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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Future Captures (Contains Spoilers) 2

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Oct 15, 2007
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    Yes I am making another one, a year is long enough to wait. Plus I have a good point to start this one out on.

    Current Teams:

    Ash: Pikachu, Aipom, Turtwig, Staravia

    Dawn: Piplup, Buneary, Pachirisu, Buizel

    Brock: Sudowoodo, Croagunk, Happiny

    Jessie: Seviper, Dustox, Wobbuffet

    James: Cacnea, Carnivine, Mime Jr.

    We know that Ash will be getting Chimchar and James will probably be giving Cacnea to Gardenia. A new title was revealed and it makes the Aipom/Buizel trade likely.

    Edited on 10/15/2007 6:52pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [2]Oct 15, 2007
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    Whoa, Diamond and Pearl is filled with plot twists galore!

    If the trade does come through then I want to set up a rule that for those people who back the Ash's-Aipom-Trade-For-Dawn's-Buizel Theory only to be one paragragh with the max of five sentences of why they back up the theory. I don't want ot hear people go "WHOOO! I WAS RIGHT! I WAS RIGHT! I WAS RIGHT!" and other stuff like that with no purpose beside to brag.

    Also here's Pauls, Zoey's, Kenny's and Nando's Team:

    Torterra, Elekid, Murkrow, Weavile, Ursaring
    Glameow, Misdreavus, Shellos (Western)
    Prinplup, Alakazam
    Roselia, Sunflora, Kricketune

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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [3]Oct 15, 2007
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    Where are the episode titles revealed?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [4]Oct 15, 2007
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    Megaman200798 wrote:
    Where are the episode titles revealed?

    It's reported here on Bulbapedia:


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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [5]Oct 15, 2007
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    If they do happen to trade, its just as likely they'll trade back.
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  • Avatar of PintheDog


    [6]Oct 15, 2007
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    If they trade, that's gonna suck. Am I the only one who thinks that?
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [7]Oct 15, 2007
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    PintheDog wrote:
    If they trade, that's gonna suck. Am I the only one who thinks that?

    Of course not. It would be intersting to see how this will be handled by Ash who never traded besides Butterfree
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  • Avatar of PintheDog


    [8]Oct 15, 2007
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    Megaman200798 wrote:
    PintheDog wrote:
    If they trade, that's gonna suck. Am I the only one who thinks that?

    Of course not. It would be intersting to see how this will be handled by Ash who never traded besides Butterfree

    And, OTOH, it'd be the first-ever trade between two main characters.
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [9]Oct 15, 2007
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    PintheDog wrote:
    Megaman200798 wrote:
    PintheDog wrote:
    If they trade, that's gonna suck. Am I the only one who thinks that?

    Of course not. It would be intersting to see how this will be handled by Ash who never traded besides Butterfree

    And, OTOH, it'd be the first-ever trade between two main characters.

    Whats OTOH........
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [10]Oct 15, 2007
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    PintheDog wrote:
    Megaman200798 wrote:
    PintheDog wrote:
    If they trade, that's gonna suck. Am I the only one who thinks that?
    Of course not. It would be intersting to see how this will be handled by Ash who never traded besides Butterfree
    And, OTOH, it'd be the first-ever trade between two main characters.

    OTOH means "On The Other Hand".Now back to my main message:

    Heck, who knows, maybethis trade isfor the best. Look at it this way:

    1. Aipom will be able to do what it wants to do and compete in Pokemon Contests.
    2. Buizel will be under the control of a trianer who will use it against strong Pokemon.
    3. With Ash having a Water-Type on his team, that pretty much completes his "basic" team:

    1. Electric - Pikachu
    2. Flying - Staravia
    3. Grass - Turtwig
    4. Fire - Chimchar
    5. Water - Buizel

    And thus, he has room for one free Pokemon, and do I really need to tell you whichPokemon I think Ash should get the the billionth time?

    Edited on 10/15/2007 9:30pm
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [11]Oct 15, 2007
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    PintheDog wrote:
    Megaman200798 wrote:
    PintheDog wrote:
    If they trade, that's gonna suck. Am I the only one who thinks that?
    Of course not. It would be intersting to see how this will be handled by Ash who never traded besides Butterfree
    And, OTOH, it'd be the first-ever trade between two main characters.

    OTOH means "On The Other Hand".Now back to my main message:

    Heck, who knows, maybethis trade isfor the best. Look at it this way:

    1. Aipom will be able to do what it wants to do and compete in Pokemon Contests.
    2. Buizel will be under the control of a trianer who will use it against strong Pokemon.
    3. With Ash having a Water-Type on his team, that pretty much completes his "basic" team:

    1. Electric - Pikachu
    2. Flying - Staravia
    3. Grass - Turtwig
    4. Fire - Chimchar
    5. Water - Buizel

    And thus, he has room for one free Pokemon, and do I really need to tell you whichPokemon I think Ash should get the the billionth time?

    I bet the writers make them trade back after a brief grieving period
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  • Avatar of PintheDog


    [12]Oct 16, 2007
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    Megaman200798 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    PintheDog wrote:
    Megaman200798 wrote:
    PintheDog wrote:
    If they trade, that's gonna suck. Am I the only one who thinks that?
    Of course not. It would be intersting to see how this will be handled by Ash who never traded besides Butterfree
    And, OTOH, it'd be the first-ever trade between two main characters.

    OTOH means "On The Other Hand".Now back to my main message:

    Heck, who knows, maybethis trade isfor the best. Look at it this way:

    1. Aipom will be able to do what it wants to do and compete in Pokemon Contests.
    2. Buizel will be under the control of a trianer who will use it against strong Pokemon.
    3. With Ash having a Water-Type on his team, that pretty much completes his "basic" team:

    1. Electric - Pikachu
    2. Flying - Staravia
    3. Grass - Turtwig
    4. Fire - Chimchar
    5. Water - Buizel

    And thus, he has room for one free Pokemon, and do I really need to tell you whichPokemon I think Ash should get the the billionth time?

    I bet the writers make them trade back after a brief grieving period

    If the trade happens, I do hope a trade-back occurs. Maybe SPD will confirm if it does happen when he finally sees it.
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  • Avatar of dman_dustin


    [13]Oct 16, 2007
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    Oh I so hope not Buizel and Aipom are fine where they are at.

    Is it just me but if this trade happens, it was just a roundabout way of Ash getting the same boring types he always gets with the last one being of a different type.

    It looks to me but it's looking like it's snover. I know I want Riolu but.....

    Edited on 10/16/2007 1:01am
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [14]Oct 16, 2007
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    PintheDog wrote:
    If they trade, that's gonna suck. Am I the only one who thinks that?

    No. I do not want them to trade. There is no reason for them to trade. Plus it means Aipom will disappear when Dawn leaves.

    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    and do I really need to tell you which Pokemon I think Ash should get the the billionth time?

    I'll take Riolu for 500.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [15]Oct 16, 2007
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    Well Aipom does uphold the tradition of stealing Ash's hat, without her then their will be nothing tormenting Ash with foolish antics or pain (How long has it been since Pikachu Thundershocked Ash?).

    Hmm, you know after my Pokemon Weakness Game ends a Jepordy type game sounds like an interesting idea...

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  • Avatar of AvianRoxMySox


    [16]Oct 16, 2007
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    This bites... I don't want them to trade. I have an interesting theory though. Wouldn't it be interesting if (after they trade)

    1) Buizel gets sick and tired of getting beaten down by the hard life of gym battles

    2) Aipom evolves and becomes a battling fiend

    They then trade back... I think it COULD happen...

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  • Avatar of CrimsonBullet


    [17]Oct 16, 2007
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    Since when was Ash gonna get a Chimchar???
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  • Avatar of PintheDog


    [18]Oct 16, 2007
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    From Paul. After they lose in a Tag Battle tournament, Paul finally deems Chimchar weak and releases it. Ash then captures it.
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [19]Oct 16, 2007
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    AvianRoxMySox wrote:

    This bites... I don't want them to trade. I have an interesting theory though. Wouldn't it be interesting if (after they trade)

    1) Buizel gets sick and tired of getting beaten down by the hard life of gym battles

    2) Aipom evolves and becomes a battling fiend

    They then trade back... I think it COULD happen...

    Aipom should evolve in Ash's hands
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  • Avatar of ADG17


    [20]Oct 17, 2007
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    I new buizel was suited for ash and i didn't like aipom when i found out it was a girl. But is still think all this releasing of pokemon, catching and trading is too fast, all in the time spand of 5 episodes.
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