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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Unlocking the Red Chain of Events!

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1]Mar 27, 2010
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    Yes! the final battle begins!

    Goddammit Charon stop laughing!

    Does anyone else love how the animators are totally disregarding Skuntanks's Pokedex entry's?

    "It sprays a vile-smelling fluid from the tip of its tail to attack. Its range is over 160 feet"

    but no it shoots from its mouth

    Edited on 03/27/2010 4:28am
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [2]Mar 27, 2010
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    Jupiter and Looker, creepy.

    Can't wait to see J in action.

    Great start to these episodes.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [3]Mar 27, 2010
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    jupiter x looker?

    I'm greatly disturbed

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [4]Mar 27, 2010
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    This was a great episode.

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [5]Mar 27, 2010
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    Well, I'm glad this was one of the episodes I didn't already know the plot of from the Japanese airings. However, that's another problem with 4Kids losing this show. If they aired these eps, we would've been seeing a promo for this, like saying this was the first part of an event involving the final encounter with Team Galactic. Hopefully, Hunter J will go down too. She's caused as much pain and trouble as Team Galactic has. I get the feeling that we're going to see the reason the Lake Trio chose Ash, Dawn, and Brock (besides their personalities).

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [6]Mar 27, 2010
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    wait a second

    if jupiter said that they were supposed to be chosen for the lake trio then

    Mars - Mesprit (2 eps later you'll see why I'm comparing these two)

    Saturn - Uxie (he is intelligent especially in pokespe where he has a bunch of inventions)

    Jupiter - Azelf (she seems kinda outgoing)

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  • Avatar of Kauaimon


    [7]Mar 27, 2010
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    Nice episode! Just when I thought "Hey, where's Hunter J?", she appeared. Haha, I hate cliffhangers, this two-parter is going great.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [8]Mar 27, 2010
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    actually this is a 3 parter

    2 more episodes till the climax

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  • Avatar of IzzyDizko


    [9]Mar 27, 2010
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    This was a really good episode!
    They finally reach Floaroma Town. ;O
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [10]Mar 27, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    wait a second

    if jupiter said that they were supposed to be chosen for the lake trio then

    Mars - Mesprit (2 eps later you'll see why I'm comparing these two)

    Saturn - Uxie (he is intelligent especially in pokespe where he has a bunch of inventions)

    Jupiter - Azelf (she seems kinda outgoing)

    That might mean that Ash and others will face off against their respective enemies in the final battle. It would make sense considering that Croagunk has a rivalry going with Toxicroak.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [11]Mar 27, 2010
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    I didn't expect them to talk about JupiterXLooker, didn't EVER think about these 2 being together:p One of these days I pray that Team Rocket doesn't rhyme with their sentences, after 618 episodes, it's gotten to my bad side already...... its make enjoyable episodes like these..... well, unenjoyable.Can't wait for the next episode because we all are dying to see how that goes!!!

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [12]Mar 27, 2010
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    Awesome episode! It was so cool to see part 1 of the Team Galactic Finale!

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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [13]Mar 27, 2010
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    LookerxJupiter? lol, thanks for putting that crack pairing in my head, when all it was was bantering. Overall it was good episode; Not great because there were dull and anticlimactic moments and usual dumb jokes when its supposed to be the climax of Team Galaxy plot... I also could've done with one less of Charon's annoying laugh.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [14]Mar 29, 2010
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    Today's episode surely pushed the plot along, and not only for Team Galactic (we find out where Dawn's next Pokemon Contest is). With Team Rocket following Team Galactic, does that mean they won't be bothering Ash & co. for awhile? But we have darker matters to attend to, such as Team Galactic hiring Hunter J to capture the Lake Trio and with that Team Galactic will be able to accomplish their goals. And of course we also have the mystery of Ash & co. being "chosen" by the Lake Trio. What does this all come to? I guess the next episodes will have to fill us in. But for now, here is the review to see if you can figure anything out:

    Healing Your Enemy While He's Down:
    * They start us off with a little exciting cold opening with Looker getting caught by Jupiter and her Skuntank and then an explosion! But we're getting ahead of ourselves.
    * We begin episode proper with Ash & co. resting at Floaroma Town and find the next Pokemon Contest is a Double Performance in Day Break City and is on the way to Sunyshore City (how surprising )!
    * 205? As in Route 205? Wow, this has to be one of the first time we've seen an actual route number printed on a sign!
    * Pikachu and Piplup however soon spot an injured Meowth, but it couldn't be... yes, it's Team Rocket's Meowth! With Jessie and James no where in sight, it's first decided to heal Meowth's injuries.
    * One Super Potion later, Meowth begins explaining as they were following Ash & co, they spotted Team Galactic's helicopter and followed it to a factory Brock identifies as Fuego Ironworks.
    * Once inside, they find Looker being captured by Jupiter and decide to help Looker take down Team Galactic so that Team Rocket could then take over Sinnoh without a challenge.
    * As you can expect, this didn't go so well. Skuntank nailed Jessie and James while the gaint explosion we saw in the cold open was Meowth being blasted off alone. And when it woke up, here we are comign full circle.
    * Meowth thanks Ash & co. and begins going back to Fuego Ironworks to save Jessie and James, and of course Ash & co. want to help. When Meowth stops them saying that they are enemies, Ash & co. make their reason to that of saving Looker and with a teary "thank you" they get going.
    * In Fuego Ironworks, Jessie complains from her, James, and Looker's cell to Jupiter's Skuntank only to be shocked from the electric bars. Looker informs them the place is booby trapped and electrical devices like Pokeballs aren't working.
    * Looker apologizes for getting them involved but Jessie and James said they got themselves involved and with video game logic James figure they just need to defeat Team Galactic's boss to beat Team Galactic but Looker tells them Cyrus isn't here.
    * Looker tells us the story of Fuego Ironworks that it was the #1 manufactoring company of... something, but was closed down due to the amount of polution it was creating. Now Team Galactic is using it as their factory to make... something 2.

    All Going According To Plan... What Now?!:
    * Now cutting to Jupiter and Charon, we find out "something 2" is actually the Red Chain... which is kind of odd being (1) they first needed to capture the Lake Trio and (2) that chain looks pretty long for a couple of gems off a Legendary Trio tails.
    * Much like in the game, Jupiter (and probably the other Galactic Commanders) don't really like Charon. Charon then goes on to explain that Cyrus seems to have plans for Looker.
    * At Mt. Coronet, Saturn and Toxicroak are busy destroying rocks revealing a Diala & Palkia armor carving with a gold orb, which Saturn then releases the "key" and informs Cyrus (as well as Mars) back at HQ they found the gateway to Spear Pillar.
    * Jupiter and Charon are informed of the discovery of Spear Pillar, but then are informed of an incoming flying object which is Ash & co. and Meowth in the Meowth Hot Air Balloon (yay guys, nice way to keep under the radar ).
    * With an incoming swarm of Golbat, Ash and Dawn send Pikachu and Pachirisu to take them out while riding on the back of Ash's Staraptor and Gliscor. They get into Fuego Ironworks but Jupiter tries stopping them with Skuntank's Flamethrower which Piplup stops with a BubbleBeam.
    * After the smoke cleared Jupiter is preventing them from entering and then begins wondering why the Lake Trio chose Ash & co. (Well Jupiter, Dawn tends to mood swing, Ash is hard-headed, and Brock tends to keep the other two from starving and getting lost, is that enough explanation?)
    * Wait a second, how does Team Galactic know Brock saw Uxie? They only know about Dawn and Ash seeing Mesprit and Azelf, respectively, did they just guess Brock would probably see Uxie being the logical of the three?
    * Anyway the Galactic Commanders were the ones meant to synchronize with the Lake Trio (well, the problem there Jupiter is that none of you had yellow hair, Saturn has blue, you have magenta, but Mars has red).
    * As Pikachu (and assumingly Pachirisu) continue to handle the Golbat swarm, Skuntank does another Flamethrower and Piplup a BubbleBeam.

    Getting Away With A Lot On The Mind:
    * Being surrounded, Skuntank then does Toxic to cover its and Jupiter's escape (though why Ash didn't have Staraptor and Gliscor flap the poison gas away is the question I'm asking), and watch as Jupiter flies away in the Galactic Helicopter.
    * Ash & co. and Meowth begin looking for Jessie, James, and Looker, but we have a quick seen of Jupiter still penting that Ash & c0. were chosen by the Lake Trio and after being teased about it from Charon he informs her the Red Chain is right under her feet.
    * Back to Ash & co. and Meowth, they find Jessie, James, and Looker (with Jessie and James being shocked by the electric bars again (I thought there were electric-proof from everything but Pikachu's electric attacks?) and frees them re-uniting Team Rocket and after Meowth tells what happened to Team Galactic, does a running "blast off".
    * Also hearing Team Galactic is gone, Looker puts on a pair of sunglasses (YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHH!) and heads off with Ash & co. following. But before leaving they investigate what Team Galactic was doing and find a red gem and machinery as their only clue.
    * Team Rocket begin following Team Galactic toward Mt. Coronet while Ash & co. and Looker (along with an Officer Jenny and a scientist) try to figure out what the red gem they found was. The gem reacts violently and with a Galactic sign and a tongue-sticking Charon smiley it turns out the red gem was a trap.
    * And not just any trap, but a trap that wiped out the International Police's database, especially Team Galactic's. With Looker vowing he won't stop until Team Galactic is stopped, Ash & co. leave wondering what Jupiter meant by the Lake Trio "choosing" them (Ash, being you have been "chosen" several times, you should atleast have a clue it means something big is coming).
    * Back at Team Galactic HQ, we see Cyrus and his commanders (minus Charon) looking over the Spear Key, Adamant Orb, Lustrous Orb, and Red Chain. And with the Galactic Bomb ready, all they need is the Lake Trio and look who it is: Hunter J! She's given the order to catch the Lake Trio and we end the episode with the narrator asking what is to happen next.

    Edited on 03/28/2010 11:21pm
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [15]Mar 29, 2010
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    actually pikachu in the first DP episode they showed a route also

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