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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Future Captures (Contains Spoilers) 2

  • Avatar of queensrp


    [61]Oct 20, 2007
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    frogsinmywine wrote:
    Random, but does anyone here think someone should catch a Rotom?
    Some say it's Legendary, some say it's not. Either way, no one will catch it since the Old Chateau isn't featured and it won't be sadly.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [62]Oct 20, 2007
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    It isn't a Legendary. Megamam200798, stop double posting, it is not allowed.
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [64]Oct 20, 2007
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    queensrp wrote:
    frogsinmywine wrote:
    Random, but does anyone here think someone should catch a Rotom?
    Some say it's Legendary, some say it's not. Either way, no one will catch it since the Old Chateau isn't featured and it won't be sadly.

    Whats Old Chateau
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  • Avatar of queensrp


    [65]Oct 20, 2007
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    Megaman200798 wrote:
    queensrp wrote:
    frogsinmywine wrote:
    Random, but does anyone here think someone should catch a Rotom?
    Some say it's Legendary, some say it's not. Either way, no one will catch it since the Old Chateau isn't featured and it won't be sadly.
    Whats Old Chateau
    Some random abandoned mansion inside of Eterna Forest. It wasn't featured in the anime and it never will.
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  • Avatar of PintheDog


    [66]Oct 20, 2007
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    Megaman200798 wrote:
    queensrp wrote:
    frogsinmywine wrote:
    Random, but does anyone here think someone should catch a Rotom?
    Some say it's Legendary, some say it's not. Either way, no one will catch it since the Old Chateau isn't featured and it won't be sadly.

    Whats Old Chateau

    An old Haunted House in Eterna Forest where lots of scary Gastly and Haunter live.
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [67]Oct 20, 2007
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    queensrp wrote:
    Megaman200798 wrote:
    queensrp wrote:
    frogsinmywine wrote:
    Random, but does anyone here think someone should catch a Rotom?
    Some say it's Legendary, some say it's not. Either way, no one will catch it since the Old Chateau isn't featured and it won't be sadly.
    Whats Old Chateau
    Some random abandoned mansion inside of Eterna Forest. It wasn't featured in the anime and it never will.

    Just because they didnt feature doesnt mean it cant appear later. And theres also a chance a trainer could have Rotom
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  • Avatar of queensrp


    [68]Oct 20, 2007
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    Megaman200798 wrote:
    Just because they didnt feature doesnt mean it cant appear later. And theres also a chance a trainer could have Rotom
    No one will capture the runt. Besides, Old Chateau was replaced with the Amber Castle. Silph Co wasn't featured in Kanto, so don't expect the old mansion to get a role.
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [69]Oct 20, 2007
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    queensrp wrote:
    Megaman200798 wrote:
    Just because they didnt feature doesnt mean it cant appear later. And theres also a chance a trainer could have Rotom
    No one will capture the runt. Besides, Old Chateau was replaced with the Amber Castle. Silph Co wasn't featured in Kanto, so don't expect the old mansion to get a role.

    If its not shown, the pokemon could always appear. Either someone caught it, or a movie
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  • Avatar of queensrp


    [70]Oct 20, 2007
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    Megaman200798 wrote:
    If its not shown, the pokemon could always appear. Either someone caught it, or a movie
    What made you think Rotom will appear in a movie is beyond me.

    It'll appear in Sunyshore, eating up all electricity, causing a blackout.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [71]Oct 20, 2007
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    queensrp wrote:

    Megaman200798 wrote:
    If its not shown, the pokemon could always appear. Either someone caught it, or a movie
    What made you think Rotom will appear in a movie is beyond me.

    It'll appear in Sunyshore, eating up all electricity, causing a blackout.

    Facts on Rotom:
    1. It is not a Legendary though it acts and is thoughtof asone.
    2. When encountered, the music played for it is the music played for Legendaries.
    3. It is the only Sinnoh Pokemon which is not a legendary or an evolution of an older Pokemon not in the Sinnoh Dex.

    Rotom is not importent enough to have a movie, though having it the one causing the black out problems in Sunyshore would be much better then revealing the Gym Leader was just bored.

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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [72]Oct 20, 2007
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    queensrp wrote:

    Megaman200798 wrote:
    If its not shown, the pokemon could always appear. Either someone caught it, or a movie
    What made you think Rotom will appear in a movie is beyond me.

    It'll appear in Sunyshore, eating up all electricity, causing a blackout.

    Facts on Rotom:
    1. It is not a Legendary though it acts and is thoughtof asone.
    2. When encountered, the music played for it is the music played for Legendaries.
    3. It is the only Sinnoh Pokemon which is not a legendary or an evolution of an older Pokemon not in the Sinnoh Dex.

    Rotom is not importent enough to have a movie, though having it the one causing the black out problems in Sunyshore would be much better then revealing the Gym Leader was just bored.

    When I said movie I didnt say it "featured" it. Of course not. The movie might have a character who owns it
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  • Avatar of frogsinmywine


    [73]Oct 21, 2007
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    Hmmm. That's a good idea. Having it be the cause of power outages. I hope that happens.
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  • Avatar of Alzatia


    [75]Oct 21, 2007
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    Well...Ive been living in a hole the past month. o-o; Paul released Chimchar...and Ash caught it...well there go all my small hopes of the slight posibility of Ash getting Cyndaquil at some point in Shinou...so now I wonder...who will go all the way? FireButt or LeafHead? Will one go all the way? Cos considering Ash already has Charizard and Sceptile. Also considering Charizard's popularity...whats the point of Firebutt evolving all the way? Unless the writters want to deliver some kick-ass non Char-style battles with it (wich IMO they CAN do). And Turtwig....unless they want to deliver us with a Torterra VS. Toreterra in the end I can see it not evolve all the way because Shinji has one. ._.' Er...so this can go either way I suppose.

    On the Buizel-Aipom thing...hopefully (IMO) it will go through..I don't like Aipom much. o.o But then Ash will have the generic Thunder/Water/Birdie/Fire/Leaf team he always has. -_-' So another thing that may go either.

    And to the person who said they don't like Aipom cos its a girl...wtf? o_o
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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [76]Oct 21, 2007
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    Aipom is a girl pokemon like Pikachu is a male pokemon.

    Its more likely Chimchar to evolve fully than Turtwig. Ash usually has "fast" pokemon. If Turtwig evolved more than once, he's rather big, and slow. If it evolved to Grotle, and pwned Toreterra, that'd be awesome
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  • Avatar of ADG17


    [77]Oct 21, 2007
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    I meant i don't like Aipom since its a girl. Girl pokemon don't really suit ash but the female character. Ash's girl pkmn go all gaga and love him which can be funny but gets old. If ash's aipom was a male i would want him to stay more. I'm not against female pokemon but i just prefer ash to get all male pokemon.
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  • Avatar of queensrp


    [78]Oct 21, 2007
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    Then how come no one is complaioning about Brock having Happiny, for a 100% female Pokemon? Seriously, Ash will keep Aipom and evolve it into Ambipom. He will use it in the last gym to defeat Volkner.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [79]Oct 21, 2007
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    Aipom was proven to be female in the Japanese version. However it has never been stated Pikachu was male (though it is most likely it is).

    Also I'm thinking Turtwig will only evolve once into Grotle and then stop and I think Chimchar will go all the way just becuase I would like to see Paul say something about Infernape when its taking down his Torterra when Ash and Paul battle each other in the Sinnoh League.

    My feelings for the Ash's-Aipom-for-Dawn's-Buizel-Trade is that nothing will change. Aipom chose Ash and Buizel chose Dawn. However if they trade that'll be okay too as (for the rest of Sinnoh and maybe the in-between season) Aipom would still be part of the team as long as Dawn is travelling with Ash and co.. Also I still think Aipom will evolve into Ambipom and Buizel evolves into Buizel.

    For Rotom, I'll just say this: If it appears in a movie it'll either be a background Pokemon or a trainer's Pokemon. As for the anime, it can have an episdoe dedicated to itself and I'm all for it causingthe Sunyshore blackout problems.

    Edited on 10/21/2007 1:04pm
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  • Avatar of frogsinmywine


    [80]Oct 21, 2007
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    queensrp wrote:
    Then how come no one is complaioning about Brock having Happiny, for a 100% female Pokemon? Seriously, Ash will keep Aipom and evolve it into Ambipom. He will use it in the last gym to defeat Volkner.

    And you know this how...?

    I like thinking of Pikachu as a girl.
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