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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discusson: The Brockster is In!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Jan 29, 2011
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    Yay, Happiny evolves! just in time to leave. Yay.

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [2]Jan 29, 2011
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    Awesome episode! Brock gets his chance to become a Pokemon Doctor, and his Happiny (finally!) evolves into Chansey! Goodbye Brock, I'm really gonna miss you!

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [3]Jan 29, 2011
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    PUSA fixes what 4Kids screwed up way back when in Hoenn. I don't remember what name they gave to the Lava Cookie, but we knew what it was that the old woman had. Platinum is the only version where you can't get it without outside help since the girl gives you a flute for finding her Suite Key. They could've asked if anyone had any Full Heals, Full Restores, or Old Gateau since those help status effects.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [4]Jan 30, 2011
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    Well, I'm glad that Brock got a good episode dedicated to him before his departure; Happiny evolving added a nice touch. I'm hopping Brock will pursue his dreams.

    On a completely unrelated note, yayz for game references (including Black and White) by Team Rocket.
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [5]Jan 30, 2011
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    Did anyone besides me realize that Team Rocket lost their record for going the longest without blasting off?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [6]Jan 30, 2011
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    This episode was kind of bland to me, which is kind of sad being this was a Brock episode and we all know if there is any main character on the show that needs episode centered on him it's Brock. I think one of the main problems is that, though the Baby Pokemon and eventually just Pichu were sick and we were being told what problems they were having, there wasn't really a feel of urgency. However overall this doesn't matter as it seems like Brock has come to the idea of becoming a Pokemon Doctor instead of a Breeder. However we arrive to Twinleaf Town so we'll be holding the rest of this story, for now. Here's my comments:

    Reminding You That This Show Is To Sell Games:
    00:38 - Wait Ash, what about the Generation IV Battle Frontier? Don't you remember your battle with Palmer?
    00:44 - Well being your HEADING to Twinleaf Town asking what Dawn planned on doing next was kind of obvious.
    01:09 - So what, you guys weren't planning on at least saying good-bye to Johanna? You're heading to Twinleaf Town, it's not like it'll take you more then a few minutes to walk Dawn home.
    01:24 - So are these suppose to be newly hatched Pokemon? I mean I know Teddiursa is a basic stage so it would hatch from an egg, but wouldn't another Baby Pokemon like a Magby or Elekid fit in more being the other Pokemon there are all Baby Pokemon?
    *Opening has been skipped incase you were wondering why time is a bit off*
    02:19 - THEY'RE BABY POKEMON, THAT'S WHAT THEY DO! There entire shtick is being small and cute... though watch out for that Wynaut it's still Uber/Over-Used Tier.
    02:26 - THEY'RE BABIES, THAT'S WHAT THEY DO! Get into trouble despite you specifically telling them not to do what they did to get in trouble.
    02:58 - MAGIKARP SUB! YAYZ!!
    03:13 - Wait, what happened to all the money you made during the Sinnoh Leauge? Don't tell me you spent it all on that radar!
    03:38 - HAHAHA, get it? They mentioned all the Generation II and onward games titles (Though obviously they skipping Generation I due ot it being named after colors). Also being James said it's his favorite type of bling, I think that's a clue on what it is...
    03:40 - James, we're still in Sinnoh, wait a few more episodes before Gen V references! Oh, and yes, swipe at the Tentacruel which you know are fierce Pokemon.
    04:05 - Well James mentioned it was his favorite type of bling, if that didn't clue you off well I must bring up how long have you been travelling together?
    04:20 - Curry-flavored lemonade? What cruise liner sells that, Weight Watchers to prevent overeating?
    04:35 - Jessie I don't think the bottle cap is the only reason they're attacking...

    Attack Of The Land Travelling Jelly Squids:
    04:59 - How did they end up up there?
    05:33 - The Tentacruel are jumping on board? Never saw them do that before. O_o
    05:56 - Iron Tail? How about a Thundershock, being they're half, you know, WATER-types! Oh great, now Pikachu is poisoned.
    06:14 - Huh? So what did Ash & co. just let a whole mob of Tentacruel right pass them?
    06:30 - Or an Antidote, Full Heal, or Full Heal like items but whatever you got on hand if what you use I suppose.
    06:54 - Well for Baby Pokemon they did put up a good fight, at least Pichu had the idea to attack with an Electric-type attack.
    07:12 - THEY'RE PROBABLY MORE ANGRY AT YOU FOR SWATTING AT THEM! You just taking the bottle cap is just the icing on the cake.
    08:10 - So the Tentacruel are attacking JUST because of the bottle cap? Being they're Pokemon they're used to being attacked I guess.
    09:31 - Why would the ship have Pecha Berries? I mean asking to look for items like Antidotes or Full Heals would have been a better thing to say as those are something I would think a ship in a Pokemon world to have stored somewhere. Oh, nevermind, apparently berries were being delivered.
    00:17 - Um, who cares? The... um, captain?... led you to this room which had the Berry shipment, if that room had any of the shipment the Captain would have probably also told you.
    00:39 - Oh please Team Rocket, you're pretty much back-up into a one-way out room against the kids you beat you on a daily basis and they're angry at you, you're in no position to be making demands.
    00:57 - You have to wonder how much money in damages has been done by the Team Rocket blast offs to ceilings and roofs... then you have to wonder if you would charge Team Rocket or Ash & co..

    Searching For Various Cures:
    01:09 - Oh, so it's Dawn you remembers that Pecha Berries aren't the only thing which heals Poison.
    01:41 - Oh, Heal Powder, well at least that's a bit different. So the count is 3 Pecha Berries and a Heal Powder, all you need is 3 more healing items.
    01:58 - Lava Cookies! But don't just mention is only heals Poison, it's pretty much a Full Heal for 1/3 of the price.
    02:08 - Oh, I guess they don't need 2 other healing items.
    03:29 - Well you were 2 healing items short... So, um, I don't think Pichu have a lot of HP so can't you just wait till it's HP is 1 and have the Poison cure naturally? All you need to do then is find a Potion, or sorry, I mean an Oran Berry.
    06:00 - What is a Durin Berry going to do? It's a Bitter Pokeblock/Poffin ingredient. Wait, couldn't you just have grinded the Oran Berries?
    06:37 - HAPPINY IS EVOLVING! :O Well maybe now it'll learn a healing move... hey, wait a second, Happiny can learn Refresh and we've seen Misty's Azurill use Refresh on Pikachu so why is it evolving?
    07:02 - Softboiled only restores HP, you should have it use Refresh, while it could be argued with Happiny that it probably wasn't at the proper level, if Chansey knows Softboiled it's at the level where it can learn Refresh.
    08:13 - And with that realization we're about to see the quickest career shift ever. Oh, and now Brock needs to be cured from a Poison Jab... wait Brock is usually better after Croagunk drags him off, Croagunk have you been holding out on a Poison cure!

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [7]Jan 30, 2011
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    Who says Brock is going to give up his dream of being a breeder? Couldn't he be both a Pokemon doctor and breeder? I think both require the same type of experience.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [8]Jan 31, 2011
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    Who says Brock is going to give up his dream of being a breeder? Couldn't he be both a Pokemon doctor and breeder? I think both require the same type of experience.

    Well there are differences between a Breeder and a Doctor. A Breeder is more focused on making a Pokemon look good and though keeping a Pokemon healthy is a big part of that they aren't exactly required to know medicine. A Doctor would know medicine as well as how a body normally functions and know what to exactly look for when a Pokemon is feeling sick. An example would be with the Poisoned Pokemon, Brock being a Breeder knows Pecha Berries cure Poison however with limited Pecha Berries and other Poison curing items he had no idea what to do and struggled with trying to keep Pichu stable until Nurse Joy could come aboard. If Brock had studied medicine he might have been able to do much more as instead of just knowing items like Pecha Berries, Heal Power, Lava Cookies, etc. would heal the Pokemon of poison instead he would know what specific elements and chemicals neutralize poison and could therefore extend what items they could have used.

    Now I'm not saying Brock can't be both a Doctor and a Breeder, however I would think if Brock does decide to become a Pokemon Doctor anything which a Pokemon Breeder specifically does look extra time grooming their Pokemon would be cut down and take a side note as a hobby.

    Edited on 01/31/2011 4:47am
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  • Avatar of killerband55


    [9]Jan 31, 2011
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    Brock actually acted professional for a change (until the end of the episode with Nurse Joy, lol)

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [10]Jan 31, 2011
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    killerband55 wrote:

    Brock actually acted professional for a change (until the end of the episode with Nurse Joy, lol)

    If you're talking about him not flirting with Normajean that's because Normajean is suppose to be around Ash & Dawn's age.

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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [11]Jan 31, 2011
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    He's probably thinking more along the lines of him not flirting with Nurse Joy the moment he laid eyes on her. They were in the middle of a crisis, so Brock maintained his composure.

    Pokémon Doctors know about healing Pokémon & medicines. Pokémon Breeders know which Pokémon don't seem to like each other very much & which prefer to play with other Pokémon.


    Edited on 01/31/2011 4:25pm
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [12]Jan 31, 2011
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    Great episode!

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