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Generation V Discussion

  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [1481]Nov 22, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott? Isshu is now Unova? Zekrom is the Deep Black Pokemon and Reshiram the Vast White Pokemon?

    What the hell were they thinking? They totally messed up all the names. Snivy sounds okay but "The Pig" and Wott sounds totally off. And they completely messed up Yin/Yang.

    Edited on 11/22/2010 4:31pm
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1482]Nov 22, 2010
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    It's not The pig

    it's Tepid + Pig

    Tepid meaning warm

    Oshawatt is Ocean Water and Otter

    and Unova

    Unova's Japanese name is derived from 一種類 isshurui, meaning "one variety". As explained by game director Masuda, this is to express that even though the region has great diversity in species and race, when seen from a distance they are all the same as living creatures.[2] It may also be influenced by the motto of the United States, e pluribus unum, Latin for "from many, one".

    not United States of America

    but Uno (One) and possibly Unity (Sticking together)

    That's where Unova comes from

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [1483]Nov 22, 2010
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    @ the last post: It's "Tepig," not "The Pig" (there's no 'h' in its name). Anyway, I'm gonna pick Snivy as my starter when Black & White is released in the U.S. I always pick the Grass-type starter, and I'm not gonna break that tradition anytime soon. I started with Bulbasaur in Red, Blue, FireRed, and LeafGreen, Chikorita in Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver, Treecko in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, and Turtwig in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. So I'm going with Snivy all the way!

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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [1484]Nov 22, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    It's not The pig

    it's Tepid + Pig

    Tepid meaning warm

    Oshawatt is Ocean Water and Otter

    and Unova

    Unova's Japanese name is derived from 一種類 isshurui, meaning "one variety". As explained by game director Masuda, this is to express that even though the region has great diversity in species and race, when seen from a distance they are all the same as living creatures.[2] It may also be influenced by the motto of the United States, e pluribus unum, Latin for "from many, one".

    not United States of America

    but Uno (One) and possibly Unity (Sticking together)

    That's where Unova comes from

    Actually, its more likely from the latin Unum + Nova meaning "one new." I guess they didn't like Isshu cause it sounded too much like the word issue... Which many people now have issues about. XD I love irony.

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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [1485]Nov 22, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    It's not The pig

    it's Tepid + Pig

    Tepid meaning warm

    We all get where they derived it from but like Pikachu said, some of them just dont sound right. Most people are already complaining and it's only been a few hours. They should've kept Isshu the same because they usually don't change region names that much.

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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [1486]Nov 22, 2010
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    Snivy...eh...it's ok...doesn't really seem to fit it, in my opinion, but it could be worse.

    Tepig... again, eh. It fits...it just seems weird as a name.

    Seriously though, what the hell is Oshawott? It would have made more sense to keep Mijumaru...

    As for Unova...hmm...I think it'll take some time, but I like it...reminds me of USA as a word...I know that's not the actual origin, but it has that feel to me...I think it works.

    What I'd like is some word on the proximity of Orre both to the other four regions & Unova. I'd love it if it's closer to Unova.
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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [1487]Nov 22, 2010
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    Going to take me a while for these names to grow on me. They're pretty meh so far

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1488]Nov 22, 2010
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    Now i'm a little fearful for the rest of the names, i know in the end i'll grow to like them, but still, i don't want that phase to last too long..

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1489]Nov 22, 2010
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    Snivy is good, I can get use to that. Tepig sounds like it could be derived from Chinese like it should be and Oshawott is kind of cute. Overall I do prefer the Japanese names so I guess I'll be nicknaming these to join my Pochama.

    Unova sounds nice as well. Yes it's very different then Isshu, but it sounds way cooler.

    lostfan111 wrote:

    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Pokemon is a juggernaut franchise, you don't need to worry about it stopping because a fanbase cries that the new games suck, you'll see in march how the games break some records, again.

    Don't you think they're "disconnecting" their ties to the new verison. The designs/style are just so off that it seems they're trying to rush into ending it. I mean, they didn't even including any pre-evos/evolutions!

    This brings me back to the reason, don't **** when you don't know something. They didn't make pre-evolutions and evolutions of older pokemon for a reason.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1490]Nov 22, 2010
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    Just leave him to whine, i think he's simply trolling us. That's the least sad option at least.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1491]Nov 22, 2010
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    While I do understand the whole "disconnecting", I still think they should have introduced some new evolutions/pre-evolution. If the regions are "placed" in the Pokemon World where the places they are based on are in real life, that would mean IsshUnova is half way around the world from the Kanto/Johto/Hoenn/Sinnoh region (pretty much meaning they are the furthest away possible) so I would think SOME older Geneartion Pokemon would go through interesting "mutations". I mean, not even everyone's favorite genetic unstable Eevee remains unaffected from getting new evolutions? Heck, they could use it being half way around the world to introduce the Physical-type Eeveelutions!

    Oh well, next Generation.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1492]Nov 22, 2010
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    ........I have already grown fond to Tepig .-. like, when you think of it as a chinese theme, it grows on to you real fast, Tepig, it's got the stuff for a chinese fire pig. And, Unova is actually much cooler sounding than Isshu. I wanted to rage at other forums for a week at least >_>

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [1493]Nov 22, 2010
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    ouuuh, I love the names! I love "Unova" as well. sounds sickkk

    just looked over the artwork for gen 5. why I hated the designs at first, I do not know. but now I am loving every single one (well a few are kinda meh) & I'm having a hard time picking out which teams to have if [hopefully] I get all 3 versions. here's hoping the college/work life won't interfere. a few thoughts -
    - the lack of water pokemon is upsetting. besides Daikenki, the only good water Poke left is that water/ghost balloony thing. - LOVE THE FIGHTING TYPES. all look sick
    - the fossil Poke are a disappointment. the designs look boring
    other than that............ can't wait to catch em all, lol

    sodamnpumped for this game to come out
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1494]Nov 22, 2010
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    It's because we saw all of them in sprite form first. Now that we have the official artwork most of them look good. I'm planning on getting Black and White and the eventual third version and narrowing my choices down to 18 was hard. too many good ones to choose from. The bird fossil is weird but the turtle is awesome!
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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [1495]Nov 23, 2010
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    Yep. Already used to a good chunk of the new Pokemon. Looks like Black is now a defenite buy

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [1496]Nov 23, 2010
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    thec0mebackman wrote:
    - the lack of water pokemon is upsetting. besides Daikenki, the only good water Poke left is that water/ghost balloony thing.

    Maybe Game Freak realized there were too many of them. Look at Hoenn for example. When you see every region, there's always more Water Pokemon than anything else. That's why Fire and Electrics keep getting fewer members. 10 total in Hoenn, and I believe 10 in Sinnoh as well combined.

    EDIT: There are about 28/29 Water Pokemon in Sinnoh not counting the ones from Kanto or Johto. There are 14 in Sinnoh not counting the originals, while 32 in Kanto, but that was 1st gen so it can slide, and 18 in Johto.

    Edited on 11/23/2010 4:28am
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1497]Nov 23, 2010
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    Water pokemon are not to be blamed for the lack of Fire and Electric-types at all. The creators aren't making them, doesn't mean Water is to be blamed.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1498]Nov 23, 2010
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    Y'know, i'm starting to consider buying Black version as well now... i mean, i always love my campaign teams and can't bear to restart at least about a year after playing with them and i won't want to wait until Gray for a new team.

    >_> *wastes about an hour thinking about a tentative team for each version*

    White Hot Power

    Iroh | Leonardo |
    Chocominty | Ben Reilly |
    Atlantixor | Cell |

    Deep Black Force

    Nethuns | Tazmaniac |
    Toph | Eelectro |
    Hawky | Atem |

    Strength Balance Gray

    Xiuhcoatl | Chandler |
    Nanook | Hayabugsa |
    Nastas | Zalgo

    Edited on 11/24/2010 9:29am
    Edited 5 total times.
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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [1499]Nov 23, 2010
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    The only name I had a problem with was Tepig, because it sounds like a lame pun, but I'm alright with it... The others are great, and Oshawott sounds very unique. Snivy, I wait for you to be on my team.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1500]Nov 23, 2010
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    and it's not like a million other Pokemon aren't lame puns?

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