Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
The new Pokemon games may be based on China. At least the city shown.
Yeah, I am not liking the starters so far. Pokabu has already grown on me, so if it's feasible, I'll start with it. The other two look just downright awful...alright, Tsutaja looks slightly alright, but Mijamaru looks horrendous, which is unforgivable. I practically alwaysstart with the Water starter, mostly because I either like them or it's just the best type Gym-wise to start off with. I have never used the Grass type, not particularly being a Grass type fan (too many weaknesses for my liking, although I have used numerous multi-type Grass Pokemon), so Tsataja can be whatever it wants to be. It's looking like Pokabu is gonna be my starter right now, although I have been known to change my mind. I did, after all, really not like Turtwig, Chimchar, orPiplup when they were revealed, but I liked all of them by the time the games came out in the US.
After giving them a good looking at, here's my guess at what they'll evolve into:
Tsutaja, which is obviously based on the phrase "snake in the grass", even if it has legs. And because its based on a serpant and the yellow flaps by its head along with the leafed tail, I'm hoping it'll evolve into something of a long dragon with wings. In that effect, it could become Grass/Flying, or Grass/Dragon, though the first one is more likely.
For Pokubu, its most likely based on a saddle back pig, and its easy to assume that it could become a fiery warthog. Its possible it could gain another type, but right now I'm not gonna throw any other guesses.
Mijumaru, although its cute and innocent looking and based on an sea otter, I'm thinking that it could become like a polar bear. The white head and dark eyes leads me to believe this, and the fact that what else could a cute otter evolve into but another creature. If thatsthe case, then it'll probably become Water/Ice if does.
PinKunoichi wrote: |
After giving them a good looking at, here's my guess at what they'll evolve into: Tsutaja, which is obviously based on the phrase "snake in the grass", even if it has legs. And because its based on a serpant and the yellow flaps by its head along with the leafed tail, I'm hoping it'll evolve into something of a long dragon with wings. In that effect, it could become Grass/Flying, or Grass/Dragon, though the first one is more likely. For Pokubu, its most likely based on a saddle back pig, and its easy to assume that it could become a fiery warthog. Its possible it could gain another type, but right now I'm not gonna throw any other guesses. Mijumaru, although its cute and innocent looking and based on an sea otter, I'm thinking that it could become like a polar bear. The white head and dark eyes leads me to believe this, and the fact that what else could a cute otter evolve into but another creature. If thatsthe case, then it'll probably become Water/Ice if does. |
TotallyTyler01 wrote: |
I think the final evolution of the grass snake will be grass/fighting.... for pokabu... i'm thinking a fire/ground final evoulution and maybe for the otter... a water/ice like what u said... is there any hopes that possibly any new types will appear? |
syrusfan wrote: |
Eh, now that I look at the starters, I don't think they look as bad as my original opinions were. I'd probably be willing to get the Grass or Fire starter at this point. |
thec0mebackman wrote: | ||
Las time I checked
Shroomish is not a starter pokemon
I hereby declare Hiun city to be You-Spin-Me-Round-Round City. And it just so happens to probably be based on San Francisco.
i hope Pokabu gets a ground subtype in the end rather than the other popular theory of Dark, and that i can get a Zoroark without the need of the event.
And, it's extremely premature, but the nicknames i have planned for my mons are:
Pokabu- Large Ham
Zoroark- Z҉A҉L҉G҉O
Well Serebii had uploaded better images so here are my ideas on them (as well as those little captions I do):
A City Of Clones:
What better way to start then reveal the first city of the Isshu region: Hiun City! And as you can guess, this was actually the first city we saw in-game footage on (the city that spins). Like the city it has multiple sections so we'll go over each one:
Marketplace: ... Is this the home to the original Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny? Seriously, I know they are limited to what NPC models they could use but I count 7 of the same females (brown hair wearing pink overalls) and 5 of the same males (brown hair, wearing suit, carrying briefcase)... at least do palette swaps! Hm, maybe this is why they never did a full blown city before. Anyway nothing looks too special about it, though I swear if that's a line I see and they expect me to actually wait on it... bit it is for ice cream...
Outskirts: Nothing we haven't seen before. Image too small to see if they improved the spinning feature.
Back Alley: Why do I sense we're going to have to go through a back alley chase or go dumpster diving?
Harbor: Nothing much to say here, though I wonder whether we'll be using it right away or have to wait to use it (though being Hiun City is surrounded by water on all sides except for a bridge and this boat I think it might come important sooner with a use also for later.
(After freaking out from seeing all the cloned people, running around the city due to the spinning function breaking and wouldn't stop spinning, and being jumped and stuffed in garbage bins in the alleys, Jaden decided he had enough of this time.)
Looking At The Journey Ahead:
Known as "Sky Arrow Bridge", this bridge connects Hiun City to another yet-named city. I have to say though the graphics have gotten MUCH better then the original pics. Everything is much smoother and less choppy. As for the pic itself, I wonder whether this is an in-game "cover graphic" (as what you're looking at is a 3D picture and the bridge you "see" isn't the bridge that you cross) or if you're actually able to cross the actual bridge as it's all on one map. But either way, I think I know what Jaden is thinking...
A Mother & Son... Battle:
Now this is looking like what I would consider how a battle should look! The Pokemon's back is right in front of you making it feel like you're in the battle. Of course now that the sprite is of the whole entire Pokemon and just not a portion the back sprites had suffered from this a bit. I think I know what they might be trying to do now but I'll discuss this further below with the starters battling each other. Oh, and the shadows are looking great!
(Zorua: What # of battles does this make us battling against each other?
Zoroark: I think more then out levels... combined... with both of our HP too.
Don't Pretend To Be A Legend:
Well here is the pics for the Legendary Beast event. Upon transferring the Legendary Beast you got from the 13th over to Pokemon Black or White it'll activate an event where you battle a Level 25 Zoroark with who Ability Illusion can change it into the Legendary Beast. Apparently Zoroark cannot be caught unless it's not disguised as one of the Legendary Beasts which you can do by attacking him. Further knowledge of ho the attack works is not known, but what is known that Zoroark does not change type so it's always a Dark-type, don't be fooled!
But there is also something I noticed here. If you look carefully, you'll notice that it looks like Raikou has 2 idle sprites. While in most of the pics it's standing upright on all four legs, in the top right one it's bending down. Does this mean Pokemon now go through a short idle animation while waiting for orders? Could they now move before doing an attack? No way to know until we see an actual battle in a video.
(Zoroark: Copying-Your-Brethren-Appearance Ninjutsu!
*Transform into Entei*
Raikou: Completely-Owning-You Ninjutsu!
*Attacks and knocks Zoroark out of its Illusion*
Zoroark: ... Well that was a waste of time... and of an Ability...)
Those First Rival Battles Are Always The Most Annoying:
And finally here are our new stars doing a super effective attack against the other. Now like I said above, after looking through the pics I think this is how the battles now go: While your Pokemon is waiting for its orders or when doing an attack you see it from how you ordinary would see it, close up from the back. But when your opponent attacks you sometimes get a "further back view" as if you're moving away from the damage. Now I don't know if this is what they are planning as this "further back view" isn't happening with all the attacks the opponent is doing, so it might depend on how "big" the attacking animation is.
(You know, they actually look better in their sprite form then their Ken Sugimori artwork...
and considering they have less details as a sprite that's not a good thing...)
Oh, and being that everyone is doing it, here are my ideas for the starters final evolutions:
Tsutaaja - Being all the Grass-type Starter Final Evos are dinosaur-like Pokemon, I looked up for pre-historic snakes and found one called the "Titanoboa". It's a large boa (recorded to be, so far, the largest snake that has ever lived) so it was a constrictor. Don't really know if it'll have a secondary type or not, don't know what type a "constrictor" would fall under. Maybe "Grass/Fighting-type" everyone has been suggesting?
Pokabu - I see a giant warthog with the tips of its huge tusks on fire and the patterns on its body makes it looks like it's wearing a biker's jacket. And it'll be "Fire/Dark-type".
Mijumaru - Hopefully something less goofy... I honestly don't know. Though I do hope if it is a duel type it isn't Water/Ice-type as we already have too many of these and a Starter is a great opportunity to bring in something never seen before.
And finally it's nice to hear they are releasing a whole batch of new Pokemon all at once, though I wonder if they are doing this because these new Pokemon are somehow featured in the 13th movie or it's Pikachu Short.
I was thinking more like a tsuchinoko
but we already have dunsparce....
another great review thing pikachu