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generation 5 predictions

  • Avatar of Naivlys


    [141]Aug 13, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:

    I think Eevee's evolutions are based on Special types only because they have done every single Special Type:

    Fire, Electric, Water, Psychic, Dark, Grass, & Ice. All there is left is Dragon. Either they are using up the Special Types first & then moving on to the Physical Types or this might be a clue that Pokemon might be coming to an end soon.

    Or it simply may be they aren't going to do more Eevees. In theory pokemon has at least until entry 999 or 000 before they either have to figure a new numbering system out or stop creating pokemon. As has been mentioned by othes here pokemon is a very lucrative product and as long as it stays so will probably be continued.

    freezebird wrote:

    I didn't mean that tyrogue was a substitute for eevee, but I meant that it rivals with the evolutions, having the second most.

    I also know that some of my slowpoke evolutions are a little farfetched (not the pokemon) but it would be pretty cool.

    P.S. I agree with the dark gym idea.

    I'm not sure how you counting it as the "second most". Wurmple evolves into either Silcoon -> Beautifly or Cascoon -> Dustox while Burmy turns into one of three different varieties of Wormadams (Bug/Grass, Bug/Ground, or Bug/Steel depending on the cloak) as well as into Mothim. Tyogue ony evolves into one of three forms depending on stats, making it probably closest to the Burmy -> Wormadam change except Tyrogue's three different evolutions have three different deck numbers and names while for some reason they clumped all the Wormadams together under one.

    BAC510 wrote:

    We defenetly need a Dark Type Gym.

    Just for the heck of it, I'll make the Gym Rosters for the predicted 5th Generation Region:

    *The # of Pokemon in each Gym will be Anime-Wise, not Game-Wise*

    Gym #1: Rock Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #2: Bug Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #3: Electric Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #4: Fighting Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #5: Poison Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #6: Fire Types- 2 on 2 Double Battle

    Gym #7: Dark Types- 4 VS 4

    Gym #8: Psychic Types- 5 VS 5

    That's not a bad roster. Personally I'd have Dark be the last gym but that's just me.

    Edited on 08/13/2008 6:27pm
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [142]Aug 13, 2008
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    Naivlys wrote:

    freezebird wrote:

    We defenetly need a Dark Type Gym.

    Just for the heck of it, I'll make the Gym Rosters for the predicted 5th Generation Region:

    *The # of Pokemon in each Gym will be Anime-Wise, not Game-Wise*

    Gym #1: Rock Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #2: Bug Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #3: Electric Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #4: Fighting Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #5: Poison Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #6: Fire Types- 2 on 2 Double Battle

    Gym #7: Dark Types- 4 VS 4

    Gym #8: Psychic Types- 5 VS 5

    That's not a bad roster. Personally I'd have Dark be the last gym but that's just me.

    That QUOTE was by me, just saying, don't want someone else to take the credit.

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  • Avatar of Naivlys


    [143]Aug 13, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:

    That QUOTE was by me, just saying, don't want someone else to take the credit.

    My appologies, I fixed it.

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  • Avatar of nacholibre92


    [145]Aug 16, 2008
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    I think there should be a baby form of Miltank and Tauros and should evolve depending on the gender. If it's a female, it evolves into Miltank and if it's a male, it evolves into Tauros. I also think Pikachu, Gyarados, Sableye, and Mawile should have a new evolutions.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [146]Aug 16, 2008
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    I just got another idea!!!! They should have 5 Extra Gym/Challenges that are based on a Stat (I'll just refer to them as Gyms):

    One Gym for ATTACK

    One Gym for DEFENSE

    One Gym for SP. ATTACK

    Another Gym for SP. DEFENSE

    One more Gym for SPEED

    We don't really need HP to have its own Gym.

    * This gives the Trainer a much more difficult time to strategize because the Gym won't have a specific Type but any Pokemon suited for that Specific Stat. I feel like calling it: S-Gym Challenge

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  • Avatar of Naivlys


    [147]Aug 16, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:

    I just got another idea!!!! They should have 5 Extra Gym/Challenges that are based on a Stat (I'll just refer to them as Gyms):

    One Gym for ATTACK

    One Gym for DEFENSE

    One Gym for SP. ATTACK

    Another Gym for SP. DEFENSE

    One more Gym for SPEED

    We don't really need HP to have its own Gym.

    * This gives the Trainer a much more difficult time to strategize because the Gym won't have a specific Type but any Pokemon suited for that Specific Stat. I feel like calling it: S-Gym Challenge

    That sounds like a really cool idea, though I imagine even then trainers would probably specilize in non-legendaries that have very high levels of the stats (which may mean shuckle will appear in both defense and special defense). For myself I think it would be neat if the two different games actually took place in two different lands south of Sinnoh but north of Kanto and Johto. It would be even nicer if they connected all the lands introduced so far, though they may have to renumber the routes.

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  • Avatar of Seaig


    [148]Aug 18, 2008
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    I'm really interested to see how they go about doing the Battle Frontier in Sinnoh in the Diamond and Pearl saga. I hope they come up with a really creative twist that makes sense of having another Battle Frontier. It would be cool if Ash went to Johto this time (rather than Kanto) and took another spin around that region. It would tie in with May's current location of being in Johto, and it would continue the "pattern" that Kanto's Battle Frontier established to an extent.
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  • Avatar of freezebird


    [149]Aug 19, 2008
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    Naivlys wrote:
    BAC510 wrote:

    I think Eevee's evolutions are based on Special types only because they have done every single Special Type:

    Fire, Electric, Water, Psychic, Dark, Grass, & Ice. All there is left is Dragon. Either they are using up the Special Types first & then moving on to the Physical Types or this might be a clue that Pokemon might be coming to an end soon.

    Or it simply may be they aren't going to do more Eevees. In theory pokemon has at least until entry 999 or 000 before they either have to figure a new numbering system out or stop creating pokemon. As has been mentioned by othes here pokemon is a very lucrative product and as long as it stays so will probably be continued.

    freezebird wrote:

    I didn't mean that tyrogue was a substitute for eevee, but I meant that it rivals with the evolutions, having the second most.

    I also know that some of my slowpoke evolutions are a little farfetched (not the pokemon) but it would be pretty cool.

    P.S. I agree with the dark gym idea.

    I'm not sure how you counting it as the "second most". Wurmple evolves into either Silcoon -> Beautifly or Cascoon -> Dustox while Burmy turns into one of three different varieties of Wormadams (Bug/Grass, Bug/Ground, or Bug/Steel depending on the cloak) as well as into Mothim. Tyogue ony evolves into one of three forms depending on stats, making it probably closest to the Burmy -> Wormadam change except Tyrogue's three different evolutions have three different deck numbers and names while for some reason they clumped all the Wormadams together under one.

    BAC510 wrote:

    We defenetly need a Dark Type Gym.

    Just for the heck of it, I'll make the Gym Rosters for the predicted 5th Generation Region:

    *The # of Pokemon in each Gym will be Anime-Wise, not Game-Wise*

    Gym #1: Rock Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #2: Bug Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #3: Electric Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #4: Fighting Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #5: Poison Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #6: Fire Types- 2 on 2 Double Battle

    Gym #7: Dark Types- 4 VS 4

    Gym #8: Psychic Types- 5 VS 5

    That's not a bad roster. Personally I'd have Dark be the last gym but that's just me.

    I meant that tyrogue had the second most because the different versions of burmy and wormadam are counted as one pokemon as oppose to three

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  • Avatar of Naivlys


    [150]Aug 21, 2008
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    freezebird wrote:
    Naivlys wrote:

    I'm not sure how you counting it as the "second most". Wurmple evolves into either Silcoon -> Beautifly or Cascoon -> Dustox while Burmy turns into one of three different varieties of Wormadams (Bug/Grass, Bug/Ground, or Bug/Steel depending on the cloak) as well as into Mothim. Tyogue ony evolves into one of three forms depending on stats, making it probably closest to the Burmy -> Wormadam change except Tyrogue's three different evolutions have three different deck numbers and names while for some reason they clumped all the Wormadams together under one.

    I meant that tyrogue had the second most because the different versions of burmy and wormadam are counted as one pokemon as oppose to three

    Okay, though Wurmple technically has four evolutions since it evolves once into two different caccoon forms and then each of those also evolve.

    Edited on 08/21/2008 3:47pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of TotallyTyler01


    [151]Aug 21, 2008
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    I'm hoping that there will definately be more evolutions like Eevee could evolve into a ground type or steel type, or again, dragon. Plus like what if Pichu could evolve w/ Metal coat.... and evolve into an electric steel type. And it would be cool to see Tauros evolve into a bull with a steel plate head... a normal steel type.

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  • Avatar of dark_drapion57


    [152]Aug 22, 2008
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    Pachirisu should have an evolved form, maybe. It could look like a red squirrel, with more of a powerful presonality.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [153]Aug 22, 2008
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    dark_drapion57 wrote:

    Pachirisu should have an evolved form, maybe. It could look like a red squirrel, with more of a powerful presonality.

    A great way for Dawn to get a 5th Generation, don't you think?

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  • Avatar of dman_dustin


    [154]Aug 23, 2008
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    I think this is the best place to discuss this but people say that there shouldn't be a "light" type because "dark" doesn't mean shadows or darkness but that it reflects it based on behaviors like being evil.

    Couldn't light just be the same way, it reflects it based on the Pokemon's behaviors as being "angelic" in behavior as opposed to being "evil".

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  • Avatar of freezebird


    [155]Aug 24, 2008
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    Naivlys wrote:
    freezebird wrote:
    Naivlys wrote:

    I'm not sure how you counting it as the "second most". Wurmple evolves into either Silcoon -> Beautifly or Cascoon -> Dustox while Burmy turns into one of three different varieties of Wormadams (Bug/Grass, Bug/Ground, or Bug/Steel depending on the cloak) as well as into Mothim. Tyogue ony evolves into one of three forms depending on stats, making it probably closest to the Burmy -> Wormadam change except Tyrogue's three different evolutions have three different deck numbers and names while for some reason they clumped all the Wormadams together under one.

    I meant that tyrogue had the second most because the different versions of burmy and wormadam are counted as one pokemon as oppose to three

    Okay, though Wurmple technically has four evolutions since it evolves once into two different caccoon forms and then each of those also evolve.

    let me try to explain








    eevee has seven different evolutions via stone, happiness, or location, more than any pokemon




    tyrogue has three seperate evolutions depending on stats, second-most than any other pokemon





    burmy only has two evolutions because wormadam is counted as one pokemon




    wurmple only evolves into two different pokemon each of which evolve once

    P.S. sorry that I'm being a bit persistent, that's just how I am.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [156]Aug 24, 2008
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    freezebird wrote:
    Naivlys wrote:
    freezebird wrote:
    Naivlys wrote:

    I'm not sure how you counting it as the "second most". Wurmple evolves into either Silcoon -> Beautifly or Cascoon -> Dustox while Burmy turns into one of three different varieties of Wormadams (Bug/Grass, Bug/Ground, or Bug/Steel depending on the cloak) as well as into Mothim. Tyogue ony evolves into one of three forms depending on stats, making it probably closest to the Burmy -> Wormadam change except Tyrogue's three different evolutions have three different deck numbers and names while for some reason they clumped all the Wormadams together under one.

    I meant that tyrogue had the second most because the different versions of burmy and wormadam are counted as one pokemon as oppose to three

    Okay, though Wurmple technically has four evolutions since it evolves once into two different caccoon forms and then each of those also evolve.

    let me try to explain








    eevee has seven different evolutions via stone, happiness, or location, more than any pokemon




    tyrogue has three seperate evolutions depending on stats, second-most than any other pokemon





    burmy only has two evolutions because wormadam is counted as one pokemon




    wurmple only evolves into two different pokemon each of which evolve once

    P.S. sorry that I'm being a bit persistent, that's just how I am.

    This isn't even Generation 5 Predictions!!! Your just dwelling in the past. Last time I checked, my 5th Generation Gym Roster was the last Topic that wasn't Off-Topic......well, dman_dustin was the last..........

    Edited on 08/24/2008 9:36pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of xboxliveguy


    [157]Aug 24, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:
    freezebird wrote:
    Naivlys wrote:
    freezebird wrote:
    Naivlys wrote:

    I'm not sure how you counting it as the "second most". Wurmple evolves into either Silcoon -> Beautifly or Cascoon -> Dustox while Burmy turns into one of three different varieties of Wormadams (Bug/Grass, Bug/Ground, or Bug/Steel depending on the cloak) as well as into Mothim. Tyogue ony evolves into one of three forms depending on stats, making it probably closest to the Burmy -> Wormadam change except Tyrogue's three different evolutions have three different deck numbers and names while for some reason they clumped all the Wormadams together under one.

    I meant that tyrogue had the second most because the different versions of burmy and wormadam are counted as one pokemon as oppose to three

    Okay, though Wurmple technically has four evolutions since it evolves once into two different caccoon forms and then each of those also evolve.

    let me try to explain








    eevee has seven different evolutions via stone, happiness, or location, more than any pokemon




    tyrogue has three seperate evolutions depending on stats, second-most than any other pokemon





    burmy only has two evolutions because wormadam is counted as one pokemon




    wurmple only evolves into two different pokemon each of which evolve once

    P.S. sorry that I'm being a bit persistent, that's just how I am.

    This isn't even Generation 5 Predictions!!! Your just dwelling in the past. Last time I checked, my 5th Generation Gym Roster was the last Topic that wasn't Off-Topic......well, dman_dustin was the last..........

    does it matter? I'm suprised this thread is still even alive.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [158]Aug 24, 2008
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    xboxliveguy wrote:

    does it matter? I'm suprised this thread is still even alive.

    It does because it is called: "Getting Off-Topic". I didn't bother reading what nonsense they were blabbing about.

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  • Avatar of freezebird


    [159]Aug 25, 2008
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    1. Hey!!!

    2. Sorry, I'm just fan of branched evolutions.

    3. So, anyway, what do you think about my slowpoke ideas.

    freezebird wrote:

    dark/fire, and all of the flying types except for fighting.

    p.s. I would like to see alternate slow poke evolutions (maybe to give a new rival to eeveelutions, as opposed to tyrogue). Here are my ideas:

    1.Slowam (water/fighting): looks like slowbro, but the shellder instead bites the arm (with the ring brace, an item of my own design that looks like a ring made of diamond that fits around the arm (evolved when traded)) and the new shell is a bit larger and twisted, also allowing it to use it as a shield along with increased strength.

    2.Slowick (water/fighting): looks like slowbro, but the shellder instead bites a leg (with another item called the speed herb, a ring made of leaves, vines, and herbs that goes around the leg (evolved when traded)) and the shell has grown onto both legs, giving it more energy from the shelder, alowing it to run at high speeds.

    3.Slowing (water/flying): looks like slowbro, but the shellder instead bites the back (withe the sea sap, which is made from mashed up coral, mud, and honey that is rubbed on slowpoke's back (evolved when traded)) and the shell forms what seems like an armor that fits around the arms, legs, and back that form a wing membrane, allowing it to glide like gligar. The wings also have enhanced strength, since they are technically a shell.

    4.Slownhold (water/steel): has slowbro's head, but the it evolves under special circumstances, two shellder bite the ears, one on the tail, two on the arms, two on the legs, one on the stomach, and one on the back, the one on the stomach must then evolve into a cloyster and jump off (evolves when traded with a water stone from johto (recieved in-game)(evolve when traded)) it looks more like lairron but with slownhold's head sticking out of a shell that covers the whole body, making it quadrapedal, and the shell is very spikey and the shell can slide on the ground very easily due to slickness. It's stomach is it's only weak point, because it is not covered in the shell, and this pokemon is one of two ultimate forms of slowpoke. It also does not suffer from recoil damage. Has very high defense.

    5.Slowtimate (water/dragon): has slowbro's head, but it evolves under special circumstances, two shellder bite the ears, one on the tail, two on the arms, two on the legs, one on the stomach, and one on the back, the one on the back must then evolve into a cloyster and jump off (evolves when traded with a water stone from hoenn (recieved in-game)(evolve when traded)) it looks a bit like aggron but slow timate's head is surrounded by a huge armor except for the back which is not covered and is it's only weak point. It is bipedal and the shell has many small spikes. It is one of two ultimate forms of slowpoke. It also does not need to recharge after attacks like hyper beam. Has very high attack.

    4.I also think that it would be cool to have a dugtrio evolution:

    Diggunity (ground/steel): looks like dugtrio but there are two extra, smaller heads (one on the left, and one on the right), the original three are taller, the first three heads look like they have windows and they are grey. One head has what looks like a skyscraper lightningrod on it's head, another's head looks like a penthouse rooftop, and the last one has a slightly square, slightly bolted looking head, the right, smaller head looks like a house with a triangular roof, and the left, smaller head is square with no roof. It's smaller heads act like arms sometimes. It is able to cause large pillars to arise from the earth and shape buildings out of them. It can also set traps in the building and easily navigate through them by refilling all of the dsplaced dirt from where it "walks" as not to damage the building.

    5.So, what do you think?

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  • Avatar of Omega_Porunga


    [160]Aug 25, 2008
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    I don't think there will be gen. 5 they might come up with 7 new pokemon but not another 100.
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