I was thinking something like after his long journeys, Ash, along with Brock, Tracey, Misty and Dawn/ May, recieve these devices (magical or mechanical) that allow them combine with any of their pokemon. You know, where the pokemon become armor to their trainers. Anyway, they have to use their new powers to stop all of the evil organizations they have faced (Team Rocket, Aqua, Magma, Galactic, Hunter J). Ash would be the leader of the team and Brock would be second in command. Sorry if this seems like a ripoff of Capsule Monsters or Digimon: Frontier, but I would just like to see what it would look like if this were to happen. I was thinking the title could be either "Pokemon Warriors" or "Pokemon Defenders".
Edited on 10/03/2008 9:42pm
Edited 2 total times.