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Favorite Generation

What is your favorite generation of Pokemon?

  • Avatar of beegk


    [1]Sep 21, 2008
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    It is hard to choose, the first and second generations are great I will vote for the first. Forth generation has too many new evolutions.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [2]Sep 21, 2008
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    All of the generations are great, but I would have to say one is the best. After all, it's the generation that started it all...
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  • Avatar of Boolia


    [3]Sep 25, 2008
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    Generation 1 and 2
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  • Avatar of avirup_97


    [4]Sep 26, 2008
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    3 and 4.1 was bad.2 was medicore.IMO.
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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [5]Sep 26, 2008
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    Hmmm. I have to say Gen 2 for the following reasons.
    -Corrected some errors from the past Gen 1 (ex: derigged psychic type pokemon)
    -Introduction of pre-evolution/baby pokemon
    -Pokemon Stadium 2. -Has some of the best music overall
    -Some of the best pokemon that are not cliched in concept (who could not love Tyranitar?)
    - Replay a past region on the same cartridge
    -Introduced shiny pokemon
    -Great anime story arc that did not follow a linear plot sequence that was displayed in AG-BF and D/P-BD

    The only thing it was missing was fossil pokemon. But apart from that, it was almost the perfect generation.
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  • Avatar of eimajamie


    [6]Sep 28, 2008
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    2 will ALWAYS be my favourite
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  • Avatar of Seabono12


    [7]Sep 29, 2008
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    Generations 1 and 2 without a doubt. Generation 3 was boring for me but Generation 4 is pretty cool.

    Edited on 09/29/2008 5:51pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of dark_drapion57


    [8]Oct 3, 2008
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    Though the Generation 1 games sucked and were really glitchy, I loved the Generation 1 anime. It was so classic and everyone got along in it. The show had dignity and although at that point some of my fave Pokemon didn't exist, the old Pokemon was perfect all over. Best of all it had Misty who was actually comedic. If only the Gen 1 games were as good as the Gen1 anime,gen 1 would be 100% remarkable. My Red game, which I haven't played in ages, contains MissingNo running rampant and it's hard to play now. By the way, I didn't do the old man glitch to find a wild MissingNo, my game just went funny and all these Glitch Pokemon appeared, one of which CORRUPTED MY GAME. I had to start from scratch, and thanks to that, I got bored of Pokemon by Gen 2. I never bough any Gen 2 game. But then came Gen 3, and wow, a big improvement on Pokemon, so I bought Sapphire (and then Emerald) and I loved it. Generation 4 comes and now I'm a bigger fan than ever.

    In fact, I may try and dig out my Pokemon Red game, see if I can find it. I haven't played it about five years. The prob is the thing has become a Glitch Pokemon Safari Zone. I've heard there are still glitches in games like the Bag Egg, but luckily you need GameShark to get them. And why would I want a Bad Egg? They're horrible. They hatch into question marks and turn all of your other Pokemon into question marks. I've seen the vids on YouTube of people doing it. It is so creepy. I mean, to own a question mark.... (shakes) I would rather own a Gulpin than one of those evil things.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [9]Oct 3, 2008
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    dark_drapion57 wrote:

    Though the Generation 1 games sucked and were really glitchy, I loved the Generation 1 anime. It was so classic and everyone got along in it. The show had dignity and although at that point some of my fave Pokemon didn't exist, the old Pokemon was perfect all over. Best of all it had Misty who was actually comedic. If only the Gen 1 games were as good as the Gen1 anime,gen 1 would be 100% remarkable. My Red game, which I haven't played in ages, contains MissingNo running rampant and it's hard to play now. By the way, I didn't do the old man glitch to find a wild MissingNo, my game just went funny and all these Glitch Pokemon appeared, one of which CORRUPTED MY GAME. I had to start from scratch, and thanks to that, I got bored of Pokemon by Gen 2. I never bough any Gen 2 game. But then came Gen 3, and wow, a big improvement on Pokemon, so I bought Sapphire (and then Emerald) and I loved it. Generation 4 comes and now I'm a bigger fan than ever.

    In fact, I may try and dig out my Pokemon Red game, see if I can find it. I haven't played it about five years. The prob is the thing has become a Glitch Pokemon Safari Zone. I've heard there are still glitches in games like the Bag Egg, but luckily you need GameShark to get them. And why would I want a Bad Egg? They're horrible. They hatch into question marks and turn all of your other Pokemon into question marks. I've seen the vids on YouTube of people doing it. It is so creepy. I mean, to own a question mark.... (shakes) I would rather own a Gulpin than one of those evil things.

    Something similar to that happened to me. After Generation 1 (my very first pokemon game was Yellow, then Red), I lost interest in Pokemon for a little more than a year and didn't get any Gen. 2 games, but I went back to it full force after getting Ruby, Firered, then Emerald. Lol, since I didn't know what happened in Pokemon since Gen. 1, when I started Ruby, I didn't even know that Dark and Steel types existed and thought that Poochyena was a Normal type until I caught it and was like, WTF?!

    Anyway, I was an all out fan since then and became one x4 after I found out about, and bought Diamond and Pearl. I didn't even know, however, that glitches existed in the pokemon games until about a year ago, because none had ever happened to me (and still haven't, thank goodness) and I never really studied the games, I just played them and got all the info I needed from the official guides I bought with them.

    I did, though, watch a series of videos this guy put up on Youtube, about him having a war against an army of cloned bad eggs and Mews in his P.C. on his Firered or Leafgreen at the One Island Pokemon Center. He emerged victorious in the end (with the help of his army of Mewtwos), but he also had to start his game from scratch (which he said was worth it) . It looked very bad, but he made it so funny too!
    Edited on 10/03/2008 12:08pm
    Edited 3 total times.
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  • Avatar of PokeSponge123


    [10]Oct 16, 2008
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    I used to collect the Pokemon cards YEARS back, but last summer, I saw an advert for Diamond, and it looked cool! My friends got me hooked on the cards again, and then my best friend on the show.
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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [11]Nov 18, 2008
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    I've said this before and I'll say it again: Gen 1, cuz it started the phenomenon. I know there were many inconsistancies with typing and all that in the games and anime, but I still love it. I also used to collect the cards way back, but I eventually stopped when I realized it was pointless to try to collect all of them when they just kept coming out with more and more.
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  • Avatar of PokeSponge123


    [12]Nov 19, 2008
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    1 and 4.

    I can't stand 2, and 3 wasn't great. But Emerald was awesome!
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  • Avatar of tenacon


    [13]Nov 23, 2008
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    Generation 4. It takes all the good traits from the last 3, add new ideas,(*cough* Phsy/Spec reword *cough*) and the series plays best on a DS Lite. A gen2 remake now would be cool. and make Pokedex completion easier.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [14]Nov 23, 2008
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    tenacon wrote:
    Generation 4. It takes all the good traits from the last 3, add new ideas,(*cough* Phsy/Spec reword *cough*) and the series plays best on a DS Lite. A gen2 remake now would be cool. and make Pokedex completion easier.

    The Gold/Silver/Crystal remakes theory is pretty much dead, especially since you can already get all of the Johto pokemon from the other games. I do agree, though, it would be nice, it's so difficult to get all of the Johto starters...
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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [15]Nov 23, 2008
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    The Gold/Silver/Crystal remakes theory is pretty much dead, especially since you can already get all of the Johto pokemon from the other games. I do agree, though, it would be nice, it's so difficult to get all of the Johto starters...
    I wouldn't necessarily say it's "dead" as the GBA remakes of Gen 1 was a cash cow and the same could apply for Gen 2, then Gen 3, then Gen 4 and so on and so on. Wherever there is a money grabbing opportunity, Gamefreak will seize it.
    Edited on 11/23/2008 7:22pm
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  • Avatar of akatsuki_agent7


    [16]Nov 30, 2008
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    generation 1 anime and generation 2 games
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  • Avatar of WWinnieF


    [17]May 1, 2009
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    akatsuki_agent7 wrote:
    generation 1 anime and generation 2 games
    Agreed. Though glitchy in the games, the anime more than made up for them. Plus, the first two seasons would be when Poke'mania was at its peak and was popular worldwide. As well, they would be when Misty--one of the franchise's most popular characters--would be a regular until she faded from the scene, thereby only making cameo episode appearances ever since.

    "Gotta catch 'em all!"

    Edited on 05/01/2009 1:29pm
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  • Avatar of BradyTheRandom


    [18]May 1, 2009
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    Generation III games had FR/LG and Emerald, which is enough to make it my favorite. Generation I anime always owns, though. Since this is the ANIME forums, I'll vote Gen. I.
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  • Avatar of Torferleon248


    [19]May 1, 2009
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    1 or 4.
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  • Avatar of JunTajiri


    [20]May 2, 2009
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    Gen 4. The new pokemon are wicked awesome!
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