This. Episode. Was... DISAPPOINTING! What! How can I say such a thing about an episode seemingly based on nostalgia? Note the word "seemingly", but very little of this episode was actually nostalgic! They completely changed James backstory (though this wasn't the worse of the changes) and no one remembered James backstory, especially who Jessiebelle is (I guess the writers decided if the characters remembered they would wonder why James backstory suddenly changed
)! Plus I also don't understand why James didn't want Jessiebelle from seeing the letter, apparently Jessiebell already knew about the letter as she accepted James' marriage proposal. Also, even if Jessiebelle did read the letter, how would anything change? James is already running away from her and she's already obsessed about him! Plus Team Rocket's friendship with each other was also a bit bothering, though this was probably because they were made to forget about James backstory. Overall, this was a dissapointing episode for someone who was looking for a nostalgic "blast from the past". Here's my review:
And It Looked To Have Started Out Well:
* Oh, so apparently SAVING SINNOH AND THE REST OF THE WORLD... no, UNIVERSE apparently isn't enough merit to have someone drive Ash & co. over to Sunyshore City!
* Hmm? Looks like Monferno dug into a tough peice of... treasure chest? Of course none of them can open it, and here's Team Rocket. Guess what they want? 
* Yes Team Rocket, Ash & co. will no doubt give you the Treasure Chest to "deliver" to Officer Jenny DRESSED LIKE PIRATES! Well they sure gave up their disguise quickly... and blasted off quickly (it's not even 5 minutes in!)
* Oh! The treasure chest belongs to James and buried it when he was a kid! So knowing that it'll probably be filled with bottle caps (and maybe another Grass-type Pokemon's Pokeball he accidently locked up
* Hearing it might contain some of James' allowance, Team Rocket walk up to Ash & co. and tell them the story and James tries to open it... to no previal until he remembered it's a voice activated password.
* Growlie! I remember Growlie! Figures James would have the password contain his only childhood friends name... err... nevermind, apparently he got it wrong three times so the security system (which apparently is a LASER CANNON) activates and blasts them off once more.
* However the second blast off causes James to remember the content of the treasure chest and it's something that he doesn't want anyone to know about. Cut to Ash & co. in front of a mansion... you don't think it's one of James' other summer mansions?
Forgetting The Past:
* Ever so eager, one of James' family butlers recognizes the treasure chest and takes it from Ash & co. and being looking for James. Oh come on Ash, I know they're the antagonist but you have to admit the backstory of James is kind of hard to forget.
* But Brock soon reminds Ash and both tell Dawn that James's family is stinkin' rich. As the butler, named Sebastian, demands for James whereabouts, Team Rocket watches above wiht James worried that Sebastian would call James' parents and Jessiebelle...
* OMG! Okay, now being they are the antagonist to Ash, Ash sort of (in a stretchy sort of way) has an excuse to not remember James' backstory, BUT JESSIE AND MEOWTH FORGOT ABOUT JESSIEBELLE? That's Tauros-mulch right there!
* James quickly reminds Jessie and Meowth of Jessiebelle and as true friends to James... totally refuse to help him get back the treasure chest (Team Rocket's loyalty to one another is as fickle as their memory) but eventually agree after some begging from James.
* If you have to guess... BROCK! YOU AND ASH (and Misty) PERFECTLY KNOW WHY JAMES RAN AWAY! Seriously, are the writers just completely ignoring the Season 1 episode where James backstory was revealed? I mean in that episode they and Team Rocket had to keep escaping from Jessiebelle and her Vileplume which was ATTACKING THEM!
* Sebastian thanks Ash & co. for finding James treasure chest by serving them some desserts and asks where they foudn the treasure chest. But before they coudl answer the door rings and of course its Team Rocket, but in a disguise which now thinking about it you wonder they never tried before at James' other mansions to try and get some money: Jessie is dressed as Jessiebelle.
* Ash and Brock remember Jessiebelle after forgetting who she was for a few seconds but still act they never met her (SHE TRIED TO KILL YOU!), and are told to bring them treasure chest. Though another point they ignored was the fact Jessiebelle looked exactly like Jessie which Dawn should have noticed! Anyway, before they do...
Awesome, but what's Growlie doing in Sinnoh? Oh, so it's just visiting for the day, but Growlie's nose knows (see what I did there) and reveals James.
Comparing The Contrastings:
* And after a tearful welcome back by Sebastian, he sends out a Spinarak to tie up James! James sends out Mime Jr. to stop Sebastian and his Spinarak with Teeter Dance (James, you could have had Growlie do a Flamethrower, Fire-types are strong against Bug-types) and presses a button sending both butler and Pokemon down a trap hole.
* James takes the treasure chest and is asked why is the treasure chest so importent. So after getting comfortable (as in Ash & co and Jessie and Meowth stuffing their faces while James tells his "tragic tale"), James reveal that the writers have completely changed James backstory, though not too badly.
* Originally, James' parents introduced James to Jessiebelle as his future wife and begin telling how she'll change him which right after he ran away from home. Oh, and it took place in Kanto. Now the story goes like this
* The first time James met Jessiebelle he actually did get a little crush on her and even wrote a love letter to her. James' parents saw James little crush development and gave him the treasure chest to put the letter in and to give it to Jessiebelle who James was invited to the next day.
* Jessiebelle apparently knew what James was going to ask and it was then James find out Jessiebelle wasn't exactly the girl he thought her to be. They did seem to have changed James reason for not liking Jessiebelle (sort of), while originally it was because Jessiebelle wanted to "sophisticate" James, it has been changed to that Jessiebelle wanted James to get rid of Growlie and get a Skitty instead.
* James ran away from Jessiebelle's mansion and decided to bury the treasure chest using Growlie's Dig, meaning now James' running away took place in Sinnoh. James reveal if Jessiebelle was to read that letter now it would have showed that at one point James did like her and... well to be quite honest nothing much would change, James would still be running away from Jessiebelle and she and James' parents would still be trying to get the two married.
Let's Escape From This Already:
* The mansion's security system goes off and on the TV screen we see several helicopters flying toward, two of which is holding up a couch with guess who sitting on it: Jessiebelle. Apparently Sebastian still had his cell phone and called to alert James' paretns and Jessiebelle.
* James had made escape routes just incase "of emergancies like this" (didn't James run away soon after finding out how Jessiebelle is really like? How did he "prepare for emergancies like this?"), but upon Jessiebelle entering the mansion Sebastian breaks out of the hole and informs Jessiebelle of James' escape route.
* While running down the escape route, Ash & co. ask why they are running as this is Team Rocket's problem, which is a valid point as Ash & co. could simply walk out of the mansion without being stopped by Jessiebelle's body guards. James tells them its their fault they dug up the treasure chest which lead to this and demand them to fix it which gets heads scratching.
* James tries another failed attempt to open the treasure chest and soon sees Sebastian and Jessiebelle running right behind them.
* Ash & co. and Team Rocket reach the end of the tunnel and begin blocking the exit with rocks (well Ash and Brock anyway) as James tries another attempt at the password, this time just purely guessing (Growlie and Carnivine were sort of good attempts, but Dialga?).
* Jessie also make an attempt (this time saying Palkia) but obviously is also wrong, but as we remember the third wrong password activates the security system... but instead of just turning into a cannon is turns into a cannon-faced robot! Growlie blocks the treasure bots cannon blast and James decided to just destroy both the treasure chest and the letter inside.
* The treasure chest not only has a cannon, but also mini-missiles! However Growlie manages to dodge the mini-missiles and take the treasure chest down... and after confirming its defeat the treasure chest turns into a rocket ship and blasts off... the writers were smoking something when they wrote this, weren't they?
* Jessiebelle has her Vileplume use SolarBeam to blast the door open (inside the cave no less where there is no sunlight...) and demands James to surrender. James asks for a second to say goodbye and huddles up with Ash & co. and asks Ash to blast Team Rocket off.
* Now here is where a few things which made no sense occured:
-(1.) James says that Ash & co. shouldn't worry where they would be blasted off to. I don't see whay James needed to say this being Ash & co. blasted Team Rocket off HUNDREDS of times and usually never bothered to wonder where Team Rocket went as they knew they would be appearing the next day.
-(2.) Jessie and Meowth are angry that James is including them in this whole mess. All of the sudden the strong friendship which Jessie, James, and Meowth, which some might say is as strong as the friendship Ash has with Pikachu) is suddenly non-existent!
-(3.) Jessie and Meowth looked worry when Ash has Pikachu blast them off. Seriously, they knew this was coming and they've been shocked by Pikachu HUNDREDS of times, their reaction should have been more "oh well" then "OMG".
* So Pikachu sends Team Rocket blasting off with James quickly saying goodbye to Growlie and then remembering the password to the treasure chest was "Open Password" with Meowth asking him how does he operate without a brain, which I would like to answer with exaclty how the writers wrote this episode...
* But wait, that's not Jessie with them but Jessiebelle! Meanwhile Jessie had landed on Jessiebelle's couch and gets greeted by all her guards who mistake her for Jessiebelle (yet Dawn didn't notice the similarities between Jessie and Jessiebelle?).
* We begin wrapping up this episode with Dawn saying todat (or this episode) was a bizarre one which I completely agree with... but for all the wrong reasons! Anyway they decide to put this adventure behind them knowing Dawn has a Pokemon Contest coming up and Ash a Gym Battle.
* And now we end this episode with one of the few rightful nostalgic things in this episode, Jessiebelle getting the last lines saying "Your not runnin' properly" like she did WAY back in EP048 "Holy Matrimony!", showing that the dub writers have more memory of what happened in that episode then the original writers... and the current dub writers aren't the originally dubbers!