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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Yes, in Dee Dee It's Dawn!

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1]Jun 26, 2010
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    so in today's episode they show how dawn got her nickname Deedee

    Diamond dandruff = D D = Dee Dee kinda like it really although I was hoping for what Pikachu predicted

    dawn it's your fault so stop blaming it on the pokemon

    surprisingly cool performance jessie (ooh arbok flute)

    ...........hehehe gabite basketball

    Edited on 06/26/2010 6:30am
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  • Avatar of IzzyDizko


    [2]Jun 26, 2010
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    Haha Diamond Dandruff, I liked this episode.
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [3]Jun 26, 2010
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    I'm afraid I slept in and missed this episode when it came on earlier. Fortunately, I was able to catch it on CN west. Well the story of the Dee Dee nickname has finally come out of the closet and I have to say, I wasn't expecting that it was short for something else. I think the dub writers put a stretch on it though. I must say, Jessie was certainly impressive in the performance. It just shows that Team Rocket aren't lousy trainers, just Ash and the others are better.

    Edited on 06/26/2010 7:20am
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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [4]Jun 26, 2010
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    I've always been confused why people Dawn knew called her Dee Dee, but now, I feel kinda sad for her. Yes, she did provoke the Plusle and Minun, but I don't think that was any excuse for people to call Dawn a mean name.

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  • Avatar of Kauaimon


    [5]Jun 26, 2010
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    Dawn did provoke the two, but she didn't know any better I guess. I mean she was only in kindergarden. Diamond Dandruff is kinda mean.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [6]Jun 26, 2010
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    they were 5

    it should be expected

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [7]Jun 26, 2010
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    Interesting to finally find out the mystery behind Dawn's nickname, and while I suppose it's understandable why she was called that in Kindergarten, I think it's pretty silly and mean that it's still going on all these years later. I must admit, Jessie's performance was pretty good this time around.
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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [8]Jun 26, 2010
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    So Dawn little secret is finally revealed. But that is not all, we finally back to non filler stuff, and more speficly contest action. This episode was near perfect, my favorite Dawn rival returns, and Jessie shows some skills this time.

    Edited on 06/26/2010 9:51pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [9]Jun 26, 2010
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    We had one debatable filler episode and your saying it's good to be back? Geesh.

    They ruined Dee Dee. She was suppose to sound similar to Elekid!
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [10]Jun 27, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    they were 5

    it should be expected

    Hey, if that's the case, then this probably happened during Ash's first year of his journey.

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    We had one debatable filler episode and your saying it's good to be back? Geesh. They ruined Dee Dee. She was suppose to sound similar to Elekid!

    How is last week's episode's filler status debatable? And what would sounding like an Elekid have to do with anything?

    Edited on 06/27/2010 9:19pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Jun 27, 2010
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    they were 5

    it should be expected

    Hey, if that's the case, then this probably happened during Ash's first year of his journey.

    No, it would have happened when Ash was also 5 being Ash is still 10, the same age as Dawn.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [12]Jun 27, 2010
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    EddyBob15 wrote:
    How is last week's episode's filler status debatable? And what would sounding like an Elekid have to do with anything?

    A whole episode dedicated to a game element is not exactly filler when the anime is based on a video game. And have you heard Elekid? It makes a sound that sounds like it could be turned into Dee Dee.
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [13]Jun 28, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    EddyBob15 wrote:
    How is last week's episode's filler status debatable? And what would sounding like an Elekid have to do with anything?
    A whole episode dedicated to a game element is not exactly filler when the anime is based on a video game. And have you heard Elekid? It makes a sound that sounds like it could be turned into Dee Dee.

    Good point.

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    EddyBob15 wrote:

    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    they were 5

    it should be expected

    Hey, if that's the case, then this probably happened during Ash's first year of his journey.

    No, it would have happened when Ash was also 5 being Ash is still 10, the same age as Dawn.

    He has to be at least over twelve now. He may not look it, but he is older. Haven't you noticed that anime characters tend to age differently?

    Oh, and BTW, Pikachu, I was looking over one of your old reviews and I saw this part:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    * Gah! Calm down Candice! Sure Zoey is probably Dawn's biggest rival but she's not the antagonist kind (though it does seem it at times). Dawn's antagonist is... is... she really doesn't have a main antagonist in Pokemon Contests like May had with Harley.

    Care to revise that statement?

    Edited on 06/27/2010 11:51pm
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [14]Jun 28, 2010
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    I quote from bulbapedia

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [18]Jul 6, 2010
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    THE ORIGIN OF DAWN'S NICKNAME DEEDEE IS REVEALED! Personally I thought it had something to do with a Pikachu (being Dawn's nickname is Japan was "PIKAri" (her Japanese name is "Hikari")) though personally I wasn't that far off. Yes while she freaks out at those Pokemon, she's perfectly fine with Ash's Pikachu and even has a Pachirisu (I go into more details below). Going to the main focus of the episode, I did like Jessie's performance the most. Dawn's and Ursula's are a tie, though if Ursula had Gabite dribble Jigglypuff it would be my second favorite for this contest (sorry Dawn, but your's was a bit plain). But I know why you are reading this so:

    Shock, Cheer, and Freak Out:
    * Look, Mamoswine and Cyndaquil are out... ah, the Flame Ice move. Brock, of course Dawn will be using other moves, Flame Ice is pretty much just for the Performance Round.
    * And Dawn's perky mood just went south as look who's here, Ursula. And she has a Plusle and a Minun with her... and Dawn suddenly went crazy...
    * Well Dawn didn't seem to panic cause she saw Ursula as they just realized it was her. Ursula also has 4 Ribbons just like Dawn and plans on using Plusle and Minun for the Double Contest... I wonder how "original" that is.
    * But as soon as Ursula introduce her Plusle and Minun, Dawn goes back to panicking. And while I'll complain about Ash scanning Minun (he didn't scan Plusle before as May did), however Dawn is about ready to go to the fetal position...
    * Hey, how come Plusle's Pokedex didn't mention Minun but Minun's mentioned Plusle? I sense favoritism!
    * Um Dawn, any reason why you're freaking out? Well Ursula has them perform right in front of Dawn (I don't know if she did it on purpose or not...) and like with Pachirisu, Dawn's hair puffed up and sparkles.
    * Plusle and Minun use Cheer on foe Dawn! It's super effective! Opposing Dawn has fainted! No, seriously, Dawn fainted.
    * We also get our scene with Team Rocket but decide to focus on the Pokemon Contest then what Ash & co. are doing. And sounds like Jessie will be using Jame's Carnivine (which really isn't that surprising as she "borrowed" it before).

    Elementary School Drama:
    * Back in the Pokemon Center Dawn wakes up and after being given some hot milk (don't people usually drink that when they're trying to go to sleep?) and Dawn begins to tell us why she freaked because of Plusle and Minun.
    * So back when Dawn was little, her, Kenny, and Leona were assigned as "Pokemon Caretakers" to take care of their class's pet Plusle and Minun (I wonder what Pokemon the other classes had?).
    * Anyway they were cleaning the Cheering's Pokemon cage, well Kenny and Leona were, Dawn was busy chasing Plusle and Minun to give them a hug. However Dawn gives them too hard of a hug and they give off a small shock causing Dawn's hait to puff out and sparkle.
    * Kenny says exactly what Brock said, "you're hair is sparkling like a diamond", after Leona says it's like dandruff Kenny decides to call Dawn "Diamond Dandruff"... ah yes, don't you remember in Elementary School where you do one thing which marks you for life... a people wonder why kids stop talking to ex-class mates when they leave that school...
    * *GASP* THAT'S WHERE DEEDEE COMES FROM! Well, being it's an abbreviation of "Diamond Dandruff" it's more like "DD" then "Deedee", but whatever.
    * Back to the story, during storytime... lol, the Pokemon version of "Tortoise and the Hare" is "Turtwig and the Buneary"... Kenny stands up for no reason and tells all the kids Dawn's nickname. Geez, it's a wonder why Dawn didn't punch Kenny the first time we met him (DP026) when he called her Deedee.
    * Okay, now I know they are different species of Pokemon, but why isn't Dawn a bit catious with Pikachu and Pachirisu? Plusle, Minun, and Pachirisu only exist because of Pikachu which Plusle and Minun almost share a body style with. In addition Pachirisu has puffed up Dawn's hair before, yet she still acts normal around the two.
    * And after the story Ash, Pikachu, Brock, and Piplup laugh at her. Dawn, you have permission to knock them all out. And Plusle and Minun didn't zap Dawn because she was chasing them, they were quite happy with that, it was Dawn holding and squeezing them they didn't like and zapped her for.
    * But as Ash and Brock cheers Dawn up, Ursula overhears them. Now remember when I said one of the differences between Dawn and May was that unlike May Dawn didn't have a mean rival like Harley... this is going to turn out like AG103, isn't it?

    Performing With The Unexpected:
    * Dawn, why are you hyping Piplup up? I thought you were using Mamoswine and Cyndaquil for the Performance Round? Anyway Ursula begins taunting Dawn with her Plusle and Minun while Jessie stays in the back musing to herself about winning the Ribbon as the two argue.
    * Jessie is out first and, hold it, isn't James normally in a disguise when sitting in the crowd? Anyway Jessie only has Carnivine out but plays and Arbok flute. Apparently Jessie is doing a snake charmer routine and had placed Serviper's Pokeball in Carnivine's mouth and as it comes out shocks everyone.
    * As Serviper and Carnivine continue to do the wave, Serviper then spins around in an "o" shape as Carnivine uses Bullet Seed to make sparkles fall. Finally Serviper falls down and coils around Jessie (though I also expected Carnivine to also come and chomp down on Jessie).
    * Dawn is next and chooses... Piplup and Buneary? So wait, does she plan on using the Flame Ice for the battling round? Anyway Dawn has Buneary use Ice Beam to freeze Piplup's BubbleBeam and begins bouncing on them (as they somehow are still able to float), then finishing it off by popping them creating sparkles.
    * Finally we have Ursula who throws out Gabite and Jigglypuff, I guess Plusle and Minun are for the Battle Round also. Anyway Gabite pretty much begins playing basketball with Jigglypuff (sorta, it never dribbles Jigglypuff), uses Stone Hedge which Jigglypuff destroys (and cause sparkles) with Hyper Voice, and Jigglypuff does Gyro Ball which creates more sparkles with Gabite's Sand Tomb.
    * And to finish things off (yay, she's not done yet), Gabite uses Dragon Claw... but doesn't do anything with it except just to have a glowing claw when it spins Jigglypuff on its claw to end the performance.
    * Ash and Brock run down to congratulate Dawn (as Buneary glomps Pikachu *sigh*) as the results come in showing Dawn, Jessie, and Ursula are going onto the Battle Round (whoever is surprise raise your hand. *Nobody raises there hand*. Good) as Ursula says she can't wait to battle Dawn with Plusle and Minun... hope Dawn can keep her cool.

    Edited on 07/05/2010 11:27pm
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [19]Jul 6, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    * But as Ash and Brock cheers Dawn up, Ursula overhears them. Now remember when I said one of the differences between Dawn and May was that unlike May Dawn didn't have a mean rival like Harley... this is going to turn out like AG103, isn't it?

    I take it you read my comment about revising that statement?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [20]Jul 6, 2010
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    * But as Ash and Brock cheers Dawn up, Ursula overhears them. Now remember when I said one of the differences between Dawn and May was that unlike May Dawn didn't have a mean rival like Harley... this is going to turn out like AG103, isn't it?

    I take it you read my comment about revising that statement?


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