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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: To Thine Own Pokemon Be True!

  • Avatar of BAC510


    [1]Sep 12, 2009
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    Ok, so I in real life, I enjoy Ping-pong but how does a almost weightless ball break's Dawn's Paddle? WTF? Strange but I am sad that Ambipom is gone. I am going to miss her REAL bad! Though I don't understand why it is still in the High Touch Opening?

    Anyways, I enjoyed the episode and now I will mourn its departure cause I don't think we will be seeing it again, as it seems similar to that Ash & Primeape leaving Episode.

    You will be missed Ambipom!

    Ok, so the first pic isnt from that episode but I cant any other one.

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  • Avatar of Vixenmon


    [2]Sep 12, 2009
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    Honestly, when Aipom evolved into Ambipom I thought she looked ugly but as the show progressed I grew to like her form and got used to the two udder like tails. I must admit that I was both shocked and sadden that she seemed to leave so easily. No tears, just a joker's charm and then she moved on. On the plus side, if Ash ever goes to Vermillion city, for a visit or for a movie plot, Ambie's not too far away. My question now is who's going to be the all-star of Dawn's team? At best it's Piplup and Buneary unless Pachirisu gets more contest screen time.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [3]Sep 12, 2009
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    Good show.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [4]Sep 12, 2009
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    Vixenmon wrote:
    Honestly, when Aipom evolved into Ambipom I thought she looked ugly but as the show progressed I grew to like her form and got used to the two udder like tails. I must admit that I was both shocked and sadden that she seemed to leave so easily. No tears, just a joker's charm and then she moved on. On the plus side, if Ash ever goes to Vermillion city, for a visit or for a movie plot, Ambie's not too far away. My question now is who's going to be the all-star of Dawn's team? At best it's Piplup and Buneary unless Pachirisu gets more contest screen time.


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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [5]Sep 12, 2009
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    Ill miss ambipom! maybe if zoey had never forced them to trade then ambi wouldnt end up leaving. aipom never should have went to dawn. she is plain stupid. when the champion asked to train ambipom she actually thought it was her when she did nothing. I am annoyed that ash and dawn didnt cry or mourn over ambipoms departure. Still ping pong was interesting. I dont get why the writer needed to get rid of ambipom like that. It was probably dawns best pokemon. oh so i guess we can just blame zoey for this! lol.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [6]Sep 12, 2009
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    HaydenAvery wrote:
    Ill miss ambipom! maybe if zoey had never forced them to trade then ambi wouldnt end up leaving. aipom never should have went to dawn. she is plain stupid. when the champion asked to train ambipom she actually thought it was her when she did nothing. I am annoyed that ash and dawn didnt cry or mourn over ambipoms departure. Still ping pong was interesting. I dont get why the writer needed to get rid of ambipom like that. It was probably dawns best pokemon. oh so i guess we can just blame zoey for this! lol.

    Blame Barry! He was the one who suggested that Ambipom should enter the Ping-Pong Tournament! Damn SOBZ & Barry!

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [7]Sep 12, 2009
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    then i hate barry and zoey alot. did it even ever reveal who won the tournament?
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [8]Sep 12, 2009
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    You know, I really don't see the point of this episode. Considering that Ash and the others didn't win and didn't get any prizes, this episode just seemed like a way to get rid of a Poke that followed him all the way to May's Kanto Grande Festival, stole his hat on several occasions before finally being captured, stowed away on the journey to Sinnoh, helped Ash capture a Starly, was traded to Dawn for Buizel, and evolved in her care, only to leave its dearest friends it's been traveling with for over three seasons to pursue a recently acquired ambition! Thanks alot, Japanesse writers!
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  • Avatar of Kauaimon


    [9]Sep 12, 2009
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    Zoey didn't force them to trade. And besides, Ambipom loved contests and Buizel loved battles, they would have traded eventually. Ash shouldn't make Aipom do battles whe she liked contests, and same goes for Buizel. Blaming everything on a character you don't like is not the answer to everything x3.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [10]Sep 12, 2009
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    Kauaimon wrote:
    Zoey didn't force them to trade. And besides, Ambipom loved contests and Buizel loved battles, they would have traded eventually. Ash shouldn't make Aipom do battles whe she liked contests, and same goes for Buizel. Blaming everything on a character you don't like is not the answer to everything x3.

    Explain why Buizel was used in the Wallace Cup by Ash then? I know Wallace told Ash to enter with it but if it doesnt like contests, it shouldn't have entered. Ash didnt know it liked contests more until the episode where it was traded, it showed signs before, like the Jubilife Contest and it showed interest in that episode.

    EddyBob15 wrote:
    You know, I really don't see the point of this episode. Considering that Ash and the others didn't win and didn't get any prizes, this episode just seemed like a way to get rid of a Poke that followed him all the way to May's Kanto Grande Festival, stole his hat on several occasions before finally being captured, stowed away on the journey to Sinnoh, helped Ash capture a Starly, was traded to Dawn for Buizel, and evolved in her care, only to leave its dearest friends it's been traveling with for over three seasons to pursue a recently acquired ambition! Thanks alot, Japanesse writers!

    For once we can agree on something. I was really pissed off, so much it accomplished while under both Ash & Dawn's care and I can understand Primeape, it didnt do sqat and Primeape was only seen in the episode it was caught and the episode it was released.

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [11]Sep 12, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:

    EddyBob15 wrote:
    You know, I really don't see the point of this episode. Considering that Ash and the others didn't win and didn't get any prizes, this episode just seemed like a way to get rid of a Poke that followed him all the way to May's Kanto Grande Festival, stole his hat on several occasions before finally being captured, stowed away on the journey to Sinnoh, helped Ash capture a Starly, was traded to Dawn for Buizel, and evolved in her care, only to leave its dearest friends it's been traveling with for over three seasons to pursue a recently acquired ambition! Thanks alot, Japanesse writers!

    For once we can agree on something. I was really pissed off, so much it accomplished while under both Ash & Dawn's care and I can understand Primeape, it didnt do sqat and Primeape was only seen in the episode it was caught and the episode it was released.

    Glad to see we can see eye to eye for once, Bac. And technically, Primeape was also seen during Ash's gym battle with Ericka when he considered sending it out and had a flashback of when it pummeled him.

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [12]Sep 12, 2009
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    all of ambipoms potential and development gone to waste! primeape was different. it had not nearly been show as enough as ambipom. It should of stayed with ash! I seriously dont see the point of it getting released.
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  • Avatar of Kauaimon


    [13]Sep 12, 2009
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    I see your point there, but I'm just saying if Buizel stayed with Dawn, it'd be only doing contest battles when it clearly prefers gym battles instead. I guess Ash used Buizel since it had more experince in contest training? I don't know...I'm sad that Ambipom left. It was my favorite pokemon in the gang as a Aipom.
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [14]Sep 12, 2009
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    mine too. i wish ash had traded gligar or something else to dawn for buizel. or that ash just originally caught buizel. If ambipom comes back i would want ash to have it again. i guess ambipom was not meant to do contests or gym battles but instead play ping pong.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [15]Sep 12, 2009
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    ... This episode is bad... And I don't mean good bad, I mean bad bad... And worst yet it's an IMPORTENT episode, but for a sad reason! What is this sad reason you ask? AMBIPOM leaves! Know what, here is the episode review, I'll take when I come back:

    It's Only Ping-pong:
    * Ash, Barry, save the paddle swinging until you're at the Pokemon Ping-pong Contest, you kind of look dumb swinging in the air like that.
    * Here's the basic rules of Pokemon Ping-pong Dawn: it's normal ping-pong, but your Pokemon is playing with you. If you ask me, I think Pokemon Ping-pong should have been like the "ping-pong" match your Ambipom and Kenny's Prinplup had.
    * The Pokemon isn't given a paddle? But what it is a Pokemon which doesn't have a steel flipper as a paddle? I guess Pikachu coudl use it's tail but what if you want to enter with a Oddish or Seedot?
    * Isn't this like the 3rd time it was hinted was going to be in the Ping-pong Contest? When it was first mentioned it sounded like Dawn planned on joining, after her contest is sonnded like she planned on joining, and now this!
    * So Brock isn't joining? Come on, Brock barely participates in anything, and being this is an out-of-the-ordinary Contest I don't see any reason for him not to join! Any Ash chooses Pikachu as his partner and Dawn chooses Ambipom.
    * Hey, it's Dawn Coin Flip Poketch Application, haven't seen it in awhile (though I do wish they did more with the Poketch, or at least update Dawn's Poketch model to the Platinum one.
    * Ambipom smack the ping-pong so hard it lit on fire! That guy sure had a lot of guts to just grab the flaming ping-pong like that (but how he didn't get burned I don't know...)
    * So being that guy they talked with was on a magazine serving a ping-pong, I'm guessing he's the champion of this sport of something? Anyway looks like if Ash and Dawn win their first round they'll be up against each other next round!
    * As for Barry, he's all the way on the end so Ash/Dawn will be versing him in the finals most likely. Oh, and there is that guy again and he is the champion... and his name is O... okay...

    Knocking Out Most Of The Main Cast:
    * And as Brock takes his seat he's next to none other then James... I'm guessing Jessie had entered the Ping-Pong Contest too with her Serviper most likely. Calm down James, as long as you're in disguise you're practically another person.
    * It's kind of odd how Brock and James get along quite well whenever they are sitting on the sidelines without Ash, Dawn, Jessiem or Meowth next to them... hold it, where is Meowth?
    * Oh, Jessie is teamed with Meowth, that's interesting (I guess maybe they wanted to practice their team work before the next Pokemon Contest Meowth volunteered to do).
    * Those Gold Ping-pong Balls look like how Nuggest do in the game. Interesting the years'supply of Pokemon food is the supplementary prize which I think means it'll go to 2nd place... hm...
    * Ash, you've met and faced Gym Leaders, Frontier Brains, Syndicate Bosses, Elite Four Members, Champions, Legendary Pokemon, Rivals, and have been in all sorts of competitions... AND IT'S A PING-PONG CONTEST THAT HAS YOU NEVEROUS!
    * Jessalinlin? You've come up with better disguise names Jessie. Anyway this is my point about not allowing certain Pokemon to hold a paddle, Meowth has normal paws and can't use his tail like Pikachu can, only way for him to play is to use a paddle. Unfortunetly Meowth uses his claw to slice the ping-pong ball in three pieces and got disqualified (which I think is unfair in this case).
    * I'm beginning to notice how most of the competitors have a Pokemon who has an item (or at least the ones Ash, Dawn, and Jessie faced). Anyway it looks like Ash lost his match but Dawn got through and beated the one Ash lost to.
    * Okay, I don't care how "cool" you make it look, it's still NORMAL ping-pong. When I think of Pokemon Ping-pong, I think of something quite different and possibly better. Oh, and Barry also got through his two matches.

    Losses Everywhere:
    * Yay... I don't think Jessie and Meowth really make a good team, maybe they ought to think about having Meowth being in the next Pokemon Contest Jessie is in. Also I'm not too sure if they will or will not steal the gold ping-pong balls being they won't have a giant robot. Intesrting to note, Meowth apparently is the one who builds the robots.
    * Don't worry Ash, I don't think Pikachu is heart broken over losing a Ping-pong Contest. Besides, Dawn is still in it.
    * There is O again, and don't be too surprised all of Ash and co.'s Pokemon have odd quirks to them that makes them really good at stuff the first time they ever done it. Anyway Dawn beats the guy who Jessie and Meowth lost to.
    * So O is also in the contest (then why was his image seperated from all the others? It made it look like after you won he would be the person you had to face off against). But after getting a point off Barry, we pretty much skip to the end with Oand Shiftry winning... and onto the match of him against Dawn and Ambipom.
    * Nope, not even playing Season 1 battle music and putting in some "drama" changes the fact that you're just playing NORMAL PING-PONG. Oh, and now Dawn's paddle broke (I don't know how, a ping-pong ball is light enough to float) but Ambipom is still in the game.
    * Hold it, if there was an extra paddle behind Dawn all this time, why didn't she get it after Ambipom scored against O the first time? Instead Dawn let Ambipom win an entire match for her, infact I think she should have let Ambipom play the entire 3rd match too...
    * Dawn and Ambipom lost?... why do I have an empty sense? Oh yay, because it now makes this episode COMPLETELY POINTLESS! At least we didn't have to see O win against Dawn and that other guy. Yay, O won, making this episode's "COMPLETELY POINTLESS" moment even more so!
    * HOLD IT RIGHT THERE O! You just beaten Dawn and therefore knocking Ash and co. out of the tournament and winning anything (even the Pokemon food), and now you want Ambipom too! UH-HUH! NO WAY!
    * And now Ambipom has vanished off somewhere (What is with Dawn's Pokemon running off?)!
    * Oh, Ambipom just went to the back of the Pokemon Center to play handball with a ping-pong ball. You know what, my next post will just skip to the end of the episode.
    * Nice juggling trick Ambipom. Skipping all this, Ambipom chose to go with Pokemon Ping-pong. Interestingly, O's Ping-pong Training Center is in Vermillion City. But don't count of Ash going their to visit Ambipom even though he's from Kanto even though he knows where it is. Why do I say this? ASK ASH'S PIDGEOT!

    Now, I wouldn't be as angry about Ambipom leaving if Dawn won or got 2nd place (actually, with them introducing the Pokemon Food being for second place, I thought this was going to be exactly the case with Dawn getting second place as Ash and co. need Pokemon food WAY more then gold ping-pong balls). But NO, instead Dawn was knocked out before then so As hand co. get absolutely NOTHING! In addition with that, Dawn gives Ambipom away meaning they got LESS THAN NOTHING! You maybe saying "Well Dawn didn't get anything for losing against Kenny in the Pokemon Contest and you didn't complain". Yay, but there is a differance. Pokemon Contests are part of the main storyline and Kenny is a rival, so him winning some Pokemon Contests makes sense as he's expected to get into the Sinnoh Grand Festival. Oh, and DAWN DIDN'T LOSE A MEMBER OF HER PARTY!
    Before whne I heard about this episode, I thought "Oh, it sounds just like the episode Ash released Primeape", but now actually seeing it, comparing it to the Primeape release episode is an insult to Primeape (Sure, Primeape didn't do anything UNTIL its release episode, but that was Primeape's "Crowning Moment Of Awesome" and won the P1 Grand Prix in the process)! but bringing up the point that Primeape didn't do much, that's another difference, we actually got attached to Ambipom! We saw Ash and Dawn struggle to train Ambipom since Ash caught it as an Aipom... AND THEN THEY GO AND GIVE IT AWAY FOR A CONTEST AHS AND CO. GOT NOTHING FROM! It wasn't even Ambipom's "Crowning Moment Of Awesome" as it LOST after beating O in the 2nd game.
    All in all, this episode is one I'd rather forget about... BUT CAN'T BECAUSE IT'S AN IMPORTENT EPISODE! Dawn has 2 slots in her team now, she BETTER get a Cherrim now...

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [16]Sep 12, 2009
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    i replayed the ending scene probably 3 times. i will never live the writers down for this. i love Ambipom! i agree to the person above who said when Aipom evolved i thought it got ugly at first, but Ambipom grew on me & now it's too damn cute. the difference between Primeape & Ambipom, obviously Ambipom spent a hell of a lot more time with Ash/Dawn than Primeape ever did with Ash. so it shouldn't have left ...for PINGPONG. it was sad watching the Aipom flashbacks. it got even sadder in the end. i loved the scene where Dawn asks Ambipom to choose, & Ambi juggled the balls & the hats. (it was symbolic to me lol) i especially loved the part where Ambipom had to choose between contests or pingpong, & the violin background music played on while everyone's faces were shown. very meaningful .. & when it gave the pokeball to Dawn, & chose to go with pingpong ...so sad, so sad. when that "Oh" guy said his training center or whatever was in Vermillion, i thought oh great, perfect. Ash & co. are gonna go there, but i forgot Vermillion was in Kanto, not Johto lol. so that means Ambipom will never be seen again. they should've just made his center somewhere in Johto so next season we could see Ambi, but no ....whatever i hate the writers period.
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [17]Sep 12, 2009
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    iam gunna miss ambipom good episode.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [18]Sep 13, 2009
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    It seems pretty plain that the writers created Pokemon Ping-Pong for the sole reason of getting rid of Ambipom. Not only that, Ash and comp. didn't gain anything from this experience -- they only lost Ambipom, after everything that EddyBob15 mentioned in post #8. I'll miss the two-tailed ape.
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [19]Sep 13, 2009
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    why didnt they knock off pachirisu instead! i cant remember the last time dawn used it! i guess aipom was found in the battle frontier eps just to introduce ambipom in sinnoh. way to blow it writers. no one can get over it since it was such an awesome pokemon. Dawn should at least won the tournament or contest with ambi to make the last time with it special! oh great with ambi gone we can watch piplup take up all the screen time again.
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  • Avatar of Jinto11


    [20]Sep 13, 2009
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    wow this episode was very strange the writers gotta get serious with the storyline. i mean pokemon ping pong? there is no point of making an entire episode about this not much action or skill takes place. ping pong and pokemon should be seperate (very stereotypical of the japanese writers talk about chinese ppl connection to ping pong) pokemon is pokemon the writers dont stay on track too many filler episodes pokemon is based on adventure and battles (not ping pong and contests). i kinda get what the writers are trying to do by bringing in world ideas into the show but if they want to do that they need to go back to have a look at season 1 and 2.

    only good thing about this episode was conflict with Dawn choosing if to let ambipom go or keep ambipom. and in the end ambipom choose ping pong? sad the end of ambipom's character is gone shows up alot less now in the series.

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