Time for out first Gym Battle, but surprise! There's three leaders!
and now for the dramatic cliffhanger
Can Oshawott do it?
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Time for out first Gym Battle, but surprise! There's three leaders!
and now for the dramatic cliffhanger
Can Oshawott do it?
Woot! Striaton City Gym battle! Love this episode so much.
I bet Iris didn't even know where the Striaton City Gym was. =P Good thing Cilan came, a Pokemon Connoisseur (IMO better than Sommelier), to show them. Lol fangirls, but I don't blame them for fawning over Cilan, Chili, and Cress. Ash, you fail at type-advantages. Why would you put yourself in dangerous situations when you don't need to? Anyway, Tepig beats Pansear (yay), but Pikachu loses to Panpour (WTF). Ash - 1. Striaton Gym - 1. Ash battles Cilan's Pansage with his Oshawott, which I really don't like anymore (I'm really fond of Mijumaru, though). It must be the voice.
Team Rocket, kudos to you for not meddling with the Striaton City Gym. Instead, they have a mission from Giovanni to go to this "Dreamyard Site" in order to harness "future energy." This "future energy" apparently has the power to turn dreams into reality, and if that is so, then please, I want some of it. =P
Anyway, that was probably the sexiest gym battle EVER in the history of Pokemon. Cilan's voice is better than expected, and the episode ends in a cliffhanger. Yeah... life is pretty damn good.
"Triple Leaders, Team Threats!" receives a 9.5!
Interesting. Cilan is introduced at least. Didn't expect him to be voiced by Jason Griffth though...
I really didn't know what to expect with Cilan's English voice, but I must say I'm pleased with it and a bit surprised when I learned it was Jason Griffith's voicing him. Still, a great episode, and I kept getting a few Ouran vibes from the it... Bishonen waiters/hosts of differing personalities, lots of fangirls, someone getting mistaken for a customer without knowing what the place is, and the fact that the three are triplets when Ouran has a pair of twins... Not that that's a bad thing though~
wow big Cliff Hanger! Can't wait for next weeks episode!
Awesome episode! Part 1 of Ash's first Unova Gym Battle against the trio of Cilan, Chili, and Cress! TO BE CONTINUED...
@the last post: Kinda makes you wonder if Cilan was supposed to be based on Justin Bieber.
Hm, it was a meh episode though it has plenty of action, logical or not. Ash, Pikachu, and Iris finally get to Straiton City and meet a green haired boy named Cilan who shows them to the Gym. However something is a little off about the Gym. Meanwhile Team Rocket call HQ to find out why they needed to go to Straiton City. Will Ash figure out the secret of the Gym? Will he be ready to face the Gym Leader, or LeaderS? What is Team Rocket up to? And will Pidove be ever seen in the show again? Well aside from that last question, the rest is answered below:
Serving Up A Plate Of Triple Confusion:
Ash has finally arrived to Straiton City, for real this time! With Iris strangely not in sight, Ash heads into the city excited about his Gym Battle when Iris teleports in from wherever she was and asks if he knows where the Gym even is.
Iris: Already to go but you don't know where you're going; just like a kid.
Comment: Or more like someone that's never been to this city. Also, Iris, the more and more you say "just like a kid", the more and more you make it sound like you're the kid and you're trying to compensate your immaturity by saying everyone else is immature... which makes you even more immature.
Axew pops out of Iris's hair and as she feeds it someone notices it and a green haired boy comes up to them. He then begins saying some poetry which compliments Axew. But his attention soon turns to Pikachu, excuse me for a moment. *Leaves outside and soon shouting can be heard about how we get it already that we're in a far away region and then I come back* Okay, so where were we? Ah yes, the green haired kid tells Ash he has a rare Pokemon but Ash introduces himself and says he's from Kanto. The green haired kid then introduces himself as Cilan and says he's a Pokemon Connoisseur. Ash asks what a Pokemon Connoisseur but as Iris calls Ash a kid Cilan interrupts saying he understands why Ash doesn't know as Pokemon Connoisseurs are only in Unova. He then goes on to explain what a Pokemon Connoisseur is and basically he's a human version of the Poketch's Compatibility Checker App. Hearing this Ash asks what does Cilan think of him and Pikachu but Iris reminds Ash they're here for a Gym Battle which Cilan says he knows where the Gym is and leads them to it.
We get to the Gym and Ash immediately bursts through the door yelling for a battle... only to see people eating at a restaurant (Guess Ash forgot sometimes Gyms have a secondary function). Iris is surprised at this too as two others boy similarly dressed as Cilan but with different hair colors (one's red and the other is blue) greets them as Cilan pushes them in and seats them. The three Pokemon Connoisseurs begin trying to take Ash's and Iris's order and suggesting things off the menu until Ash finally freaks out and yells he just wants a Gym Battle. The other eaters, all teenage girls, get excited hearing about a Gym Battle. As Ash gets up to leave, Cilan tells him to stop:
*Lights shut off and the three Pokemon Connoisseurs walk to a side of the restaurant. A green light then shines on Cilan*
Cilan: Alright then Ash, I'll grant your request.
Comment: Well I can see where this is heading, though it kind of helped we knew about who the first Gym Leaders are before the Black and White was even released.
*The fangirls swoon*
Red Haired Connoisseur: So you're a challenger. Then you'll receive a welcome as pleasant as hot as a noon day sun.
Two Fangirls: What a dream boat!
Blue Haired Connoisseur: No, I think we should be cool like a refreshing glass of water, chilled of course.
Fangirl 1: I can't believe we get to see another today.
Fangirl 2: Yeah, it's like the happiest day of my life.
Fangirl 3: I can't wait to see it.
Comment: Ash, don't be expecting any cheers if you beat the Gym Leaders, actually I suggest when you win to grab the badge and RUN.
Ash *looking shocked and confused*: Pikachu, what are they talking about?
Pikachu: Pika?
Comment: Oh come on Ash, you can't tell me this is the weirdest Gym you've ever been to, remember Wattson's Gym?
Cilan: This is the Striaton Gym.
Red Haired Connoisseur: And the three of us.
Blue Haired Connoisseur: We're triplet brothers.
Comment: Looking at your hair color and styIe your family tree must look very... weird.
Altogether: And we're the Gym Leaders.
Comment: And the cheapest of all Gym Leaders considering your gimmick, luckily Ash has a varied team so this shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Iris restates everything they just said but in simpler terms as the wall the Gym Leaders are standing behind opens up to reveal the Gym's battlefield. On the top balcony all the fangirls come out in cheerleading uniforms as Iris heads out on the balcony too to watch. We're finally told the names of the other two (yeah, we all already know their names but in anime storyline this is the first time we hear them) as Chili (red hair) and Cress (blue hair). Cilan explains to Ash that he chooses the one he wants to battle and showing them their Pokemon, the Elemental Monkeys: Pansear, Pansage, and Panpour. Asking Ash who he chooses to battle, Ash goes for the predictable choice and says he wants to battle all three which surprises them. Finding this as an intriguing idea, the Gym Leaders come up with the new rule that is Ash can two out three battles against them he'll win the Gym Badge.
I Don't Think This Is The Triple Battle Feature We Were Told About:
Ash is first up against Chili and his Pansear. Cilan explains that each match is one vs. one and after one is knocked out Ash will face the next brother. Now with Pansear being a Fire-type the best choice for Ash would be Oshawott... as you probably have guess Ash decides to go with Tepig (probably because he didn't have anything weak against Fire-types to send out ). Iris says what I just said about using Oshawott but Ash explains he promised that he's use Tepig in his first Gym Battle (um, Ash, you do know you have to battle the other two brothers, one having a Grass-type, so even if you save Tepig for type advantage you'll still be using it for your first Gym Battle).
Tepig scores the first hit with a Tackle sending it flying but Pansear recovers and does a Fire Punch (yes, use a Fire-type attack on a Fire-type, it's not like they're resistant, you sure are the Fire-type expert), knocking Tepig back. Pansear follows with a Flamethrower, and while Tepig tries to match with an Ember, it gets through and hits Tepig (though once again, Fire-type attack on Fire-type). Pansear then does Dig (if you had a move which IS effective on a Fire-type then why didn't you use it from the start? Actually why does Pansear know Dig? Shouldn't it be Pansage that should have learned Dig?) which sends Tepig flying. Ash warns Tepig that Dig is strong (a bit too late Ash) and gets back up, though it's weakened (so, when's Blaze gonna activate or did we waste all that deus ex machine with Infernape?). Pansear does another Dig and Ash tells Tepig to run and while it dodged the first attempt it got sent flying by the second. Pansear does another Dig but Ash tells Tepig to hang into Pansear and it dives right into hole. Both then come up with Tepig biting on Pansear's tail. Chili tells Pansear to flip it off and send it flying and while it does the flip thing Pansear instead slams Tepig into the ground. Ash tells Tepig to get back up which it does and, while stilling biting Pansear's tail, twirls Pansear around and throws it. Tepig then does an Ember which showers Pansear with flames (Fire-type...) but then goes into a Tackle which slams Pansear into the wall and knocking it out. Cilan says that the first match goes to Ash and Chili returns Pansear complimenting Tepig as Cress steps up to challenge Ash next.
Meanwhile Team Rocket are walking through town in the middle of the day light in entire black attire (smoothly blending in like sore thumbs ) and walk into an alleyway as they remind us that they're suppose to contact HQ as soon as they got to Straiton City, or not as they just said they have to be at a specific location and time.
Forgetting that distraction, Cress has Panpour out and Ash *GASP* uses type advantage and uses Pikachu! Pikachu starts with a Quick Attack but Panpour uses Double Team to have Pikachu hit a fake and follows with a Scratch. Panpour then uses Water Gun (hm, now thinking about it, Panpour would have also done well with Dig) but Pikachu dodges and tries for a Thunderbolt but (again!) Cress tells Panpour to aim at Pikachu's feet and causes Pikachu to slip... which is kind of confusing as Pikachu was using Thunderbolt in the air. Panpour hits Pikachu with another Water Gun (because in the anime Resistance doesn't exist unless it inconveniences our protagonists) and does a barrage of Scratches (So, when is Pikachu's Ability Static going to come in? What? Never? Oh you writers are so silly...). Beginning to struggle, Ash tells Pikachu to use a Volt Tackle but Panpour uses Mud Sport (if it had that move this whole time then WHY DIDN'T IT USE IT UNTIL NOW?!) causing Pikachu to slip out of it. Panpour then does a Water Gun (because we all know its super effectiv... okay, I'll stop now) which knocks Pikachu out. Okay, after hearing Ash needs two wins to get the Badge we all knew Ash was going to lose either the first or second battle... but couldn't they have done this a bit more logically? I mean Tepig, a starter who was abandoned by its owner and thus probably hadn't battled much, defeats a Gym Leader's Pokemon yet Pikachu, a Pokemon who had taken out several Gym Leader Pokemon and two Legendaries, loses when it has the type advantage? Oh right, we have to sell the games and Tepig is in the games while Pikachu isn't. However this all goes back to what I was saying before about Zekrom locking Pikachu's power, they could have used that for the reason why Pikachu is suddenly Level 5 again. Actually if they had Panpour use Mud Sport at the start of the battle it would have provided a reason why Pikachu lost. But no, we once again get Pikachu losing for no reason other than because the writers wrote themselves in a corner.
Cutting back to Team Rocket, probably to give people time to fume and rant about Pikachu losing for no good reason, we find that the location they're suppose to contact HQ at is... a sewer. Either way, Giovanni tells Team Rocket about the Dreamyard and how it was a research facility developing a future energy that can make anything possible and tells them to go find it. Giovanni leaves sending them over plans for robotic weaponry (so them using Pokemon like anyone else will make them stand out but them riding around in mechs using projectile weapons won't?) and they run off upon the finishing of the download.
Cilan compliments Ash about his bond with Pikachu but tells him getting the badge wouldn't be easy but Ash says he likes it that way. Cilan sends Pansage out and because in the last battle the Pokemon with the disadvantage won that means if Ash uses a Pokemon with a disadvantage in this battle he'll win... yeah that sounds stupid but it's the only way to explain why Ash chose Oshawott instead of the logical Pidove.
Iris: Oshawott? Wouldn't a Flying-type like Pidove have been a better choice against a Grass-type like Pansage?
Comment: Of course it would Iris, but this is Ash who is as smart as rock candy and we think the main writer is Green (Blue in Japan) from Pokemon Adventures (Special in Japan) who has ornithophobia.
Cress points out the odd choice hearing Ash has a Pidove and upon seeing its opponent Oshawott freaks out and hides behind Ash... Ash, THIS SHOULD RING A FEW ALERT BELLS IN YOUR HEAD!!! Ash and Pikachu pushes Oshawott out onto the field and tells it that it's the only Pokemon that can do this (Gee Ash, it's nice to see you don't trust Pidove) and saying it's one of his strongest Pokemon (because he never used it to battle before except against Team Free Experience Rocket), reminding it when it helped saved Pikachu and Axew from Team Rocket (I would like to note that it did this when Ash hasn't captured it yet and the next time it faced Team Rocket under Ash's possession it couldn't even touch them, and that was LAST WEEK'S EPISODE). Cilan let them have the first attack and Oshawott uses Tackle which Pansage side steps out of the way. Pansage then does Bullet Seed hitting Oshawott in the behind as it runs away. Cilan says Ash is acting a bit immature (no Cilan, Oshawott is acting immature, Ash is acting stupid, but that's normal for him so he's technically okay... for him at least) and "proves" this by having Pansage jump right in front of Oshawott and use Bite leaving Oshawott with a monkey on its back (or head). This battle is such a joke Iris begins laughing while Pansage leads Oshawott isn't a rock as it jumps off. Oshawott uses a Water Gun but Pansage dodges them but (again!) Ash tells Oshawott to aim better and after several more attempts finally hits Pansage while it's in the air (*insert Water-type moves are Resisted by Grass-types joke here*). Cilan begins to talk about flavors and he won't be defeated by Ash's basic ones (... that came out wrong...) and tells Pansage to convert the power of the sun. Anyone who had watched the show for a long time will know Oshawott now only has a few precious second to defeat Pansage before... oh nevermind it unleashed Solar Beam (kamehameha-styIe) at Oshawott. And here we end this episode.
i didnt see the Japanese version of the episode, but i'm disappointed the gym battle was still going when the episode was over, i expected Cilan to wanna join Ash on his journey at the end of the episode, but i guess we'll have to wait til this sat. episode to see that
And what? have it be rushed?
This isn't the same as Brock's first appearance
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
This isn't the same as Brock's first appearance |
and what do u mean by that?