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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: The Club Battle Finale: A Heroes Outcome!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Nov 19, 2011
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    And so the Club Battle ends. Really loved the episode. Oh Iris, such a kid you are.

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [2]Nov 19, 2011
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    Cilan and Burgundy steal the episode. Funny how Ash thought to himself that Pikachu was just about to hit the wall, then minutes later Pikachu got blown away by a focus blast...and abruptly hit the wall. Not sure I care for Iris winning, but someone worse could've won. I think she got a lot of lucky breaks, as Georgia had pointed out. Axew's outrage was pretty epic though. As for Bianca, talk about annoying, why is she the rival seen most often again? Ah whatever, amazing arc, hope they do another Club Battle tournament like this once more down the road.
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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [3]Nov 19, 2011
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    It was a good episode. I liked how Burgundy was less spiteful, but more competitive, with Cilan this time, and Georgia actually seemed to be impressed with Iris's progress. Axew's Outrage attack was pretty cool, too.

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [4]Nov 19, 2011
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    Awesome episode! Winning the Don Battle Tournament was a major character development for Iris.

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [5]Nov 19, 2011
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    Another awesome episode!

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  • Avatar of pokemonmonmon


    [6]Nov 19, 2011
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    i loved the battle and i learned the turnout of the battle im happy that burgundy was less of a brat in this and sucked up her pride a little. character development is always nice

    bianca is still as annoying as ever and ill be happy when they finally travel to an area she isnt in

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [7]Nov 19, 2011
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    Was this tournament designed to make Iris win?

    Emolga listened to her for no explained reason, Axew got the usual learn a new move while in trouble thing.

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [8]Nov 19, 2011
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    Well Emolga only doesn't listen if it is in a situation it doesn't like. First round was an easy win but for Sawk, idk, perhaps Emolga knew this was a battle she shouldn't mess around in.

    Speaking of Emolga, next time Ash and Iris battle, we better get a girl on girl fight between her and Snivy.
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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [9]Nov 24, 2011
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    Axew's Outrage was awesome, and Burgundy was a little better this time around. Bianca on the other hand...but anyways, loved this arc.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [10]Nov 25, 2011
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    Hey look, I'm posting right before the next episode again, I guess everything has fully returned to status quo.

    Anyway a good end to the Battle Club arc (especially to the person who won considering the Pokemon they won it with). As Ash takes out the last NPC that somehow made it to the semi-finals, it's Iris vs. Luke which has all the attention for the first half as little Axew has to take on Golett who we have seen is one of Luke's most powerful Pokemon Pokemon. Anything else beyond this would be spoilers but the only other thing I can mention is that Team Rocket seem to be coming up with something in Nimbasa City. Who will win the second semi-final battle and battle Ash in the finals, Iris or Luke? And after that who will win the finals and the Wing Set? What is Team Rocket planning in Nimbasa City? And how much will Zorua take before it attacks Bianca? The last one sadly doesn't get an answer but the others may have one (well at least the first two):

    Between A Golem And A Non-Attacking Position:
    The episode start with the predictable results the last episode presented us: Ash's Palpitoad knocks out Dino's Darumaka with a Hydro Pump declaring Ash the winner and getting him into the finals. It's not before long we go to the next battle of Luke vs. Iris, but being we're now finally down to main and secondary characters let's cut to the opener and title. Luke worries that Bianca might forget to film them like she promised to (first Ash and now Bianca? You have horrible choices for camera people!) and we see that Bianca is filming... but she's filming Zorua who looks to have decided Bianca is a lost cause and stopped running away. Luke yells at Bianca to film the battle and Iris calls Luke a kid and that he should be paying attention to the battle though Luke says he also has to pay attention to the film too.

    Without another word the battle starts and Luke sends in Golett as Iris sends in Axew (okay I would have understood if you used Axew in earlier rounds, but in the semi-finals?) while Don George tell us their types pretty much saying none has an advantage over the other. Axew uses Scratch but does nothing as Cilan reminds Iris that Ghost-types are immune to Normal-type attacks (gee, "such a kid" thing to forget. ) which Georgia starts insulting Iris (hey, that's my job!) though Ash says the battle is just starting. Golett uses Mega Punch which sends Axew flying back but it's okay and starts up a Dragon Rage however Golett uses Double Team and when the Dragon Rage is finally ready to fire it misses (so with Scratch being ineffective and Dragon Rage too slow to use, Axew's only usable move is Leer which doesn't do any damage!). Golett and its doubles uses Gyro Ball and Iris tries to figure out which one is the real one and tells Axew to keep an eye on all of them but they split up and soon gather onto Axew. Axew is still able to stand and uses a Dragon Rage but Luke, instead of having Golett and its doubles keep spinning around thus being difficult to hit, has Golett uses Shadow Ball which Golett combines back with its doubles and counters Dragon Rage with Shadow Ball neutralizing both attacks. Golett quickly responds with a Gyro Ball but with no doubles out Axew knows where Golett is and starts running away but Golett is right behind not letting up. Ash, Cilan, and Stephan go over Iris's option realizing how much trouble her and Axew are in as we cut back to Axew who we see is getting tired and finally does fall over but as Golett draws near Axew's eye grows a bright red as Iris screams it's name. Golett is sent flying into the sky and next when we see Axew it's outlined in a bright red like its eyes and starts going crazy on Golett beating on it! Ash, Cilan, and Stephan are wondering what is happening and Georgia provides them with the answer: Axew has just learned Outrage! Axew keeps beating on Golett until finally kicking it into a wall knocking it out giving Iris the win meaning it'll be her and Ash fighting in the finals (I suppose this could be good practice for Ash if things go a certain way...)!

    Iris picks up Axew congratulating it however it start flailing around until falling asleep which Iris remembers that Outrage causes the user to be confused and we see Luke thanking Golett and returning it. Ash gets excited he'll be battling Iris in the finals and, as Georgia walks away saying she can't wait to see what battling fiasco she causes, Cilan says that he won't know who to root for next battle (oh, that's easy, for the one that looks to be winning at the moment of course ). Don George says that the final battle will be tomorrow and we cut to the Pokemon Center where we see Luke's poor judgement in camera people has left him with footage of nothing but Zorua and Bianca tells him that they can do nothing now with the battle over and then shows Luke she made Zorua embarrassing clothing (Zorua, did you forget you have Shadow Ball? You can attack Bianca, no one would blame you). Bianca asks Zorua to come with her with the promise of more clothing which Zorua shakes off and Luke says he told her he isn't trading Zorua and that she's the lead role in his next film (ZORUA IS ALWAYS THE LEAD ROLE IN YOUR FILMS!).

    Binaca: Come on Mr. Director, be more flexible.
    Comment: Like Bianca's brain.
    Luke: What part of "no" don't you understand.
    Comment: The middle part.

    And we end this with Luke deciding to go and interview Ash and Iris before the finals tomorrow.

    To said finalists, Iris is congratulating Axew now that it isn't going crazy and Cilan serves them a special meal to congratulate and get them ready for tomorrow's battle. Burgundy walks up to Cilan and challenges him to a Connoisseur Battle (not tired of losing yet, huh?) saying she wants to see what Cilan is made of as an A-class Connoisseur (were you not paying attention throughout this whole arc where he was making accurate predictions next to your wrong ones?). Cilan says he'd rather watch Ash and Iris's battle peacefully which Burgundy says he's scared but Cilan, actually showing he's getting tired of her, says he's not falling for it but seeing he's being filmed by Luke decides to accept Burgundy's challenge surprising her. Stephan pops in (everyone is going to be appearing in this scene, aren't they?) saying he'll referee the battle (I think it's pretty obvious who's going to win as it's doubtful Burgundy is going to agree with anything Cilan says) with Ash and Iris saying they're excited (you know you'll be battling and thus not paying attention to them, right?).

    Going from messing around to serious planning, Team Rocket goes over their plans for Nimbasa City with Meowth saying with their plans in the final stages they shouldn't take any chances and add a "final touch". Jessie and James asks Meowth what it is but Meowth says to leave everything to him and we see that they're in the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel before cutting away.

    Grounding The Battle:
    It's moments before Ash's and Iris's battle and Burgundy tells Cilan that they're battle will be as heated as Ash's and Iris's but Cilan tells her it shouldn't be too heated as their Connoisseur and can't let emotions get the best of them (Burgundy's entire motivation is revenge, I think it's too late to tell her that) or else they won't give accurate evaluations. Stephan says that Cilan wins the pre-game battle and Burgundy yells at him while Luke sets up his camera (what, you're not going to let Bianca hold the camera, with you not battling this time maybe you'll now get 10% of the battle if you keep reminding her to watch the battle). Of course with Zorua there is Bianca and Bianca picks up Zorua saying they should watch the battle together but Zorua jumps out of her arms and runs away with Bianca following and both run in front of the camera which Luke yells at Bianca and she says she's just trying to help (with what, seeing how much longer it'll take to annoy Zorua into using Night Daze on you? It shouldn't be that much longer...).

    The battle finally starts and Ash sends in Pikachu while Iris sends in Excadrill and Georgia starts complaining about Iris not using Axew (seriously? Someone shows actual intelligence by using a Ground-type against an Electric-type and as soon as they do someone complains about it?), however Don George and Freddy O'Martian sees this and say that Iris has the advantage but Ash won't give up that easily.

    Back to the Bianca Idiot Hour, Luke makes a grunt and Bianca asks him what is wrong and he tells her that he wants to film the battle in a more exciting away but is stuck in that one spot which Bianca asks why can't he get closer and he says they're not allowed to leave the area they're in. Bianca says Luke is giving up too easily and he'll never become a great filmmaker which gets Luke angry and he decides to move to another spot with Bianca following behind Zorua (maybe Zorua should get Bianca to follow it and then lose her, at least that way you'll get at least 2 minutes of peace). Over with the Connoisseurs, Stephan says they should start the Connoisseur Battle (you mean they should evaluate the final battle as the final battle is going on? BRILLIANT!) and both Cilan and Burgundy get ready and start saying a batch of cooking puns.

    Back to the real battle, Pikachu starts with a Thunderbolt but it's not Godchu at the moment so Excadrill shrugs off the Thunderbolt.

    Iris: Huh? Come on Ash, you knew that wouldn't effect Excadrill, right?
    Comment: How quickly you forget this is Ash you're battling here.
    Ash: You got it. Pikachu's Thunderbolt is kind of a signal that my buddy and I are getting serious.
    Comment: Nice cover-up... okay not really.

    Iris shrugs that batch of Tauros mulch aside and Excadrill uses Drill Run while Pikachu uses Quick Attack and both speed past each other but Excadrill runs up behind Pikachu and picks it up by it's tail (careful Excadrill, Pikachu's bite if you yank their tail ). Excadrill throws Pikachu and uses a Metal Claw hitting it (though Electric-types are resistant to Steel-types so Iris just wasted a perfect opportunity there) but Pikachu flips right back around.

    Back to the Connoisseurs, they say a batch of stuff which I'll quickly translate: Burgundy says Pikachu is no match for Excadrill, Cilan is complementing both Pokemon. Over to side plot B, Luke and Bianca are actually on the floor outside the battle field with Luke saying he's getting great footage (who here wants to bet the camera gets fried by a Thunderbolt?).

    Pikachu uses Iron Tail and Excadrill uses Metal Claw but Pikachu looks to out maneuver Excadrill and delivers the Iron Tail to its face slamming it down to the floor. Excadrill quickly recovers with a Focus Blast and Pikachu counters with an Electro Ball and both collide and neutralize one another amazing everyone.

    The Connoisseurs are amazed too with Cilan and Burgundy sort of saying the same thing but Cilan's more wordier (plus Burgundy also said things are getting cooler while Cilan is saying their reaching new heights) and Burgundy seems to realize her vocabulary is lacking as Cilan says they should end the the Connoisseur Battle and just watch the final battle which Burgundy agrees to (wait, did Burgundy just go through some... character development? *dramatic music plays* Meh, I'm sure the writer's would forget about it the next time we meet her).

    Excadrill uses Dig and hits causing Pikachu to spin in the air but Pikachu uses the spin to wind up an Iron Tail smashing Excadrill to the ground as both Ash and Iris think their Pokemon are about ready to faint. Both sides decide to put their entire power behind these last attacks and Excadrill uses Drill Run as Pikachu uses Iron Tail and as both collide Pikachu is sent flying into the sky hitting the ground hard but gets back up (so much for that being their last move). Excadrill uses Dig but Pikachu runs away just before Excadrill could pop out from right under it however Excadrill quickly uses a Focus Blast which Pikachu takes and it sends Pikachu slamming into a wall knocking it out giving the win and the tournament to Iris!

    Everyone applauds Iris's victory as Georgia puts her noise in the air saying this would make Iris a bit more interesting to beat. Ash thanks Pikachu and gives it a hug as they get a round of applause with Don George in tears on how exciting the battle was. Ash congratulates Iris as they shake hand while Don George raises both of their hands in the air asking for another round of applause for an exciting battle and Iris is awarded the Wings Set. Freddy O'Martian asks for some words for Iris and she tells everyone in the Village of Dragons she's doing fine and has been training hard and says she'll be sending the Wings Set over to them (yes, because it's not like they have backpacks which somehow can store entire kitchens sets ) and with that the tournament is over.

    That evening Georgia tells Iris not to get "carried away" for winning a tournament and to hurry up and become a Dragon Master so she can call Iris her rival while Burgundy tells Cilan they should have another Connoisseur Battle the next time they meet. Luke says with the footage he's got he can make a documentary which "rocks" and Bianca offers to go back with Luke to help and spend more time with Zorua (because Zorua still isn't annoyed enough yet to attack Bianca on sight). Luke says Ash should see it when it's done with Ash says he can't wait to see how it comes out as Stephan asks where Ash is going next and he says to Nimbasa City for his next Gym Badge as the tournament reminded him of what he wants: to have him and his Pokemon become stronger. Stephan says he's going off to also become stronger with Ash wishing him luck too (though being he got his name wrong you could say Ash wished some random stranger he never met good luck) and with that everyone hits the road.

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