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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: The Drifting Snorunt!

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [1]Jul 25, 2009
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    Snorunt's full evolutionary branch makes an appearance, with Froslass' debut...
    Edited on 07/25/2009 9:15am
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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [2]Jul 25, 2009
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    It was an awsome ep It was also cool to finally see Frosslass
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [3]Jul 25, 2009
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    It was a leap back up since the previous episode. I liked it.
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  • Avatar of KollinNaples


    [4]Jul 26, 2009
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    It was an interesting ep, to say the least. I really liked Froslass's role.
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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [5]Jul 26, 2009
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    Good episode featuring the Snorunt evolution family. The only real nag I have is that they kept calling the Snorunt Froslass' "buddy," when it was obviously her child.
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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [6]Jul 26, 2009
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    starlit_angel wrote:
    Good episode featuring the Snorunt evolution family. The only real nag I have is that they kept calling the Snorunt Froslass' "buddy," when it was obviously her child.
    Froslass is a "she"?
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [7]Jul 26, 2009
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    nicknameless101 wrote:
    starlit_angel wrote:
    Good episode featuring the Snorunt evolution family. The only real nag I have is that they kept calling the Snorunt Froslass' "buddy," when it was obviously her child.
    Froslass is a "she"?

    Yeah, Froslass are confirmed to be Female.

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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [8]Jul 26, 2009
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    this was a very nice filler it reminded me of kanto.

    did anyone else feel that this episode was kinda like the episode with ms.magius or the episode when ninetails basically kidnapped brock?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [9]Jul 26, 2009
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    Not a bad episode, a filler all the same, but not a bad one. A bit tedious and obvious at times but overall it kept your attention until the end. One of the few episodes Ash and co. have to make a truce with Team Rocket, but for an obvious reason. In addition Team rocket wasn't an antagonist at all in the episode until the very end which they wind up blasting off because of it. Still there are some stuff I can't help to question which I've stated in my review:

    A Chilling Trick:
    * Looks like we're starting off the episode with Team Rocket stuck in a snowstorm, meaning we must be getting near to Snowpoint City!
    * That Froslass came out of nowhere. Becareful Team Rocket, Froslass is based off a Yuki-onna and like them tend to freeze people lost in blizzards...
    * Geez Ash and co., what's with the simple parka? I mean you guys must have some sort of heavy weather clothing, especially Ash and Brock!
    * Good idea with Chimchar, but you should at least remember to make sure there isn't anything water or can turn into water above it... that call sounds familiar.
    * Whoa! Ash and co., you've been down this road before, remember your experience with Mismagius? But unlike Mismagius who was "playing", Froslass might freeze you soild!
    * Froslass has a nice little cabin there, and apparently it also can cook. But then again this is all most likely an illusion and Ash and co. are probably eating snow.
    * It made a bath for the Pokemon? I wouldn't be going anywhere near water with an Ice-type around... GAH! I KNEW IT! And now poor Piplup is frozen (well accept for its head)!
    * No duh it was causing you to hallucinate! Like I mentioned above don't you remember your encounter with Mismagius at all?
    * Ice Beam, kind of obvious that was how it froze Piplup so fast... oh, there's Meowth, wonder where the rest of Tema Rocket?

    Obvious Conclusion:
    * So Meowth explains why Froslass is holding both him and Piplup hostage, it lost a friend (a Snorunt) and is having Team Rocket (and now probably Ash and co.) go look for it.
    * Apparently this isn't the first time it tried this, unfortunetly it trusted the person it first did this on and the person ran off with their Pokemon. I could have guessed that was sort of the deal.
    * Um, Ash, that is the main point WHY Froslass is holding Piplup (and Meowth) hostage! Obviously if you bring the Snorunt back it'll let Piplup (and Meowth) go!
    * Hopefully they can find Snorunt, I mean if it was captured then it'll be probably miles from there (though for storyline sake this is probably not the case). Hey, Team Rocket found a Snorunt!
    * Not only Team Rocket, but Statavia as well! And being that Ash and co. and Team Rocket just slammed into each other, I guess it was the same Snorunt they were following.
    * And of course, after a quick exchange of dialogue and forming a temporary cease fire, Staravia once again finds Snorunt. Oh, and nice Meowth expression Dawn.
    * They managed to corner Snorunt and convince it they are trying to help it... and then they're hit with a what looked to be a Hyper Beam (maybe?). Where did that come from?

    Poached With A Side Of Cold:
    * Glalie? Well we now have the whole Snorunt family, but why is it attacking Ash and co.? And it just did Leer on Snorunt, so this Glalie is the problem. But what does it want with Snorunt?
    * They caught up with Glalie and managed to get Snorunt off of it, but why didn't Ash have Chimchar use a Fire-type attack? And Dawn, you had Buneary use Ice Beam on an Ice-type Pokemon, really?
    * Huh? I don't know who this guy is, but I have a wild suspicion that Glalie is his and have a feeling he's looking to add its pre-evolution to his team...
    * Pokemon Black Market, oh, this guy is a Pokemon Poacher! This is worse then I thought, though I kind of find it odd that Snorunt is worth so much just because of a myth about it.
    * Hold it, I thought Froslass said that it tried to get someone to help it look for Snorunt before but after unfreezing the person's Pokemon the person then ran off... it didn't mention that Snorunt was taken away.
    * Geez, this guy is using WAY too many Hyper Beams. And it's kind of odd that it doesn't know an Ice-type move (instead it knows Leer, waste of a move space).
    * Ash, it's about time you had Chimchar use a Fire-type attack! Anyway looks like Froslass decided to go looking for Snorunt itself (which I guess means it left Piplup and Meowth alone? Kind of beats the purpose of having someone looking for Snorunt for you.

    Defrosting The Deal:
    * Froslass is now watching Ash and co. (+ Team Rocket) trying to save Snorunt, mayeb it shoudl try sneaking around the bushes and then taking Snorunt while the poacher is turned around?
    * Ash, why did you go back to using Scracth? Also, while it is true Chimchar is your only Fire-type, Ice-type Pokemon are also weak to Rock-, Fighting-, and Steel-types. So with Brock having Sudowoodo and Croagunk, and Pikachu knowing Iron Tail, you still have Pokemon that can fight Glalie effectively.
    * Kind of obvious that after watching Chimchar battling Glalie to save Snorunt that Froslass will join in and help defeat Glalie. And with that the cage flies open and Snorunt and Froslass are re-united.
    * Calm down Team Rocket, I'm pretty sure that it would have also freed Meowth as well as freeing Piplup without you having to show that you trust your Pokemon. Also how exaclty did they get in contact with Officer Jenny? It's not like any of them carrying a phone (or I guess a PokeGear).
    * And if anyone knows that "crime doesn't pay for some", it'll be you Team Rocket . Anyway everything is back as it should and Froslass is giving Ash and co. directions to Snowpoint City.
    * As for Team Rocket, they ended the truce, slipped in the snow, and Blasted Off in a snowball after rolling down hill. Like I said before, if anyone knows that "crime doesn't pay for some", it'll be Team Rocket.
    * What do you mean "What was that"? Come on Ash, think, Team Rocket are no longer behind you a you saw a shining star in the sky, Team Rocket have been following for 12 seasons you should know this kind of sutff by now!

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [10]Jul 27, 2009
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    Very good episode for a filler, with a Froslass holding Piplup and Meowth hostage, an Ash and co./Team Rocket truce, and a Pokemon Poacher all thrown in to spice it up. Nice one.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [11]Jul 28, 2009
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    Pretty good episode.
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  • Avatar of KingAusie


    [12]Jul 28, 2009
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    A nice filler episode, it was great to finally see Frosslass again. It was also a pleasant suprise to see Glalie.
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [13]Jul 28, 2009
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    good episode i hate people like him (the pokemon poacher guy).
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [14]Aug 8, 2009
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    This was a great filler episode. What bothers me though is how weak they made Team Rocket look. Sonicboom and Vine Whip miss and Yanmega and Carnivine are defeated, yet Scratch and Bounce hurt Glalie. Poor Team Rocket.
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