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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Teaching the Student Teacher!

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [1]Aug 7, 2010
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    Not a bad episode, and Dawn's new combo Ice Chandelier looks like it will work well in the Grand Festival. Unless Pachirisu can get the ball of ice to roll while it runs, though, it'll only work in the appeals round. With Jessie winning her fourth ribbon, it definitely looks like she's well on her way to the Grand Festival.

    Edited on 08/07/2010 7:49am
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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [2]Aug 7, 2010
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    Yeah, this episode was good. I was happy to see Jessie winning another ribbon and Dawn learning a new combination. At first, I thought Thomas was being a downer, but then again, his snarky comments actually turned out to be good advice.

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  • Avatar of Rukia456


    [3]Aug 7, 2010
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    Good episode. The Ice Chandelier combo was pretty cool. ^_^

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [4]Aug 9, 2010
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    Today's episode was okay, though honestly I felt like we were missing out on the exciting part which was Jessie's Pokemon Contest which she won with sounds to be incredible ease. Infact the only reason this episode isn't filler is because Jessie won her fourth Ribbon and Dawn getting a new dress from her mother for the Grand Festival. The rest I have to say is written below in a review like fashion:

    Substituting For A Substitute:
    * Hey, this is a piece of the original series music. Any as we near Lake Valor Dawn has a surprise and we meet up with Dawn's mother, Johanna, and her Glameow of course.
    * Turns out Johanna holds classes called "My Very First Pokemon Coordinator Class" (rolls right off the tonuge, doesn't it ) and that is why she is here.
    * As Johanna gets a phone call, Dawn reads off the lesson plan which lists: Getting to know a Pokemon, Catching, Coordinator, and Breeding... that sounds more like the trainer basics then specifically coordinating.
    * Johanna comes back with bad news that there is a Pokemon Contest being held a town over and Nurse Joy is working like crazy so can't judge it so asked if Johanna could judge it instead (what, were Nurse Joy's other 100 female relatives also busy?).
    * Of course this would mean she would have to miss her class, but Dawn says they'll take care of the class which explains why it sounded more like the "basics of being a trainer" then a coordinating class. I'm going to guess Ash is going to teach "catching".
    * The next day Ash & co. introduce themselves to the class of 5 kids, and even in that small number we still have a snobby kid. And right off the bat the snob kid stretches out Piplup's face... why do I have a feeling he'd be a Paul fan?
    * Anyway his name is Thomas and though he does get impressed when Ash & co. throw the rest of their Pokemon out, he still refuses to give up being a snob.

    Ball To The Face:
    * Now it's five minutes in and you're probably wondering "Where's Team Rocket?", well cut to the Pokemon Contest and it turns out Jessi(e/lina) is competing in it, so I'm guessing they're trying to get Jessie into the Grand Festival?
    * Jessie throws out Seviper and it comes out with Ele-seal which gives it lightning wings! And it looks like James and Meowth don't bother putting on a disguise when Ash & co. aren't around.
    * Back to the Coordinator Class, Brock is giving his lesson in being a Breeder to the kids except for Thomas who we spot finding Piplup. Obviously a few moments later we found that Thomas had drawn over Piplup's face (well Piplup, at least it's not a Draco Meteor).
    * As I guessed, Ash is teaching the "catching" portion of the class, which after hearing how he "caught" Gible makes me realize Ash is probably the last person who should be teaching you how to catch a Pokemon being he "catches" his Pokemon by be-friending. Then Gibles gnaws on Ash's head.
    * Ash, shouldn't the Pokeball be the first thing you explain to them about catching a Pokemon? Anyway they practice by throwing a rubber ball at a rock with an X on it which Pikachu and Piplup decide to get in front of... you should know what is coming up next.
    * After a few students fail, Ash shows them how it's done but decide to use a Pokeball instead of a rubber all (he's lucky the Pokeball didn't break after hitting the rock). And Thomas then nails Piplup with the rubber ball.
    * Why does Thomas only pick on Piplup? Well Brock, bullies tend to pick on those who they think are weaker to them and I guess Thomas decided that was Piplup, you know, because the Pokemon which can spit a infinate amount of water at high velocity from its mouth is no threat to anyone.

    Friendship Through Other's Success:
    * Cut to the Pokemon Contest and Jessie's doing very well. Now cut back to Ash & co. with Dawn's lesson being next up. She's worry about Thomas acting up during it but if anything I would be more worried about Piplup if Thomas is involved.
    * Dawn explains how a Pokemon Contest works but Thomas tell her to get to the point which Dawn then says a Pokemon Contest is to show your Pokemon cuteness. Dawn, that's only your Contest styIe, there are four others: Cool, Beauty, Smart, and Tough.
    * Thomas calls it lame which get Dawn to show a demostration using the "Flame Ice" combo first, but then decides to switch Cyndaquil with Pachirisu and does the same thing, calling the combo "Ice Chandelier". However it doesn't work as well as Dawn intended it too and of course Thomas mocks it.
    * Break time (I guess, technically it should be over as they went through all the lessons planned) and Dawn is feeling a bit down about "Ice Chandelier" not working. Hearing Thomas's comment in her head on how to "fix" it.
    * Though first for some reason she explains her plans on cards to the kids. After that she then tries it with Pachirisu spinning inside the ice shell... but it go dizzy. As Thomas once again tells her it'll never work, Dawn thinks of something else.
    * Oh, Jessie has won her fourth ribbon! I guess this episode isn't going to be a filler afterall. Anyway Dawn decides to switch out Mamoswine for Buneary and uses Ice Beam to create a bigger shell of ice for Pachirisu to run around in. And with that "Ice Chandelier" finally works!
    * In addition Thomas begins cheering and after it's accomplish it looks like he had made friends with Piplup. Brock comes up with the idea that Thomas actually liked Piplup but didn't know how to properly show it. Meh, I guess it makes sense but the Heel Face Turn just seemed too sudden.
    * The afternoon comes and Dawn thanks Thomas for his "advice". Then we go to night where Ash & co. are talking to Johanna who informs them that Jessilina won and also gives Dawn a new dress for the Grand Festival! Then we come to morning (wow, we went through the three times of day in just a minute) and Ash & co. leave off to Lake Valor.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [5]Aug 9, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Infact the only reason this episode isn't filler is because Jessie won her fourth Ribbon and Dawn getting a new dress from her mother for the Grand Festival.

    Don't forget that Dawn mastering a new combo also makes this episode canon.
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  • Avatar of chicamusica12


    [6]Aug 9, 2010
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    Was it just me, or was anyone else weirded out that Brock made it sound like Thomas had a crush on Piplup? >_>
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [7]Aug 9, 2010
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    the dub makes things sound odd..

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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [8]Aug 14, 2010
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    Well boys are strange.

    Nice to see Dawn get another Ice combination down.

    Edited on 08/14/2010 2:02pm
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