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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: With the Easiest of Grace!

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [1]Sep 4, 2010
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    An okay episode, though it was kind of dull throughout. At least we saw Togekiss battle and put a long-awaited end to the Draco Meteor running gag, if nothing else.

    Edited on 09/04/2010 7:25am
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [2]Sep 4, 2010
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    Awesome episode! I thought the battle between Togekiss and Gible was so cool!

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  • Avatar of Kauaimon


    [3]Sep 4, 2010
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    Haha. Togakiss is so graceful, it's awesome xD. Brock said she was like a "big sister", but I thought of her more as a mother figure. Similar meaning, I'd guess.
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [4]Sep 4, 2010
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    Well, I'm kind of glad I didn't know about this episode prior to airing. Sort of gives a little surprise back to the series. Still, I don't see why Togekiss felt the need to scold Gible for the Draco Meteor. It's not his fault that it always seems to target Piplup, although I'm a little confused why it looked like it was chasing Piplup.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [5]Sep 4, 2010
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    Well, I'm kind of glad I didn't know about this episode prior to airing. Sort of gives a little surprise back to the series. Still, I don't see why Togekiss felt the need to scold Gible for the Draco Meteor. It's not his fault that it always seems to target Piplup, although I'm a little confused why it looked like it was chasing Piplup.

    Well that's what a running gag is... whether it makes sense or not, it doesn't matter.XD

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [6]Sep 5, 2010
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    Cool episode.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [7]Sep 5, 2010
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    Today's episode was good, though it was basically the usual "getting used to using the new Pokemon". Though I did find it odd that the lesson sort of did a U-turn from trying to not have Togekiss dancing around to using said dancing around to help Togekiss battle better. Of course the original problem with Togekiss dancing was that it was slow to attack so I don't really see how this problem got solved (the attack that was used to show this, Air Slash, was the quickest move Togekiss used to being with). Oh well, enough of that, I have to tell you about something else: a new experimental format!

    Okay, being the old format required me to explain everything that happened while the episode went on in addition to any of my snarky/witty/stupid/annoying/brilliant comments, I decided that I would instead just link the title of a section of comments to the episode part on Youtube, write down at what point a certain event happened, and then next to it give my comment so that I won't have to explain everything that has happened inbetween as if you really need to know that you could now watch the episode along with what time my next comment is coming up. So without further or do:

    Make Dance, Not Battle:
    0:00 - Whoa, well this is a perky song to start the episode on!
    0:10 - It's just a clearing Dawn, you've seen plenty already. Actually they all are treating as if they've never seen a clearing before!
    1:41 - Um, very graceful Togekiss, was the bow necessary? Well at least it and Piplup are getting along, that tends to be a problem whenever Dawn gets a new Pokemon.
    1:48 - Gible? PIPLUP RUN FOR YOUR... oh wait, we cleared the "Draco Meteor" issue up already. Okay nevermind.
    2:19 - Hello Team Rocket. Huh? Now Jessie is gushing over Togekiss? First she was ready to disregard and destroy it and now she wants it?
    2:30 - Well that wasn't what James meant, but it also just so happens that yes, Jessie, many times you are that simple. James then said she shouldn't try to catch it as Dawn did give Jessie her last Ribbon (though since when did they start paying back Ash & co.'s kindness? They never cared before)
    3:34 - Sorry Dawn, I think Togekiss has a different idea on what it should be using attacks for. I guess Salvia trained Togekiss too much for Pokemon Contests... HOLY MILTANKS!
    4:27 - What is with Brock's concern with Dragon Pulse? Yay it's strong but Sky Attack has the same power as DRACO METEOR! If anything Gible should be watching out.
    4:47 - Um, what is wrong with Gible? Dragon Pulse has no secondary effect, it shouldn't be paralyzed like that. Dawn tries to do an Aura Sphere but Togekiss decides to make a spectacle of it enough time for Gible to recover and use... nevermind... oh wait it did use Dig!
    5:40 - What do you do? TRAIN IT! YOU'RE A TRAINER! THAT'S WHAT DO YOU DO!
    6:05 - Dawn, after using Sky Attack and Aura Sphere I think it's kind of obvious that all of Togekiss's moves have a dance routine before it. Though it did do Air Slash fairly quicker then the others.
    6:17 - Okay, now Draco Meteor, Brock this is the time when you have concerns. Of course Draco Meteor fails and... oh my Arceus, it goes after Piplup? Didn't we already settle this running joke? Luckily Togekiss sees this and bounces the attack back.
    6:53 - Is Togekiss scolding Gible? Um, Togekiss, we've tried having Gible "aim" his Draco Meteor, but for some reason the attack just follows Piplup. Surprised Gible hasn't bitten Togekiss on the noggin yet.
    7:25 - Pikachu jumps in as moderator as well as Piplup. They decide the battle is over, though Dawn, Togekiss seems more motherly then sisterly.
    8:02 - Dawn looks to go into a deep thought... okay we just switch to another scene... oh wait back to Dawn's depression. And Ash, what do you think is wrong? You were in the battle, you saw Dawn trying to have Togekiss attack while it was dancing, the problem is kind of easy to see.
    8:22 - Was Togekiss wiping Piplup's mouth? It's treating it like a baby, though with how it acts sometimes... YOU JUST GOT TOGEKISS! OF COURSE YOU'RE NOT GOING TO UNDERSTAND IT JUST YET! ALL the Pokemon you caught took you awhile before you knew how to use them, why are you acting as if Togekiss was the first not to listen to you? Actually Togekiss is listening to you, just taking its time to dance the attack.
    8:50 - Well Brock, remember Salvia wanted to participate in a Pokemon Contest and therefore probably taught it to look as staIyish as it could, probably never really thought it would effect its battling abilities.
    9:02 - What? Savlia perfectly used Togekiss without any problems during the battling stage, which only makes it confusing why it's acting like this now... meh, let's just say because Dawn doesn't have enough badges. Also, if you remember, YOU CAN USE A DIFFERENT POKEMON FOR THE BATTLING STAGE, like say, MAMOSWINE!
    9:38 - Shovels? Um, Team Rocket, don't you think Ash & co. would see you trying to build a pit trap? Okay, they are actually digging a tunnel them and... wow, they were sure lucky Ash & co. weren't looking in the direction the giant thin Diglett periscope came digging out from. Of course that point is moot as the tunnel then collapses.

    Staraptor Now Knows How Gliscor Felt:
    0:34 - Dawn, Piplup just tripped, as you say, no need to worry. Especially since Togekiss's maternal instincts are on full drive when it comes to looking after Piplup.
    1:47 - Again with the Diglett periscope (did I forget to mention it also has a very visible drill on top of its head?)! This time Team Rocket hits water (was there a lake or river nearby we didn't see?) which causes them to geyser off right in front of Ash & co..
    2:26 - Ash, does it really matter what they are talking about? They're Team Rocket, you have Pikachu, Dawn has a new Pokemon, what do you think Team Rocket wants?
    3:03 - Oh for crying out loud... THEY WANT TO STEAL TOGEKISS! So the battle begins but Togekiss soon flies off with Yanmega chasing after it. As Dawn goes after Togekiss, Ash and Brock deal with the rest of Team Rocket.
    4:12 - Oh, nevermind, Jessie decides to leave Seviper at the mercy of Pikachu and goes to help Yanmega battle Dawn and Togekiss. Danw has Togekiss do a Sky Attack but it begins dancing around causing Dawn to yell at it to stop which it does... and then get attacked by a SonicBoom.
    5:05 - Now Togekiss is fighting back! I guess you need to beat it up a bit before realizing that it's not competing in an Appeal Round and is now in a position of being able to get attacked.
    5:20 - Why did Jessie tell Yanmega to watch out? It was using Steel Wing, a Physical move, even if it used it to bounce the Aura Spheres away it could have still attacked Togekiss with the Steel Wing.
    5:46 - What's it? To not have Togekiss fall down (especially on rocks) you tell it to pull up?
    5:55 - Wha- What? Okay, yay, I know it can dodge while dancing, but Dawn is still giving it mixed messages: "Togekiss, stop dancing around and battle!" "Togekiss, QUICKLY, DANCE!" Be atleast a bit specific on when or why it should be dancing, like "dance to dodge".
    6:32 - Being that's a second time Dawn said that I guess "StyIe and Grace" is what Dawn is going to call Togekiss's dance dodging move.
    6:41 - Jessie, no Special attacks are working, maybe you'll like to try a Physical attack (though it'll also probably not work).
    6:50 - "Ride the wind"? Wasn't that what Ash's Gliscor left to do? Did Salvia take Togekiss to McCann to have trained a bit in air battles?
    7:00 - "Air Slash with grace"?... Okay, so now have you decided that you're okay with Togekiss's spectacle battling styIe? What is the lesson suppose to be, that Dawn has to train Togekiss not to fool around while battling or Dawn has to accustom herself to Togekiss's battling styIe?
    7:24 - I would say something but being Yanmega's eyes don't get swirly or become an "X" when knocked out I'll give this. Though I will comment how she still left Seviper behind to be electricuted by Pikachu and have to be carried out by Meowth (but why is James carrying Carnivine? They need to carry Seviper because Jessie has its Pokeball but Carnivine belongs to James).
    7:49 - Where did the balloon come from? And being the episode was about them catching Togekiss why did the hand grab Piplup?
    8:17 - Yes Ash, just scream for Pikachu and not bothering to throw out Staraptor like you usually do. Of course Togekiss comes soaring from the sky and frees and catches Piplup and Pikachu. Then all attack for the Team Rocket Blast Off.
    9:32 - Yes, when Togekiss was falling onto a rock and you told it to fly up... how did that exactly help you discover to combine Togekiss's dancing and attacks together again?
    9:50 - Okay, so the lesson is that Dawn has to accustom herself to Togekiss's battle styIe, at least we got that question answered.

    Well how did you like the new format? Much more shorter then with my previous old format. But it's up to you which format I should I use. So should I continue on with it or should I return to how I was doing it before? Any problems you're having with this new format you'll like to see if I could fix?

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [9]Sep 5, 2010
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    I like the new format a bit better, but there's one problem with it that doesn't have anything to do with whether I like it or not: it's against TV.com rules to link to episodes. So you may want to alter it a bit so that no episode linking is involved. Also, I kind of liked it better when it was divided up more than just twice.

    Edited on 09/05/2010 7:14pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Sep 5, 2010
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    pikastatic100 wrote:

    I like the new format a bit better, but there's one problem with it that doesn't have anything to do with whether I like it or not: it's against TV.com rules to link to episodes. So you may want to alter it a bit so that no episode linking is involved. Also, I kind of liked it better when it was divided up more than just twice.

    There is no way I can do this format without posting the episode links. So it's pretty much up to SPDShadowRanger whether he'll allow this or if not I'll just have to go back to my old format.

    As for dividing them into multiple parts, if this format is kept for next episode, I think I have a way to fix this.

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  • Avatar of pokemon152


    [12]Sep 6, 2010
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    I really liked this episode. I thought it was pretty cool how Dawn figured out how to use Togekiss's grace in battle.

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