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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: The Psyduck Stops Here

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Dec 27, 2008
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    Yay for random Muk love?
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  • Avatar of trfan


    [2]Dec 27, 2008
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    I've got to say, I've missed Psyduck (any Psyduck) a lot more than I've missed Misty. At least we've had three appearances of random psyducks to date (including the Poketch episode).
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [3]Dec 27, 2008
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Yay for random Muk love?

    I laughed at that part. Once again TR ruin the episode with their dumb lines. At least it was better than the stupidest filler- Electrike Company, which featured no new 4th Gen or any 4th Gen other than the main characters Pokemon.
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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [4]Dec 27, 2008
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    I loved this episode! Intense, albeit one sided, battles with most of the Pok*emon, Piplup trying to act all incharge, Ash gliding into walls with Gliscor, Brock pulling out the old Takeshi Paradise outfit infront of Dawn, cute lil "Psyduck-lings", and hilarious Muk love!

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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [5]Dec 27, 2008
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    i like how this episode was diffrent from the video game version in the game you jus have to give thime somthing for there headace to make thim git out of the way in the anime version it is way better i like the baby psyducks thay were so cute.
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  • Avatar of tvmasterdoodles


    [6]Dec 28, 2008
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    the only thing I didn't like about this episode was the fact that when Brock did Takeshi's paardise in the dub here, it's background music was removed! I mean even 4kids kept it! why not Duart?

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [7]Dec 28, 2008
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    tvmasterdoodles wrote:

    the only thing I didn't like about this episode was the fact that when Brock did Takeshi's paardise in the dub here, it's background music was removed! I mean even 4kids kept it! why not Duart?

    Because people are getting sick of it, and plus they'd have to dub it. They can't use the 4Crap version of it.

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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [8]Dec 28, 2008
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    Are psyduck actually water pokemon?
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [9]Dec 28, 2008
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    nicknameless101 wrote:
    Are psyduck actually water pokemon?

    Of course, but everyone was used to seeing Misty's Psyduck being a baby about going in water.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [10]Dec 28, 2008
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    Just saw it now, it was a pretty good episode, and there were some funny moments, too, such as Ash and Gliscor crashing into walls, and random Muk love. I really liked how almost every pokemon was sent into battle except for Pachirisu and Sudowoodo.. But what I'm mostly looking forward to is the upcoming arc!
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Dec 28, 2008
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    This was certainly an episode which raised a few eyebrows, but had a nice few laughs. When I saw the group of Psyducks I immidietly thought back to Diamond and Pearl where a group of Psyduck was blocking your way because their headaches grew too intense for them. I'm surprised that that wasn't the case here, though it would have given us another chance to see Cynthia. But seriously speaking, was it Pikachu's day off or something? You count how many times I told them to use Pikachu:

    Veering Off From The Games:
    * This is interesting, a trio of Psyduck are blocking the way. Haven't seen Psyduck's in the anime since Misty's last appearance in Hoenn.
    * Eek! I guess they must be territorial. A quick zap from Pikachu should stun them long enough to pass them.
    * .... But Turtwig is good too... or not. Hmm, very stubborn these are.
    * And looks like Piplup's negotiating/battling didn't help much either. But even if Piplup's attacks hit, it wouldn't have done much damage.
    * Brock, Croagunk is a Fighting/Poison-type and those Psyduck can use Confusion, Croagunk would be taken out with one hit!
    * With Croagunk down, next up is... Chimchar? Ash, Chimchar is a FIRE-type and Psyduck is a WATER-type. What about that ELECTRIC-type mouse on your shoulder, you know, Pikachu your Starter?

    Pikachu's Day Off:
    * And to add insult to injury, here is Team Rocket... and they're helping? Being Ash and co. now have a few knocked out Pokemon, wouldn't it be a good chance to attack? Dawn's right, loser is definietly part of their vocabulary. -_-;
    * Spoke too soon, they're trying to get the Psyducks to help them... though I don't think the Psyduck liked their offer. Well at least it wasn't Pikachu doing the launch off.
    * Happiny's turn, and I think we made it clear that jumping at them doesn't work. And I think we finally discovered Happiny's weight limit, poor thing must have over-exhausted itself lifting that much.
    * Swinub is just as bad a Chimchar, not only is its Gound-type weak to Water, but Water-types are resistant to Ice. Though a Confusion took it out all the same.
    * What should you do next? How about using the strongest Pokemon you have with you: Pikachu. Don't you think using a weakness of Water-types and having the ability to Paralyze them might help you out a bit?
    * Ash, why not just have Staravia carry you? I'm sure it can hold you for a little while, just long enough to see what the Psyduck are blocking you from. And look, Brock is in his Takeshi Paradise outfit for yet more distracting!

    Bumpy Flight & Crash:
    * There are many things you can't blame Ash for even if it's his fault in someway, but him trusting Gliscor to fly without crashing into anything is something you can blame on him.
    * Oh, so that's it, the Psyduck are protecting their breeding grounds. So that's what Psyduck Eggs look like, yellow with pale "Psyduck feet" patches.
    * Um, Ash, why are you having Gliscor fly you back when you know how bad it was the first time? Though I was about to LOL for real when Ash kicked the Psyduck in the head and they were all "WTF?"!
    * Their friends? If Psyduck follow the usual animal role then I think those would be male Psyduck and they're protecting their mates. Anyway defeating Team Rocket should prove Ash and co. mean no harm, hopefully.
    * Yay, Chimchar and one of the Psyduck's did the second launch off! I hope this means the writers decided to give Pikachu a break from doing all the launch offs. And being one of the Psyducks helped and didn't attack Chimchar also I wonder if that means...

    Pond Sweet Pond:
    * Huh? What's going on?... Oh, the Psyduck Eggs are hatching! Though they are just tiny versions of the adult Psyducks, that tiny size seems to make them a bit more cute.
    * Erm, guys, maybe you shouldn't get too near and instead continue down the path to Celestic Town while you still can?
    * Ah food, the international language of good will meaning. So there is another lake called Lake Psyduck... which is much bigger, plentiful, and beautiful. So why did they move from it...
    * Muks! Even one of those could force any living thing away, let alone three. Though Ash and co. certainly won't stand for that!
    * Oh good grief, the Muk were launched into a polluted pond with a batch of I suppose female Muks? Looks like everyone wins at the end (well, except for Team Rocket of course).

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [12]Dec 28, 2008
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    The last ep with Psyduck they had prior to this one was the Kanto rip-off ep of "Snubbull Snobbery" with the girl who babied her Psyduck too much and it ran away.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [13]Dec 28, 2008
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:
    The last ep with Psyduck they had prior to this one was the Kanto rip-off ep of "Snubbull Snobbery" with the girl who babied her Psyduck too much and it ran away.

    The episode called: "Sitting Psyduck", right?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [14]Dec 28, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:
    TKnHappyNess wrote:
    The last ep with Psyduck they had prior to this one was the Kanto rip-off ep of "Snubbull Snobbery" with the girl who babied her Psyduck too much and it ran away.
    The episode called: "Sitting Psyduck", right?

    The episode he's refering too is "Sitting Psyduck". However I checked Bulbapedia and Psyduck has appeared before in Sinnoh during Season 10. It was DP010 "Not on MY Watch Ya Don't" where Team Rocket recorded a Psyduck using Hypnosis and after it was done they gave it a fruit basket and it went on its way. They then used the recording in their fake Poketches to hypnotize trainer's Pokemon.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [15]Dec 30, 2008
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    Lol, I just realized that this was the first time Turtwig used Bite since it's battle with Kenny's Breloom. Long time, huh?
    Edited on 12/30/2008 2:12am
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [16]Dec 30, 2008
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Lol, I just realized that this was the first time Turtwig used Bite since it's battle with Kenny's Breloom. Long time, huh?
    Then we don't see at again.
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  • Avatar of tenacon


    [17]Jan 2, 2009
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    How do I keep missing the good episodes? Arceus I feel stupid.
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