BAC510 wrote: |
I think Eevee's evolutions are based on Special types only because they have done every single Special Type: Fire, Electric, Water, Psychic, Dark, Grass, & Ice. All there is left is Dragon. Either they are using up the Special Types first & then moving on to the Physical Types or this might be a clue that Pokemon might be coming to an end soon. |
Or it simply may be they aren't going to do more Eevees. In theory pokemon has at least until entry 999 or 000 before they either have to figure a new numbering system out or stop creating pokemon. As has been mentioned by othes here pokemon is a very lucrative product and as long as it stays so will probably be continued.
freezebird wrote: |
I didn't mean that tyrogue was a substitute for eevee, but I meant that it rivals with the evolutions, having the second most. I also know that some of my slowpoke evolutions are a little farfetched (not the pokemon) but it would be pretty cool. P.S. I agree with the dark gym idea. |
I'm not sure how you counting it as the "second most". Wurmple evolves into either Silcoon -> Beautifly or Cascoon -> Dustox while Burmy turns into one of three different varieties of Wormadams (Bug/Grass, Bug/Ground, or Bug/Steel depending on the cloak) as well as into Mothim. Tyogue ony evolves into one of three forms depending on stats, making it probably closest to the Burmy -> Wormadam change except Tyrogue's three different evolutions have three different deck numbers and names while for some reason they clumped all the Wormadams together under one.
BAC510 wrote: |
We defenetly need a Dark Type Gym. Just for the heck of it, I'll make the Gym Rosters for the predicted 5th Generation Region: *The # of Pokemon in each Gym will be Anime-Wise, not Game-Wise* Gym #1: Rock Types- 3 VS 3 Gym #2: Bug Types- 3 VS 3 Gym #3: Electric Types- 3 VS 3 Gym #4: Fighting Types- 3 VS 3 Gym #5: Poison Types- 3 VS 3 Gym #6: Fire Types- 2 on 2 Double Battle Gym #7: Dark Types- 4 VS 4 Gym #8: Psychic Types- 5 VS 5 |
That's not a bad roster. Personally I'd have Dark be the last gym but that's just me.