You forgot Ditto and Unown, though I just can't imagine how those things would evolve... Dunsparce, Shuckle, Relicanth, Spititomb, and Rotom are also missing. I'll admit Relicanth makes sense not evolving and Spiritomb is another wierd pokemon whose evolved form could get messy but Dunsparce, Shuckle, and Rotom all seem like they could have evolutions.
I'll add the pokemon that have only two evolutions. The ones with * next to them I think are unlikely to gain any more evolutions.
Generation I (start)
Rattata -> Raticate - evolution or pre evolution
Spearow -> Fearow - evolution or pre evolution
Ekans -> Arbok - evolution (Seviper would have been perfect...)
Sandshrew ->Sandslash - evolution (perhaps to Ground/Rock or Ground/Steel?)
Vulpix -> Ninetails - evolution (possibly via Fire Stone?)*
Paras -> Parasect - evolution*
Venonat -> Venomoth - evolution*
Diglet -> Dugtrio - evolution*
Meowth -> Persian - evolution or pre evolution
Psyduck -> Golduck - evolution or pre evolution
Mankey -> Primeape - post evolution
Growlithe -> Arcanine - evolution (possibly via Fire Stone?)*
Tentacool -> Tentacreul - evolution (possibly via Water Stone?)*
Ponyta -> Rapidash - evolution (possibly via Fire Stone?)*
Doduo -> Dodrio - pre evolution (can we say Doduno?)
Seel -> Dewgong - evolution or pre evolution
Grimer -> Muk - evolution or pre evolution
Shellder -> Cloyster - evolution (perhaps to Ice/Steel?)
Onyx -> Steelix - pre evolution
Drowzee -> Hypno - evolution or pre evolution (perhaps evolves via Moon Stone?)
Krabby -> Kingler - evolution or pre evolution
Voltorb -> Electrode - post or pre evolution*
Exeggcute -> Exeggutor - (side evolution via Sun Stone?)*
Cubone -> Marowak - evolution or pre evolution
Likitung -> Lickilicky - pre evolution
Koffing -> Weezing - evolution
Tangela -> Tangrowth - pre evolution*
Goldeen -> Seaking - evolution or pre evolution
Staryu -> Starmie - evolution or pre evolution
Mime Jr. -> Mr. Mime - evolution*
Scyther -> Scisor - pre evolution or side evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)
Smoochum -> Jynx - evolution*
Magikarp -> Gyrados - evolution (perhaps Water/Dragon?)*
Omanyte ->Omastar -evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)
Kabuto -> Kabutops - evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)
Munchlax -> Snorlax - evolution*
Generation II (start)
Sentret -> Furret - evolution
Hoothoot -> Noctowl - evolution
Ledyba -> Ledian - evolution*
Spinarak -> Ariados - evolution*
Chinchou -> Lanturn - evolution
Natu -> Xatu - evolution
Bonsly -> Sudowoodo - evolution
Aipom -> Amipom - pre evolution
Sunkern -> Sunflora - (side evolution via Leaf Stone?)*
Yanma -> Yanmega - pre evolution*
Whooper -> Quagsire - evolution
Murkrow -> Honchkrow - pre evolution
Misdreavus -> Mismagius - pre evolution
Wynaut -> Wobuffet - evolution
Pineco -> Forretress - pre evolution? side evolution?*
Gligar -> Gliscor - pre evolution? side evolution?*
Snubble -> Granbull - evolution
Sneasel -> Weavile - evolution or pre evolution (possibly via Dusk Stone?)
Teddiursa -> Ursaring - evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)
Sluguma -> Magcargo - evolution? (Metal Coat + trade for Fire/Steel?)
Remoraid -> Octillery - evolution or pre evolution?*
Mantyke -> Mantine - evolution
Houndour -> Houndoom - evolution (possiby via Dusk or Fire Stone?)
Phanapy -> Donphan - evolution
Generation III (start)
Poochyena -> Mightyyena - evolution (possibly via Dusk Stone?)
Zigzagoon -> Linoone - evolution
Taillow -> Swellow - evolution or pre evolution
Wingull -> Pelipper - evolution or pre evolution
Surskit -> Masquerain - evolution? side evolution?*
Shroomish -> Breloom - evolution or side evolution (possibly via Sun or Leaf Stone?)
Makuhita -> Hariyama - evolution or pre evolution
Nosepass -> Probopass - evolution or pre evolution (possibly via Metal Coat to become pure Steel or Steel/Rock?)
Skitty -> Delcatty - evolution
Meitite -> Medicham - pre evolution
Electrike -> Manectric - evolution or pre evolution (if possibly evolve via Thunder Stone?)
Gulpin -> Swalot - evolution?*
Carvanha -> Sharpedo - pre evolution? post evolutin? side evolution?*
Wailmer -> Wailord - pre evolution? side evolution?*
Numel -> Camerupt -> pre evolution? evolution? side evolution?*
Spoink -> Grumpig - evolution? side evolution?*
Cacnea -> Cacturne - pre evolution or side evolution (possibly via Sun or Leaf Stone?)
Swablu -> Altaria - evolution or pre evolution (if pre I hope they make it pure Flying)
Barboach -> Wishcash - evolution or pre evolution?*
Corphish -> Crawdaunt - evolution or pre evolution? (Crawdunt would have made an excellent third for Krabby)
Baltoy -> Claydol - pre evolution (possibly side via Metal Coat for Steel/Psychic?)*
Lileep -> Cradily - evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)*
Anorith -> Armaldo - evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)*
Feebas -> Miltoc - evolution (possibly Water/Dragon?)*
Shuppet -> Banette - evolution or side evolution (possibly with Reaper Cloth or Dusk Stone?)
Chingling -> Chimecho - evolution (possibly with Metal Coat for Psychic/Steel?)
Fourth Generation
Bidoof -> Bibarel - evolution
Kricketot -> Kricketune - evolution*
Cranidos -> Rampardos - evolution (Ancient Power +level up?)
Shieldon -> Bastiodon - evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)
Combee -> Vespiquen - pre evolution (plus maybe an evolution for males?)
Buizel -> Floatzel - evolution or pre evolution
Cherubi -> Cherrim - evolution or side evolution (possibly with Leaf or Sun Stone?)
Shellos -> Gastrodon - evolution or pre evolution (possibly more colors?)
Drifloon -> Drifblim - evolution (possibly via Dusk Stone?)
Buneary -> Loppunny - evolution
Glameow -> Purugly - evolution or side evolution (possibly Purbeauty?)
Stunky -> Skuntank - evolution or pre evolution
Bronzor -> Bronzong - evolution? side evolution?*
Riolu -> Lucario - evolution
Hippopotas -> Hippowdon - evolution? pre evolution?*
Skorupi -> Drapion - pre evolution? side evolution?*
Croagunk -> Toxicroak - pre evolution
Finneon -> Lumineon - evolution or pre evolution
Snover -> Abomasnow - evolution or pre evolution