Was kind of looking forward to this episode just to see all the Sawsbuck forms.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Was kind of looking forward to this episode just to see all the Sawsbuck forms.
I thought it was cool that all four forms of the Sawsbuck showed up at once, although it was too bad that Robert didn't get such a clear photograph of them. He somewhat reminds me of one of Ash's other friends who came by, Todd, who also happens to photograph Pokemon.
Awesome episode! I loved seeing all of Sawsbuck's forms in one episode!
This episode was okay. Better than the Last.
This was a nice episode. While resting at a Pokemon Center, Ash & co. meet a Pokemon Photographer named Robert who asks if he could take picture of Ash's Pikachu. Afterwards Robert shows them the pictures he has taken and also ones his grandfather did when Iris and Cilan noticed and off picture: one with all forms of Sawsbuck in one place. Robert explains he's here to find where this picture was taken and get his own photo of all the Sawsbuck which Ash & co. decide to help wanting to see all the forms of Sawsbuck together. However while on the mountain a heavy fog rolls in just as they find a Deerling they think will take them to its herd and Ash and Robert get separated from Iris and Cilan. Can Robert be able to find the Sawsbuck and get a photo of them? Will they be able to find Iris and Cilan again? How much of a problem will the fog be if they ever find the Sawsbuck? And why does Ash keep scanning Pokemon he had already scanned with his Pokedex getting little to no new entry information? There's no fog keeping you from reading below and finding the answers:
A Pika Fashion Shoot:
We start the episode with Ash scratching Pikachu which Iris says Pikachu likes and Cilan says it's nice to see a trainer with a close bond with their Pokemon. Ash stops scratching Pikachu but, much like my cousin's cat, Pikachu starts complaining and Ash starts scratching it again though to a bit of a disturbing level. Just then a boy with a camera points to Ash and Pikachu saying "check it out" surprising them while the boy asks Ash if Pikachu is his Pokemon which Ash of course says it is. The boy asks if he could take picture's of Pikachu which Ash says sure and the boy starts snapping pictures away as everyone watches in confusion (I guess Iris and Cilan have been traveling with Ash so long even they forgot Pikachu was a foreign species to Unova). Opener, title card, and we come back to see Pikachu has gotten into the spirit things and starts doing cute poses while the boy asks where Ash found a Pikachu in the Unova region (shouldn't your first conclusion be is that Ash is from a foreign region?). Ash says him and Pikachu are from Kanto surprising the boy which Cilan explains Ash is here to challenge the Unova Gym Leaders (oh come on, at least say "compete in the Unova League", I mean we know he's going to lose but still you're Ash's support this season) and they introduce themselves. The boy introduces himself as Robert (PUSA, that name was already used for, and it was for the winner of the Hoenn Grand Festival! ) and is a starting out Pokemon Photographer (well you're at least ahead of Todd Snap by actually ASKING the trainer to take a picture of their Pokemon...).
Ash: A Pokemon Photographer?
Cilan: His specialty is photographing Pokemon.
Comment: Yes Ash, like the aforementioned Todd Snap, you know, the recurring character that has TRAVELED with you for a few episodes on two occasions!
Robert shows them an album containing other pictures he has taken but then shows them an album which shows older pictures he said his grandfather took. Ash flips through the old album however is stopped by Iris and Cilan who see a photograph which surprises them and have them asking if it's even possible for such a photo to exist which Ash asks to know what's going on. Cilan asks Robert about a photo which we now see and can understand what their confused about: a photo showing four Sawsbuck in all their seasonal forms (pah, it's easy enough to do that in the games, just store them in the PC in one form and they'll remain in that form until the next time you save, turn off, and then turn back on your game. Also the Season Research Lab has all forms of Deerling after showing them one of each). Robert says that photo was his grandfather's most prized one and Ash asks what's wrong as Cilan explains Sawsbuck changes forms when the season changes and thus it's odd to see all forms in one place. Iris says it doesn't make sense but Ash says it must be possible because here's the proof which gets Robert excited saying Ash is right as we go into a flashback of Robert talking to his grandfather. Robert tells his grandfather his friends said the photo is fake but Robert's grandfather says it isn't as he took it as we come out of the flashback with Robert saying he wants to take a photo of all the forms of Sawsbuck together.
Cilan asks if Robert knows where his grandfather took the picture which he says he doesn't but lifts up a picture of a Summer Deerling saying it helps. Robert explains both pictures have the same type of flower in it and both pictures were taken on the same day so after doing some research he luckily found the flower was a rare species that only grew on a mountain which is outside from where they are. Robert says all he needs to do is get up there but Cilan asks how does he know the Sawsbuck will all be there when he does and Robert said waiting patiently is a Pokemon Photographer's job explaining working with Wild Pokemon means waiting for possibly days until you get the chance to take the photo you want as demonstrated with a quick flashback of Robert taking of a photo of a Alomomola jumping out of the water. Cilan says he's amazed with the patience it must take which Iris asks Cilan isn't about to say he's a "Photographer Connoisseur" but for once Cilan says he isn't though he still admires them. Robert asks Nurse Joy about the flowers and she tells him they do grow on the mountain so Robert decides he'll be head there now and Ash & co. ask if they could come along and he agrees (and thus Ash & co. couldn't stop making noises scaring away the Sawsbuck before Robert could even take out his camera... .
Double Checking:
On a road that has a path leading up into the mountain, Cilan asks how does Robert plan on tracking the Sawsbuck and Robert shows them by sending out his Swoobat... ASH WHY ARE YOU SCANNING SWOOBAT? You already did that in BW024 "Emolga the Irresistible!" and it pretty much gave you the same entry information! Anyway Robert tells Swoobat to look for the flowers while turning back to Ash & co. saying that they'll search for the flowers on foot (hey, Ash and Iris, you both have Flying-type Pokemon, why not send them out to help?) while showing them the Sawsbuck photo also has a spring in it but he's not to sure where to find it as it isn't on any map which shocks Ash and Iris. On their way Robert takes photo of Pidoves, Swadloons, and Cottonees while Iris keeps look out for Swoobat however she tells them she can't see it and it might be below the tree line. Just then a Deerling jumps out from the forest and... OH COME ON ASH, DEERLING TOO? While I'll give that the writers could have forgotten Ash scanned Swoobat in the 24th episode, Ash scanned Deerling in the 2nd episode, something that shouldn't be hard to forget (and once again, almost similar entries from before)!
Ash: That's a Summer Form. Summer Deerling are so cute.
Comment: I would take away some masculinity points from Ash but by this point in the series he has none. Also you think Summer Form is cute? I mean, yes, Deerling no matter what form are cute, but I would think the cutest form would be Spring as it's pink.
The Deerling starts running away and Robert says they should follow the Deerling as it may lead them to its herd. While following Deerling the path starts to get more and more foggy which Cilan warns them about.
Robert: It won't get out of my sight!
*vision of Deerling starts getting foggy*
Robert: Please Deerling hold on!
Comment: So much for "it won't get out of my sight".
Deerling vanishes in the fog causing Robert and Ash to stop chasing it however Pikachu notices that Iris and Cilan are also gone and Robert says they must have gotten lost in the fog and apologizes (how did they get lost? You were running STRAIGHT AHEAD). Ash asks what do they do next which is when Swoobat comes flying in (I'll assume Swoobat found them by hearing them, it's a bat after all) and is holding a flower (and yes, I know the flower has a name, but a flower is just a plot device and I doubt it's going to appear in any episode after this (and if it does it'll be an error as the flower is only suppose to grow on these mountains ). Robert asks Swoobat to take them to wear it found the flower but Ash says the fog is getting thick however Robert says he doesn't care as if he has a chance to find the location in the picture he'll take it and Ash agrees which Robert says as long as they follow Swoobat they'll find it (1. how do you know Swoobat found it at the spring and 2. you might want to tie a rope around Swoobats tail and hold onto it so that you don't lose vision of it in the fog). A "(S)wh(/o)o(bat) That Pokemon" later, Ash and Robert reach the spot where Swoobat found the flower just as the fog starts to clear only for Robert to say that his grandfather couldn't have taken any of the pictures here as there is no big tree. Meanwhile in a bush we see floating Pokeballs dance around (though they kind of ruin what they are by having the Amoonguss say their names...) which Pikachu goes over to look however Robert quickly runs and grabs Pikachu away just in time before it could get sprayed by a PoisonPowder. The Amoonguss hop away as Robert warns Pikachu that if you get too close to an Ammonguss it'll poison you (and apparently eat you as the Pokedex says it does this to lure in prey... unless it hopes you die from the poisoning and feed off your body as you decompose like real life mushrooms then I highly doubt this).
Ash and Robert spot either another or the same Summer Deerling in forest's foliage and Robert explains that herds are usually led by Sawsbucks so if they follow Deerling they may find a Sawsbuck. Robert has Swoobat confront the Deerling and hit it with a heart-shaped waves making it glow pink and happy while Robert explains to Ash that was Swoobat's courtship soundwave and anything hit by it becomes happy (in other words it's Attract ) which is handy for taking pictures of Pokemon who are afraid of people. After hopping around for a bit, Deerling starts moving again and they follow it to the tree which Robert recognizes as the tree in his grandfather's Deerling photo. However finding the tree distracted Ash and Robert away from the Deerling and though Ash says they can continue looking Robert tells him the sun is setting and mountains are dangerous at night so they should set up camp.
That night, after having eaten several cans of food (if their beans then maybe they shouldn't be that close to the fire...), Ash keeps looking through Robert's grandfather's album and Robert jokes that you can say his father "caught them all". Ash says he wants to see as many Pokemon as he can and that keeps him on his journey which Robert also says that keeps him going and maybe after he's done in Unova he should go to Kanto though they have to find Sawsbuck first. Robert says finding the spring under normal circumstances seems difficult and we go into another flashback of Robert's grandfather telling him mountains hide places which blurs boundaries between their worlds and others and sometimes someone walks into one of those worlds. Robert's grandfather says he's glad he's the one to had taken the photograph and experience something that no one else ever had and we fade out of the flashback. Ash tells Robert there's no reason they can't experience and they should go for it which Robert agrees with and he says they'll do it tomorrow first thing (I suppose the second thing would be finding Iris and Cilan, right?).
A Living Form Dex:
Next morning Ash is woken up by the Summer Deerling licking his head (don't do that, you don't know where Ash has been). After a pat on the head by Robert the Deerling starts leading them somewhere which Ash and Robert think are to the Sawsbuck so they start following. The Deerling leads Ash and Robert to a group of three other Deerlings which Robert says he never saw a group so calm and returns Swoobat and starts taking pictures. However while taking pictures he sees the Amoonguss hiding in one of the bushes the Deerling is near and it attacks with PoisonPowder however Robert jumps and pushes the Deerling out of the way taking the hit! The Deerling runs away as Ash runs to check on Robert asking if he has an Antidote which he says he usually does but he ran out and never restocked and Ash tells him they need to get off the mountain which Robert says is going to be tough.
Ash is carrying Robert on his back though he's struggling so quickly checks Robert's temperature to find he's burning up and gets back to carrying him. If things weren't bad enough the fog starts rolling back in and prevents Ash from seeing the path (being the path is a dirt road which is a bit lower then the forest couldn't you just have Pikachu feel around and lead you?). However from the fog appears a Summer Deerling and a Sawsbuck and they give the "follow us" head twist which Ash does having no other option. Ash follows the Deerling and Sawsbuck to the spring in Robert's grandfather's photo and Sawsbuck gives out a call which has the other three forms of Sawsbuck come out surprising Ash. The Summer Sawsbuck join the others on the other side of the spring as Ash tries to wake Robert up when the spring starts glowing gold (wait, one person near death, the main character trying to help them, deers across a body of water, a mysterious glow... OMG it's a reference to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!). The glow from the spring sprinkles onto Robert and fades away curing him of his fever (and probably also his poisoning) and Robert wakes up saying that he feels much better.
Ash tells Robert that Sawsbuck is here and Robert looks across the spring and sees them getting up quickly... and smacking heads with Ash (let me guess, they knock each other out and wake up to find themselves back at the camp site with Iris and Cilan looking over them ). No, no, Robert just apologizes and stares at the Sawsbuck and starts crying saying to his grandfather that he found them (hey, Ash, that camera around your neck, you may want to give it to Robert). The fogs starts to roll back in and the Sawsbuck leaving when Robert remembers why he was there and grabs the camera and starts getting the picture ready while Ash is right behind him choking on the strap (carrying Robert, smashing heads with him, being choked while he takes a picture, I don't think Ash was quite expecting such a painful turnout
). Robert takes the photo just as the Sawsbuck vanish with Ash wondering where they went and Robert thanking them.
Ash and Robert walk down the path as the fog fades away talking about how mysterious the spring was and how the glow from the water healed Robert. Iris and Cilan come running up to Ash and Robert saying they're glad they're alright with Cilan saying something odd about the fog lifting quickly as it came. Ash and Robert don't miss this and say the fog kept them on the mountain since yesterday which confuses Iris and Cilan who says they were only separated from them for 10 minutes! Robert says he took the picture of the Sawsbuck which he shows Iris however there's too much fog covering the picture for Iris and Cilan to believe them. Ash starts waving his arms around telling them it's true but Robert tells Ash it's alright saying that they saw and experienced something that only they can understand and that's more then enough for him which Ash agrees with ending this episode with a shot of Robert's photo next to his grandfather's.