Cyrus is gone! where did he go? who cares!?
ugh...they really didnt capture the emotion when mars went nuts over cyrus dissapearing >_
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Cyrus is gone! where did he go? who cares!?
ugh...they really didnt capture the emotion when mars went nuts over cyrus dissapearing >_
Well. this episode was pretty shocking. Man, since when did this show actually have the bad guys bite the dust? I got to say, while it's a shame that Croagunk and Toxicroak didn't have a climatic showdown, it's still great that it finally won. Perhaps it's better this way. Having Croagunk win with just one strike could be considered a testament of Croagunk's superiority over Toxicroak. Anyway, the first main plotline of Diamond and Pearl is finally done. All that's left is Dawn getting into the Grande Festival and Ash qualifying for the Sinnoh League (and perhaps challenging the Battle Frontier). However, I'm curious as to why Charon wasn't arrested along with Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter.
EddyBob15 wrote: |
Well. this episode was pretty shocking. Man, since when did this show actually have the bad guys bite the dust? I got to say, while it's a shame that Croagunk and Toxicroak didn't have a climatic showdown, it's still great that it finally won. Perhaps it's better this way. Having Croagunk win with just one strike could be considered a testament of Croagunk's superiority over Toxicroak. Anyway, the first main plotline of Diamond and Pearl is finally done. All that's left is Dawn getting into the Grande Festival and Ash qualifying for the Sinnoh League (and perhaps challenging the Battle Frontier). However, I'm curious as to why Charon wasn't arrested along with Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter. |
since part of my comment mysteriously dissapeared
I'll say it again
it must be forshadowing
EddyBob15 wrote: |
Well. this episode was pretty shocking. Man, since when did this show actually have the bad guys bite the dust? I got to say, while it's a shame that Croagunk and Toxicroak didn't have a climatic showdown, it's still great that it finally won. Perhaps it's better this way. Having Croagunk win with just one strike could be considered a testament of Croagunk's superiority over Toxicroak. Anyway, the first main plotline of Diamond and Pearl is finally done. All that's left is Dawn getting into the Grande Festival and Ash qualifying for the Sinnoh League (and perhaps challenging the Battle Frontier). However, I'm curious as to why Charon wasn't arrested along with Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter. |
Croagunk Brick Breaking Toxicroak's head..........You've just experienced what a Critical Hit is like in the Anime!
DOMOJITA wrote: |
man this episode was very epic, and dint team magma and team aqua wanted the same thing?, i give this episode 10/10 for epicness. |
Team Aqua and Team Magma thought they were helping out by using Kyogre and Groudon to create a better world for everyone, but then realized their mistake. And in the game, it was up to you to fix what they messed up. Cyrus only wanted to create a new world because of all the fighting going on in the current world.
You know I'm a bit on the fence with the final encounter with Team Galactic in comparison with Team Aqua and Team Magma. In the last encounter with Team Magma and Aqua, there was more action, with Groudon and Kyogre clashing. But with Team Galactic, there were a few good points: for one thing, the lead up with Team Galactic's master plan made more sense, while all the encounters Ash and the others had with Team Magma and Aqua weren't so roundabout. Also, there was much more confrontation with Team Galactic, and of course, Team Galactic got what they deserved in the end and while Team Aqua and Magma escaped and just dissolved. Also, at least Team Rocket got off better with the final encounter with Team Galactic even though they didn't really take much part in it, unless you count Meowth helping Ash and the others free Looker who called Cynthia to get to Mt Pillar and helped stop Team Galactic.
I just noticed: Archie from Team Aqua and Cyrus from Team Galactic have the same Englishvoice actor. Ironically enough, Maxie [is that his name?] from Team Magman and Saturn have the same English voice actor. Kind of wierd...
Awesome episode! Team Galactic have finally been brought down once and for all! I also thought it was really cool to see Dialga and Palkia finally appear in person outside of a movie! In my opinion, this was one of the best episodes yet!
Aaerni wrote: |
Team Galactic have finally been brought down once and for all! |
WHERE WAS GIRATINA! Okay, okay, obviously the way the story was written we weren't going to see Giratina as the Lake Trio and Ash & co. seemed to have had everything under control once they went into action. The episode as a whole was good, though despite them saying Sinnoh was in danger you never real felt it. And that isn't because we knew Ash & co. were going to save the day, but rather nothing was allowd to build up. Once something happened Ash & co. did what they needed to do until finally they got Dialga and Palkia calm enough for the Lake Trio to transport them back to their dimensions. Though I'll give this episdoe one prop: it killed off a main character! Sure we don't know the fate of Hunter J and other main characters have died in the movies, but Cyrus wad the first "confirmed" death seen in the anime series. That's almost going into Pokemon Adventure/Special territory right there... and something which you wish would happen more often! But enough of my summery, my review will explain everything else:
He Has Everything Controlled In His Hand:
* We come back to Ash & co. beginning to wreck the place, freeing the Lake Trio but now having Purugly and Skuntank attack them with Iron Tail.
* Knocking back Ash & co., Toxicroak then uses Sludge Bomb to pummel their Pokemon (and for some reason Brock returned Croagunk).
* Cyrus reveals that all this effort was for naught as the Lake Trio are under the Red Chain's control which Cyrus controls with a glove he's wearing.
* Cyrus goes on about powerful beings and Charon explains what these powerful beings did... you should already know this, but basically Cyrus plans of creating a new world with these beings.
* Back outside, Looker tells Team Rocket they need to take control of the base and contact Cynthia from within, and with that said Jessie immidielty jumps into action and sends out Yanmega (Looker might want to give up being stealthy on this mission).
* Cyrus, the Commanders, & a tied up Ash & co. fly off in Team Galactic's helicopter with the Lake Trio and both Orbs which Cynthia spots.
* Looker and Team Rocket have managed to tie up the guards outside Spear Pillar's entrance as Team Galactic's helicopter comes in for a landing. Though maybe Meowth should have hid first...
* Too late, Jupiter sent out her Skuntank and flamethrowered their disguises off wondering how they knew *coughMEOWTHcough* and are thrown in with Ash & co..
* Cyrus uses the Spear Key top re-arrange the Spear Pillar gate so that it'll open up as the gold orb leads them further in. Jupiter however is left behind to guard the helicopter.
* But with one Giga Impact coming from the sky, Cynthia drives up and has her Garchomp scare Jupiter into telling where Ash & co. are (she also gets the bonus of Looker and Team Rocket).
Making Their Own Big Bang:
* Cyrus uses the Lake Trio and the orbs to begin summoning you-should-know-by-now as they then fire two Red Chains into the sky as a gold and silver (ha ha) energy stream enters into one of them.
* Outside we see clouds surrounding Mt. Coronet, though what I'm wondering is whether the "third guest" who appeared in Platinum is going to show up somewhere too?
* Depsite gold and silver energy entering them, the red chains have opened up a purple and blue portal and it's revealed Cyrus is summoning Dialga and Palkia!... and has put red Arceus body arcs around them, didn't expect that.
* But Team Galactic's celebrations fall short as a Thundershock destroyes the red chain cannon and we see Pikachu, Piplup, and Croagunk come flying in on the backs of Staraptor, Garchomp, and Gliscor (Ash & co., you do know you have other small Pokemon you could have probably also sent it, right?).
* Saturn sends out Toxicroak but Croagunk thinks ahead and jumps down with a Brick Break ready and K.O.s Toxicroak before it had a second to think. Mars and the two grunts also send out thier Pokemon but they are also quickly dispatched.
* Now with no more of Team Galactic's Pokemon to stop them, Ash & co. free their respective Lake Trio and Dialga and Palkia start to vanish. However Cyrus uses the Red Chain to forcefully summon Dialga and Palkia fully (which means turning them from 3D to 2D apparently).
* Okay, so this is the part where Giratina is suppose to appear and attack Cyrus and bring everyone to the Distort... I mean Reverse World, right?
* Oh, so when they said the Red Chain contains the "original powers" they weren't referring to Dialga or Palkia but rather ARCUES (seriously, just say its name, this episode happened after the 12th movie!).
* Controlling? It looks like the Red Chain is causing them pain not submission. The Lake Trio then telipathically connect to Ash & co. asking for thier help.
* Meanwhile Cyrus has commanded Dialga and Palkia to create the new universe which means if Giratina is going to appear, it should be now!... Any moment know... they did a HeartGold & SoulSilver reference, now do a Platinum one... Giratina isn't appearing, isn't it?
* Back at the action, Ash & co. (+ Cynthia) try to destroy the Red Chains but Cyrus has Dialga and Palkia to do Roar of Time and Spacial Rend. But Roar of Time was a bit too strong and begin heading toward Ash & co. put is blocked by a barrier created by the Lake Trio.
* Mars asks Cyrus when they'll enter the new world, but Cyrus tells them that the new world is his alone and that they'll "poison" it, though Charon seems to have knew this was going to happen.
THE POWER LEVEL IS OVER 9,00... Oh Wait, It's Reversing:
* A final attempt by Ash & co. (+ Cynthia and the Lake Trio) finally destroy the Red Chains around Dialga and Palkia. And as the new world begins to vanish, Cyrus begins heading toward and jumps into it!
* Mars tries to run after him but Saturn stops her, and then we see Cyrus and his universe grow smaller until it's just a orb of light... meaning Cyrus is pretty much dead since he basically had the whole universe collaspe and implode (brings a whole new meaning to "Big Crunch").
* And then Dialga and Palkia get up and blasts the light orb creating a black hole, and according to Professor Rowan's assistant the energy is reversing... reversing as in Reverse World maybe?
* How is Cynthia standing up when Ash & co. are barely keeping themselves a ground? Oh, now they all are standing up, then why where they hiding before?
* Anyway the Lake Trio asks Ash & co. once again to help calm Dialge and Palkia so they rush toward the black hole and Ash sends Azelf into it and causes it to explode.
* Brock then has Uxie to tell Dialga and Palkia that Cyrus is gone and to calm down which they seem to begin doing. Dawn then sends Mesprit to... to... calm Dialga and Palkia even more?
* Well anyway the Lake Trio then creates a portal above Dialga and Palkia and sends them back to their respective dimensions. And thus the energy levels go back to normal and Rowan saying that they're going to Mt. Coronet to see is Ash & co. are alright.
* Why did the Lake Trio choose you guys? Well let's see, you about save the world in every movie, have met every Legendary Pokemon (except for Raikou) and befriended most, and every other thing you've done in the movies.... WHY DID YOU THINK THEY CHOSE YOU!
* Oh, apparently Cynthia reveals that the Lake Trio chose them because they sensed "how much they cared for Pokemon"... my excuse above not only makes more sense but also made the Lake Trio sound smart for choosing Ash & co..
* And with that final note, the Lake Trio vanish (like everything else is doing) wiht Ash & co. wondering whether they'll see them again. And while they and Cynthia say they will, I'm going out on a limb and say, no, they aren't seeing them again... maybe Dawn might see Mesprit again but that's the only one.
* Outside Rowan, Gary, and the assistant have come up to pick up the Adamant and Lustrous Orb to bring to Carolina as Looker wonders where Team Rocket ran off too. Cut to us seeing Team Rocket fly away in the Meowht Ballon celebrating the defeat of Team Galactic.
* The Galactic Commanders and the Galactic Grunts with them are arrested (except for Charon who has mysteriously vanished... how many times have I used this word?).
* We finally end with Cynthia reciting the speech sha gave to Cyrus in Pokemon Platinum and thanking Ash & co. for their help and them thanking the Pokemon... they better get a lift to Sunyshore City.