dman_dustin wrote: | ||
You mean like Lucario?
as for the fighting/steel, lucario.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
dman_dustin wrote: | ||
You mean like Lucario?
alaska10101 wrote: | ||||
We need an original one! Like my Gen 5 Predictions Blog says, the Grass Type Starter will evolve into a Grass/Steel. Or my personal favorites.....Electric/Fighting or Electric/Dark.
BAC510 wrote: | ||||||
We need an original one! Like my Gen 5 Predictions Blog says, the Grass Type Starter will evolve into a Grass/Steel. Or my personal favorites.....Electric/Fighting or Electric/Dark. |
dark_drapion57 wrote: |
Well, I was going to post an idea for a new department store, but I'm afraid it wouldn't let me. It came up with the message: "Error: One or more of your words was automtically censored" even though none were. |
Some words are blocked because people in the past have used them to pass the curseing filter. If the word you're using is needed and there is no alternate you can use, you can either:
1. Replace letters with other letters/numbers/symbols that look similiar. Example: To post the word styIe, you have to replace the lowercase "L" with an upper case "I".
2. Use an image of that word instead. Example: For some reason, sometimes the Sinnoh Grass-type Leader's name is blocked, so I made this for it:
What I was going to post was an improved department store in Generation V where you can buy a Technical Machine for every type and buy as many as you like. It would be good, you can like save up and buy like, ten Dragon Claw TMs. No matter what type TM you want there's a technical machine of it. If you wanted a Poison TM there's Gunk Shot, or if you wanted a Steel TM there are plenty of Flash Cannons for sale.
Just tried putting the TMs. Didn't work. I think it is really low that they have actually censored Pokemon moves. I mean, come on.
alaska10101 wrote: | ||||||||
I have dibs on a Dark/Steel but you still can make one. Mine a Machsol......evolution of Absol, Dark/Steel.
I'd like to see a ghost/water. Maybe like some sort of mist like pokemon...
BAC510 wrote: | ||||||||||
I have dibs on a Dark/Steel but you still can make one. Mine a Machsol......evolution of Absol, Dark/Steel. |
If you like Dark types like me, you'll like the evolution of Pachirisu I made. It's Dark/Electric and looks like a spike-covered red squirrel that uses crackling laser-red electricity. I'm quite proud of it.
I also made a Dark/Steel type, but not the evolution of Absol. I originally made a Ghost/Steel type, and I needed an evolution-I drew one, and because it looked very solid, I made it lose it's Ghost-type and claim a Dark type. I have also made a family of Ghost/Fire types.
Finally, I finished my Pokemon from the Generation V I made. I was going to finish at 123 but I ended up with 141 of them LOL. One big addition I had to make was a family of Ice/Dragon types: Dragon is just the type that Ice needed to be paired with!
I think that luxray looked like a dark/electric type if you ask me.
Also, what does anyone think about my alternate slowpoke evolutions, or my dugtrio evolution.
dark_drapion57 wrote: |
If you like Dark types like me, you'll like the evolution of Pachirisu I made. It's Dark/Electric and looks like a spike-covered red squirrel that uses crackling laser-red electricity. I'm quite proud of it. I also made a Dark/Steel type, but not the evolution of Absol. I originally made a Ghost/Steel type, and I needed an evolution-I drew one, and because it looked very solid, I made it lose it's Ghost-type and claim a Dark type. I have also made a family of Ghost/Fire types. Finally, I finished my Pokemon from the Generation V I made. I was going to finish at 123 but I ended up with 141 of them LOL. One big addition I had to make was a family of Ice/Dragon types: Dragon is just the type that Ice needed to be paired with! |
Nice, Dawn with a Spike-Covered red squirrel. Wonder what she would think of it??
BAC510 wrote: | ||
Nice, Dawn with a Spike-Covered red squirrel. Wonder what she would think of it?? |
Pachirisu wouldn't evolve into that because at the end of the Sinnoh series she would drop off her Pokemon at Rowan's and start again in Generation V. It could theoretically evolve while in Rowan's lab, but it won't be shown that it evolves.
freezebird wrote: |
I think that luxray looked like a dark/electric type if you ask me. Also, what does anyone think about my alternate slowpoke evolutions, or my dugtrio evolution. |
BAC510 wrote: | ||||||||||
I have dibs on a Dark/Steel but you still can make one. Mine a Machsol......evolution of Absol, Dark/Steel. |
alaska10101 wrote: | ||||||||||||
Whoops, sorry. Can't wait to hear more info on your Mightyhena evolution!!
BAC510 wrote: | ||||||||||||||
Whoops, sorry. Can't wait to hear more info on your Mightyhena evolution!! |
Seaig wrote: |
If Absol had a baby form and an evolution I believe it could bring a lot to the Pokemon itself and the game overall. I also really believe that Generation V will reveal the final forms of Mr. Mime, Jynx, Lickilicky, and Tangrowth. |
Mr. Mime, Jynx, Lickilicky and Tangrowth are all big enough. I mean, making an evolution of Electabuzz was kind of crazy. And if I made Absol pre-evolutions I would make a baby form and a middle form.
But, I've finished making Pokemon, with 141 new Pokemon. I will add lots of other old Pokemon to make a Regional Dex of about 230. The last new Pokemon I made was a calf Pokemon that evolves into Miltank if female and Tauros if female. It'll be a baby form. I was going to make a baby form of Lickitung but I couldn't think of a name apart from "Lickid" and "Lickikiddy" which both sounded bad.
I've decided that I'll put Snover into the Dex also, and Cacnea.