Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Weird I remember brock going to uxie's lake a little bit later in the episode
but I'ts probably because I've been awake for 24 hours without going to sleep (finally went to sleep today)
so ashs pokemon heal after being brutally destroyed by paul and ash is emo from, being PAWNED by paul but through the efforts of dawn, her pokemon and team rockets FAILED ATTEMPT TO MAKE HIM FEEL WORSE his spirits are lifted again. so now in the enxt episode hell go back to being his usual self
edit: and brock sees uxie. XD
Well, the third and final member of the Lake Trio has been seen. Somehow I get the feeling that Ash and his friends were allowed to glimpse them because it has something to do with Team Galactic's plan. Anyway, nice to see Ash single-handedly sent Team Rocket blasting off. I haven't seen that since the episode where the ultimate team came to an end.
Today's episode was pretty much the typical "aftermath" episode with Ash reviewing his actions after a loss to a rival and then vowing to become better. Nothing to really say after that, though there were moments, especially during the Team Rocket segment, which I had to call a "time out" due to some... inaccuracies?... which made the episode seem a tiny bit less serious then what I think it was originally going for. However that was made-up with the MOST AWESOME BLAST OFF which only the one after Ash got back from Hoenn could beat! Here's the episode review I know you all just want for me to give:
X Marks The Cheri Berries:
* Hey, where is everybody? We're going to the bottom of Lake Acuity, does that mean we're going to see... YES! UXIE!
* Ouch, I know Ash's Pokemon got beaten up badly but didn't know they had to be bandaged up (good thing the games are apparently advanced and can heal Pokemon in 3 seconds).
* Yay Dawn, let's leave Ash along for awhile, he'll be okay but he usually goes through an episode of moping upon being defeated by a rival (though usually after the League).
* Team Rocket is still repairing the battle field and come to the ever popular scheme of stealing Pikachu when Ash and co. are down. And LOL at Wobbuffet riding riding on the Seviper & Carnivine steamroller.
* Ash is mentally reviewing Gliscor's, Staravia's, and Grotle's losses while Brock helps Nurse Joy with Ash's ailing Pokemon. And... Piplup, what are you doing?
* There goes Dawn with Piplup off to... find a way to cheer everyone up, and now Brock is flirting with Nurse Joy. Maybe Croagunk Poison Jabbing Brock will get a chuckle of of Ash's Pokemon... or not, then again Brock stopped Croagunk before it could.
* Monferno was Ash's last Pokemon up and did have a rough battle with Paul's Electivire (which should have also been knocked out along with Monferno!), and Brock I thought you were an expert in finding where certain berries grew?
* How come it's all snowy on one side of Lake Acuity but on the other it's like Spring? But no time to answer that, as the most knowedgable of our favorite Pokemon Power Trio (Okay, Sinnoh Power Trio) is about to see the most knowledgable of Pokemon.
* Yup Brock, that was Uxie, and with that all of the Lake Trio has been seen and properly associated with Ash, Brock, and Dawn. And with that done, there are the Cheri Berries on two trees forming an "X", how cliche.
* Hm? Well whatever Dawn is planning she got it done quickly, and Piplup is dressed up in... a clown outfit? Yay, Dawn, I have an idea of what you're planning to do and let me be the first to say please don't unless you SURE it's funny.
* Now let's see, Cheri Berries heal Paralysis in the games... why of all berries have that the one that could help Monferno? Yay, it got Paralyzed in the battle, but the battle is over and now needs berries like Oran, Sitrus, or those 1/8 healing berries.
Not Exactly The Greatest Performance On Earth:
* Oh, all of Ash's other Pokemon are outside, I guess they were considered heal enough to leave. And looks like the Cheri Berries did the trick and perked Monferno right bakc up.
* As Ash continues to mope, he goes through the rest of the battle and states he lost to Paul which I have to say: DUH! Come on Ash, spend some of your moping time to think WHY you lost and think of a way to not suffer through such a defeat when you face Paul again.
* However Pikachu and other Ash's Pokemon are here to cheer up Ash and flex their muscles... and then cringing in pain forgetting their bandaged up. And geez Ash, can you say "strong" any more times in that speech? And then they all group attac... I mean hugged him.
* Upon getting back we get to the revelation of Brock having seen... no Nurse Joy, it was Mesprit. Mesprit decided to trade caves with its other trio member despite each one being well known that each one live at a bottom of their specific lake... OF COURSE IT WAS UXIE!
* Shadow? Brock, you could see through it. I think a more proper term would have been a spirit or an astral projection. But eitherway it wasn't Uxie itself. And Ash and Dawn, we know about you seeing Azelf and Mesprit, that's why Dawn said "Brock saw IT" instead of "Brock saw SOMETIHNG" indicating you somewhat knew what Brock saw.
* Thanks for that explanation Nurse Joy, and yes Brock, they do mean something. Ash is hard headed, Dawn mood swings from perky to mopy, and when it's convenient you are the smartest in the group, that's the perfect definitions for valor, emotion, and knowledge if I ever heard it for main characters.
* Team Rocket, what are you doing with that net? Shock-proofing? All your doing is just pulling it through your hands, I see nothing showing you're adding anything on to it. Oh boy, Dawn's cheering-up project, I'm prepared to cringe so let's get going.
* Dawn's Pokemon Circus? Well so far I'm giving you points off Dawn as if you're suppose to be the "ring master" you're not dressed like one (and don't say you couldn't as you just so happened to find a clown costume for Piplup).
* I agree with Ash's and his Pokemon initial reaction: 0_0. But I do got to admit I did like Mamoswine, it's not very often we see a character which does so little steal the show rather quickly from the ones doing most of the shenanigans.
* And there's Piplup and... it bashed its head against the ceiling, good job Piplup . Was it me or were there cuts and edits, I mean one second it's knocked out, the next Piplup is awake being juggled, then it's knocked out again. However as I said before Mamoswine stole the show.
* Now Team Rocket are getting into the show... and I'm really wished they would have just stuck to a sneak attack *cringes as Team Rocket's performance*. But Team Rocket soon net Pikachu and being doing their motto in front of everyone's Pokemon... AND THEY JUST STAND THEIR... also I just noticed this Nurse Joy has a Blissey. Doesn't mean anything but thought I'd point it out from the norm.
* Wow, Team Rocket went through their whole entire motto, slowly snuck to the door, exchanged banter with Ash and co. (+ Nurse Joy), and still got away. Meanwhile we had EVERYONE'S POKEMON OUT PLUS A BLISSEY AND CHANSEY with nothing preventing them from attacking... oh, and Ash had stopped moping by now so that can't be used as an excuse.
* Why Ash use Water Pulse to get rid of the Haze? He had Staraptor and Gliscor right above him, flapping away smoke would actually be more effective then washing it away! ASH OR SHOW WRITERS, THINK FOR A MOMENT!
* I'll just skip the Team Rocket battle as we know Ash manages to get Pikachu out of the net and Team Rocket take this time to argue with each other. However I do like that they suddenly realized they were still fighting Ash and co. to get hit with thhe MOST AWESOME LAUNCH OFF WE'VE SEEN IN SINNOH!... though don't know why Ash didn't have Pikachu do an electrical attack. Oh well, it was STILL AWESOME!
* No Nurse Joy, Dawn mentioned Contests because she uses Pokemon Contests as an exercise for Gym Battles. Well atleast we're told the next Pokemon Contest is in Lilypad Town... which I'm surprised isn't a name they haven't used for a town yet.
* Brock, you're right outside of Snowpoint City, the only direction you guys can go that doesn't lead back to Snowpoint IS SOUTH. Uxie, are you sure about the knowledge thing because about no one acted smart in today's episode.
DOMOJITA wrote: |
i wish ash won the battle so paul can finaly shut up. |
lady_god wrote: | ||
filler episode with ash feeling confident again just because he beat Team Rocket. Its not the first time hes defeated Team Rocket so after he loses to Paul and feels gloomy he should have really reevaluate his battle style but instead he gets his overconfident style back by beating the three stoges aka Team Rocket.
The battle against Paul, Paul wasnt saying much because he planned exactly what to do against each of Ash's pokemon so he just wanted to observe to see if he need to change if ash would try something new. Example when Ash's cimcar evolved.