Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
Pokemon Debuts: To mkae things easier, here is Pokemon who appeared before their generation: Generation II Pokemon: Generation III Pokemon: Generation VI Pokemon: * It was briefly seen in the book Molly and her father were looking through. BTW, if you want to add anything I missed, then go right ahead.
Arceus: The Creation/Alpha Pokemon: |
armpitmyhair wrote: | ||
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I did say if I missed anything then you're more then welcome to add it.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||||
I did say if I missed anything then you're more then welcome to add it. |
tenacon wrote: |
agreed.agian. And a steel,dragon,ghost,bug and flying Eevee evo. |
PokeSponge123 wrote: | ||||||
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how about rpg battling options as well peeps?
I mean as in: when you're in a pokemon fight, you should be able to actually move around as your pokemon;dodge attacks, block them and counter etc.
would make it far more interesting don't you agree?
also I'd like to see more dragon types such as dragon/ice and dragon/fire( how charizard wasn't one I will never understand:S)
arryjan86 wrote: |
how about rpg battling options as well peeps? I mean as in: when you're in a pokemon fight, you should be able to actually move around as your pokemon;dodge attacks, block them and counter etc. would make it far more interesting don't you agree?
also I'd like to see more dragon types such as dragon/ice and dragon/fire( how charizard wasn't one I will never understand:S) |
That sounds totally awesome, if you could actually control your pokemon to make it move like the pokemon in the anime. Unfortunately though, I doubt they'll be making a game like that anytime soon. And it definitely won't be made for Generation 5's intro.
Dragon/Fire and Dragon/Ice do sound cool, and basically every other type combined with Dragon that hasn't been used yet.
armpitmyhair wrote: |
yeah i wish they had like pokemon version of super smash bros with ONLY pokemon mysteryt dungeon is the closest weve ever come to that D= |
BAC510 wrote: | ||
indeed it would,although I do believe that when you use the moves as a pokemon..there should be something of a 'fatigue' bar...for instance: if you want as pikachu to use thunder, this will drain your fatigue heavily whereas tackle won't do as much. game would be boring otherwise cause you'd just be firing thunders or fire blasts away without any repercussions.
and smash bros ruledhaha!
arryjan86 wrote: | ||||
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armpitmyhair wrote: |
i agree but i dunno about that fatique thing i mean it could be like if u got tired easily that would probably suck the fun out of the game cause after using a few thunderoblts then whoever ur fighting would whoop u badly and u would just be dodging and waiting for ur level to go up or whatever so yeah lol |
point taken but there's the challenge; use the right tactics whilst you're fatigue bar is still relatively low( due to an inferior level)
pikastatic100 wrote: |
You know, I've been thinking that it doesn't really make sense that Electric type moves don't have much of an effect on Grass types. After all, lightning incinerates trees and bushes, so I thought that Grass types should be made week against, or at least normaly effected, by Electric type moves. |
arryjan86 wrote: | ||
armpitmyhair wrote: | ||||||
Santa Clause
pikastatic100 wrote: |
You know, I've been thinking that it doesn't really make sense that Electric type moves don't have much of an effect on Grass types. After all, lightning incinerates trees and bushes, so I thought that Grass types should be made week against, or at least normaly effected, by Electric type moves. |
completely agree, don't understand also why water doesn't do super damage against steel as metals like steel rust in water. and what about poison?shouldn't that be supereffective against bug pokemon?
arryjan86 wrote: | ||
completely agree, don't understand also why water doesn't do super damage against steel as metals like steel rust in water. and what about poison?shouldn't that be supereffective against bug pokemon? |