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generation 5 predictions

  • Avatar of z-agent


    [101]Aug 5, 2008
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    An excellent notion frogsinmywine! I'm slowly leaning more towards Ho-oh as the god of all pokemon (after all if he appeared in the very first episode and has apeared three more times he has some extremely strong significance) Anyway, I'm one of those who wish not to have a fifth generation. If it does happen I'd scream (okay maybe not like a woman, but you get the picture)
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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [102]Aug 5, 2008
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    Some time ago on Bulbapedia, I read somewhere that they were planning to end the Pok*emon franchise with Gen. 4. I'm not sure if this was true or not or if it still holds true today. Not to dissapoint anyone, I'm just telling what I read. Anyways, I don't really mind if it ends or not; though I have fantasized over a few new Pok*emon myself. If there is a Gen. 5, then I'd like to see a few more fire, ghost, and dark types, and a Dark-type Gym. We have plenty of water types already but I wouldn't mind seeing a dolphin based Pok*emon. A female exclusive Fighting type to counterpart the Tyrogue evlolution family. Tauros and Miltank need a pre-evolution and it'll evolve into one of them through gender. Skarmory could also use a pre-evolution; I can picture a small armored chick that can has under developed wings hopping around. I'd love to see an evolved form for Girafarig, Absol, Mawile, Spinda, Chatot, Pachirisu and a Dragon-type Eeveelution. For the dragon type you'd have to either level Eevee up in a specific location, or have it hold a specific item and level it up.
    Edited on 08/05/2008 11:50am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [103]Aug 5, 2008
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    z-agent wrote:
    An excellent notion frogsinmywine! I'm slowly leaning more towards Ho-oh as the god of all pokemon (after all if he appeared in the very first episode and has apeared three more times he has some extremely strong significance) Anyway, I'm one of those who wish not to have a fifth generation. If it does happen I'd scream (okay maybe not like a woman, but you get the picture)

    Actually, it was revealed by Masamitsu Hidaka, Pokemon's current stroyboard atrist and former director, that they have no idea why they have Ho-Oh constantly appearing except to inspire Ash to keep going. It's basically like the GS Ball, it's a plot device to keep Ash going.

    starlit_angel wrote:
    Some time ago on Bulbapedia, I read somewhere that they were planning to end the Pokemon franchise with Gen. 4. I'm not sure if this was true or not or if it still holds true today. Not to dissapoint anyone, I'm just telling what I read. Anyways, I don't really mind if it ends or not; though I have fantasized over a few new Pokemon myself. If there is a Gen. 5, then I'd like to see a few more fire, ghost, and dark types, and a Dark-type Gym. We have plenty of water types already but I wouldn't mind seeing a dolphin based Pokemon. A female exclusive Fighting type to counterpart the Tyrogue evlolution family. Tauros and Miltank need a pre-evolution and it'll evolve into one of them through gender. Skarmory could also use a pre-evolution; I can picture a small armored chick that can has under developed wings hopping around. I'd love to see an evolved form for Girafarig, Absol, Mawile, Spinda, Chatot, Pachirisu and a Dragon-type Eeveelution. For the dragon type you'd have to either level Eevee up in a specific location, or have it hold a specific item and level it up.

    1. Really? Well I know they were planning to have the 1st movie actually be the end of Pokemon from the first trailer of it shown, but they decided to scrap the idea and, well, here we are 10 seasons later. However I never heard anyone say they were planning to end the Pokemon franchise at Season IV.

    2. YES TO MORE FIRE-TYPES, THERE WAS BARELY ANY IN SINNOH! As for Dark and Ghost, they were evenly represented.

    3. Yay, we need to have a Dark-type Gym Leader, there has been 2 Steel-Gym Leaders but not a single Dark-type Gym Leader? Infact Dark-type only has been represented in the Elite Four by Karen and Sidney, but not once by a Gym Leader. Also they should bring in another double-battling Gym Leader.

    4. Grr... a Dolphin based Pokemon is my idea, hands off...

    5. I always say Hitmontop as the female balance in the Tyrogue family.

    6. Interesting idea, right now the only way to get a Tauros is by breeding it with a Ditto because since Tauros isn't "officially" Miltank's male counterpart, any Tauros breed with Miltank will result in a Miltank since species is generally passed by the female (exceptions are "official" counterparts like Volbeat/Illumise).

    7. As for the others (though you stole some of my creations again... but not telling you which) sound interesting and is entirely possible, but depends on what the creatros choose to do.

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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [104]Aug 5, 2008
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    starlit_angel wrote:
    Some time ago on Bulbapedia, I read somewhere that they were planning to end the Pok*emon franchise with Gen. 4. I'm not sure if this was true or not or if it still holds true today. Not to dissapoint anyone, I'm just telling what I read. Anyways, I don't really mind if it ends or not; though I have fantasized over a few new Pok*emon myself. If there is a Gen. 5, then I'd like to see a few more fire, ghost, and dark types, and a Dark-type Gym. We have plenty of water types already but I wouldn't mind seeing a dolphin based Pok*emon. A female exclusive Fighting type to counterpart the Tyrogue evlolution family. Tauros and Miltank need a pre-evolution and it'll evolve into one of them through gender. Skarmory could also use a pre-evolution; I can picture a small armored chick that can has under developed wings hopping around. I'd love to see an evolved form for Girafarig, Absol, Mawile, Spinda, Chatot, Pachirisu and a Dragon-type Eeveelution. For the dragon type you'd have to either level Eevee up in a specific location, or have it hold a specific item and level it up.

    Rumors, rumors and more rumors. I'm 99.5% positive the franchise will not end for a long time. As long as the games,anime,toys,collectable trading cards, beach towels, posters, food endorsed products, lunch boxes,clothing,bread and ect keep selling, then it's not going anywhere.
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  • Avatar of z-agent


    [105]Aug 5, 2008
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    Hitmontop female? I don't believe it.
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  • Avatar of z-agent


    [106]Aug 5, 2008
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    Well we shall see McBanka, whether it ends or not. Leave that to Masamitsu Hidaka. By the way Pikachu315111, I sometimes feel that there may come a time when things we have forgotten about like the GS ball might finally be revealed. Perhaps they didn't forget (let's hope) about any forgotten points like Ho-oh. When you read a novel, you come across something that you think doesn't have anything significant, but as you read in a sequel that the item does have some importance like how Bilbo Baggins gave the Mithril coat and Sting to Frodo in Lord of the Rings (and later on Galadriel gives Frodo the Light of Erendil which proves handy in Shelob's lair).
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  • Avatar of xboxliveguy


    [107]Aug 5, 2008
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    Personally I don't want a generation 5. If there is, I want some changes.

    -New Character

    -Action/Adventures type series

    -new original pokemon (no pokemon that has anything to do with past generation)

    -Go back and maybe re-do some of the storylines (ie GS Ball, Ho-oh)

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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [108]Aug 5, 2008
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    xboxliveguy wrote:

    Personally I don't want a generation 5. If there is, I want some changes.

    -New Character

    -Action/Adventures type series

    -new original pokemon (no pokemon that has anything to do with past generation)

    -Go back and maybe re-do some of the storylines (ie GS Ball, Ho-oh)

    All of those things you listed(except for the last line) gets done each generation.

    Also Z-agent, please use the edit function to join the double posts. Only DP when the code system glitches on you or on a really long post. Forum etiquette.

    Edited on 08/05/2008 1:14pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of xboxliveguy


    [109]Aug 5, 2008
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    McBanka wrote:
    xboxliveguy wrote:

    Personally I don't want a generation 5. If there is, I want some changes.

    -New Character

    -Action/Adventures type series

    -new original pokemon (no pokemon that has anything to do with past generation)

    -Go back and maybe re-do some of the storylines (ie GS Ball, Ho-oh)

    All of those things you listed(except for the last line) gets done each generation.

    -By new character I meant new character as in no more Ash, as in new main character

    -We need a better storyline with actual villian. As in no more Gym battles, "Let defeat the bad guy and save the world"

    -no we really need need new pokemon. reusing pokemon from past generation is to unoriginal to me

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [110]Aug 5, 2008
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    z-agent wrote:
    Well we shall see McBanka, whether it ends or not. Leave that to Masamitsu Hidaka. By the way Pikachu315111, I sometimes feel that there may come a time when things we have forgotten about like the GS ball might finally be revealed. Perhaps they didn't forget (let's hope) about any forgotten points like Ho-oh. When you read a novel, you come across something that you think doesn't have anything significant, but as you read in a sequel that the item does have some importance like how Bilbo Baggins gave the Mithril coat and Sting to Frodo in Lord of the Rings (and later on Galadriel gives Frodo the Light of Erendil which proves handy in Shelob's lair).

    1. Why would Masamitsu Hidaka have any decision whether their will be a future generation or not? He's the former director of Pokemon, not the current.

    2. Being the GS Ball was a Generation II thing, the only way they would ever go back to it would be if they do officially make a Gold and Silver remake. And even if there was, they would have to create a whole new plotline because the one they had was scrapped and redone for the 4th movie.

    3. Masamitsu Hidaka said so himself that the dumped the GS Ball with Kurt in hopes the fans would forget about it. As for Ho-Oh, they'll keep Ash seeing it most likely, but only to have Ash keep going on.

    4. Yes, but Lord of the Rings was made as a trilogy and not promoting anything beside itself, so it was likely something mentioned early in the book was going to be used later. However this isn't true with Pokemon. The Pokemon is made to promote the franchise, mainly the games. So 95% of the anime will be about a feature included in the current Generation, with the other 5% dedicated purely to the main characters.
    Because of this, sometimes there isn't enough time to show some features or there isn't time for a specific part of a plot to fully develop, so whatever the thing used that would have normally lead up to the plot would be turned into a plot device. A plot device is something used just to advance through storyline, have no real purpose other then that. The GS Ball is an example of this, it had to be turned into a plot device used to just get Ash to Johto.

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  • Avatar of fredfredfred22


    [111]Aug 5, 2008
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    it wont continue remember on a previous episode pauls brother had all the badges and i didn't see anything new
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [112]Aug 5, 2008
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    fredfredfred22 wrote:
    it wont continue remember on a previous episode pauls brother had all the badges and i didn't see anything new

    So Reggie only went to Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh, doesn't mean there aren't any other region.

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  • Avatar of xboxliveguy


    [113]Aug 5, 2008
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    fredfredfred22 wrote:
    it wont continue remember on a previous episode pauls brother had all the badges and i didn't see anything new

    Maybe it foreshadowing that the end is near

    seeing as the Gen 4 will end around 2010 (dub)

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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [114]Aug 5, 2008
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    xboxliveguy wrote:
    McBanka wrote:
    xboxliveguy wrote:

    Personally I don't want a generation 5. If there is, I want some changes.

    -New Character

    -Action/Adventures type series

    -new original pokemon (no pokemon that has anything to do with past generation)

    -Go back and maybe re-do some of the storylines (ie GS Ball, Ho-oh)

    All of those things you listed(except for the last line) gets done each generation.

    -By new character I meant new character as in no more Ash, as in new main character

    -We need a better storyline with actual villian. As in no more Gym battles, "Let defeat the bad guy and save the world"

    -no we really need need new pokemon. reusing pokemon from past generation is to unoriginal to me

    1. Then what kind of excuse or plot can they use for ending Ash's Journey of becoming a pokemon master? Give him cancer?

    2. Save that for the DVD's and movies.

    3. -_-

    Please present me a "re-used" pokemon excluding evolutions and pre-evolutions of pokemon. Last time I check, Piplup and mudkip have nothing in common.

    Edited on 08/05/2008 5:42pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of xboxliveguy


    [115]Aug 5, 2008
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    McBanka wrote:
    xboxliveguy wrote:
    McBanka wrote:
    xboxliveguy wrote:

    Personally I don't want a generation 5. If there is, I want some changes.

    -New Character

    -Action/Adventures type series

    -new original pokemon (no pokemon that has anything to do with past generation)

    -Go back and maybe re-do some of the storylines (ie GS Ball, Ho-oh)

    All of those things you listed(except for the last line) gets done each generation.

    -By new character I meant new character as in no more Ash, as in new main character

    -We need a better storyline with actual villian. As in no more Gym battles, "Let defeat the bad guy and save the world"

    -no we really need need new pokemon. reusing pokemon from past generation is to unoriginal to me

    1. Then what kind of excuse or plot can they use for ending Ash's Journey of becoming a pokemon master? Give him cancer?

    2. Save that for the DVD's and movies.

    3. -_-

    Please present me a "re-used" pokemon excluding evolutions and pre-evolutions of pokemon. Last time I check, Piplup and mudkip have nothing in common.

    1. I don't know, but I would a new original character IF they end up making Gen 5

    2. No they need to make a Action/Adventures series

    3. Magmamotar, two of eevee evolve form,electrive, gliszor, and many more. Buizel was based off Sonic, but Buizel is still cool^.^

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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [116]Aug 5, 2008
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    xboxliveguy wrote:
    McBanka wrote:
    xboxliveguy wrote:
    McBanka wrote:
    xboxliveguy wrote:

    Personally I don't want a generation 5. If there is, I want some changes.

    -New Character

    -Action/Adventures type series

    -new original pokemon (no pokemon that has anything to do with past generation)

    -Go back and maybe re-do some of the storylines (ie GS Ball, Ho-oh)

    All of those things you listed(except for the last line) gets done each generation.

    -By new character I meant new character as in no more Ash, as in new main character

    -We need a better storyline with actual villian. As in no more Gym battles, "Let defeat the bad guy and save the world"

    -no we really need need new pokemon. reusing pokemon from past generation is to unoriginal to me

    1. Then what kind of excuse or plot can they use for ending Ash's Journey of becoming a pokemon master? Give him cancer?

    2. Save that for the DVD's and movies.

    3. -_-

    Please present me a "re-used" pokemon excluding evolutions and pre-evolutions of pokemon. Last time I check, Piplup and mudkip have nothing in common.

    1. I don't know, but I would a new original character IF they end up making Gen 5

    2. No they need to make a Action/Adventures series

    3. Magmamotar, two of eevee evolve form,electrive, gliszor, and many more. Buizel was based off Sonic, but Buizel is still cool^.^

    1.Not a good enough answer plus your opinion. They just can't "kill off" Ash like that and not disappoint the fans.

    2. That's your opinion.

    3. Did you read what I said? " excluding evolutions and pre-evolutions of pokemon". Buizel isn't based off sonic but more of tails and an otter.

    Edited on 08/05/2008 6:23pm
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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [117]Aug 5, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    z-agent wrote:
    An excellent notion frogsinmywine! I'm slowly leaning more towards Ho-oh as the god of all pokemon (after all if he appeared in the very first episode and has apeared three more times he has some extremely strong significance) Anyway, I'm one of those who wish not to have a fifth generation. If it does happen I'd scream (okay maybe not like a woman, but you get the picture)

    Actually, it was revealed by Masamitsu Hidaka, Pokemon's current stroyboard atrist and former director, that they have no idea why they have Ho-Oh constantly appearing except to inspire Ash to keep going. It's basically like the GS Ball, it's a plot device to keep Ash going.

    starlit_angel wrote:
    Some time ago on Bulbapedia, I read somewhere that they were planning to end the Pokemon franchise with Gen. 4. I'm not sure if this was true or not or if it still holds true today. Not to dissapoint anyone, I'm just telling what I read. Anyways, I don't really mind if it ends or not; though I have fantasized over a few new Pokemon myself. If there is a Gen. 5, then I'd like to see a few more fire, ghost, and dark types, and a Dark-type Gym. We have plenty of water types already but I wouldn't mind seeing a dolphin based Pokemon. A female exclusive Fighting type to counterpart the Tyrogue evlolution family. Tauros and Miltank need a pre-evolution and it'll evolve into one of them through gender. Skarmory could also use a pre-evolution; I can picture a small armored chick that can has under developed wings hopping around. I'd love to see an evolved form for Girafarig, Absol, Mawile, Spinda, Chatot, Pachirisu and a Dragon-type Eeveelution. For the dragon type you'd have to either level Eevee up in a specific location, or have it hold a specific item and level it up.

    1. Really? Well I know they were planning to have the 1st movie actually be the end of Pokemon from the first trailer of it shown, but they decided to scrap the idea and, well, here we are 10 seasons later. However I never heard anyone say they were planning to end the Pokemon franchise at Season IV.

    2. YES TO MORE FIRE-TYPES, THERE WAS BARELY ANY IN SINNOH! As for Dark and Ghost, they were evenly represented.

    3. Yay, we need to have a Dark-type Gym Leader, there has been 2 Steel-Gym Leaders but not a single Dark-type Gym Leader? Infact Dark-type only has been represented in the Elite Four by Karen and Sidney, but not once by a Gym Leader. Also they should bring in another double-battling Gym Leader.

    4. Grr... a Dolphin based Pokemon is my idea, hands off...

    5. I always say Hitmontop as the female balance in the Tyrogue family.

    6. Interesting idea, right now the only way to get a Tauros is by breeding it with a Ditto because since Tauros isn't "officially" Miltank's male counterpart, any Tauros breed with Miltank will result in a Miltank since species is generally passed by the female (exceptions are "official" counterparts like Volbeat/Illumise).

    7. As for the others (though you stole some of my creations again... but not telling you which) sound interesting and is entirely possible, but depends on what the creatros choose to do.

    Sorry I wasn't trying to steal from you. I actually drew a bunch of Pok*emon-like creatures awhile back, and one of them was like a dolphin, but this was years ago. The Tyrogue family is exclusively male, including Hitmontop, and thats what gave me the idea for a female version. And also on Bulbapedia it notes that Tauros and Miltank are male and female counterparts.
    Edited on 08/05/2008 6:34pm
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  • Avatar of xboxliveguy


    [118]Aug 5, 2008
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    McBanka wrote:
    xboxliveguy wrote:
    McBanka wrote:
    xboxliveguy wrote:
    McBanka wrote:
    xboxliveguy wrote:

    Personally I don't want a generation 5. If there is, I want some changes.

    -New Character

    -Action/Adventures type series

    -new original pokemon (no pokemon that has anything to do with past generation)

    -Go back and maybe re-do some of the storylines (ie GS Ball, Ho-oh)

    All of those things you listed(except for the last line) gets done each generation.

    -By new character I meant new character as in no more Ash, as in new main character

    -We need a better storyline with actual villian. As in no more Gym battles, "Let defeat the bad guy and save the world"

    -no we really need need new pokemon. reusing pokemon from past generation is to unoriginal to me

    1. Then what kind of excuse or plot can they use for ending Ash's Journey of becoming a pokemon master? Give him cancer?

    2. Save that for the DVD's and movies.

    3. -_-

    Please present me a "re-used" pokemon excluding evolutions and pre-evolutions of pokemon. Last time I check, Piplup and mudkip have nothing in common.

    1. I don't know, but I would a new original character IF they end up making Gen 5

    2. No they need to make a Action/Adventures series

    3. Magmamotar, two of eevee evolve form,electrive, gliszor, and many more. Buizel was based off Sonic, but Buizel is still cool^.^

    1.Not a good enough answer plus your opinion. They just can't "kill off" Ash like that and not disappoint the fans.

    2. That's your opinion.

    3. Did you read what I said? " excluding evolutions and pre-evolutions of pokemon". Buizel isn't based off sonic but more of tails and an otter.

    They are my opinion. I don't know why you would try to corrected me.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [119]Aug 5, 2008
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    starlit_angel wrote:
    Sorry I wasn't trying to steal from you. I actually drew a bunch of Pok*emon-like creatures awhile back, and one of them was like a dolphin, but this was years ago. The Tyrogue family is exclusively male, including Hitmontop, and thats what gave me the idea for a female version. And also on Bulbapedia it notes that Tauros and Miltank are male and female counterparts.

    Oh, didn't know Tyrogue and it's evolutions was all male. Well that pretty much means there can't be a female evolution for it, only a female counterpart. However there is one Pokemon that is male and female but look masculine...

    Edited on 08/05/2008 6:42pm
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [120]Aug 5, 2008
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    Here are some of the things that I wish was in a future Generation(In this case: 5th):-[These will be for the Games{Handheld}]:

    1] No more use a Starter to Help the Prof. or to battle a dumb Starly. Have 3 PokeBalls on the Desk, like the good old days.

    2] Seriously!! Someone please reply to this one: Make the Gym Battles like the Anime. Use the same # of Pokemon that the Gym Leader uses without having to deposit any Pokemon beforehand. Also with Trainer/Rival Battles.

    3] Make a Tournament like the Anime, then battle the Elite 4, since beating the Regions League in the Anime gives that person the priviledge to challenge the Elite 4.

    4] They should make the Elite 4 say different things after u beat them. Also, after u beat the Elite 4, & u rechallenge them & you get past the final Elite 4, the Former Champion should appear & challenge u for the title. Since u are technically the Champion.

    5] We need a Dark Type Gym, Ground Type Gym, & Dragon Type Gym. MORE Fire Types, Dark Types, etc.

    6] This next one is what 99% of Pokemon Fans want: Evolution during the match, instead of waiting for the battle to end.

    7] The Contests need alot of improvement:

    a) Wow!! For contestants!!& they have stupid nicknames. That makes the Contest more exciting!:sarcastic:

    b) The Round where u show off your moves should be changed to battles & it should be like the Anime.

    c) There should be a Grand Festival for Each type: Cool, Cute, Beauty, Smart, Tough.

    * If any upcoming Pokemon Game has these features, I would pay anything to get that game!!! But I am being serious

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