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generation 5 predictions

  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [181]Aug 30, 2008
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    Yes, or they might even make the Pokemon that created Arceus, and then in the 6th generation they'll make the Pokemon that created THAT Pokemon, and so on.
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  • Avatar of xboxliveguy


    [182]Aug 30, 2008
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    warnerbroman wrote:
    the only way they we will gte info is if the 8th gen consoles are announced,I have some research to do

    Unfortunately nintendo is somehow stuck in last gen.

    Think about this. If Microsoft or Sony bought out Pokemon, Holy **** that could change the whole video game industry.

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  • Avatar of dark_drapion57


    [183]Aug 31, 2008
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    Legendaries are the hardest to make, as they need to have a purpose. One of my legendaries I made has the ability to reverse fiction and non-fiction.

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  • Avatar of ericwashere15


    [184]Aug 31, 2008
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    dark_drapion57 wrote:

    Legendaries are the hardest to make, as they need to have a purpose. One of my legendaries I made has the ability to reverse fiction and non-fiction.

    How does that happen? You're changing something from real to fake and vice-versa.
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  • Avatar of dark_drapion57


    [185]Aug 31, 2008
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    ericwashere15 wrote:
    dark_drapion57 wrote:

    Legendaries are the hardest to make, as they need to have a purpose. One of my legendaries I made has the ability to reverse fiction and non-fiction.

    How does that happen? You're changing something from real to fake and vice-versa.

    I honestly don't know LOL!

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  • Avatar of Elekazam


    [186]Aug 31, 2008
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    I think the following pokemon should get pre evolutions: Lapras, Tauros/miltank, tropius, carnivine, stantler, pinsir, scyther, kangaskhan, heracross

    The following should have new evolutions: Meowth/persian, Hondour/houndoom, Seviper, Zangoose, spinda, pachirisu, shuppet/banette, carnivine, stantler, meditite/medicham, dewgong/seel, girafarig, heracross, absol.

    Also, we should have two new eevees: Ghost and Steel

    The following moves should be introduced: 120 powered dark/psychic/ghost/ground attacks. 140 powered dark/ice/ghost/electric attacks. 150 powered steel attack. Two new one hit KO attacks. A move that causes no damage but instantly freezes.

    As for legendaries, we should have a poison legendary. Maybe poison/psychic. I think there should be a dark trio: Dark/psychic, dark/dragon, dark/steel.

    The last gym leader should have dark types. There still hasn't been a dark gym.

    Maybe the another move should be ??? like curse. Maybe even a ??? legendary

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  • Avatar of PokemonKanto


    [187]Aug 31, 2008
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    Elekazam wrote:

    I think the following pokemon should get pre evolutions: Lapras, Tauros/miltank, tropius, carnivine, stantler, pinsir, scyther, kangaskhan, heracross

    The following should have new evolutions: Meowth/persian, Hondour/houndoom, Seviper, Zangoose, spinda, pachirisu, shuppet/banette, carnivine, stantler, meditite/medicham, dewgong/seel, girafarig, heracross, absol.

    Also, we should have two new eevees: Ghost and Steel

    The following moves should be introduced: 120 powered dark/psychic/ghost/ground attacks. 140 powered dark/ice/ghost/electric attacks. 150 powered steel attack. Two new one hit KO attacks. A move that causes no damage but instantly freezes.

    As for legendaries, we should have a poison legendary. Maybe poison/psychic. I think there should be a dark trio: Dark/psychic, dark/dragon, dark/steel.

    The last gym leader should have dark types. There still hasn't been a dark gym.

    Maybe the another move should be ??? like curse. Maybe even a ??? legendary

    good ideas i would really be interested in a dark type legendary though Dark are my favorite type of pokemon and why do they always have to have psychic legends in the games I like Mewtwo, Mew and Lugia though...

    Edited on 08/31/2008 12:51pm
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  • Avatar of dman_dustin


    [188]Aug 31, 2008
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    Elekazam wrote:

    I think the following pokemon should get pre evolutions: Scyther.

    I agree a pre-evo of Scyther would be great. And to be honest if it does happen, I would hope Ash would catch it, because I like the idea that Ash would have a Scizor.


    The following moves should be introduced: 120 powered dark/psychic/ghost/ground attacks. 140 powered dark/ice/ghost/electric attacks. 150 powered steel attack. Two new one hit KO attacks. A move that causes no damage but instantly freezes.

    I would like a water type flamethrower that has the same effects, so that way it trumps water gun (in the anime)

    I would also like a fairly weak special attack like tackle and pound. Because to be honest those weak Pokemon using growl constantly is annoying (especially if your tring to raise a newly hatched lvl 1 Pokemon) and a special attack move would counteract growl.

    Edited on 08/31/2008 1:20pm
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  • Avatar of dark_drapion57


    [189]Aug 31, 2008
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    Here are some cool type combinations that would be possible:

    • Electric/Dark
    • Psychic/Dark
    • Ice/Rock
    • Grass/Ghost
    • Fire/Psychic
    • Dragon/Grass
    • Ghost/Fire
    • Dark/Steel
    • Ground/Grass
    • Poison/Electric
    • Grass/Electric
    • Dark/Fighting
    • Electric/Dragon
    • Bug/Ice
    • Ice/Dragon

    My favourites are Ghost/Fire, Ice/Dragon, Dragon/Grass, Psychic/Dark, Electric/Dragon and Dark/Fighting.

    Edited on 08/31/2008 1:42pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of dman_dustin


    [190]Aug 31, 2008
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    I'd like an Electric/Ice, Ice/Bug, fire/grass and Fire/water, and Fighting/Flying Pokemon.
    Edited on 08/31/2008 8:48pm
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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [191]Aug 31, 2008
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    dman_dustin wrote:
    I'd like an Electric/Ice, Ice/Bug, fire/grass and Fire/water, and Fighting/Flying Pokemon.

    Ha. Fire/Grass type pokemon. I came up with a tree like pokemon with that combination in 2005.

    Matchuel [Ground/Normal] evolves into Branfist [Fire/Fighting] evolves into Pyroak [Fire/Grass]. Also, a fire/grass type wouldn't have any weaknesses. I hope Gen 5 has a Dragon/Fighting pokemon. Would make an excellent uber pokemon like Lucario or Mewtwo.
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  • Avatar of dark_drapion57


    [192]Sep 1, 2008
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    Fire/Water? Would would it be, a cauldron full of boiling water?

    And Fighting/Flying, that would be so cool-I'm gonna make one. As for Fire/Grass, I had made one up which was shaped like a Chili Pepper, but it looked stupid so I scrapped the idea.

    The two types we definitely need are Ice/Dragon and Electric/Dragon. Normal, common Pokemon or legendaries, Ice/Dragon would be awesome, like a big, glacial serpent, and Electric/Dragon, a powerful monster electricity crackling through it's veins. Fire/Dragon is also possible, and Grass/Dragon would be nice too.

    Edited on 09/01/2008 12:00am
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  • Avatar of alaska10101


    [193]Sep 1, 2008
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    dark_drapion57 wrote:

    Fire/Water? Would would it be, a cauldron full of boiling water?

    And Fighting/Flying, that would be so cool-I'm gonna make one. As for Fire/Grass, I had made one up which was shaped like a Chili Pepper, but it looked stupid so I scrapped the idea.

    The two types we definitely need are Ice/Dragon and Electric/Dragon. Normal, common Pokemon or legendaries, Ice/Dragon would be awesome, like a big, glacial serpent, and Electric/Dragon, a powerful monster electricity crackling through it's veins. Fire/Dragon is also possible, and Grass/Dragon would be nice too.

    you got a point there dark_drapion.We need more dragons,fire,grass and DEFINITELY dark type pokemon.I heard that there is a new game for nintendo called pokemon platinum.It's diamond and pearl with a few changes,like ruby and sapphire becomind emerald.like dialga for diamond and palkia for pearl,platinum's mascot is giratina.yup.giratina.If you need proof,go to any search engine and search for bulbapedia.Then search for giratina.Sorry for the subject change,i thought i should tell you guys.Oh,and there's 5 or 6 new pokemon,probably pre-evolutions of the diamond and pearl pokemon(.P.S.how do you change ur pic?the doll creeps me out.....)PLS reply!

    God created us for a purpose.But we ourselves must find that purpose!-quote from some guy.....
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  • Avatar of CSI_Fiona


    [194]Sep 1, 2008
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    Yeah, we really need a lot of fire types next gen to make up for this gen. Fire-types are shockingly underrepresented.

    I thought up a Fire/Ice evo or split evo for Vulpix/Ninetales. An artic fox.

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  • Avatar of dman_dustin


    [195]Sep 1, 2008
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    dark_drapion57 wrote:

    Fire/Water? Would would it be, a cauldron full of boiling water?

    Or maybe an underwater volcano, or a fish that lives in lava or something.

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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [196]Sep 1, 2008
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    alaska10101 wrote:
    dark_drapion57 wrote:

    Fire/Water? Would would it be, a cauldron full of boiling water?

    And Fighting/Flying, that would be so cool-I'm gonna make one. As for Fire/Grass, I had made one up which was shaped like a Chili Pepper, but it looked stupid so I scrapped the idea.

    The two types we definitely need are Ice/Dragon and Electric/Dragon. Normal, common Pokemon or legendaries, Ice/Dragon would be awesome, like a big, glacial serpent, and Electric/Dragon, a powerful monster electricity crackling through it's veins. Fire/Dragon is also possible, and Grass/Dragon would be nice too.

    you got a point there dark_drapion.We need more dragons,fire,grass and DEFINITELY dark type pokemon.I heard that there is a new game for nintendo called pokemon platinum.It's diamond and pearl with a few changes,like ruby and sapphire becomind emerald.like dialga for diamond and palkia for pearl,platinum's mascot is giratina.yup.giratina.If you need proof,go to any search engine and search for bulbapedia.Then search for giratina.Sorry for the subject change,i thought i should tell you guys.Oh,and there's 5 or 6 new pokemon,probably pre-evolutions of the diamond and pearl pokemon(.P.S.how do you change ur pic?the doll creeps me out.....)PLS reply!

    God created us for a purpose.But we ourselves must find that purpose!-quote from some guy.....

    Sorry but you're late about Platinum. We knew since the beginning. There's a thread all about it stickied at the top of the page.

    Also, don't you have to be level 2/3 to change your avatar?
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  • Avatar of dark_drapion57


    [197]Sep 1, 2008
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    Okay I made a Fighting/Flying Pokemon family. It starts off as Fighting/Ground and then evolves into a Fighting/Flying type.
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  • Avatar of Naivlys


    [198]Sep 3, 2008
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    I keep hoping they'll introduce the element Light. Not only would this help make the elements even but I could see it being super effective against both Dark and Ghost type pokemon (making it so Spititomb and Sableye no longer are the two pokemon against which no type of attack is effective). If they were smart they might link Light attacks to the Aura somehow.
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  • Avatar of Seaig


    [199]Sep 3, 2008
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    One of the better ideas I always felt the creators should bring to life is making pre-evolutions to Kanto's legendary birds and Johto's legendary beasts.

    It would be so cool to see baby bird forms of Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres - especially if they came up with a good enough story to make sense of them having pre-evolutions.

    Same goes for Raikou, Entei, and Suicune. It would be amazing to see what their baby feline pre-evolutions would look like.

    For all we know, the story they come up with to go along with these fictional pokemon could make sense of a lot of gaps and holes in the pokemon universe.
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  • Avatar of dark_drapion57


    [200]Sep 3, 2008
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    Naivlys wrote:
    I keep hoping they'll introduce the element Light. Not only would this help make the elements even but I could see it being super effective against both Dark and Ghost type pokemon (making it so Spititomb and Sableye no longer are the two pokemon against which no type of attack is effective). If they were smart they might link Light attacks to the Aura somehow.

    The problem is with that is Light would fall under Grass, Psychic and possibly Electric. Espeon for example is the Light Pokemon but is a Psychic type, SolarBeam has very much to do with Light but is a Grass move, and many Electric Attacks involve light. It would be a nice idea, but sadly, it's already been done, kind of.

    On websites many people introduce new types. The following are some types that other people created.

    "Aurora" Basically Pokemon of this type have powers of the Aurora. Sadly, this is Mew's species and Mew has powers of the Aurora already. Also, there is an ice type move called "Aurora Beam". You couldn't convert it to "Aurora" type, because it already has a special type, Ice. Aurora wouldn't work that well.

    "Fury" Pokemon of this type are dangerous, evil, fast and have a lot of power. This won't work, as there is already an attack, Fury Swipes, and "Fury" also falls under the Dark type. And unless you converted the Fury Swipes attack to "Fury" it wouldn't work well.

    "Galaxy" This is similar the one of two new types I made, Cosmic. Space Type Pokemon resemble aliens and things. It's possible, but the "aliens" idea is strange.

    "Magic" This is obviously extremely similar to the Psychic type. On the forum I read it on, a lot of people doubted it and said it was almost the same as Psychic. It is an impossible type.

    "Storm" This would fall under Electric and Flying, as Electric Pokemon can make lightning, and Flying Pokemon can bring large gusts and tornados. To put it simply, Storm is an impossible type.

    For the two types I made, I made sure they would work. In my opinion, they are possible, but if you have any comments or criticisms, feel free to tell me. The following two types were made up by me.

    "Cosmic": Pokemon of this type have powers that have to do with Space, like "Galaxy". But, unline Galaxy, the Pokemon of the type don't resemble aliens, and instead powerful, fast creatures that have moves that are mostly Tough and Cool Moves in Contests. The attack "Cosmic Power" remains a Psychic move, however. I have paired Cosmic with Psychic, Flying and Dragon, as well as a family of pure Cosmic types and a Cosmic evolution of Eevee and a Cosmic legendary.

    "Dream" Pokemon of this type are beautiful or kingly in appearance, resemble fantasy beings like centaurs and fancy birds, and have moves that are mostly Beauty and Cute moves in Contests. I have paired Dream with Ice, Flying and Grass, as well as a family of pure Dream types and a Dream evolution of Eevee and a Dream legendary.

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