Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
AvianRoxMySox wrote: |
O I know... I was just saying it is teensy bit obvious, save for Morrison, rivals don't usually have middle evolutions right? Electabuzz is a little... uncool also, vire fits Paul well I think... |
edmasterchaos wrote: |
i decided to look up what's going on on pokemon, im impressed (favs show again) with all of these current twists, do you think it's possible for satoshi (ash) to evolve all of his pokemons this time? (of course not pikachu) anyway i look forward to seeing the next few episodes. |
SPDShadowRanger wrote: | ||
Starvia WILL evolve because the starter bird pokemon (Pidgy, Hoothoot, Taillow, and Sarly) evolve pretty quickly in the games. As for aipom it will post likely evolve by surprise. Oh also James will give his Cacnia to Gandenia. (They tag battle against ash and co., and maybe the reason is because he is impressed by her fond of Grass type pokemon like he his)
SPDShadowRanger wrote: | ||
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||||
Turtwig, now that's a problem, most of satoshi's pokemon are fast, and his final form is drasticly slower, altough he does have snorlax and muk who are slow, but those are just reserves, and paul has a torterra too, so yeah there is no way to predict right now if turtwig will evolve to his last form. |
Megaman200798 wrote: | ||||||
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||||||||
Torterra is faster then Turtwig stat-wise, however I think that Turtwig will only evolve into Grotle and then stop like Bayleef.
Aipom belongs to Ash and Buizel belongs to Dawn, that is all I'm saying. If they trade then their going to trade back.
No way will Ash give Chimchar back to Paul even if it evolves all the way to Infernape. Paul abandon it in Chimchar's time of support and therefore Paul does not deserve Chimchar back.
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||||||||
Megaman200798 wrote: |
People are refering Gary to Paul, saying like Gary, Paul will go nice. Gary was never mean to his pokemon just Ash. And if Chimchar does evolve, I doubt the writer will make it like Charmander |
Gary was a jerk and an egotist (who else travels with his own group of cheerleaders?), but he was never mean toward his Pokemon or anyone else besides Ash. Gary was what a rival was suppose to do, kick the main character into their best shape possible, and even though he is not seen that often he still does it once in several blue moons by appearing and beating the snot out of Ash in the Pokemon battle which inspires Ash to keep on training. But never once was he mean to his Pokemon.
Now for Paul he was mean from when he first saw him. He commanded his Pokemon to beyond thier limits, even if it is badly wounded and the Pokemon itself doesn't want to continue. In addition he would release a Pokemon he deems weak even if it won the battle and if any of his Pokemon began to celebrate it's victory he would tell it to stop and either send it out fight more or return it. He would make the Pokemon verse against all his other Pokemon ina 1-to-(the amount of other Pokemon Paul has) and keep battering it until it did waht Paul wants it to do. Paul looks as his Pokemon as tools and like tools he uses them until he can't use them anymore, and afterwords he gets rid of the tools which can't do the job as he needs strong tools and not ones which will break while working.
I want Chimchar to evolve all the way to Infernape as it deserves to after being trained by Paul. Also for those who said Chimchar will begin disobey Ash when it evolves like Charmander, remember that at the time Charmander was pretty much attitude-less. Chimchar is full of happy-go-lucky attitude outside of battle and I think it should keep that attitude when it evolves. I see itsimiliar toTotodile but a little less eager.
Megaman200798 wrote: |
Wonder if Buizel is the water pokemon for Ash ![]() |