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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: The Lonely Snover!

  • Avatar of OutwarLackey123


    [21]Aug 23, 2009
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    Wait a second, so this episode was only cropped and zoomed on CN SD?

    Shoot. I better hope FiOS adds Cartoon Network HD soon so I can watch it in HD.

    Edited on 08/23/2009 2:45am
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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [22]Aug 23, 2009
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    The new open sequence practically pwned the last one. Decent episode, but I agree that there should've been a capture in it... Either the Cherrim for Dawn (even though I prefer her getting a Leafeon instead), or Snover for Brock. Grotle learned an HM move, which has never happened before for the main characters Pok*emon, I don't think (Unless you wanna count fly for the flying types or Piplup's whirlpool).

    Edited on 08/24/2009 6:22pm
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [23]Aug 23, 2009
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    Well, i must admit, the new opening sequence is much better, although some of the scenes got cut out a bit too fast. I kinda hoped that they would just slightly crop a bit of the sides and stretch the video vertically, rather than just cropping off the sides until it's regular screen format....

    And, Grotle's crowning moment of awesome was less cool here without the Theme Song Power Up ...

    Also, to the above user, is that hinata icon from the filler arc about the tailed turtle thing, or is it a colored version of her attack on pain?
    Edited on 08/23/2009 11:37am
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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [24]Aug 23, 2009
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    This ep was cool & I also noticed the different opening. Plus, it was awsome that Grotle learned Rock Climb!
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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [25]Aug 23, 2009
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    still haven't watched it but before leaving the house i took a peek at the new opener. may i say WOW. i was impressed. cartoon network finally gives Pokemon its justice of good openers. i liked how in the end we don't have to hear the annoying "pi-pikachu! GLIS CAR!" anymore. so from now on i'm no longer gona be fastforwarding through the theme song lol
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  • Avatar of sitcomstar332


    [26]Aug 24, 2009
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    This episode was pretty good, and Im glad that Grotle learned Rock Climb
    At first, it seemed like one of trainers would keep Snover but Im glad they didnt ;P
    and the new opening was nice.
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  • Avatar of yugiohfan99


    [27]Aug 24, 2009
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    Great filler, a surprise.

    New Opening + HD = EPICAMAZING. They should of done that opening at the beginning. 100 x better. HD looks great too.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [28]Aug 25, 2009
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    yugiohfan99 wrote:
    Great filler, a surprise.

    New Opening + HD = EPICAMAZING. They should of done that opening at the beginning. 100 x better. HD looks great too.

    For the 100th time, It is NOT a Filler. Grotle learns Rock Climb, so not a Filler.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [29]Aug 25, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:

    yugiohfan99 wrote:
    Great filler, a surprise.

    New Opening + HD = EPICAMAZING. They should of done that opening at the beginning. 100 x better. HD looks great too.

    For the 100th time, It is NOT a Filler. Grotle learns Rock Climb, so not a Filler.

    It would have been more on a non-filler if Dawn caught a Cherrim or Brock caught Snover...

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [30]Aug 25, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    BAC510 wrote:

    yugiohfan99 wrote:
    Great filler, a surprise.

    New Opening + HD = EPICAMAZING. They should of done that opening at the beginning. 100 x better. HD looks great too.

    For the 100th time, It is NOT a Filler. Grotle learns Rock Climb, so not a Filler.

    It would have been more on a non-filler if Dawn caught a Cherrim or Brock caught Snover...

    To me a Filler is when the Main Characters(Including Rivals), dont catch, evolve, obtain, trade, recieve, give away, release a Pokemon or learn a new move. If a Pokemon Debuts but nothing happens, it is a Filler but a I-can-live-with Filler. Episodes with no current Generation Debuts & nothing happens are the True Fillers.

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [31]Aug 25, 2009
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    i liked the epi.

    - Grotle's shining moment

    - Grotle learning rock climb

    - Snover/Grotle friendship

    - lonely Snover no longer lonely

    - Brock's lovey dovey over the girl haha

    - Ash's support and love for Grotle

    (not to sound fruity or anything) lol

    good epi. and also, the little kids that were playing with Snover. they looked really familiar. were those the same kids that we saw back in season 1 when Misty was still around? i know i've seen the little girl with the ponytails before

    Edited on 08/25/2009 1:06pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [32]Aug 25, 2009
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    A filler is an episode without any importance. Meaning no captures, evolutions, releases, trades, getting a new pokemon in anyway. learning new moves, gym battles, contests, leagues, Grand Festivals, or character development.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [33]Aug 25, 2009
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    thec0mebackman wrote:

    i liked the epi.

    - Grotle's shining moment

    - Grotle learning rock climb

    - Snover/Grotle friendship

    - lonely Snover no longer lonely

    - Brock's lovey dovey over the girl haha

    - Ash's support and love for Grotle

    (not to sound fruity or anything) lol

    good epi. and also, the little kids that were playing with Snover. they looked really familiar. were those the same kids that we saw back in season 1 when Misty was still around? i know i've seen the little girl with the ponytails before

    If it helps the teacher did look similiar to Erika, however I don't recall what episode where I've seen art styIe for the kids before, but I do remember seeing it somewhere.

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