I know it was an epic battle and Sceptile and Pikachu really proved themselves with that battle, but I just cannot get over the fact that this battle was so one-sided. Honestly, it seems like a kind of reverse dues ex machina to me, where the writers knew that Ash was the strongest he's ever been and after his amazing battle with Paul, only a trainer with Legendaries could possibly beat him. Also, I'm sure the writers knew that if Ash ever wins a League, the entire storyline would shift into unknown territory instead of the same old plot: beat all 8 Gyms and enter the League. Because besides Cynthia vaguely mentioning the Champion League, who knows what happens to the winners of the Leagues?
Yes, Ash didn't choose very good Pokemon for this battle. This would have been worth calling Liza and having her send Charizard his way. The best team he could've put together would have been (IMO): Pikachu, Charizard, Sceptile, Snorlax, Heracross, and Gliscor (although Gliscor is debatable). Starting off with Heracross was the smartest move Ash made in the entire battle since Sleep Talk was a perfect counter against Darkrai and it had a great type advantage; unfortunately, it just wasn't enough. All in all, this was just a major let-down after the epic battle between Ash and Paul. But at least Ash didn't lose to a freaking Meowth in Boots again...