aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand J is dead
or not
I saw her glasses floating so I'm skeptical
only one more episode of the exciting 3 part VS Galactic Finale!
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand J is dead
or not
I saw her glasses floating so I'm skeptical
only one more episode of the exciting 3 part VS Galactic Finale!
Well, I'm really glad I ignored the spoilers for this episode. I had a feeling that Hunter J would go down with Team Galactic, though I have to say, I was hoping it would be Ash and the others who did it. Man, I don't think they've ever done anything like that with an antagonist on this show before.
HaydenAvery wrote: |
Another action packed episode. Next is the finale. |
EddyBob15 wrote: | ||
I wont spoil but you're gonna be dissapointed....
Awesome episode! Part 2 of the Galactic Finale! And it was so cool to see the return of J, as well as Gary and the Lake Guardian trio.
Now did you really think the Team Galactic plot was going to take a quick break? Well Team Galactic has all the Lake Trio, Hunter J looks to be dead, and Ash & co. have been thrown (or rather teleported) into the middle of all this. That's all I really got to say. Well, everything that I didn't mention in my review below of course:
Anyone Can Capture Azelf, Mesprit Is The Hard One:
* So we begin the episode... where is Ash & co.? Hey, the Lake Trio! And now a shadow is chasing them? WHAT'S GOING ON!
* Oh... it was just a dream. But Ash & co. soon find out they all had the same dream meaning the Lake Trio is in trouble and if you payed attention last episode you should know by who.
* By Hunter J, don't you remember? But not only is Hunter J here, but she also brought a Galactic Bomb! GARY! And he's apparently working with Rowan and were expecting Hunter J to appear.
* Rowan warns his assistants at the other lakes as Gary sends out Electivire to somehow battle Hunter J (I'd be more worried about being blown away by the lake destroying bomb) but Saturn then appears.
* Saturn's Toxicroak takes down both of Gary's Pokemon with ease and then drops the bomb which explodes which also affects Ash (BTW, this is all at Lake Valor, you know, Azelf).
* Apparently instead of evaporating all the water in the lake the Galactic Bomb seems to have opened a portal in it. Saturn explains the Lake Trio don't live in the lake but just views the world from another dimension using the lake.
* No, Brock, it's more like Team Galactic payed Hunter J to capture the Lake Trio, no alliances were made. Activity is happening at the other lakes with Carolina asking if Ash & co. are involved which Rowan confirms.
* Gary tries to attack Hunter J but Saturn's Toxicroak Poison Jabs his Electivire. Hunter J's Salamence Hyper Beams the glowing orb which releases Azelf as a swarm of Golbats comes to attack it.
* Azelf uses Extrasensory to take down many of the Golbats and even hits Hunter J with it... unfortunely the attack on Hunter J was right when she fired a petrification beam at it and turned it into a statue. And Ash as well gets another headache from this.
All Going... Sorta... As Planned:
* Back at Team Galactic HQ, Cyrus explains when one of the Lake Trio is in trouble the two will appear to help it. With that being said Mesprit and Uxie both appear, give a telepathic jolt to Dawn and Brock before teleporting away.
* Feeling they need to help, Ash & co. rush out to find Cynthia waiting for them. Back at the lake Saturn receives the statufied Azelf as Gary is unable to do anything against Toxicroak (he only brought Electivire & Umbreon with him?) but then the Mesprit and Uzie appear!
* Both Mesprit and Uxie get ready to attack but have to dodge an attack from Mars' Purugly and Jupiter's Skuntank. They then begin dodging attacks from the Golbats until meeting up with Hunter J.
* Now being they have Teleport, you'd think that they would just Teleport away from the trouble, next to Azelf, and Teleport away with Azelf to a safe place. But instead both Mesprit and Uxie use Future Sight and Mesprit is then statufied.
* Uxie attacks Hunter J with an Extrasensory, hits her... and then is statufied a few seconds later. Dawn and Brock both gets headache and Cynthia explains that the'll have to defeat Team Galactic to free the Lake Trio and are going to Mt. Coronet to meet up with Looker.
* With the Lake Trio captured Saturn informs Hunter J that she got her payment but as she takes off both Mesprit's and Uzie's Future Sight attacks hit and Hunter J's ship sinks into Lake Valor and explodes! Was this the end of Hunter J? Well, that mystery will have to wait.
* At Mt. Coronet, Team Rocket are looking for Team Galactic when they spot Looker and decide to land to... say hello? Looker tells them to be quiet as Team Galactic are monitoring the area and Team Rocket then volunteer to help take down Team Galactic.
* Cynthia explains Team Galactic has everything they need to summon Dialga and Palkia and worries what will happen when Team Galactic gains control of them. So... is Giratina involved in anyway with this? Or is that the "ancient power no one is aware of" she was talking about?
* Team Galactic then puts a peice of the red chain on the Lake Trio and they un-statufy and begin panicing as Ash, Dawn, and Brock feel the pain as well. Then suddenly they are teleported out of Cynthia's care!... Okay, I have either a Star Trek joke or a Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D joke which is sort of also liek the Star Trek joke, which would you like to hear?
* Team Galactic seemed to have gotten control of the Lake Trio and suddenly Ash & co. teleport right in. Croagunk jumps out of its Pokeball ready to have a brawl with Toxicroak (with Pikachu & Piplup and Skuntank & Purugly joining in as well) until Cyrus stops the fight, with Ash & co. shocked to see Cyrus.
* Outside Looker and Team Rocket find entrance to Spear Pillar and Team Rocket not wanting to wait puts on their Team Galactic disguises.
* Cyrus goes on about human emotion being useless and mankind won't progress because of it blah blah blah. He tells Ash & co. that he created Team Galactic and decide to have them stick around being there must be a reason why the Lake Trio summoned them. But before they could, Ash & co. decide to just have Piakchu and Piplup attack the containers as Croagunk goes to battle against Toxicroak.
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
Then suddenly they are teleported out of Cynthia's care!... Okay, I have either a Star Trek joke or a Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D joke which is sort of also liek the Star Trek joke, which would you like to hear? |
EddyBob15 wrote: | ||
Actually I was more making a joke about how I could make jokes, though I can create some now:
Star Trek Joke: Scotty, work on your aim, you beamed up three kids, an electric mouse, and a penguin. Meanwhile Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and red shir *SPLAT*... Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are still stuck on the squishing planet!
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D: Meanwhile in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D Luna was beaming up to the Spirit World but the signals got mixed so now Ash & co. are in a forest with leaves falling back onto the trees and Luna is surrounded by weird space men with all the same stupid green hair cut.