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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: The Club Battle Hearts of Fury, Emolga Versus Sawk!

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [21]Nov 16, 2011
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    Also you have to take in account that two times during the battle Pawniard got stuck and unable to defend itself and during these times it got hit with a direct Leaf Storm (which is a pretty powerful Grass-type attack. In game terms, it has 140 Power but STAB increases it to 210 Power. Even if you cut that in half that's still 105 damage) meaning it received all that damage.

    As for Snivy being a Starter, remember it was a Wild Snivy so we don't really know how strong it is (it did defeat Trip's Servine in it's first battle against it). Plus Snivy has shown to be a pretty smart and competent Pokemon. It sees everything that's going on (thus explaining it's rivalry with Emolga who relies on getting away with tricking other Pokemon by everyone not paying attention and not seeing it) and goes into things with a plan (like when it tried to rescue Axew and Emolga from Simisear in DW025 "Emolga and the New Volt Switch!"). And if you want to go into game terms again, Snivy learns Leaf Storm at level 43 (though the anime tends to play around with how a Pokemon learns a move).

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [22]Nov 16, 2011
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Also you have to take in account that two times during the battle Pawniard got stuck and unable to defend itself and during these times it got hit with a direct Leaf Storm (which is a pretty powerful Grass-type attack. In game terms, it has 140 Power but STAB increases it to 210 Power. Even if you cut that in half that's still 105 damage) meaning it received all that damage.

    As for Snivy being a Starter, remember it was a Wild Snivy so we don't really know how strong it is (it did defeat Trip's Servine in it's first battle against it). Plus Snivy has shown to be a pretty smart and competent Pokemon. It sees everything that's going on (thus explaining it's rivalry with Emolga who relies on getting away with tricking other Pokemon by everyone not paying attention and not seeing it) and goes into things with a plan (like when it tried to rescue Axew and Emolga from Simisear in DW025 "Emolga and the New Volt Switch!"). And if you want to go into game terms again, Snivy learns Leaf Storm at level 43 (though the anime tends to play around with how a Pokemon learns a move).

    According to Cilan, Snivy had a Trainer before but had left them.

    Then again, it hasn't been confirmed yet...

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  • Avatar of pokemonmonmon


    [23]Nov 16, 2011
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Also you have to take in account that two times during the battle Pawniard got stuck and unable to defend itself and during these times it got hit with a direct Leaf Storm (which is a pretty powerful Grass-type attack. In game terms, it has 140 Power but STAB increases it to 210 Power. Even if you cut that in half that's still 105 damage) meaning it received all that damage.

    As for Snivy being a Starter, remember it was a Wild Snivy so we don't really know how strong it is (it did defeat Trip's Servine in it's first battle against it). Plus Snivy has shown to be a pretty smart and competent Pokemon. It sees everything that's going on (thus explaining it's rivalry with Emolga who relies on getting away with tricking other Pokemon by everyone not paying attention and not seeing it) and goes into things with a plan (like when it tried to rescue Axew and Emolga from Simisear in DW025 "Emolga and the New Volt Switch!"). And if you want to go into game terms again, Snivy learns Leaf Storm at level 43 (though the anime tends to play around with how a Pokemon learns a move).

    well you make good point but it still doesnt excuse the fact that all of ashs pokemon in general have always had unrealistic power and endurance. ash beat a gym in hoenn by making swellow absorb a thunder attack when swellow is a flying type. his defeat of brock isnt even legit and pikachu beating rhydon never shouldve happened. and how many cyndaquils do you know that can fight underwater and beat a dewgong with a freaking swift? dont even get me started on heracross taking 2 direct fire blasts from garys magmr with its flame body ability in effect and being unscathed by it and whenever it looks like ash is gonna lose something half ****** alwaqys happens like making pawniard all of the sudden lose balance leaving him wide open for a direct attack. meh whatever though the episode has already happened so i guess no point in complaining

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [24]Nov 16, 2011
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    pokemonmonmon wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Also you have to take in account that two times during the battle Pawniard got stuck and unable to defend itself and during these times it got hit with a direct Leaf Storm (which is a pretty powerful Grass-type attack. In game terms, it has 140 Power but STAB increases it to 210 Power. Even if you cut that in half that's still 105 damage) meaning it received all that damage.

    As for Snivy being a Starter, remember it was a Wild Snivy so we don't really know how strong it is (it did defeat Trip's Servine in it's first battle against it). Plus Snivy has shown to be a pretty smart and competent Pokemon. It sees everything that's going on (thus explaining it's rivalry with Emolga who relies on getting away with tricking other Pokemon by everyone not paying attention and not seeing it) and goes into things with a plan (like when it tried to rescue Axew and Emolga from Simisear in DW025 "Emolga and the New Volt Switch!"). And if you want to go into game terms again, Snivy learns Leaf Storm at level 43 (though the anime tends to play around with how a Pokemon learns a move).

    well you make good point but it still doesnt excuse the fact that all of ashs pokemon in general have always had unrealistic power and endurance. ash beat a gym in hoenn by making swellow absorb a thunder attack when swellow is a flying type. his defeat of brock isnt even legit and pikachu beating rhydon never shouldve happened. and how many cyndaquils do you know that can fight underwater and beat a dewgong with a freaking swift? dont even get me started on heracross taking 2 direct fire blasts from garys magmr with its flame body ability in effect and being unscathed by it and whenever it looks like ash is gonna lose something half ****** alwaqys happens like making pawniard all of the sudden lose balance leaving him wide open for a direct attack. meh whatever though the episode has already happened so i guess no point in complaining

    Swellow absorbing Thunder? Oh, do you by chance mean THUNDER ARMOR!

    Yeah, many times the main characters have won because their a main character and not because it would seem logical they would win. And even sometimes the writers bends the rule so the character can win, watch the Sinnoh Pokemon Contests, particularly DP175 where Dawn should have obviously lost due to the sheer amount of points she would have lost with her Pokemon getting hit by a lot of Shadow Balls yet somehow she has a slither of points left and goes on to win with a knock out.

    But my point is that there wasn't anything wrong with Snivy vs. Pawniard (if there was something wrong with a battle I would have mentioned it).

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  • Avatar of pokemonmonmon


    [25]Nov 18, 2011
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    pokemonmonmon wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Also you have to take in account that two times during the battle Pawniard got stuck and unable to defend itself and during these times it got hit with a direct Leaf Storm (which is a pretty powerful Grass-type attack. In game terms, it has 140 Power but STAB increases it to 210 Power. Even if you cut that in half that's still 105 damage) meaning it received all that damage.

    As for Snivy being a Starter, remember it was a Wild Snivy so we don't really know how strong it is (it did defeat Trip's Servine in it's first battle against it). Plus Snivy has shown to be a pretty smart and competent Pokemon. It sees everything that's going on (thus explaining it's rivalry with Emolga who relies on getting away with tricking other Pokemon by everyone not paying attention and not seeing it) and goes into things with a plan (like when it tried to rescue Axew and Emolga from Simisear in DW025 "Emolga and the New Volt Switch!"). And if you want to go into game terms again, Snivy learns Leaf Storm at level 43 (though the anime tends to play around with how a Pokemon learns a move).

    well you make good point but it still doesnt excuse the fact that all of ashs pokemon in general have always had unrealistic power and endurance. ash beat a gym in hoenn by making swellow absorb a thunder attack when swellow is a flying type. his defeat of brock isnt even legit and pikachu beating rhydon never shouldve happened. and how many cyndaquils do you know that can fight underwater and beat a dewgong with a freaking swift? dont even get me started on heracross taking 2 direct fire blasts from garys magmr with its flame body ability in effect and being unscathed by it and whenever it looks like ash is gonna lose something half ****** alwaqys happens like making pawniard all of the sudden lose balance leaving him wide open for a direct attack. meh whatever though the episode has already happened so i guess no point in complaining

    Swellow absorbing Thunder? Oh, do you by chance mean THUNDER ARMOR!

    Yeah, many times the main characters have won because their a main character and not because it would seem logical they would win. And even sometimes the writers bends the rule so the character can win, watch the Sinnoh Pokemon Contests, particularly DP175 where Dawn should have obviously lost due to the sheer amount of points she would have lost with her Pokemon getting hit by a lot of Shadow Balls yet somehow she has a slither of points left and goes on to win with a knock out.

    But my point is that there wasn't anything wrong with Snivy vs. Pawniard (if there was something wrong with a battle I would have mentioned it).

    ill have to rewatch the battle one more time before i respond to this but the fight was definitely half *****

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [26]Nov 18, 2011
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    Please discuss the episode. Not your problems with the show.

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