Figured I'd make it, since no one else has. It was nice to see Snivy have some action, and Gothitelle was an interesting pokemon. Ash sure made it to Castelia City quickly.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Figured I'd make it, since no one else has. It was nice to see Snivy have some action, and Gothitelle was an interesting pokemon. Ash sure made it to Castelia City quickly.
It was good to see a little more Snivy action.
I think Gothitelle's a beautiful-looking Pokemon. It's so human-like and dark and girly at the same time, like the goth Lolita style. I thought it looked pretty obvious, though, that Sally, the little girl in Gothitelle's memories, is the same woman whom Ash almost ran into.
All I have to say, is Good Episode.
Awesome episode! I love Gothitelle! And seeing Snivy in action was cool too!
I was not aware Gothitelle could warp space. Must be because she's a Psychic type.
Interest episode, though anyone else think that they make Gothitelle's power almost like that of an Olympus mon? Ash & co. have finally gotten to Skyarrow Bridge which would lead them to Castelia City for Ash's third Gym Battle. After having almost run into a woman who later tells them a bit about the bridge's history, a fog rolls in that even Officer Jenny's Swanna's Defog couldn't clear. Ash & co. still cross the bridge anyway when they're stopped by a Gothitelle who doesn't want to let them pass. After Snivy battles with it, an attack collision causes a bright light to surround them which causes strange things to happen. What strange things start to occur due to Gothitelle's light? Why wouldn't Gothitelle allow Ash & co. to cross the bridge? (Insert "Where is Team Rocket's R Plot" question here)? And how many times will I hit my head on the keyboard due to how obvious the plot is? You know which questions will be and won't be answered, so let's get to reading:
Running To, Into, Away, And All Around:
Ash & co. are coming out of the forest when Cilan tells them that they are reaching the Skyarrow Bridge, the biggest bridge in the Unova region. Iris says that the view from the top must be great (though, Iris, I don't think you're allowed to go up there) and Ash tells them to hurry and cross it so he can have his third Gym Battle. After the intro and title, Ash & co. marvel at the bridge's size when Ash sees a store and decides to call Professor Juniper but almost runs into a blonde woman who sounds to be coming back to Castelia City after having left some years ago. Ash apologizes to the woman and let's her on her way as Iris and Cilan tell him to calm down and he's acting like a little kid (guess which one said that ) but Ash says he's just excited. Ash calls Professor Juniper telling her he caught a Sewaddle and she tells him that's great and she's done studying Pidove so if he wouldn't mind she'll like to study Sewaddle which Ash agrees to and switches Sewaddle for Pidove. Ash & co. get ready to leave when Ash sees the blonde woman he almost ran into looking at some pictures which Cilan says were taken from back before the bridge was built which featured a boat. The woman tells them it was called a "Water Taxi" (aka a ferry) and it made regular trips and Iris asks if she lives around here but the woman says she doesn't but changes it to "not exactly" and leaves (... so is this woman a character-of-the-day or are the writers just filling space?).
Ash & co. also decide to get going but when they get outside they see a fog has quickly rolled in which an Officer Jenny rides up telling them this area is well known for fog like this and sends out a Swanna (as if Ash & co. didn't have enough of Duckletts, here is its evolution! lol). Officer Jenny tells her Swanna to use Defog... which doesn't do anything which strikes her as weird when a car drives by and she yells that cars around allowed on the bridge when it's foggy and runs after it giving Ash & co. a quick laugh (because law enforcing safety procedures is hilarous). Ash & co. decide to cross the bridge but Iris notes the fog keeps getting thicker and Ash says he can barely which Cilan agrees but they keep on walking... until one of the red tower lights attacks them! Cilan identifies the attack as Psybeam and they look up to see a Gothitelle hovering between the towers and after checking his Pokedex Ash wonders why it would attack them. Gothitelle floats down in front of them and holds its hand out to them to "stop" and Ash tells it they just want to cross the bridge and it shakes its head "no" and attacks them with another Psybeam which they quickly dodge. Cilan says Gothitelle really doesn't want them to cross but Ash says he'll just have to make Gothitelle change its mind and sends out Snivy to use Leaf Blade but Gothitelle blocks it with Protect followed by another Psybeam. Snivy uses Leaf Storm which collides with the Psybeam causing an explosion of light and suddenly Ash & co. start to fall!
Living In The Past:
They find themselves on some grass and Ash returns Snivy to see that in front of them a bridge is being built (oh no, don't tell me...) and Ash wonders where are they when a BLONDE girl nbdjdbnhdnjdxfndfjn (sorry, I was hitting my head on the keyboard... yet for some reason didn't decide to delete it and instead told you about it) who asks if they need a ride across on the water taxi. Iris asks if they should go and Cilan suggests they do as it might gives them details on what's going on and they recieve a ticket from the girl who then tells a Gothitelle hbvvbhjvhjvhjg (sorry, hitting head on keyboard again...) they have customers and to show them around (around what? that water taxi isn't exactly what a captain would call a "ship"). Iris asks if that's the same Gothitelle which attacked them but Cilan says it looks different somehow as Iris asks what they do now and Ash suggest they just get on board.
Ash & co. get on board and the girl tells Gothitelle "it's time" and Gothitelle uses Psychic to untie the rope and the girl tells the captain they're ready and the captain gets on loudspeaker to apologize to keep everyone waiting and they're now ready to set off. Ash and Iris are staring down in the water when the girl and Gothitelle walk by with a snack tray asking if they would like any juice or snacks and a scene later Ash, Pikachu, Iris, and Axew are eating cookies as Iris asks if the girl made them which she says she did while two other woman she serving thanks her. One of the woman asks the captain if the rumors of the water taxi closing is true which shocks the girl while the other woman says it's a shame and the captain says there is nothing he can do about it. Cilan leans toward Ash and Iris and tells them that he's sure the bridge they're passing next to is the Skyarrow Bridge but Iris says this bridge is unfinished.
Cilan: We somehow been transported to a world where the Skyarrow Bridge is still under construction.
Comment: "Transported to a world"... what, was time travel too "un-scientific" so you jumped to "alternate dimension"... which is even more un-scientific?
Iris: You mean we've travelled through time into the past?
Cilan: Perhaps, though there could be other explanations.
Comment: If your "other explanation" isn't a vision which Gothitelle is showing you I... I... I'd probably hit my head on the keyboard again.
Iris asks what Cilan means but they get interupted by the girl sharing a snack with Gothitelle and that seems to have made Cilan forget to answer Iris and Iris forget she asked a question . They finally get to the other side of the river... only to find that they're back on the same side where they started and Iris says this doesn't make sense and Ash asks what is going on. Cilan says he thinks they're stuck in some kind of loop and Iris asks what he means and he explains no matter how many times they ride the water taxi they'll end up right where they started shocking Ash and Iris. Sitting down on the grass, Iris asks "now what?" and they see the blonde girl telling Gothitelle they need to stock up on more snacks which Gothitelle uses its Psychic to lift boxes onto a cart which the girl and Gothitelle then push to the water taxi with a "WHEE". Cilan says that maybe they should find out more about Gothitelle and they introduce themselves to the girl who recognizes them from the customers from before (you'd think she wonder why they aren't on the other side of the river. Also if this is a loop then shouldn't that mean the girl shouldn't recognize them?) and introduces herself as Sally and they already know Gothitelle. Cilan says that Sally works on the water taxi which she says she does and her father is the captain hukskyakbgjalu (sorry, head, keyboard, you know) and Cilan says they heard the water taxi was closing and want to ride on it once more and Sally says a lot of people are saying that which Gothitelle nods in agreement. Ash asks Sally if Gothitelle is her Pokemon and she says it's a wild Pokemon but it decided to help them out and they're the best team and have a lot of work to do which they leave to do.
Back on the hill, Ash says nothing seems strange as Iris adds it's just a girl and her Pokemon (you guys still haven't figured it out yet?) and Gothitelle seems really happy which gives Cilan this idea:
Cilan: It's possible we're in a world that Gothitelle created.
Comment: D'OH!
Ash: But Cilan, how can Gothitelle do that?
Cilan explains Gothitelle can warp space and they're trapped in a world it created and concludes the fog was also Gothitelle's doing which explains why Officer Jenny's Defog didn't work. Cilan says that when the Skyarrow Bridge was built Sally and Gothitelle moved away from the area (well, Sally might have but I have a feeling not Gothitelle...) and this is a world of Gothitelle's memories and Iris adds that all the times Gothitelle had with Sally were probably the happiest memories it had. Cilan goes into a tangent how it's like a trainer creates special memories with their Pokemon before Ash brings them back on topic saying for Gothitelle's dearest memories they don't seem so great to him and Iris tells him they're special to Gothitelle. Cilan says that makes sense and they must have a special meaning to Gothitelle they don't understand as we see Sally and her father go home for the day saying goodbye to Gothitelle who wanders off and Ash & co. decide to follow.
Gothitelle floats across the bridge but Ash asks it to wait up and it gives a nasty glare as Ash says they just want to talk to it and Cilan says it created this world from its memories and they gotten trap her by accident. Ash says they want to return to their own world with Iris saying this is a nice world but they need to get back to theirs and Ash says they don't belong in this world (you forgot to add "die monster" at the beginning there). Gothitelle starts firing Psybeams again which they start dodging and Cilan suggests Ash to battle Gothitelle to maybe find out something that can get them out (or maybe knocking it would revert everything back to normal) and Ash sends out Snivy who starts dodging Psybeams and uses Vine Whip which Gothitelle blocks with Proect as they destory the scaffolding around them. Snivy uses Leaf Blade but Gothitelle vanishes and uses Double Team to create a whole group of Gothitelle before using Psybeam behind Snivy to knock it back and Cilan says that Gothitelle will do anything to protect its memories. Ash asks if Snivy can go on which it can and does Leaf Storm which Gothitelle blocks with Protect and Snivy follows with a Leaf Blade which Gothitelle counters with a Psybeam forcing Snivy to land. Gothitelle uses Psychic to lift the buidling equipment up but the blonde woman at the very beginning of the episode runs up telling Gothitelle to stop and that it's "her" which stops Gothitelle in the middle of its attack.
But Time Refused To Stop:
The blonde woman says it must remember her revealing that she's Sally and Gothitelle stops its attack is shock along with Ash & co. as we get flashbacks of young Sally working with Gothitelle before a still shot fades into older Sally. Sally explains she got lost in Gothitelle's world when walking through the fog and says it was made with Gothitelle's memories and we get more flashbacks of the Skyarrow Bridge's grand opening and that night Sally's father telling her this is the last ride of the water taxi. As her father closes up the station, Sally gives him flowers saying this is for his hard work and as he thanks her Gothitelle starts crying and Sally tells it to cheer up wiping away its tears. The day they moved Sally sees Gothitelle watching them and asks it if it wants to come with them which it agrees and older Sally starts explaining they moved to a city where her uncle owned a factory and when she got older she decided to leave for medical school to become a doctor leaving Gothitelle with her father but was told years later that Gothitelle had vanished.
Sally says she now knows Gothitelle went back to the Skyarrow Bridge and tells it she's now a doctor and goes to hospital to hospital and has been assigned to a hospital here and came to have a look. Sally says she missed this place like Gothitelle does and had fun back then riding the water taxi and how special it was to them and thanks Gothitelle for the momories but then goes on to say they can't turn back the hands of time and starts to tear up. Gothitelle wipes away Sally's tears and both smile at each other and they're retuned back to their time but Gothitelle had vanished but Sally spots in on top of the suspension towers. Sally asks it if she comes visit can they see each other again and Gothitelle smiles back at her before vanishing in fog and Cilan says that by seeing Sally grown up it had put Gothitelle's memories to rest and Sally asks if he's sure and Cilan says he sures as Gothitelle saw she cherished those memories too. Iris says Gothitelle looked happy which Sally agreed with as Officer Jenny pulls up saying the strange fog had finally cleared and Ash and Iris says it isn't quite as strange which Officer Jenny shrugs off and says she'll open the bridge again (so does that mean Ash & co. were trespassing before?). Ash suggest they cross the bridge though stop to think how the water taxi rode where it once was and Sally thanks them and Iris says it was amazing to see how it was like before the bridge was built and they'll never forget it and Sally says "it's like a dream the memories, hidden within a wisps of a passing fog" while looking up at the tower where Gothitelle was on.
Ash & co. say their goodbyes to Sally as they say they have a lot of memories to make with their Pokemon and Ash rushes his way down Skyarrow Bridge (so Sally walked with them to almost the end of Skyarrow Bridge only to then to turn and walk all the way back across?) to Castelia City and hopefully if third Gym Battle.