Here are mine. Btw, Pikachu, your Rubber type sounds good. Hope you like mine. Cosmic's colour is gold and Dream's colour is light pink.
Cosmic Type Pokemon
Are Super Effective Against: Ghost, Water, Bug, Fire
Are not very Effective Against: Dragon, Poison
Have no Effect Against: Ice, Steel
Cosmic Type Pokemon
Resist: Water, Bug, Fire, Fighting
Are Weak To: Dragon, Ice, Poison, Steel
Have Immunity to: Ghost
Dream Type Pokemon
Ae Super-Effective Against: Dragon, Dark, Grass, Psychic
Are not Very Effective Against: Fire, Ghost
Have no Effect Against: Fighting, Rock
Dream-Type Pokemon
Resist: Ice, Dragon, Grass, Psychic
Are Weak To: Fire, Fighting, Rock
Have Immunity to: Dark
Everything seems balanced. The plate for the Cosmic type will be called the Heroic Plate (because Cosmic Pokemon are heroic and loyal) and the plate for the Dream type will be called the Utopia Plate (because they have to do with fantasy).
I also have plans to make a ???-type Plate. It'll be special plate that transforms into another plate depending on the type of the Pokemon it is put on. If it is put on Dialga for example, it'll become an Iron Plate. If it is put on Umbreon it'll become a Dread Plate, if it's put on Magcargo it'll become a Flame Plate, if it's put on Breloom it'll become a Meadow Plate, if put on Gabite it'll become a Draco Plate, etc. However, when put on a Normal type Pokemon, it will become a completely random plate (this also makes it a fun surprise) apart from another ???-type plate. This new plate can then be taken off of the Normal Pokemon and put onto a Pokemon of the Plate type. So, if a Meowth is given the ???-type plate, it could randomly turn into a Spooky Plate. You then take the Spooky Plate off of Meowth and use it for a Ghost-type Pokemon or Arceus.
The only way to turn a ???-type plate into a Sky Plate is if it randomly turns into one when put on a Normal Pokemon, as Flying can't be a Primary type.
When put on Arceus, it'll remain a ???-type plate and will make Arceus a ???-type Pokemon that will learn random moves. This also fits in with the fact that it is an Unknown type, as it'll learn a completely random move and the trainer will not know which move it will want to learn.
???-type plates can also be found in the Underground, but rarely (not as rare as other plates however).
So what do you think?
Edited on 09/04/2008 10:43am