Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Well Dawn released her Ambipom, or at least Primeape'd her. That officially leaves at least one space open on Dawn's team. |
I don't think Dawn will be getting Cherubi or any Pokemon right this minute.
BAC510 wrote: | ||
I don't think Dawn will be getting Cherubi or any Pokemon right this minute. |
Now, I don't mind if the Pokemon Company would repeat plotlines, but they are just copying way too many old plotlines for my liking. Instead of bringing back old memories like DP074 "Pika and Goliath!", now they are just outright overdoing it and making it look like they ran out of ideas and so decided to use old ones until they can think up of new ones. And what makes things even more annoying is that we already had Dustox released in a similiar way Ash released his Butterfree, we didn't really need to release another Pokemon, especially one that belongs to Dawn being she only has 5... I mean 4 Pokemon (now she does). At least let her complete her team for Sinnoh and then in the season inbetween Sinnoh and the 5th Generation Region can you decided to have her release Ambipom (or any of her Pokemon) to make room for any new ones she catch (or better yet, have her leave some with her mom like May did for the Battle Frontier).
But here's my main question: what was Ambipom for if they were just going to have Ash catch it, trade it to Dawn, and then have her release it? Did they just wanted to show off Ambipom so we can mark it down in our "anime appearance" book and then get rid of it to give Dawn the intended team they wanted her to have? If this was the case they could have just had an episode where an Ambipom appeared and never had to have Ash catch Aipom and go through this whole thing.
Okay, now I'm done ranting and raving. Anyway there is an up coming episode which involves a trainer and a Cherubi who don't look eye-to-eye. Now I'm a long time supporter for Dawn getting a Cherrim, and think that her getting a Cherubi and evolving it might be a better experience for her then just catching a Cherrim as is. So hopefully either in that episode or some other she catches a Cherubi (or Cherrim), because it would make a good addition to her team AND she now needs 2 Pokemon to fill up her team.
I understand how Primeape left, it was around for what, 5 episodes? Somewhere around there but Ambipom was there for a long time, what the f***!!! I am seriously pissed off! I know it's a show & all but I am still pissed off. Make fun of me all you want but I don't give a crud what you guys think.
Ambipom's Release(I say release, because Ambipom gave Dawn the PokeBall, therefore, released & we will never see it again). Ambipom's Release proves that the Writers are stupid & desperate for ideas, which is why I think the show should end because they are repeating plots & they might as well end it with 4 Generations. Like pikachu315111 said, what was the point of Ash catching it, using it in 2 gyms and 1 contest, then traded to Dawn, used in one more gym and 4 more contests, just to be released to a "Character of the Day"??? Face it, if any Pokemon is given to a "Character of the Day", we won't be seeing it again. We have a better chance of Dawn catching a Magikarp than seeing Ambipom again.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
To make things stranger, Primeape only appeared in the episodes where it was captured and released. These writers messed up on Ambipom big time. First they make it have this big love for Ash (for goodness sake she followed him in Kanto and then to Sinnoh!), then he trades her, then Dawn trades her. Ambipom needs to pick a hobby already. |
Don't blame Ambipom, blame the Writers & their smart thinking! I bet you they did that on purpose, just to have another thing similar to happen to Dawn that had happened to Ash previously. Here are the things that happened to Dawn that had previously happened to Ash:
1] Ash's Charmander evolved into Charmeleon & disobeyed him. Dawn's Swinub evolved into Piloswine & disobeyed her. Even after evolution, they disobeyed their trainers but eventually began obeying their trainers.
2] Ash & Pikachu say a Legendary during the first Episode of the Series, while Dawn & Piplup saw a Legendary in the first episode of the Diamond & Pearl Series.
3] The whole Ambipom & Primeape thing.
4] Losing quite a bit in their respective challenges but bouncing back later on. After Ash bounced back(Losing against Brock, Lt. Surge, and Sabrina), he began winning up until his second to last Gym battle, losing. Dawn began bouncing back and during her second to last ribbon challenge, she loses.
5] Both of Ash & Dawn's Starter Pokemon are part of a 3 evolutionary Line & they did not evolve at all.(Even though Pichu[Pikachu's Pre-evolution] was a second generation)
6] Both of Ash Dawn's Starter Pokemon have had at least 1 Episode releated to evolving, with Ash's Pikachu having 2 Episodes & Dawn's Piplup having one. Also, one of Ash's Pokemon(Bulbasaur) has the similar evolution process that Piplup had, where they glow & Team Rocket attempted to interrupt the process.
* I am sure there are more but here are the more important ones.
BAC510 wrote: |
Don't blame Ambipom, blame the Writers & their smart thinking! |
BradyTheRandom wrote: |
Hmm...Cherubi and it's trainer don't see eye to eye. Perhaps Cherubi will want to "change trainers." If Dawn got it this way, wouldn't it be too much like Charmandar? Not to mention, in a way, Swinub lived kind of in the same way Bulbasaur did. Heck, now that I think about it, Gligar lived in the same way Squirtle did. I'm thinking there may be more repeating plot lines than I had previously thought. |
yugiohfan99 wrote: | ||
If you've seen recent pictures, Brock seems to be the main character. |
pikastatic100 wrote: | ||||
I know, let's give Dawn the Cherubi and Brock the Leafeon.
pikastatic100 wrote: | ||||
Brock is always the Main Character when it comes to Fillers! Give him some more screentime because the Writers are making his Pokemon have less screentime. When was the last time Croagunk Poison Jabbed Brock?
BAC510 wrote: |
When was the last time Croagunk Poison Jabbed Brock? |
... Yesterdays episode...
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
... Yesterdays episode... |
I knew if I didn't put the "Original Version" next to it, it would cause confusion. Well, I meant in the Original Version.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
I just thought of something, I forgot that I really wanted Dawn to get a Mothim. ![]() |
Mothim? Hm, as long as Dawn gets a Cherubi she can also get a Mothim. That case, everyone ones!
Here are some things that have happened to ash and co. before and happen now relating to captures/ evolutions/other:
-he caught the grass starter
-he catches the normal/ flying type (he even exclaims "A Normal/Flying Type!" when he catches starly
-he catches a fire type and water type as well
-He evolves staravia the EXACT SAME WAY as tailow (the pokeringer contest)
-Ash loses the first gym battle he fights in the region (which happens in every region but johto)
-He is separated from pikachu and meets up with a new companion while finding him (hoenn and sinnoh)
-Somebody sees a legendary in the first episode of a new region except hoenn (ho-oh, suicune, mespirit)
-One of ash's starters reaches 3rd evolution (kanto, hoenn, and most likely either Infernape or Torterra in sinnoh)
-Ash's normal flying type reaches final evolution (not a complant, although ash did catch noctowl in its final evolution and pidgeotto in its second
-Ash's current party consists of 2 pokemon he didn't actually catch (3 if you count pikachu) -Technically he did catch chimchar but only after paul caught him first.
There could be more but what I think is most likely is that dawn could catch a burmy and so could jessie or james and one would evolve into mothim and one would be wormadam kind of like the whole wurmple situation in hoenn if the writers continu this streak of what i call SOBS (Same Old Boring Story)