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generation 5 predictions

  • Avatar of seto_kiaba99


    [1]Aug 10, 2007
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    i know its a few years away but what do you think the 5th generation games and anime will be like? what new evolutions/preevolutions do you think will be created? im leaning towards 100 completly new pokemon, about 7 legendaries, about30 evolutions from old pokemon, 10 preevolutions of old pokemon, and 3 unobtainable/event legendary pokemon.meowth and lapras will probably get preevolutions, while pachirisu and kecleon get evolutions
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  • Avatar of frogsinmywine


    [2]Aug 10, 2007
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    100 new Pokemon? I'm betting around 120+ Seven legendaries? We got 13 legendaries this generation. 14 if you are someone who counts Phione. I'm betting we get the same, ora few more.I think there might be 10 pre evolutions...around 12 evolutions. But I rather have completely new Pokemon than pre evolutions or evolutions for old Pokemon.
    Edited on 08/10/2007 2:56pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [3]Aug 10, 2007
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    Okay, I prefer 100 new Pokemon,a few new evolutions and baby forms, and finally 15 legendaries. So it's 100 new Pokemon+ a few new evolutions + a few new baby forms + 15 legendaries.How did I come up with this? Well this is basically all the pokemon that I created. I know, I know, it's pretty stupid of me to make a whole new group of Pokemon but hey, I have the time and that's how I decide to spend it. Also Pokemon aren't the only thing I'm making but enough about me.

    I felt likethere is too many new evolutions in the 4th generation. I think we have enough to keep us satisfied for quite awhile.

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  • Avatar of warnerbroman


    [4]Aug 10, 2007
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    evolution for pokemonm that need it

    and hoards of ledgendarys
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  • Avatar of NarutoLuffy


    [5]Aug 10, 2007
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    Now, don;t get me wrong when I say this, 'cause I'm a big Pokemon fan, but I have a hard time seeing a Fifth Generation. I just think that the show, games might end after the Fourth Generation is over.
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  • Avatar of frogsinmywine


    [6]Aug 10, 2007
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    I don't think so. Pokemon's a cash cow. Another gen. is millions more for Nintendo.
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  • Avatar of tvmasterdoodles


    [7]Aug 10, 2007
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    that'd be nice.
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  • Avatar of zatchbellcool


    [8]Aug 11, 2007
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    well yeah it should end at sinnoh because its hard thinking of new pokemon! and also they allready made THE GOD OF ALL POKEMON! what would the other legendary be? the god of the god? really!
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  • Avatar of frogsinmywine


    [9]Aug 11, 2007
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    Arseus is NOT, I repeat NOT the Pokemon God. He is the CREATION Pokemon. Besides, everyone used to think Mew was the god, and then look what happened now.
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  • Avatar of Alzatia


    [10]Aug 11, 2007
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    NarutoLuffy wrote:
    Now, don;t get me wrong when I say this, 'cause I'm a big Pokemon fan, but I have a hard time seeing a Fifth Generation. I just think that the show, games might end after the Fourth Generation is over.

    Ppl have been saying that since GSC. =/

    More games will come out and because Arseus is like a semi god or w/e doesnt mean its gonna end. Geesh,there millions of ideas out there that can be used for Legendary pokemon.

    When Gen 5 kicks in I hope we get more firetypes. -_-' Gen 4 was just unfair darnit. And less pre-evos and evos,the more original new pokemon the better.
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  • Avatar of Kametsou


    [11]Aug 11, 2007
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    Generation Five probably won't have much more new Pokemon than Generaiton Four. I think the creators are starting to run out of ideas.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [12]Aug 11, 2007
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    Kametsou wrote:
    Generation Five probably won't have much more new Pokemon than Generaiton Four. I think the creators are starting to run out of ideas.

    If I can think up over a 100 new pokemonand 15 new legendaries, then the Pokemon Company could think up 1000 new Pokemon and 100 legendaries. Also what makes you think they don't already have newly made Pokemon stored away? Shellos were suppose to be in Ruby and Sapphire however I think they didn't have time to fully put them into the game!

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  • Avatar of Alzatia


    [13]Aug 11, 2007
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Kametsou wrote:
    Generation Five probably won't have much more new Pokemon than Generaiton Four. I think the creators are starting to run out of ideas.

    If I can think up over a 100 new pokemonand 15 new legendaries, then the Pokemon Company could think up 1000 new Pokemon and 100 legendaries. Also what makes you think they don't already have newly made Pokemon stored away? Shellos were suppose to be in Ruby and Sapphire however I think they didn't have time to fully put them into the game!

    And also a large part of Gen 2 was alredy designed way back in Gen 1. o_o
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [14]Aug 11, 2007
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    Ho-Oh for instance, it appeared in the first episode of the show,three years before Generation 2.
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  • Avatar of Phanthom221


    [16]Aug 11, 2007
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Ho-Oh for instance, it appeared in the first episode of the show,three years before Generation 2.
    Kelcleon was in a special orange island epidode
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  • Avatar of AvianRoxMySox


    [17]Aug 11, 2007
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    I believe that was in Johto...
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  • Avatar of Alzatia


    [18]Aug 11, 2007
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    Phanthom221 wrote:
    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Ho-Oh for instance, it appeared in the first episode of the show,three years before Generation 2.
    Kelcleon was in a special orange island epidode

    Kecleon is GEN 3,Orange Islands happened during GEN 1. -_-'

    Edited on 08/11/2007 4:21pm
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  • Avatar of Phanthom221


    [19]Aug 11, 2007
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    Alzatia wrote:

    Phanthom221 wrote:
    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Ho-Oh for instance, it appeared in the first episode of the show,three years before Generation 2.
    Kelcleon was in a special orange island epidode

    Kecleon is GEN 3,Orange Islands happened during GEN 1. -_-'

    It was aried at the the end of the orange island saga. They were on a blimp and two female trainers said they lost there exocit pokemon. Ash argred to help. It then turns out these pokemon were Kecleon. Ash then tried to use his pokedex on them and it didnt work it said "no data recored" or somthing like that.
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  • Avatar of seto_kiaba99


    [20]Aug 11, 2007
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    even if arseus was the god pokemon pokemon, why would his revealance be the end of pokemon? they can eaily come up with a pokemon strong than him still. a dark enemy with matched strength, demigods etc.
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