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generation 5 predictions

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [301]Nov 13, 2008
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    You know what would be totally awesome? A Psychic/Dark type. It would super weak to Bug type moves, but that would be it. And if it could learn a strong Fire or Flying type move and had high enough speed, it would be unstoppable! Electric/Ground, Psychic/Ground, and any combination with Ghost would be super cool, too. Basically, I think Nintendo needs to take every possible type combination and create pokemon out of them. And make pokemon with a triple type, too. What do you guys think of that?
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  • Avatar of armpitmyhair


    [302]Nov 14, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Pokemon Debuts:
    Kecleon appearedduring the Season 4(Jhoto League Champions)EP 205 "The Kecleon Caper".

    To mkae things easier, here is Pokemon who appeared before their generation:

    Generation II Pokemon:
    Togepi - Season 1 (Origenal Series) EP51 "Who Gets To Keep Togepi?"
    Marill - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon theFirst Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Snubbull - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon the first Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Donphan - Pokemon the First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back
    Elekid - Pikachu's Rescue Adventure (Pokemon the Movie2000: The Power of One)
    Lugia - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One
    Slowking - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One

    Generation III Pokemon:
    Beautifly - Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown*
    Wailmer - Pikachu's PikaBoo (Pokemon 4Ever)
    Volbeat - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Duskull - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Latias - Pokemon Heroes
    Latios - Pokemon Heroes
    Kecleon - Look Above.

    Generation VI Pokemon:
    Wynaut - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Munchlax - Destiny Deoxys
    Lucario - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Bonsly - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Mime Jr. - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Weavile - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Chatot - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Buizel - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Mantyke - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Manaphy - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

    * It was briefly seen in the book Molly and her father were looking through.

    BTW, if you want to add anything I missed, then go right ahead.

    Arceus: The Creation/Alpha Pokemon:
    Okay, yes Arceus is the strongest Pokemon. However it is NOT a god Pokemon. It is known as the Creation/Alpha Pokemon and is supposedly the first Pokemon to exist. Yes it did create Dialga, Palkia, Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf which created the Universe and the mental properties (Emotion, Will, Knowledge). However may I remind you that this is a Sinnoh Myth. No one really knows where these 6 pokemon came from and did these things. For all we know Arceus could just behave a bigego, Palkia likes to fly around in space, Dialga likes time travelling, Mesprit could enjoy robbing you from emotion, Uxie could enjoy robbing you of knowledge, and Azelf could enjoy robbing you from moving. Or I could be taking the word myth as what it means and not what the show wants it to be again like I did in the "What Is A Pokemon Master" thread.

    HOW COULD U FORGET HO OH????? IT WAS THE VERY FIRST LEGENDARY AND POKEMON FROM ANOTHER REGION ASH EVER SAW(on his first day too)!!!!!! AND BLAZIKEN APPEARED IN JOHTO WITH THAT TRAINER WHO WAS COMPETING IN THE POKEMON LEAGUE!!! THOSE ARE 2 MAJORS U MESSED UP ON oh and by the way when u said bigego i thought that was an actual word and didnt know u meant big ego LOL
    Edited on 11/14/2008 7:01am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [303]Nov 14, 2008
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    armpitmyhair wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Pokemon Debuts:
    Kecleon appearedduring the Season 4(Jhoto League Champions)EP 205 "The Kecleon Caper".

    To mkae things easier, here is Pokemon who appeared before their generation:

    Generation II Pokemon:
    Togepi - Season 1 (Origenal Series) EP51 "Who Gets To Keep Togepi?"
    Marill - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon theFirst Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Snubbull - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon the first Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Donphan - Pokemon the First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back
    Elekid - Pikachu's Rescue Adventure (Pokemon the Movie2000: The Power of One)
    Lugia - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One
    Slowking - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One

    Generation III Pokemon:
    Beautifly - Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown*
    Wailmer - Pikachu's PikaBoo (Pokemon 4Ever)
    Volbeat - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Duskull - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Latias - Pokemon Heroes
    Latios - Pokemon Heroes
    Kecleon - Look Above.

    Generation VI Pokemon:
    Wynaut - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Munchlax - Destiny Deoxys
    Lucario - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Bonsly - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Mime Jr. - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Weavile - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Chatot - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Buizel - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Mantyke - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Manaphy - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

    * It was briefly seen in the book Molly and her father were looking through.

    BTW, if you want to add anything I missed, then go right ahead.

    Arceus: The Creation/Alpha Pokemon:
    Okay, yes Arceus is the strongest Pokemon. However it is NOT a god Pokemon. It is known as the Creation/Alpha Pokemon and is supposedly the first Pokemon to exist. Yes it did create Dialga, Palkia, Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf which created the Universe and the mental properties (Emotion, Will, Knowledge). However may I remind you that this is a Sinnoh Myth. No one really knows where these 6 pokemon came from and did these things. For all we know Arceus could just behave a bigego, Palkia likes to fly around in space, Dialga likes time travelling, Mesprit could enjoy robbing you from emotion, Uxie could enjoy robbing you of knowledge, and Azelf could enjoy robbing you from moving. Or I could be taking the word myth as what it means and not what the show wants it to be again like I did in the "What Is A Pokemon Master" thread.

    HOW COULD U FORGET HO OH????? IT WAS THE VERY FIRST LEGENDARY AND POKEMON FROM ANOTHER REGION ASH EVER SAW(on his first day too)!!!!!! AND BLAZIKEN APPEARED IN JOHTO WITH THAT TRAINER WHO WAS COMPETING IN THE POKEMON LEAGUE!!! THOSE ARE 2 MAJORS U MESSED UP ON oh and by the way when u said bigego i thought that was an actual word and didnt know u meant big ego LOL

    I did say if I missed anything then you're more then welcome to add it.

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  • Avatar of PokeSponge123


    [304]Nov 14, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    armpitmyhair wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Pokemon Debuts:
    Kecleon appearedduring the Season 4(Jhoto League Champions)EP 205 "The Kecleon Caper".

    To mkae things easier, here is Pokemon who appeared before their generation:

    Generation II Pokemon:
    Togepi - Season 1 (Origenal Series) EP51 "Who Gets To Keep Togepi?"
    Marill - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon theFirst Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Snubbull - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon the first Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Donphan - Pokemon the First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back
    Elekid - Pikachu's Rescue Adventure (Pokemon the Movie2000: The Power of One)
    Lugia - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One
    Slowking - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One

    Generation III Pokemon:
    Beautifly - Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown*
    Wailmer - Pikachu's PikaBoo (Pokemon 4Ever)
    Volbeat - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Duskull - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Latias - Pokemon Heroes
    Latios - Pokemon Heroes
    Kecleon - Look Above.

    Generation VI Pokemon:
    Wynaut - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Munchlax - Destiny Deoxys
    Lucario - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Bonsly - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Mime Jr. - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Weavile - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Chatot - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Buizel - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Mantyke - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Manaphy - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

    * It was briefly seen in the book Molly and her father were looking through.

    BTW, if you want to add anything I missed, then go right ahead.

    Arceus: The Creation/Alpha Pokemon:
    Okay, yes Arceus is the strongest Pokemon. However it is NOT a god Pokemon. It is known as the Creation/Alpha Pokemon and is supposedly the first Pokemon to exist. Yes it did create Dialga, Palkia, Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf which created the Universe and the mental properties (Emotion, Will, Knowledge). However may I remind you that this is a Sinnoh Myth. No one really knows where these 6 pokemon came from and did these things. For all we know Arceus could just behave a bigego, Palkia likes to fly around in space, Dialga likes time travelling, Mesprit could enjoy robbing you from emotion, Uxie could enjoy robbing you of knowledge, and Azelf could enjoy robbing you from moving. Or I could be taking the word myth as what it means and not what the show wants it to be again like I did in the "What Is A Pokemon Master" thread.

    HOW COULD U FORGET HO OH????? IT WAS THE VERY FIRST LEGENDARY AND POKEMON FROM ANOTHER REGION ASH EVER SAW(on his first day too)!!!!!! AND BLAZIKEN APPEARED IN JOHTO WITH THAT TRAINER WHO WAS COMPETING IN THE POKEMON LEAGUE!!! THOSE ARE 2 MAJORS U MESSED UP ON oh and by the way when u said bigego i thought that was an actual word and didnt know u meant big ego LOL

    I did say if I missed anything then you're more then welcome to add it.

    Pikachu's right, he said add not shout and get angry
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [305]Nov 14, 2008
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    tenacon wrote:
    agreed.agian. And a steel,dragon,ghost,bug and flying Eevee evo.

    I will keep my Theory that Eevee's Evolutions are Special Types & no mixed Types either. What's left is Dragon. I am 95% Sure that Eevee's Evolutions will end with Dragon or if a new Special Type is found/created, then there's another Eeveelution.
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  • Avatar of armpitmyhair


    [306]Nov 15, 2008
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    PokeSponge123 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    armpitmyhair wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Pokemon Debuts:
    Kecleon appearedduring the Season 4(Jhoto League Champions)EP 205 "The Kecleon Caper".

    To mkae things easier, here is Pokemon who appeared before their generation:

    Generation II Pokemon:
    Togepi - Season 1 (Origenal Series) EP51 "Who Gets To Keep Togepi?"
    Marill - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon theFirst Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Snubbull - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon the first Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Donphan - Pokemon the First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back
    Elekid - Pikachu's Rescue Adventure (Pokemon the Movie2000: The Power of One)
    Lugia - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One
    Slowking - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One

    Generation III Pokemon:
    Beautifly - Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown*
    Wailmer - Pikachu's PikaBoo (Pokemon 4Ever)
    Volbeat - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Duskull - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Latias - Pokemon Heroes
    Latios - Pokemon Heroes
    Kecleon - Look Above.

    Generation VI Pokemon:
    Wynaut - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Munchlax - Destiny Deoxys
    Lucario - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Bonsly - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Mime Jr. - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Weavile - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Chatot - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Buizel - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Mantyke - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Manaphy - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

    * It was briefly seen in the book Molly and her father were looking through.

    BTW, if you want to add anything I missed, then go right ahead.

    Arceus: The Creation/Alpha Pokemon:
    Okay, yes Arceus is the strongest Pokemon. However it is NOT a god Pokemon. It is known as the Creation/Alpha Pokemon and is supposedly the first Pokemon to exist. Yes it did create Dialga, Palkia, Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf which created the Universe and the mental properties (Emotion, Will, Knowledge). However may I remind you that this is a Sinnoh Myth. No one really knows where these 6 pokemon came from and did these things. For all we know Arceus could just behave a bigego, Palkia likes to fly around in space, Dialga likes time travelling, Mesprit could enjoy robbing you from emotion, Uxie could enjoy robbing you of knowledge, and Azelf could enjoy robbing you from moving. Or I could be taking the word myth as what it means and not what the show wants it to be again like I did in the "What Is A Pokemon Master" thread.

    HOW COULD U FORGET HO OH????? IT WAS THE VERY FIRST LEGENDARY AND POKEMON FROM ANOTHER REGION ASH EVER SAW(on his first day too)!!!!!! AND BLAZIKEN APPEARED IN JOHTO WITH THAT TRAINER WHO WAS COMPETING IN THE POKEMON LEAGUE!!! THOSE ARE 2 MAJORS U MESSED UP ON oh and by the way when u said bigego i thought that was an actual word and didnt know u meant big ego LOL

    I did say if I missed anything then you're more then welcome to add it.

    Pikachu's right, he said add not shout and get angry
    lol sorry bout that i guess i over reacted a little
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  • Avatar of arryjan86


    [307]Nov 25, 2008
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    how about rpg battling options as well peeps?

    I mean as in: when you're in a pokemon fight, you should be able to actually move around as your pokemon;dodge attacks, block them and counter etc.

    would make it far more interesting don't you agree?

    also I'd like to see more dragon types such as dragon/ice and dragon/fire( how charizard wasn't one I will never understand:S)

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [308]Nov 25, 2008
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    arryjan86 wrote:

    how about rpg battling options as well peeps?

    I mean as in: when you're in a pokemon fight, you should be able to actually move around as your pokemon;dodge attacks, block them and counter etc.

    would make it far more interesting don't you agree?

    also I'd like to see more dragon types such as dragon/ice and dragon/fire( how charizard wasn't one I will never understand:S)

    That sounds totally awesome, if you could actually control your pokemon to make it move like the pokemon in the anime. Unfortunately though, I doubt they'll be making a game like that anytime soon. And it definitely won't be made for Generation 5's intro.

    Dragon/Fire and Dragon/Ice do sound cool, and basically every other type combined with Dragon that hasn't been used yet.

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  • Avatar of armpitmyhair


    [309]Nov 25, 2008
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    yeah i wish they had like pokemon version of super smash bros with ONLY pokemon mysteryt dungeon is the closest weve ever come to that D=
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [310]Nov 25, 2008
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    armpitmyhair wrote:
    yeah i wish they had like pokemon version of super smash bros with ONLY pokemon mysteryt dungeon is the closest weve ever come to that D=

    I've also thought of that & I hope it happens b/c Pokemon Battle Revolution seems to resemble it the closest but all you need to do is get rid of the trainers & then your Pokemon can move freely. I don't think they can fit 493 Pokemon(excluding forms) but I think they can have the base form of a Pokemon & then you can evolve it when a specific requirement has been met: Like "You have take *this* amount of damage", now you can evolve your Pokemon during the fight. I will use the Gamecube controller for this example. Press Right + A to use first move, then Left + A, then Right + B & Left + B to use the other 3 moves. A & B are the same moves like in Smash Bros, though Pikachu's Thundershock will not be B. Then pressing a special combination would use the Pokemon's Signature Move. So there would be 4 Main Moves, couple of regular moves(Tackle, Pound, etc), then the Sig Move: Volt Tackle, Leaf Storm. You can buy TM's at the store & teach your Pokemon some moves that would replace the Main Moves. That woul be COOL.
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  • Avatar of arryjan86


    [311]Nov 26, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:
    armpitmyhair wrote:
    yeah i wish they had like pokemon version of super smash bros with ONLY pokemon mysteryt dungeon is the closest weve ever come to that D=
    I've also thought of that & I hope it happens b/c Pokemon Battle Revolution seems to resemble it the closest but all you need to do is get rid of the trainers & then your Pokemon can move freely. I don't think they can fit 493 Pokemon(excluding forms) but I think they can have the base form of a Pokemon & then you can evolve it when a specific requirement has been met: Like "You have take *this* amount of damage", now you can evolve your Pokemon during the fight. I will use the Gamecube controller for this example. Press Right + A to use first move, then Left + A, then Right + B & Left + B to use the other 3 moves. A & B are the same moves like in Smash Bros, though Pikachu's Thundershock will not be B. Then pressing a special combination would use the Pokemon's Signature Move. So there would be 4 Main Moves, couple of regular moves(Tackle, Pound, etc), then the Sig Move: Volt Tackle, Leaf Storm. You can buy TM's at the store & teach your Pokemon some moves that would replace the Main Moves. That woul be COOL.

    indeed it would,although I do believe that when you use the moves as a pokemon..there should be something of a 'fatigue' bar...for instance: if you want as pikachu to use thunder, this will drain your fatigue heavily whereas tackle won't do as much. game would be boring otherwise cause you'd just be firing thunders or fire blasts away without any repercussions.

    and smash bros ruledhaha!

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  • Avatar of armpitmyhair


    [312]Nov 26, 2008
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    arryjan86 wrote:
    BAC510 wrote:
    armpitmyhair wrote:
    yeah i wish they had like pokemon version of super smash bros with ONLY pokemon mysteryt dungeon is the closest weve ever come to that D=
    I've also thought of that & I hope it happens b/c Pokemon Battle Revolution seems to resemble it the closest but all you need to do is get rid of the trainers & then your Pokemon can move freely. I don't think they can fit 493 Pokemon(excluding forms) but I think they can have the base form of a Pokemon & then you can evolve it when a specific requirement has been met: Like "You have take *this* amount of damage", now you can evolve your Pokemon during the fight. I will use the Gamecube controller for this example. Press Right + A to use first move, then Left + A, then Right + B & Left + B to use the other 3 moves. A & B are the same moves like in Smash Bros, though Pikachu's Thundershock will not be B. Then pressing a special combination would use the Pokemon's Signature Move. So there would be 4 Main Moves, couple of regular moves(Tackle, Pound, etc), then the Sig Move: Volt Tackle, Leaf Storm. You can buy TM's at the store & teach your Pokemon some moves that would replace the Main Moves. That woul be COOL.
    indeed it would,although I do believe that when you use the moves as a pokemon..there should be something of a 'fatigue' bar...for instance: if you want as pikachu to use thunder, this will drain your fatigue heavily whereas tackle won't do as much. game would be boring otherwise cause you'd just be firing thunders or fire blasts away without any repercussions.and smash bros ruledhaha!
    yea i agree but i dunno about that fatique thing i mean it could be like if u got tired easily that would probably suck the fun out of the game cause after using a few thunderoblts then whoever ur fighting would whoop u badly and u would just be dodging and waiting for ur level to go up or whatever so yeah lol
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  • Avatar of arryjan86


    [313]Nov 26, 2008
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    armpitmyhair wrote:
    i agree but i dunno about that fatique thing i mean it could be like if u got tired easily that would probably suck the fun out of the game cause after using a few thunderoblts then whoever ur fighting would whoop u badly and u would just be dodging and waiting for ur level to go up or whatever so yeah lol

    point taken but there's the challenge; use the right tactics whilst you're fatigue bar is still relatively low( due to an inferior level)

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [314]Nov 26, 2008
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    You know, I've been thinking that it doesn't really make sense that Electric type moves don't have much of an effect on Grass types. After all, lightning incinerates trees and bushes, so I thought that Grass types should be made week against, or at least normaly effected, by Electric type moves.
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  • Avatar of armpitmyhair


    [316]Nov 27, 2008
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    You know, I've been thinking that it doesn't really make sense that Electric type moves don't have much of an effect on Grass types. After all, lightning incinerates trees and bushes, so I thought that Grass types should be made week against, or at least normaly effected, by Electric type moves.
    well u have to remember plants can regenerate and wood can break easily but i do agree about the incineration thing

    arryjan86 wrote:
    armpitmyhair wrote:
    i agree but i dunno about that fatique thing i mean it could be like if u got tired easily that would probably suck the fun out of the game cause after using a few thunderoblts then whoever ur fighting would whoop u badly and u would just be dodging and waiting for ur level to go up or whatever so yeah lol
    point taken but there's the challenge; use the right tactics whilst you're fatigue bar is still relatively low( due to an inferior level)
    yea good point but u know this game is gonna attract alot of younger people since its pokemon and if they have to keep on usin tactics when their enery is low they are gonna not like the game lol

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [317]Nov 27, 2008
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    armpitmyhair wrote:

    pikastatic100 wrote:
    You know, I've been thinking that it doesn't really make sense that Electric type moves don't have much of an effect on Grass types. After all, lightning incinerates trees and bushes, so I thought that Grass types should be made week against, or at least normaly effected, by Electric type moves.
    well u have to remember plants can regenerate and wood can break easily but i do agree about the incineration thing

    arryjan86 wrote:
    armpitmyhair wrote:
    i agree but i dunno about that fatique thing i mean it could be like if u got tired easily that would probably suck the fun out of the game cause after using a few thunderoblts then whoever ur fighting would whoop u badly and u would just be dodging and waiting for ur level to go up or whatever so yeah lol
    point taken but there's the challenge; use the right tactics whilst you're fatigue bar is still relatively low( due to an inferior level)
    yea good point but u know this game is gonna attract alot of younger people since its pokemon and if they have to keep on usin tactics when their enery is low they are gonna not like the game lol

    Well, we need a game for us mature kids, not those kids who still believe in the Minor
    & Major
    Edited on 11/27/2008 2:26pm
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  • Avatar of armpitmyhair


    [318]Nov 28, 2008
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    well pokemon has been targeted toward kids since 1996 so i doubt that will change anytime soon
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  • Avatar of arryjan86


    [319]Nov 30, 2008
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    You know, I've been thinking that it doesn't really make sense that Electric type moves don't have much of an effect on Grass types. After all, lightning incinerates trees and bushes, so I thought that Grass types should be made week against, or at least normaly effected, by Electric type moves.

    completely agree, don't understand also why water doesn't do super damage against steel as metals like steel rust in water. and what about poison?shouldn't that be supereffective against bug pokemon?

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  • Avatar of armpitmyhair


    [320]Nov 30, 2008
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    arryjan86 wrote:

    pikastatic100 wrote:
    You know, I've been thinking that it doesn't really make sense that Electric type moves don't have much of an effect on Grass types. After all, lightning incinerates trees and bushes, so I thought that Grass types should be made week against, or at least normaly effected, by Electric type moves.

    completely agree, don't understand also why water doesn't do super damage against steel as metals like steel rust in water. and what about poison?shouldn't that be supereffective against bug pokemon?

    well since water doesnt have an immediate effect on steel type i think that would explain why it only has a normal affect in the series and i dont know much about bugs so i cant say for sure but im guessing that bugs are somehow resistant to poisons in general?
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