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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Future Captures (Contains Spoilers) 2

  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [141]Oct 24, 2007
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    PintheDog wrote:
    Topic! Topic! Topic! TOPIC!!!!

    I was, and then I got distracted >.>
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    [142]Oct 24, 2007
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    Well, it SEEMS bad because people say homo as insult. The word itself isn't bad. So basically I think we both agree that being a homosexual isn't a big open thing in Japan, but it's not shunned per say, either. Anyways, there's really not much to argue on this anymore. If you ever want to discuss something with me, you can just PM me. So PinTheDog can stop mini modding. ;]
    Edited on 10/24/2007 7:16pm
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    [144]Oct 24, 2007
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    I just edited my post addressing the topic.

    Someone should attempt to catch a legendary. Maybe Hikari wanting one of the three pixies?
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    [145]Oct 24, 2007
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    frogsinmywine wrote:
    Well, it SEEMS bad because people say homo as insult. The word itself isn't bad. So basically I think we both agree that being a homosexual isn't a big open thing in Japan, but it's not shunned per say, either.

    Depends on the person who says homo and how they mean it. Personally if you can say homosexuality, you should be able to say homo w/o it being an insult. Its saying "bling" instead of jewlery.

    It is shunned in Japan. The thing is the people there care about others/family memebrs/society and most tend for whatever the case, say they dont like their marriage or whatever, tend to hold it out.
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    [146]Oct 24, 2007
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    frogsinmywine wrote:
    I just edited my post addressing the topic.

    Someone should attempt to catch a legendary. Maybe Hikari wanting one of the three pixies?

    The 3 pixies? The legendary ones?!
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    [147]Oct 24, 2007
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    OH MY GOD. Why do you have to keep forcing on an argument and not admitting you are wrong on some things? If something was shunned in a culture, then yaoi/yuri/gay characters would be VERY uncommon. Jesus Christ. Just about anyone will tell you that it's not shunned there.

    And yes, those three pixies.
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    [148]Oct 24, 2007
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    If you notice the TIME, I didnt see Pindogs bark response. So when I did, I posted a new, on topic message. And the thing about being uncommon and shunned WAS what I was talking about. And I dont have to admit I was wrong since I'm not. It's an opinion.


    Why would she capture a pixie?

    Edited on 10/24/2007 7:44pm
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    [149]Oct 24, 2007
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    Only off topic thing I will say: A culture's attitude towards something is not opinion, it's there or not

    And I don't know. It would be interesting to see her try and capture the one she saw? (It was Mesprit, right??) Maybe she thinks it's cute and it would suit her.
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    [150]Oct 24, 2007
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    Not the culture. I was talking about how you said I wouldnt admit when I was wrong. On THAT, I'm not, since its my opinion. A main character wouldnt capture a legendary but the way things are going ya never know. But if she did, it would make her others kinda less on the spotlight.
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    [151]Oct 24, 2007
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    (I think we agree on the Japan thing mainly, just that shun wouldn't be the right word. Japan isn't Saudia Arabia. Anyways, enough with that. We more or less agree)I know. I was just wondering if anyone would think it would be interesting if she attempted to catch it.
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    [152]Oct 24, 2007
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    Hinder? Avoid? Reject? Better words? I dont agree with the Japan isnt S.A thing, since I never lived there. I know people from there, but sexuality isnt something on our social agenda. But straying YET again :!

    If she tried to catch it, its suprsing since its a legend but it would be intersting if a character tried geting one. Since its NEVER happened, and Heatran is considered one, will Ash get it? Or even Paul

    Edited on 10/24/2007 7:57pm
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    [153]Oct 24, 2007
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    And if they avoided it they wouldn't produce so much of it. I know people from there, and they've all told me basically "it's not something that we hate. we don't really have problems with it." Here is a chart on global attitudes towards homosexuality: http://bp1.blogger.com/_O3SlIjXbzOg/Rxi-Jc6O6rI/AAAAAAAAAck/f6Qy5TmNU0Y/s1600-h/untitled.bmp

    Clearly accepting it is far more common than rejecting it in Japan, as well as most of Europe. Is there need to argue with scientific studies? Why are you so bent on arguing that they hate homosexuality?
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    [154]Oct 24, 2007
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    The fact that they avoid it = in that there ISNT so much of it. It's in anime/cartoon, but the people/family respect each other too much to produce it. And the people you meet. The people I have meet tell me the opposite thing, especially since I lived there.

    People who moved from there/grown up tend to have American views, while people who live and breathe the air there, do not. I have no interests in the chart since I'm just saying that it depends on who/where you associte people with. Clearly like you said before, it depends on where you live and who you encounter. Acceptance is NOT common. Rejecting it is way for common in my sense.

    Europe, sure, but its not as conservative as Japan. Hell, people do news nude. They dont HATE it per-say. I'm just sayings it more open HERE than in Japan. Its practiced here more than there BECAUSE of the culturals views people hold there.

    Edited on 10/24/2007 8:09pm
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    [155]Oct 24, 2007
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    Well, basically, we agree that it's more common here than in Japan. Maybe it depends on what area you live in Japan? It certainly is like that in the US. I wouldn't say it's accepted on a wide spread basis, or rejected. It's there, they'll ignore it, and not cause an argument.

    EDIT: Also, it may be because Japan has a HUGE elderly population. The younger generations of any country usually have very different views. I only know Japanese teens, but not adults or the elderly. The teens certainly didn't have any problem with my homosexuality. So yeah...once again. I say it depends where and who you talk to in Japan. Or anywhere.

    Edited on 10/24/2007 8:14pm
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    [156]Oct 24, 2007
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    Yep, its certaintly more common here. Though I personally never encountered a person who wasnt conservivte in this issue from Japan or when I lived there. Not sure it depends in Japan, because I moved a lot in those cities there, and its pretty crowded, so I knew a lot of people. People there tend to be more "sheltered" to new concepts/ideas in my personal opinion. But yes, its usually ignored. In Japan there are more older people, so the youngness tend to respect what their older parents grew up with and thats awesome.

    In the U.S., it certaintly depends. The South seems more conservative, not in THIS issue, but others. And so does some Eastern cities. People here, depending, sometimes supress, sometimes embrace.

    Whatever they do is fine.

    Edited on 10/24/2007 8:16pm
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    [157]Oct 24, 2007
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    o_O the south in the US definitely has problems with it. along with racism and sexism.

    what time period were you around in Japan?

    And agree - the Japanese usually like to keep things peaceful and not have things out in the open. And maybe they look at the issue differently than us? I mean, look at Samurai relationships. They consider that "brotherly."

    i guess both of us just don't have the FULL perspective since we've only seen more so of one issue than the other.

    Edited on 10/24/2007 8:19pm
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    [158]Oct 24, 2007
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    Why is the south being a LITTLE more conservative, a problem? It's an idea/view/life they're used to. Well, I moved from there like 2 years ago? I visited there this summer, and every summer.
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    [159]Oct 24, 2007
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    Well, there is a difference between being conservative and homophobic. In my opinion, I detest Conservatism and Republicanism. I am the Ann Coulter of Atheism and Liberalism. Saying someone is used to something isn't a good argument. It's like an excuse for the segragation and racism that went on.

    Oh wow. So you've been in Japan most of your life? (If you don't mind answering, how old are you?
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    [160]Oct 24, 2007
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    Though there is a difference between the two, they are somewhat similar. For every difference among things, there is a common ground. Conservative is being used to what has happened all their lives. Its being indifferent to other views and being comfortable with what you have. It's the idea of being safe. Homophobic is detesting, degrading, and even making fun of the fact a person is gay They wont talk, or even go to the lengths of degrading a person for that quality. That is certaintly not the case in the South. People may say, "Hey, I dont understand the fact you like your own gender." but in now accoutns will they go far as saying "Eww, your gay Get away from me you freak."

    Are you saying that the south is homophobic? Cause thats certantily not the case. It may seem that way but its they are more conservative. More teenagers are homophobic in the US. than the South iteself, from the use of the words "Oh, thats SO gay

    Twenty plus five minus one

    Edited on 10/24/2007 8:27pm
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