Today's episode was good, but for anyone who saw EP153 "Love, Totodile Style", AG105 "Once in a Mawile", or AG161 "Odd Pokemon Out" would know how this plotline sort of works now. At any rate this episode really didn't bring much (unless Piplup becomes emo for not able to get Marill's affections) and only interesting thing was what happened at the end of the episode while Dawn was talking with her mom. The only other thing I would like to say is what were exactly Team Rocket's goal in this episode? First they just wanted to steal the Lum Berries and when they grabbed Marill, Piplup, and Elekid that was just a "bonus". But upon losing them Team Rocket suddenly switched goals with having those three Pokemon being their main goal totally forgetting about the Lum Berries! What, did all the Electrical shocks from Pikachu give Team Rocket ADD that they cna't focus on just one goal? (NOTE: I mean no offense to anyone who has ADD, I'm just stating how Team Rocket is acting). Anyway here is the review as if this summery wasn't long enough already:
Are Grass-types Just Better Gardeners:
* Great, looks like Ash and co. are caught in another stor... hmm, why is Dawn running?... RAIKOU, AND IT'S ATTACKING DAWN! BUT SAVED... by Piplup who took a Legendaries' electrical attack? Piplup tries to fight back but is knocked back and... apparently wakes up from a dream it's having 
* A Berry orchard, you know this is the first time they showed these berries growing on trees that look different from each other (though of course they don't look like their in-game tree design).
* And while smelling a Tomato Berry Piplup got a "TAIL TO THE HEAD" by a very familiar looking tail... a Marril's. I guess it must the orchard's guarding Pokemo... oh no, Piplup's in love with the Marill, lol! :laugh:
* Oh Ash... this is why any ships with Ash in it isn't likely to happen until Ash is done with his Pokemon Journey, but he should still know what everyone is talking about considering TWO of his Pokemon went through this (Totodile & Sceptile)!
* And look, Marill has a female trainer for Brock to flirt over, bring in Croagun... oh, I guess not, actually now seeing the height difference I think Lilu is younger then the girls Brock usually goes after.
* So Lilu's parents left a little girl to take care of an whole entire orchard by herself... does the whole entire Sinnoh just have a lax view when it comes to parental supervision? I mean first is leaving kids in the control room of a train, then not putting up guard rails on a pathway through a mountain full of caves, and now this...
* Oh, so apparently it's Sunfloras that do all the work watering the berries and pumping the water from the well (I was about to ask why they don't use Water-type Pokemon to water the berries, but decided that being Water-type Pokemon spray water from their mouths that water probably shouldn't be used for nourishment needs).
* Piplup also takes a whack at pumping the well and with Marill thanking it... Piplup just gets heart in its eyes. Oh come on, I was expecting something like Piplup getting excited it begins pumping the water so fast it begins rapidly overflowing the bucket under the pump. I DEMAND AMUSEMENT!
* Oh, now they're having Marill spraying the Berries with water which leads me back to asking why don't they just have Water-type Pokemon water the berries? And Piplup, why are you using a watering spray when you can use water moves too?
Someone Needs To Check Bulbapedia More Often:
* But suddenly Marill is hit with an electrical attack and so is Piplup... I guess that Raikou from Piplup's dream is here for revenge. No, it's actually an Elekid... and Ash why did you pull out your Pokedex for Elekid? You, May, and Dawn have scanned an Elekid with your Pokedex already in EP261 "Here's Lookin' at You, Elekid", AG154 "Reversing the Charges", and DP003 "When Pokémon Worlds Collide!, respectively.
* Is it just me or are all Elekids in the anime act like jerks (or at least at first for some)? So this Elekid is wild and likes picking fights with Marill... and now apparently Piplup, guess it likes having the adventage in fights.
* Ash sends Pikachu in to break up the fight but Piplup pushes it out of the way and Dawn wants Piplup to do it to look good for Marill... I give Piplup 10 seconds max before it goes down. Oh, it actually managed to survive for 14 seconds (yes, I counter), guess I lost that bet. 
* Um, Dawn and Brock, did you just so happen to forget that Piplup was UP AGAINST AN ELECTRIC-TYPE WITH IT KNOWING NO GROUND-TYPE MOVES! Sure, Water-type attacks do neutral damage to Electric-types but being Elekid shocked through Piplup's strongest attack Whirlpool, I think Piplup is going to need a bit of a stronger attack.
* While Piplup replaces the Raikou in its dream with Elekid, Brock comes up with the theory that Elekid is attacking Marill because it likes it... okay, let's do a quick lesson here. Marill and its evolution Azumarill is part of the Water 1 & Fairy Egg Groups. Elekid, being a Baby Pokemon, is part of the No Egg Groups meaning it can't breed. Now even if Elekid evolves into an Electabuzz or Electivire, they would be part of the Humanshape Egg Group. So unless the anime go out of game mechanics (which wouldn't be surprising), then that shouldn't be a solution to why Elekid is attacking Marill.
* Or Elekid could be missing on purpose because it likes seeing Pokemon "dance", you know like how in westerns the antagonists shoot bullets at the feet of people they are tormenting to make them dance.
* Lum Berries? *checks Bulbapedia* okay, besides from having a long growth period and there is only a few ways of getting some in the games, I don't see what's so impressive about them (though it does cure any status ailment). And hey, we haven't seen Team Rocket yet so let's bring them in! Apparently they too are interesting in the Lum Berries (though at first Jessie was interested in the Sunflora).
* Impress Marill? Both of them are just chasing a ball... oh, now Piplup is trying to balance itself on the ball but flops over... and now we cut away from that apparently pointless scene to Lilu patrolling the orchard and find a Sun... MEOWTH! IT'S MEOWTH'S SUNFLORA SUIT, YAY
! Lilu tells the disguised Meowth that the work day is over... even though Lilu shoudl know by now that when the sun is down Sunflora enter into a sleep state.
* Why was Team Rocket crawling? Meowth gave the call that the coast was clear for them to pick the Lum berries. Also Meowth, being you all are far away I'm pretty sure Ash and co. (+ Lilu) can see enough of the orchard to see Jessie and James picking the Lum Berries a yard or two away from you.
* But of course Marill's ears can perfectly here what Team Rocket is doing while Piplup... just conveniently was having a hard time sleeping and woke up to wash its face with water. And while Marill and Piplup are stopping Team Rocket, the Elekid saw Piplup and Marill together and they start fighting each other letting Team Rocket get away.
* As all three are fighting (don't know how Marill got into the middle of the brawl) Jessie reaches in a grabs Marill even before knowing Piplup and Elekid (yes, Brock was right about Elekid liking Marill) both like Marill (raising the question why she grabbed in then) and use it as a Pokemon Shield from Piplup and Elekid attacking them... just for James to then scoop them up into bag.
* Dawn wakes up finding Piplup gone and... wait, we first have to go through a scene of Jessie deciding to act like matchmaker in a rather scary way... and back to everyone waking up finding Piplup and Marill gone (this would have been the perfect time to make an eloping joke).
Some Actual Smart Thinking:
* Anyway they go outside to look for them when they come across a broken portion of the fence. But they completely ignore it and instead conclude that a loose Lum Berry they found was picked and whoever picked it kidnapped Marill and Piplup... wow, Brock, was that a lucky guess or do you often jump to conclusions this quickly? I mean who said the Lum Berry they found couldn't have fallen off or if they were indeed picked Piplup and Marill went to pursue to pickers?
* *Watches as Piplup and Elekid fight for with each other, Jessie letting them do so, which results their attacks colliding and destroying the Meowth Balloon* Yay Team Rocket, no reason to put Piplup and Elekid into a sealed container.
But that was enough to get Piplup, Marill, and Elekid free and lost in the forest. But now that their balloon is busted, the cage and container is broken, and the Lum Berries scattered all over the place, what does Team Rocket do? Why they go after Piplup, Marill, and Elekid even though their original plan was only to steal the Lum Berries.
* And as the three Pokemon are running away, they soon find out that they should never follow direction choices from Piplup. Ash & co. (+ Lilu) find Team Rocket's Balloon and then we go back to Piplup, Marill, and Elekid probably trying to get back to the orchard. While they are going Piplup and Elekid are fighting with eath other, Elekid helps get a ramp for Marill to climb up a small edge which for some reason it and Piplup were able to jump over just fine, and Piplup giving Elekid a ride across a stream after Marill asked it to.
* nd to add on to what Meowth said, normal thieves would just stick to what they were originally planning to thieve and let any "bonus" they got get away if they lose it but not Team Rocket.
Anyway Gliscor finds them and tells Ash and co. (+ Lilu)... without crashing into Ash. Meanwhile Piplup and Elekid decide to actually attack Team Rocket this time even though they are holding Marill captive (they actually learned something). And even though Team Rocket sorta had an adventage with Carnivine, they still lost rather quickly... and yet they haven't thought of hurting Marill to stop them because...
* Ash & co. (+ Lilu) come in and watch as Piplup and Elekid battle to save Marill. While doing so Elekid manages to paralyze Yanmega who managed to survive the Super Effective Electrical attack it got it with while Carnivine went down from the Not Very Effective Whirlpool Piplup through at it. Jessie had managed to save a Lum Berry and plans on healing Yanmega with it... but eats it instead not realizing Yanmega is the one that needs to eat it. 
* Grotle attacks with Razor Leaf and manages to free Marill which then has James have Carnivine (guess it wasn't knocked out) to try and grab it with Vine Whip. Piplup gets knocked back by Yanmega who suddenly became un-paralyzed but Elekid shocks Carnivine and kicks Team Rocket away to save Marill. And with Marill save Grotle blasts them off with Energy Ball.
* And with the battle over it seemed like Marill chose Elekid over Piplup making danw do a facepalm. But Dawn, if Marill did choose Piplup, would you really leave Piplup behind to be with Marill? Let's be honest, it's better that Marill chose Elekid over Piplup (and kind of obvious to if we learned anything from previous Pokemon romances the main character's Pokemon have had).
* Anyway Ash and co. got a box of berries as thanks and as they leave Brock teaches Piplup about the hardships of love which, as Dawn said, he is an expert in. But wait! The episode isn't over, after calling her mom to tell her they are sending her the box of berries, Dawn's mom informs them she was chosen to be chairperson of a Twinleaf Festival and Dawn acts as if it was the more terrible thing she ever heard.