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Pokémon Forums

Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Ideas

  • Avatar of Flats_flounder


    [1]Aug 19, 2006
    • member since: 08/10/06
    • level: 7
    • rank: Talk Show Host
    • posts: 101

    Pikachu's crush

    Pikachu has a crush, on Jessie's new Rattata! The gang tell Jessie to let them get together. She says only if they give them Pikachu. Suddenly Pikachu is distracted when he sees another Pikachu. They kidnap him, and suddenly Ash finds Butterfree! He goes up and rescues Pikachu. Ash and co. convince Team Rocket to give Rattata to them. Another figth starts out about who gets to keep her.

    Rattata Rock

    While arguing over who get's to keep Rattata, she runs away. They find her at Rattata Rock, home of hundreds of Rattata's and Raticate's. Then Team Rocket finds the place and tries to steal there king, Ratty the Raticate with there new Rat-Bot. However they go blasting of again. The gang decides to let Rattata stay there, when suddenly Ash discovers a Delibird and takes out a Poke Ball...

    Delibird or Bust

    Ash tries to catch a Delibird and does. Soon Team Rocket finds themselves in Japan. Ash and the gang happen to be going there too for a tournament. The two sides do well till they make it to the finals. It's a battle that's lopsided until Delibird is released. He goes crazy and almost beats Team Rocket until he sees Psyduck. Then Cacnea tackles him and they win! They decide to win fair and go of without even trying to steal a Pokemon. They think theve turned a new leaf till they see a note saying "Gone for lunch, see ya later suckers!"

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [2]Aug 19, 2006
    • member since: 06/13/05
    • level: 72
    • rank: Happy Little Tree
    • posts: 9,110
    We already have a topic for this.
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  • Avatar of Kowloon5


    [3]Aug 20, 2006
    • member since: 07/03/05
    • level: 23
    • rank: Close Talker
    • posts: 745
    Yes. Can anyone lock it?
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