Interesting start to this. Excited for next week.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Interesting start to this. Excited for next week.
Awesome episode! So cool to see the Kami trio finally make their anime debut!
This was an incredible episode. I can't wait to see how Ash and his friends will defeat Team Rocket and help those three powerful Pokemon (I forgot their names) calm down.
@nicknameless: The three powerful (and legendary) Pokemon are called Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus. Together, they make up a Legendary Trio known as the Kami Trio. Personally, I love episodes that feature Legendary Pokemon. They are my favorite episodes of the series, in fact.
I was hoping for that event to be mentioned, but I guess not with that upcoming Darkrai event on May 9th
Aaerni wrote: |
@nicknameless: The three powerful (and legendary) Pokemon are called Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus. Together, they make up a Legendary Trio known as the Kami Trio. Personally, I love episodes that feature Legendary Pokemon. They are my favorite episodes of the series, in fact. |
We may not be getting our Gym Battle yet but that doesn't mean things aren't getting exciting! Heading to the Driftveil Gym, Ash & co. find out that Clay is still refusing to battle because the Gym ran out of Revival Herbs. Ash & co. head into the Driftveil Market to look for Revival Herbs but despite help from Charles were only able to find one that's meant for the Pokemon Center. They're told there's a Revival Herb shortage and that they grow on Milos Island. Ash & co. go to Milos Island and after a short trek find someone named Lewis who they were told could help them find Revival Herbs. However Lewis's Lilligant, the one who finds Revival Herbs, is sick and he hasn't been able to find any useable Revival Herbs, only dry ones. With the Grass-type Pokemon growing sick and the forest drying up Ash & co. (+ Lewis) decide to hold a rain making ceremony where they ask Landorus, the protector of Milos Island who chases away Tornadus and Thundurus who were destroying the island with their fighting, to make it rain. But as their performing the ceremony, Tornadus appears instead of rain and starts attacking and is soon joined by Thundurus as they start fighting and destroying Milos Island in the process. Can Ash & co. (+ Lewis) stop the two raging Kami from fighting and destroying Milos Island? Was this Team Rocket's entire plan all along? Will they be able to save Milos Island and return it back to the way it was? And how much of a stud is Axew? All these questions (yes, even the last one) are just below:
Need Of Bitter Healing:
We start the episode with a boy picking up a plant only for it to break apart and he says that the Revival Herbs have dried up. As he walks out of the forest, a strong wind picks up and clouds start gathering as we see lightning bolts and strong winds stirring inside it as the boy realizes something isn't right. We get a quick shot of one of the Shrines with its broken "Lightning Wedge" and soon lightning comes down and strikes one, and now for the Opener and Title!
Going over to Ash & co., they enter Driftveil Gym for Ash's Gym Battle with Clay however Clay says they can't battle as they're out of Revival Herbs. Iris and Cilan explains to a confused Ash what Revival Herbs are which confuses Clay:
Clay: Let me get this straight. You come here for a Gym Battle yet you don't know a wit about Revival Herbs?
Comment: Well to be fair Revival Herbs aren't that useful since a Revive and Hyper Potion usually heals a Pokemon to max health and combined those are cheaper then a Revival Herb, sold at every Pokemon Center, and don't decrease friendship.
Clay tells Ash that if he wants to battle he'll have to get him Revival Herbs but when Ash asks where he can find some Clay tells him to "take it or leave it" and leaves to the Iris's annoyance and Ash's disappointment though Cilan suggests they go to the Driftveil Market.
At the Driftveil Market Ash & co. meet up with Charles and tell him they're looking for Revival Herbs which Charles says he'll ask around. Cut to Ash & co. (+ Charles) finding a vendor selling a Revival Herb but it's his last one and is for the Pokemon Center. Charles asks if the vendor is getting anymore in however the vendor says that for the first time their supplier ran out which has Charles thinking something is going on at Milos Island, the Island of Legends. Charles explains Milos Island is the only place where Revival Herbs grow (for Unova or the entire world?) but Cilan asks why Milos Island is called the "Island of Legends" which the vendor says is because it's said Legendary Pokemon live there. Hearing this Ash decides he wants to go to Milos Island and no sooner are they on a boat and see Milos Island on the horizon.
On Milos Island, Ash & co. find an old woman working in a field and ask her if she has any Revival Herbs and she tells them that Revival Herbs don't grow every where on the island. Iris asks if she knows where they can find some and she points to a mountain she tells them they'll have to cross and even then they'll have to find someone named Lewis who can get them some. Ash & co. set forth and we get a quick montage of them walking around the mountain until arriving at an edge of a forest at dusk and spot the boy we saw at the beginning of the episode. As you probably figured out and Iris points out, this boy is Lewis and Ash & co. introduce themselves and explain to him they need Revival Herbs but Lewis says it's getting dark so he takes them to his cabin.
Inside Lewis's cabin we see a sick Lilligant and Lewis explains that Lilligant used to help him look for Revival Herbs but recently it has gotten sick but it's not the only one as a group of Cottonee have also fallen ill. Cilan asks if Lewis knows why but he says he doesn't though Cilan points out that both are Grass-types and Lewis says it could be possible that the land itself is sick which is effecting them. Ash asks why Lewis doesn't use a Revival Herb but Lewis says he can't find any without Lilligant's help and any he does find are dried out and apologizes for them coming so far for nothing but Ash says it's alright. Iris asks why Milos Island is the only island that grows Revival Herbs and says it's a long story but he'll give it a shot explaining it's an ancient legend of Milos Island. Lewis gets out a scroll and tells the story how Landorus tried stopping Thundurus and Tornadus from fighting and destroying Milos Island but was wounded. However the inhabitants of Milos Island gave Landorus a Revival Herb healing it and it was able to drive Thundurus and Tornadus away and to thank the islanders it made the land fertile and be able to grow Revival Herbs. Ever since then there has been an abundance of Revival Herbs however that has stopped and if nothing is done soon then the Grass-type Pokemon will remain sick and the forest is in danger of drying up. Lewis says they need it to rain so tomorrow they're having a rain making ceremony (you mean using Rain Dance?).
Just then they all hear a sound and a Gothorita jumps from the window with a Revival Herb in its hand and Lewis welcomes it back. Lewis introduces Ash & co. to Gothorita and explains in the legend it's a Gothorita which helps heal Landorus as it hands him the Revival Herb however it's dried up like all the others. Lewis tells Gothorita not to be sad and tells it they have visitors as Gothorita runs over to Pikachu and Axew though it seems to be paying more attention to Axew (oh come on, first a Gothita and now a Gothorita?).
A Storm Of A Kind:
In the morning Lewis and Gothorita takes Ash & co. to the Shrine of Landorus where they place down bundles of hay at its base. Lewis explains he'll ignite the hay on fire and then will have Gothorita send its request to Landorus (so basically you're threatening to burn down it's shrine unless it makes rain to put it out). Lewis ignites the hay and asks Landorus to make it rain because Milos Island is drying up as Gothorita prays next to him but soon starts to glow purple and energy comes out from Gothorita and combines with the fire's smoke to create a swirling cloud. Lewis gets excited about the coming rain but soon a tornado comes down from the clouds surprising everyone before the tornado and cloud splits apart revealing Tornadus!
Lewis asks what Tornadus is doing here but Tornadus soon starts attacking creating strong winds which Cilan says is its Hurricane. Tornadus then uses Air Slash which starts cutting down trees and so Pikachu attacks with a Thunderbolt which Tornadus dodges and counters with a batch of Energy Balls. Ash & co. (+ Lewis) start running away as Iris asks why Tornadus is angry (before or after Pikachu tried attacking it?) though Lewis is more concerned that at this rate Tornadus will destroy the island. Lewis says something might have happened at Tornadus's Obelisk (I thought it was also a shrine?) which he explains kept Tornadus from coming back to the island. Cilan tells Ash, Iris, and Lewis to go to Tornadus's Obelisk as he'll handle Tornadus sending out Pansage (oh yeah, a normal Grass-type vs. a Legendary Flying-type, I'm sure you'll win ) who uses Bullet Seed but Tornadus easily avoids the attack.
Meanwhile Ash, Iris (who's jumping around like she only got one working leg), and Lewis get to Tornadus's Obelisk to find that the "Lightnign Wedge" has been destroyed meaning there is nothing that can stop Tornadus. Lewis then remembers that Thundurus also has an obelisk and him, Ash, and Iris start heading over there. Back to Cilan, Tornadus throws out a batch of Energy Balls which knocks down Pansage and Cilan says that Tornadus is too powerful (maybe you should try a Pokemon with a type ADVANTAGE against it, like Dwebble or Stunfisk). Tornadus uses Hurricane but Pansage escapes with a Dig and appears right under the confused Tornadus and uses SolarBeam which hits but Tornadus shows no signs that it was hurt from it.
Over to group tormented-by-obelisks (Iris, if you're going to keep up with Ash and Lewis then why bother jumping around? Gothorita just had to save you and Axew with Telekinesis because a strong wind blew you off balanced!), they also find Thundurus's "Lightning Wedge" smashed meaning Thundurus is on its way. And no sooner is that said when a giant lightning bolt hits the obelisk and in the middle of the bolt is Thundurus who throws lightning bolts all around Ash, Iris, and Lewis before heading toward the island.
Lewis: This is bad.
Comment: No, you think?
Back to Cilan, Pansage is struck down by a lightning bolt and Cilan returns it as Ash, Iris, and Lewis run up to him and he points out both Tornadus and Thundurus in the sky. The two Kami look at each other before Tornadus attacks with Air Slash and Thundurus attacks with Focus Blast and both attacks hit as Ash & co. (+ Lewis) watch and wonder what is going to happen to Milos Island. Tornadus attacks with Energy Ball which hits Thundurus however Thundurus shakes it off and does a Wild Charge hitting and looking to have hurt Tornadus (which makes sense, Tornadus is probably wishing it wasn't the first Pure Flying-type right about now).
Deciding they have to stop them from fighting, Cilan says they need to draw the two Kami's attention to them so Ash sends out Snivy who uses Leaf Storm which Tornadus dodges and counters with Hurricane which blows Snivy up into the air. Thundurus starts a Focus Blast but Snivy uses a Vine Whip to grab onto a rock and pull itself back to the ground just missing the Focus Blast. Iris sends out Excadrill who uses Focus Blast however Tornadus uses Energy Ball and while Focus Blast might have taken out one of them there are a batch more which hit knocking Excadrill to its knees. Axew shows it wants to help and so does a Dragon Rage which hits Thundurus however Thundurus is alright and counters with Thunder but Cilan sends out Stunfisk who uses Mud Bomb to cancel out the attack.
While Tornadus does another Hurricane, Team Rocket are watches commenting on how Dr. Zager was right about the destruction of the "Lightning Wedges" would bring both Tornadus and Thundurus to Milos Island and now they just need Ash & co. to do one more thing for them.
Snivy uses another Leaf Storm and Excadrill does Drill Run however Tornadus's Hurricane blows away Leaf Storm and Thundurus's Wild Charge knocks back Excadrill. Pikachu and Stunfisk use a combo Thunderbolt/Thundershock which Tornadus dodges but Thundurus is hit by however being an Electric/Flying it does neutral damage which in Legendary Pokemon lingo means it did nothing and Thundurus does a Focus Blast which knocks Pikachu and Stunfisk out of the sky. As they fall Tornadus uses Hammer Arm to take out Stunfisk as we go over to Iris returning Excadrill with Cilan and Ash doing the same for Stunfisk and Snivy (um, where's Pikachu?).
Cilan says that it's no good as Tornadus and Thundurus are too strong as Lewis tells Gothorita to send their thoughts to the fighting Kami which Gothorita at first refuses but Axew then asks it too which causes it to blush and it decides to try. Gothorita sends out purple energy waves to Tornadus and Thundurus but they attack each other with Air Slash and Thunder surprising Lewis. Tornadus hits Thundurus with a Hammer Arm but Thundurus comes back with a Wild Charge pushing both through the clouds. Meanwhile all around the island the trees are lighting on fire from the lightning, all the Pokemon are running away, and everyone in town are watching as a fierce storm rages on and Lewis says if Tornadus and Thundurus continue fighting they'll destroy the island. Cilan asks what can they do and Lewis says there's only one thing left they can do: summon Landorus.
Lewis: Landorus is the only being that can stop those two.
Comment: Then shouldn't that have been the first thing you should have done?
Ash asks how do they summon Landorus and Lewis says they need a Shrine Maiden and Iris asks where they can find one.
Lewis: Iris, you can do it.
Comment: Huh?... Are you sure it's a "shrine maiden" you need or a sacrifice as I don't think Iris qualifies for the former.
Iris agrees before realizing what Lewis just said though Lewis tells her to calm down and that Gothorita will help her.
Iris: But I'm not a Shrine Maiden!
Lewis: True, but a Shrine Maiden has to be a girl.
Comment: If a Shrine Maiden is so important to summon Landorus then why isn't there one living near the Landorus Shrine just in case, say, Tornadus and Thundurus return and start destroying the island?
Iris gets dressed in "Shrine Maiden" clothing (you know with all the time you spent messing around you probably could have run back into town and gotten a proper Shrine Maiden) and Ash & co. (+ Lewis) head to Landorus's Shrine. At Landorus's Shrine, Lewis places down four stone orbs which he explains increases Gothorita's power (now two of them are red and blue (the other are black and white), now you can either take that as a reference to Zekrom and Reshiram's secondary type (blue for Electric, red for Fire) OR, being they're a darker hue as a reference to RUBY AND SAPPHIRE!). Iris starts to pray for Landorus to come as well as Gothorita who releases purple energy which lift the four stone orbs up and causes them to glow white. Iris and Gothorita keep on praying until Gothorita unleashes an energy burst which causes the four stone orbs to start flying around and collide into each other above Landorus's Shrine sending down a large energy beam which causes something to emerge from under Landorus's Shrine.
However before we see what will happen next the narrator comes in to end the episode and tell us to view in next time (same Pokemon time, same Pokemon channel) to see if they summoned Landorus, are able to stop Tornadus and Thundurus, and what Team Rocket are planning. So until then...