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How do pokemon die?

  • Avatar of KingAtticus


    [21]Jul 25, 2006
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    If a pokemon stays in its pokeball, it remains as energy and can basically live forever. That's one way they can live and not die.
    If they were outside a pokeball, they would die like any living creature would. This could be due to old age, sickness, hunger, etc.
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  • Avatar of RaijinPaladinix


    [22]Jul 25, 2006
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    Come on. Pokemon aren't immortals, they die sometime. Whenever a foreigner to the show ask this question, 99% of the time they're referring to battles. Otherwise, yeah, Pokemon die. Get realistic, they're not the undead.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [23]Jul 25, 2006
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    KingAtticus wrote:
    If a pokemon stays in its pokeball, it remains as energy and can basically live forever. That's one way they can live and not die.
    If they were outside a pokeball, they would die like any living creature would. This could be due to old age, sickness, hunger, etc.

    What makes you think they are energy in the pokeball?

    Plus, If a fire pokemon died by the fire on their body going out, some would be dead, because some fire pokemon have been underwater and they were fine.
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  • Avatar of DeathKangaroo


    [24]Jul 26, 2006
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    KingAtticus wrote:
    If a pokemon stays in its pokeball, it remains as energy and can basically live forever. That's one way they can live and not die.
    If they were outside a pokeball, they would die like any living creature would. This could be due to old age, sickness, hunger, etc.
    that would be creepy. GO! Charizard! i choose you. Wake up! *watching it lie there*
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  • Avatar of KingAtticus


    [25]Jul 26, 2006
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    KingAtticus wrote:
    If a pokemon stays in its pokeball, it remains as energy and can basically live forever. That's one way they can live and not die.
    If they were outside a pokeball, they would die like any living creature would. This could be due to old age, sickness, hunger, etc.

    What makes you think they are energy in the pokeball?

    Plus, If a fire pokemon died by the fire on their body going out, some would be dead, because some fire pokemon have been underwater and they were fine.

    Well, how do you explain when they became all red and lose their shape when they get into their Pokeball? And when they open, they regain their shape but look like light? I wouldn't matter how big it is, because it can fit inside a Pokeball by following physical laws by transforming solid matter into energy.
    It's all science really.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [26]Jul 26, 2006
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    Pokemon shrink when they go into thier pokeballs not become energy. This has been shown on the show too.
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  • Avatar of kagome123


    [27]Jul 26, 2006
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    DeathKangaroo wrote:
    KingAtticus wrote:
    If a pokemon stays in its pokeball, it remains as energy and can basically live forever. That's one way they can live and not die. If they were outside a pokeball, they would die like any living creature would. This could be due to old age, sickness, hunger, etc.
    that would be creepy. GO! Charizard! i choose you. Wake up! *watching it lie there*

    Thats why you use a "Revive" LoLz

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  • Avatar of KingAtticus


    [28]Jul 26, 2006
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Pokemon shrink when they go into thier pokeballs not become energy. This has been shown on the show too.

    I'm tellin' ya, they become energy. It's easier to become energy than it is to shrink. Like I said, it works on Einstein's theory, which states that mass times the speed of light squared, so a Pokeball vibrates their mass at that rate. The energy is then stored inside the Pokeball until the Pokemon is needed. But I can't explain the loss of energy from the transformation that takes place. Neither could the guy I heard it from actually.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [29]Jul 26, 2006
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    Again I say, it has been shown on the show that they shrink when they go into the ball and when they come out they go back to normal size.
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  • Avatar of Seaig


    [30]Jul 26, 2006
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    Has everyone forgot the episode from season 1 that was ALL about a pokemon dying? Butterfree died, how could anyone forget that?

    America edited the episode to make it look like Butterfree was just leaving but we all know what actually happened.
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  • Avatar of mstrgmr


    [31]Jul 27, 2006
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    Butterfree didn't die, even in the Japanese version
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  • Avatar of Shadow_Pikachu


    [32]Jul 27, 2006
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    mstrgmr wrote:
    Butterfree didn't die, even in the Japanese version

    Uh, yes it did. It was stated at the end of the ep.

    Edited on 07/27/2006 6:42am
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [33]Jul 27, 2006
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    NO!  Butterfree did not die. This was a mistranslation and has been cleared up buy the creators of the show in Japan themselves.
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  • Avatar of PokeshipAAML


    [34]Jul 28, 2006
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    Butterfree didn't die! And as for the red light thing a pokemon turns into I think it turns into energy or something that would be in physics.. Hey someone should question that at school. Ha! another way to annoy teachers!!!
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  • Avatar of KingAtticus


    [35]Jul 28, 2006
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    Thank you! At least somebody agrees with me in some form!
    So tell me then, what episode showed the Pokemon be minimized?
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  • Avatar of KingAtticus


    [36]Jul 28, 2006
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    Here. I'll show you something from Answers.com that supports what I say!

    "In the Pokémon world, scientists have been using various, highly developed techniques of converting mass into energy and back for years. The Poké Ball is a genuine example of the practice of this technique. When a Poké Ball is thrown at a Pokémon and comes into contact with it, the ball jumps open. The Pokémon is then converted entirely into pure energy, which shows as a bulk of dim red light, and sucked inside. The ball closes automatically after this process. The Pokémon will likely struggle, trying to break free. If the Pokémon has been sufficiently weakened in battle and/or the Poké Ball model is sufficiently strong, the Pokémon is captured and henceforth can only be stored in that Poké Ball. If the Pokémon breaks free, the Poké Ball is destroyed/used up in the games or, in the case of the television series, rebounds to the trainer and can presumably be used again.

    Humans can not be caught with Poké Balls, but inanimate objects such as doughnuts, rocks, etc. can be caught in a Poké Ball; this device was used to humorous effect in an early episode in the animé. However it has not been mentioned again."
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [37]Jul 28, 2006
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    pokemon live more than humans, some pokemon live more than others (dragon pokemon, ninetails, ghost pokemon, etc) legendary's are inmortal, the pokeball makes pokemon into energy, pokemon can resist more pain than humans, ash is doing more exercise by adding weigh in his shoulder (he caught an aipom)
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [38]Jul 28, 2006
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    KingAtticus wrote:
    Thank you! At least somebody agrees with me in some form!
    So tell me then, what episode showed the Pokemon be minimized?

    Don't remember which episode, but in one episode it shows Psyduck inside a pokeball, and it isn't energy.
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  • Avatar of futurewm2006


    [39]Jul 28, 2006
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    I think it was the episode when Misty first caught Psyduck, "Hypno's Naptime" maybe?
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  • Avatar of mstrgmr


    [40]Jul 29, 2006
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    That was it, I remember it now. They are not energy, they are shrunk down
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