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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Future Captures (Contains Spoilers) 2

  • Avatar of BAC510


    [2381]Mar 7, 2009
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    franki911 wrote:
    I watcht the preview too and the way Staravia evolvs is the seim as the way Tailow evolvs in too Swellow.

    Someone else said that it isn't the same way Taillow evolves. If you mean by the PokeRinger Competition, than yes, they did evolve the same way. Taillow is flying through a Sandstorm, then it evolves. Staravia gets pounded by Honchkrow, then evolves, see different.

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [2382]Mar 7, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:

    franki911 wrote:
    I watcht the preview too and the way Staravia evolvs is the seim as the way Tailow evolvs in too Swellow.

    Someone else said that it isn't the same way Taillow evolves. If you mean by the PokeRinger Competition, than yes, they did evolve the same way. Taillow is flying through a Sandstorm, then it evolves. Staravia gets pounded by Honchkrow, then evolves, see different.

    Yeah, I'm the one who said that. And don't worry, Bac, I won't be speculating on that Snover episode, I don't even plan to watch it until it airs in the U.S. Then again, I am speculating on one thing: I think no one's going to catch it.

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  • Avatar of Yusei08


    [2383]Mar 8, 2009
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    EddyBob15 wrote:
    BAC510 wrote:

    franki911 wrote:
    I watcht the preview too and the way Staravia evolvs is the seim as the way Tailow evolvs in too Swellow.

    Someone else said that it isn't the same way Taillow evolves. If you mean by the PokeRinger Competition, than yes, they did evolve the same way. Taillow is flying through a Sandstorm, then it evolves. Staravia gets pounded by Honchkrow, then evolves, see different.

    Yeah, I'm the one who said that. And don't worry, Bac, I won't be speculating on that Snover episode, I don't even plan to watch it until it airs in the U.S. Then again, I am speculating on one thing: I think no one's going to catch it.

    I disagree. I have a feeling that either it will be James's new Grass-Type, or it will be captured by Brock. It is lonely after all lol! However, I will be annoyed if it's just another filler where a Pokemon has lost it's parents / friends and they have to help locate mother Abomasnow or a Snover group.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [2384]Mar 8, 2009
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    EddyBob15 wrote:
    BAC510 wrote:

    franki911 wrote:
    I watcht the preview too and the way Staravia evolvs is the seim as the way Tailow evolvs in too Swellow.

    Someone else said that it isn't the same way Taillow evolves. If you mean by the PokeRinger Competition, than yes, they did evolve the same way. Taillow is flying through a Sandstorm, then it evolves. Staravia gets pounded by Honchkrow, then evolves, see different.

    Yeah, I'm the one who said that. And don't worry, Bac, I won't be speculating on that Snover episode, I don't even plan to watch it until it airs in the U.S. Then again, I am speculating on one thing: I think no one's going to catch it.

    I'll stop being a jerk about captures. Here are the acceptable Capture Speculations in my opinion & from now on I won't make a fuss out of these candidates:

    Ash- Riolu(based on the Riolu Special, and Iron Island Arc, slim chance but topic should be brought up if there is a Sinnoh Battle Frontier Saga.)

    Dawn- Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Cherubi/Cherimm

    Brock- Snover, Rhydon/Rhyperior

    James- Snover

    Jessie- Lickilicky(which I doubt based on the previous episode with Lickilicky)

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  • Avatar of funkfreak212


    [2385]Mar 9, 2009
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    The next episode is called "Evolution! This time for Piplup?" I seriously doubt that Piplup won't evolve in that episode.
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  • Avatar of terminoob


    [2386]Mar 9, 2009
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    you mean WILL evolve in that episode? cause we know it won't evolve cause of the Movie Poster, but it could have an extremely slim chance of evolving, and the creators just fooled us with the poster, but, I highly doubt that's gonna happen
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  • Avatar of HEH17


    [2388]Mar 11, 2009
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    I wish Ash would have more full evolved pokemon. Oh well.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [2389]Mar 11, 2009
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    HEH17 wrote:
    I wish Ash would have more full evolved pokemon. Oh well.

    Don't worry two of Ash's Pokemon are set to evolve before Movie 12. Buizel doesn't seem like it will evolve but time will tell. I don't think that Monferno will evolve until later on. I am fine with Grotle staying as a Grotle.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [2390]Mar 11, 2009
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    At least in Sinnoh he will have more evolved Pokemon then normal.
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  • Avatar of franki911


    [2391]Mar 12, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    At least in Sinnoh he will have more evolved Pokemon then normal.

    I agree 100% it's a turn for the batter then the usual 1 or 2 evolved pokemon in a saga.
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  • Avatar of Bren_thy_God


    [2392]Mar 12, 2009
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    Maybe he'll get higher up in the Sinnoh league than just 16 or 8 because of all the evolutions.
    Edited on 03/12/2009 2:20pm
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  • Avatar of HEH17


    [2395]Mar 17, 2009
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    He may or may not. While he does have more evolutions this time he doesn't have as many full evolved pokemon this time. However if Buizel evolves before the league then he might have a much better chance.
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  • Avatar of franki911


    [2396]Mar 17, 2009
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    HEH17 wrote:
    While he does have more evolutions this time he doesn't have as many full evolved pokemon this time. However if Buizel evolves before the league then he might have a much better chance.

    Ash has the same number of full evolved pokemon as in other leags If you mean that by " he doesn't have as many full evolved pokemon this time".
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  • Avatar of HEH17


    [2397]Mar 17, 2009
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    franki911 wrote:
    HEH17 wrote:
    While he does have more evolutions this time he doesn't have as many full evolved pokemon this time. However if Buizel evolves before the league then he might have a much better chance.

    Ash has the same number of full evolved pokemon as in other leags If you mean that by " he doesn't have as many full evolved pokemon this time".
    I was also counting torkoal from last season.
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  • Avatar of franki911


    [2398]Mar 18, 2009
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    HEH17 wrote:
    franki911 wrote:
    HEH17 wrote:
    While he does have more evolutions this time he doesn't have as many full evolved pokemon this time. However if Buizel evolves before the league then he might have a much better chance.
    Ash has the same number of full evolved pokemon as in other leags If you mean that by " he doesn't have as many full evolved pokemon this time".
    I was also counting torkoal from last season.
    But torkoal dos not have any evolutions.
    Edited on 03/18/2009 10:21am
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  • Avatar of HEH17


    [2399]Mar 18, 2009
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    True but my point overall is that Ash needs Pokemon that there have no evolution to top them. If Im being vague I'll explain. If a pokemon is full evolved or has no evolutions that means that there's no way a trainer can have it's evolved form and have an evolutionary advantage. So in that sense Torooal fits that description because while it's not full evolved it has no evolved form to be used against it.
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