Hey everyone, if you have been playing your Pokemon Black & White version a lot you should know this: The Nimbasa City Stadiums are a great place to train and get money. So If you played your version as much as I do you'll only have a few level 100s but also have plenty of money, so much that you don't know what to do with. And that's my problem, I have so much money that I don't know what to do with it. Well I did until I remembered the various Vitamins you can give to your Pokemon to help raise their stats. Now I could make the decision all by myself, but I thought that it would be more fun to let everyone here choose which vitamins I should give my Pokemon. So let's cover a few things before we get to the decision making:
1. This will only be for my level 100 Pokemon.
2. Most of my Pokemon have never have been given a Vitamin (except for those which evolve through Happiness or needed a certain stat higher then another). Note if I have given a Pokemon a Vitamin I don't remember how many I gave it.
3. The layout will be like this: (Species of the Pokemon): HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, Speed
4. Though I linked to Bulbapedia's Vitamin page above, here are the stat each vitamin raises:
HP Up - HP
Protein - Attack
Iron - Defense
Calcium - Special Attack
Zinc - Special Defense
Carbos - Speed
And yes, while I know PP Up, PP Max, and Rare Candy are Vitamins I'm not counting them as the first two raises PP and the other can't be used as these Pokemon are level 100.
5. Though I would battle with these Pokemon if the occasion comes up, I'm not really training them for tournaments so don't be afraid your suggestion might be wrong.
Any other rules I'll make later, but for now this is all you have to worry about.
So with that said and done, here are my level 100's:
Emboar: 343, 307, 178, 246, 124, 196
Archeops: 298, 369, 190, 244, 153, 279
Vanilluxe: 275, 268, 225, 279, 204, 212
Hydreigon: 325, 233, 213, 273, 204, 267
Zebstrika: 293, 272, 181, 213, 122, 270
Liepard: 273, 248, 123, 206, 120, 289
Maractus: 308, 230, 169, 240, 139, 157
Braviary: 343, 291, 215, 136, 175, 222
Volcarona: 346, 191, 152, 261, 248, 255
Zangoose: 285, 259, 154, 157, 139, 217
Swanna: 321, 206, 182, 198, 153, 256
Excadrill: 389, 349, 159, 117, 173, 223
Swoobat: 273, 181, 136, 160, 136, 291
Simisage: 334, 251, 160, 214, 140, 235
Gyarados: 354, 300, 213, 150, 210, 212
Zekrom: 352, 361, 263, 260, 255, 245
I'll update this list each time one of these Pokemon go up a level or if I have a new Level 100 to add. So, that's all for now, care to tell me which vitamin I should give to my Pokemon?