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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Up Close and Personable!

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [1]Jan 10, 2009
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    And the Summer School Arc continues...
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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [3]Jan 10, 2009
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    Great episode. But one line that really stood out was Dawn saying "That sounds like something Team Rocket", gee you think so? Idiots. LOL

    I am sure James and Meowth were thinking when they saw those Jessalena fan boys treat her like a queen, "Better them than us." Those poor guys.

    But I can't wait till next week's episode, it is really cool.

    Edited on 01/11/2009 6:41am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [4]Jan 10, 2009
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    Another part of the Summer School arc ends with a mystery being solved. This was an okay episode, more of a comedy episode then an adventure really. Also they didn't find a way to fit in Team Rocket's motto in this time, I thought they were going to at least have James and Meowth say it while by themselves but nope. Nothing else much to say about this except for what I wrote in my review:

    Making Amends With A Capital A(+):
    * Something different? Rowan, this whole Summer School is different from what is usually happening to Ash and co.!
    * Research by the lake, huh? Well no doubt the Pokemon aren't allowed to be caught, school is for demostrating not doing.
    * Ash, you better get an A+ since you and Angie are the reason why Red Team is behind -_-;
    * Um, are you sure you're allowed to use the Lanturn boats? I think you're suppose to stay on shore for safety purposes...
    * Hm? A strange glow and Pikachu is acting like a zombie, though a shake woke it up.

    Going... Going...:
    * Oh look, Jessie has put a few members of her team to work well at least James and Meowth can finall relax a bit.
    * Sure a lot of different Water-type Pokemon here, though I'm not too sure this many different types are suppose to be together at this type of location.
    * And here's Conway beating Dawn's Pokedex to identifying Gorebyss. *Sigh* I guess offering his assistance is his way of "flirting" worth Dawn.
    * Suicune? Manaphy? I have a feeling Jessie's team won't be in 2nd place if Jessie keeps going with her fantasies.
    * Ash, Angie, here's an idea... SWITCH SEATS! Okay, yay, standing on boat is usually a bad idea though I think you're not suppose to be using boats in the first place so, yay. =P
    * Good thing Dewgong and Sealeo decided to switch sides, though I do wonder why they are sticking around, it's like they want to be studied.
    * Ash and Angie, the starving artisits... starving for some are skills that is. Angie's Sealeo looks like a Mudkip missing its head fin and Ash's Dewgong looks like he couldn't decide how many lines were enough to outline.

    ... SOAKED!
    * Oh, so now they're swimming with the WILD Pokemon, these Pokemon are either very oblivoius or are attention seekers who want to be studied. BTW, were they carrying their swim suits with them or something?
    * LOL! Oh yay, Carvanha definietly matches Jessie's personality, either that or Gyarados. Though those students better prepare for Jessie's Fury Attack.
    * Yes Ash, the point of a horn is so that it could jab through things so of course it's suppose to be hard. And to those of you out there, GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER, you perfectly know what Ash meant.
    * Oh that's just creepy the way Conway is watching Dawn underwater! Dawn, getting a restraining order against someone doesn't make you a bad person, just makes you a more protected one.

    Twinkle, Twinkle Mythical Light:
    * There's that strange light again, and unfortunetly no one is paying attention to Shinx to help knock it out of getting mesmerized.
    * And there's that light again and this time it got Piplup, but now everyone is paying attention, doesn't take Conway's IQ to figure out where they are going next.
    * So there is a myth about that light, well Conway they're maybe not suppose to leave the lake area but I think if they figure out the light mystery it might bump them ahead in points. =P
    * Knew Team Rocket wouldn't keep themselves behaved for long. At least Jessie is still trying to find a Pokemon to have her helpers sketch.
    * Jeez Conway, that sneaking up is just getting creepier and more creepier. Oh, and scratch that part about Jessie.

    The Glow At The End Of The Tunnel:
    * Oh yay Conway, Dawn can sure depend on a person afraid of a thunderstorm -_-; Well no where else to go then further into the cave anyway...
    * Are you sure you should let Pikachu and Piplup freely walk around with that light about? To protect them maybe Dawn should return Piplup and Pikachu be blind-folded on Ash's shoulder or head. It just got Pikachu again!
    * Ash yells don't look and so what does Piplup do? Looks straight into the lake of course! Dawn, you got a real smart Pokemon there.
    * Okay, so the main question is now what is the strange blue light?... Oh, it's a Lumineon. And Conway beats Dawn's Pokedex to the description once again.
    * Speaking of the description, I got to ask, why does Lumineon attract Pokemon to the ocean depths? It doesn't look like a carnivore.
    * So exactly why and how is Lumineon here if it's not suppose to be? Well at least they found Shinx.

    Shining On Through At The End:
    * Oh, so not exactly Team Rocket fully but Jessie in her disguise causing some trouble. But she still plans on catching it anyway. And very observant Dawn, now if only you could see through simple disguise there is a very good reason why she sounds like Team Rocket!
    * Here's another hint Dawn, how about her having a Pokemon you know Team Rocket to have! And for once Jessie's comment is actually right, Yanmega's Bug-type is strong against Slowking's Psychic-type.
    * But of course being a Team Rocket Pokemon, Yanmega is doomed to be defeated, and just like that Jessie is blown out of the cave and carried out by James, Meowth, and Wobbuffet.
    * Ash, I think using Buizel is a bit risky, though doesn't matter as Lumineon looked to have escaped through a tunnel. Though Brock looked to have found something.
    * And it's Brock who solves the mystery by taking time to examine the environment. But being Conway is helping them, does that mean that both Red Team and Conway's team (forgot which color they were) would get points for the Lumineon report?
    * A rainbow? Does that mean we'll see Ho-Oh! I guess not, oh well, though looks like that Lumineon is back to eat in peace.

    Getting & Losing House... I Mean Team Points:
    * Wow, that's a pretty nice drawing, going to guess Brock drew it (apparently Brock is as talented at drawing Pokemon as Tracey is). And they all get 10 points... minus 4 for leaving the lake ground. *sigh*
    * LOL, Jessie and Conway also lost 4 points. HUH? Professor Rowan knew about the Lumineon? Shouldn't he then have knew it was back after hearing about there being a strange light?
    * Most amazing Pokemon? You mean after all the LEGENDARY Pokemon they met, that was the most amazing Pokemon they've met? Also they didn't tell us who was in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [5]Jan 11, 2009
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    Well, I'm glad I did a review for this when the original came out. Now I can just paste it here, but I do have to clean some things up.

    All Lumineon did was stride over, jump elegantly out of the water to reveal its scales, and go back to its dwelling. :/ At least Conway and Jessalinda battled, and it was funny seeing her as this mistress and taking advantage of her slaves and seeing Conway screaming and running from the rain made me fell from my chair laughing.

    And Ash and Aoi's sketches were just dare-I-say more eye-catching than some of the animation we've seen this season xcough:Hippowdon:coughx. There... I said it. XD Anyway, I was expecting a lot, but the little moments made up for half of it, like the "Conway-stalking-Dawn-in-her-swimsuit-underwater" parts. :p

    Well, not much has changed except I understand it better. Up Close and Personable! recieves an 8.7

    Tune in next week for the next installment of Summer Academy, where the students explore the woods for Ghost-Types. However, not all is what it seems, and if our heroes aren't careful, they could end up being sucked into a disaster!

    Highlight above for a preview of next week's episode. Have a great week everybody! 'Till next time.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [6]Jan 11, 2009
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    A great episode, better than the last one, IMO, and the "Conway stalking Dawn" parts, and him screaming and running from a thunderstorm was hilarious. I wonder why Jessie hasn't had Yanmega use it's most powerful attack (AncientPower) since she caught it? Seriously, Team Rocket really don't know how to use their pokemon properly. But then again, it's been like that since the show began. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the next episode. *coughyayforashxangiecough*
    Edited on 01/11/2009 2:46am
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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [7]Jan 11, 2009
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    i thought it was an awsome ep!

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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [8]Jan 11, 2009
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    good episode.
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  • Avatar of killerband55


    [9]Jan 12, 2009
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    lets just say i really do hate Conway, he needs to stop stalking Dawn, but Dawn looked good again in her bikini, but if i was Ash i would get rid of Conway and make sure he leaves Dawn alone, but Ash is too dense to realize that
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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [10]Jan 13, 2009
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    I loved it, with all the mystery and comedy. Conway is really giving me the creeps, with all this stalking and wierd talking. If I were Dawn, I would sic Piplup and Swinub on him with an icy cold shower. Ash and Angie's antics were priceless as ever, as well as Jessie and her temper with those kids. And of course Lumineon was lovely, I just wish they showed it more.

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [11]Jan 13, 2009
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    Two screw-ups.

    1. Jessie had every right to catch Lumineon. Rowan said that they couldn't catch the Pokemon in the lake, but Lumineon was in a cave, not the lake, therefore it's fair game.

    2. If Rowan and the others were worried about Ash and co., why didn't they go try and find them instead of staying at the school like idiots?

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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [12]Jan 13, 2009
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    Two screw-ups.

    1. Jessie had every right to catch Lumineon. Rowan said that they couldn't catch the Pokemon in the lake, but Lumineon was in a cave, not the lake, therefore it's fair game.

    2. If Rowan and the others were worried about Ash and co., why didn't they go try and find them instead of staying at the school like idiots?

    Not really.

    1. The only screw-up here was on Jessie's part. Had she defeated Conway and the twerps, which wouldn't have happened, then she would have taken it.

    2. It was raining.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [13]Jan 14, 2009
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    crzyazn_9399 wrote:
    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    Two screw-ups.

    1. Jessie had every right to catch Lumineon. Rowan said that they couldn't catch the Pokemon in the lake, but Lumineon was in a cave, not the lake, therefore it's fair game.

    2. If Rowan and the others were worried about Ash and co., why didn't they go try and find them instead of staying at the school like idiots?

    Not really.

    1. The only screw-up here was on Jessie's part. Had she defeated Conway and the twerps, which wouldn't have happened, then she would have taken it.

    2. It was raining.

    A little rain won't hurt anyone, unless they have the phobia of rain, which I doubt. If there was lightening, like in "Crossing Paths", then they can be little scaredycats. Finally, I can post a message!

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [14]Jan 15, 2009
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    I'm sad I missed this episode (I know, shocking), but I finally saw it today. It was really good. I saw the pics last summer, but this was better seen. Gotta love Conway, so creepy. Dawn and Conway = scary reality show love. One thing I loved, Dawn said they couldn't catch any pokemon because Rowan said so, yet you just broke a rule by leaving the lake area...smart.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [15]Jan 15, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    I'm sad I missed this episode (I know, shocking), but I finally saw it today. It was really good. I saw the pics last summer, but this was better seen. Gotta love Conway, so creepy. Dawn and Conway = scary reality show love. One thing I loved, Dawn said they couldn't catch any pokemon because Rowan said so, yet you just broke a rule by leaving the lake area...smart.

    And as TKnHappyNess pointed out, Rowan said not to catch any of the Pokemon in the lake, however Lumineon was in a cave away from the lake and actually came from the sea using an undersea cave, so Jessie could have caught Lumineon without breaking that rule (she would still have gotten in trouble for leaving the lake just like Asd and co., Angie, and Conway though).

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