2009 9:25am
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